35 | Puzzle Pieces

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A puzzle
That's what you were to me
A mysterious assortment
Of jigsaw pieces
That I was gathering
And trying to fit together
To make one cohesive picture
One piece at a time
Sometimes hitting
Sometimes missing and finding again
Fitting them closely

A puzzle
That's what I was too
And an unsolved one at that
My emotions were mismatched
My life was a mess
Like scattered puzzle pieces.
In a heap on the floor
Scattered in all directions

And I was trying to solve both
You and me
Not realising how
I was gathering only bits of you
And scattering myself further

And then you came in
Bringing in more pieces
That not only completed
The picture that you were
But perfectly complemented
The missing pieces of me
That I had been searching for

You help solved my puzzle
Day by day
Bit by bit
Knowingly unknowingly
You build me up
Making me see myself
As a whole
Not as parts

And I discover
And rediscover you every day
But I believe even the final picture
Has jagged edges
Only to be smoothed
By stashing mine with yours
Like tectonic plates colliding
I don't care if it
Solidifies the two picture
Into one cohesive whole
Or scatters our pieces in a heap

But I do know it's me and you
Together finally
And we'll solve each other's puzzle
And ourselves too
Slowly but surely
One day at a time


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