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It was a week later. Every morning, just before sunrise, Dipper would wake up early and venture out into the woods to his and Bill's meeting place- the ditch that Bill stopped Dipper from falling into. Bill would be waiting there every time, and the pair would sit there and talk to one another until Mabel called Dipper for breakfast. The two started to form a deep friendship, and Dipper was honestly starting to believe he was falling in love. He discovered traits about Bill that he never knew before- he was funny, passionate, and had a soft spot for beauty. Bill opened up to him, and in return he opened up to Bill.

It was early on a Saturday morning. Dipper and Bill were at their meeting place, laying side-by-side. Dipper yawned, curling an arm behind his head.

Bill looked over at him, smiling. "Did you not sleep well?"

Dipper blushed. "I did. It just wasn't long enough."

Bill's smile fell. "You need to get sleep at night, Dipper.

Dipper looked at him. "Why do you care."

Bill blushed, as well. "I just... want you to be safe and healthy, is all. I care about you."

"That's sweet and all, Bill, but there's no need to worry. I'm fine."

Bill rolled on top of Dipper, sitting on his legs. "I will worry about you, whether you like it or not."

Dipper fake-pouted. "Fine. Whatever."

Bill laughed. "You're cute when you pout."

Dipper blushed again. "Don't say that."

Bill leaned forward, placing a hand on both sides of Dipper's head. "And why not?"

"Because I'm n-not cute." His mind took that exact moment to sneeze.

"Aw, you sneeze like a kitten!" Dipper glared at him. "Come on, just face it, Dipper- you're adorable!"

Dipper curled into himself. "No..."

Bill grinned and started to tickle him. "Admit it!"

Dipper squirmed under Bill, giggling. "No! I'll never! Stop!"

"Come on! All you have to do is admit that you're adorable and I'll stop!"

Dipper grabbed Bill's hand and rolled over so he was on top. "Never!"

The pair giggled uncontrollably for a few moments. Bill eventually stopped, looking up at Dipper with a small smile as he calmed down. The next three words the dream demon said, he had no control over- they just spilled out after being overwhelmed with the beauty of Dipper.

"I love you."

Dipper immediately stopped laughing as he stared down at Bill, who had wide eyes. "W-what did you say?"

"I..." Bill took a deep breath. "I love you. I... I've been wanting to say it for a while now- for a few days, at least." Bill looked up at Dipper. "PineTree... I know why I'm in your dreams. I know because you're in mine. It's because... it's because we're soulmates."

"Bill... I..." Dipper was at a loss of words, staring at the blonde laying under him. "I don't know what to say..."

"Say it back." Bill pleaded. "Even if it's not true. Even if you don't feel that way back." Bill was talking quietly. "I've been alone for thousands of years. I don't want to be alone anymore." A tear fell down Bill's cheek, and he made no move to wipe it.


"Dipper!" Mabel appeared through an opening in the trees. Dipper looked at her, then back down where Bill was and found that he had disappeared. Dipper jumped up as his sister approached, engulfing him in a tight hug. "There you are, Dipper! I've been calling your name for a while now! Breakfast is ready, and afterwards Gruncle Stan has something to show us! Come on!"

Dipper pulled away from his twin. "You go on. I'll catch up with you in a little bit."

Mabel raised an eyebrow, but didn't question him. "Okay. Just come back to the Shack soon!" She ran off. Dipper stared after her for a while before turning around to face Bill, who had reappeared behind him after Mabel left.


Dipper took a deep breath. "Mason."


"Mason. My real name is Mason."

Bill smiled slightly. "Mason."

Dipper smiled back. "I... I have to go."

Bill's smile fell. "Say it back. Please."

"Bill, I just..." Dipper sighed, then pulled Bill into a hug. "Meet me on the roof of the Mystery Shack at midnight. Then, maybe I'll say it back."

Bill grinned, squeezing Dipper slightly. "I'll be there. I promise."

Dipper pulled away with a smile, stood still for a brief moment, then turned and ran toward the Mystery Shack.

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