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Dipper was in the same grassy field that he saw in his dreams. He was lying down, staring at the same blue sky. He sighed- he could never get sick of this sight.

"Waiting for someone?"

Dipper quickly stood up and smiled when he saw Bill. He ran towards Bill and jumped into his open arms, wrapping his arms and legs tightly around the dream demon.

"Bill! I missed you!"

Bill squeezed Dipper. "I'm right here, PineTree."

Dipper pulled away. "You are now."

Bill grinned. "You got me there." Slowly, Bill's face turned serious. "Mason..."

Dipper tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

A look of pure admiration appeared on Bill's face, along with a new emotion that Dipper had never seen from Bill- blatant lust. Bill grabbed at Dipper's shirt. "I want you. I really want you. Please let me."

Dipper became confused. "What are you talking about? I don't understand-"

"I've waited thousands of years." Bill went on. "I've waited so long to love someone like you. To feel like this. To let someone take it from me. I really want you. Please let me. Please let me take it."

Dipper blushed, finally realizing what he meant. "Bill, slow down. I don't think we're there yet-"

"You feel it too, don't you? Dipper, please."

Dipper shook his head. "I'm sorry, Bill. I'm not ready."

The world around Dipper began to crumble- including Bill. "Wake up, Mason." Bill began to say quietly. He repeated the sentence over and over again, until Dipper blinked, and he was back in his bedroom, with Bill sitting on the edge of his bed.

Bill breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, good, you're not dead."

Dipper sat up in his bed. "Bill? What are you doing here?"

"Your sister let me in. It's seven in the morning."

Dipper looked at his alarm clock and saw that Bill was telling the truth. He then felt guilty for not setting an alarm, like he usually did. "Bill, I'm sorry- I forgot to set an alarm last night. I can't believe I didn't wake up-"

Bill was smiling. He took Dipper's hands in his. "Hey, don't worry about that. You needed that sleep. I'm not mad at you."

Dipper smiled back. "Thank you. I love you."

Bill leaned down and kissed Dipper's forehead. "I love you too, Mason." He jumped off of the bed. "Now come on and get dressed! We have places to be, things to do, and a Dreamscape to see!"

Dipper giggled. "Get out, first, so I can get dressed."

Bill put his hands behind his back. "I'd rather stay. I mean, might as well get used to seeing you like that before it happens in the future." Bill winked.

Dipper remembered his dream and blushed madly. "Bill. Out. Please."

Bill fake pouted. "You're no fun." He walked out of the bedroom.

Dipper hurriedly put on clean clothes before brushing his hair and teeth in the attatched bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, seeing flushed cheeks and a permanent smile on his face. He walked out of the bedroom to Bill, who had been leaning against the wall and waiting for him. Bill smiled and held out his hand, which Dipper took. The pair made their way downstairs and outside, where they got stopped by Mabel.

"Okay, you two. You better be safe out there. I know you're going to be gone all day. Just be careful of wild animals, use protection, and have Dipper home by three."

Dipper was blushing madly. "Mabel..."

Bill gave her a two-fingered salute. "Yes, ma'am." Mabel giggled as she stepped aside to let the two pass. "I think I'm starting to like her."

"I can tell you one hundred percent that you definitely aren't."

Bill grinned. "We'll see. Hey, you were mumbling in your sleep earlier. What were you dreaming about?"

Dipper's blush grew. "Uhm... can we talk about that later? I'd rather make sure we're... completely alone."

"Sure. Whatever you need." They stepped into the woods, and Bill stopped walking, turning to face Dipper. "Okay. Close your eyes." Dipper complied. "If you feel any wind or something, don't freak out. And don't open your eyes until I tell you."

"Okay. I trust you."

"Oh, that is such a mistake." Dipper could hear Bill's smirk in his voice. A few seconds passed, and Dipper felt a small gust of wind, but it was over in a flash. "Okay. You can open now."

Dipper opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Bill, still holding his hands. He looked around them and saw he was in a huge, beautiful foyer. "You were right- you do have a soft spot for beautiful things."

Bill smiled, placing a hand on Dipper's cheek. "You're absolutely right about that." The two began to walk around the house, still holding hands. "So. Your dream. What happened?"

Dipper fidgeted with his free hand. "Well... we were at that grassy field. We were just holding each other, smiling, until... you turned serious. You said... you said you waited thousands of years for someone to take it from you, a-and you wanted to take it from me."

"Take what from you?" Dipper stared at Bill, who slowly widened his eyes. "Oh. That."

"Bill... is that true? What does it mean?"

Bill glanced at a nearby door, then pushed Dipper inside and locked it. Dipper looked around and realized it was actually Bill's bedroom.

"When two soulmates find each other," Bill explained, "they can choose whether to go after one another or not. If they do decide to go after each other, then they must complete the bond. If they do, then the pair will live as long as the other and be together when they die. If they don't, then when one passes, the other has a chance to find another soulmate."

"So... my dream was..."

Bill nodded. "Yes. I do want to complete the bond. I want to spend forever with you." Dipper looked at Bill and noticed for the first time that day that his expression read as... hungry. Devoted. And the same one from his dream- lust. "But... if you're not ready... I'll wait until you are. I don't want to force you into something you don't want, or don't think you can do so soon and so suddenly. I want-"

Something overcame Dipper in that moment. He took a deep breath before advancing on Bill, pinning him against the closed bedroom door. He grabbed Bill's wrists, forcing them against the door. He placed his lips under Bill's chin, and heard a faint moan from him.

"Do it." Dipper whispered. "Please. I want to. I want you."

"...are you sure, Dipper?"


Bill grinned, pushing himself off of the door and leading Dipper backward to the bed. "Let the fun begin."

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