47 | Video Call

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There's something very alluring
About the way you smile
And you make me forget
Everything else for a while

Lost in the unkempt beauty
Of all your perfect imperfection
I look into those sleepy eyes
Shining with soft affection

My heart races, my breath catches
My lips break into a wide grin
Like a welling tsunami of energy
That comes from deep within

The little friendly banter
The teasing and all the babbling
The euphoria of your voice
Sends me into a state of endlessly rambling

Witty comments and little teasing
Listening silently to my voice loud
Only to twitch your lips in a gorgeous smile
Like sunlight breaking the cloud

As your lips move softly
I imagine mine gliding on those
Normally I look moderately decent
For you I have a thousand pose

Those hairs I want to feel slowly
And place my head on that chest
When there's no barrier between our skins
There will end my quest

There's something about the way
You look at me over our video call
Makes me want to say, 'Seize me, own me,
Make me yours, once and for all'

Make me yours, once and for all


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