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Mikki De'lucca

.. Later that day..

Vinny knocks on your bedroom door as you're getting ready for your afternoon appointments.. "You in there, Mick?"

"Yeah, hang on.." You call out , trailing out of the closet to open the door, finding a very tired looking but smiley Vincent on the other side.. "Hey! Shouldn't you be over at the new place with your heavily pregnant wife who could pop at any moment!"

He limps into the room to lean against your dresser.. "All she does is sleep.. " He chuckles.. "I was getting bored, she'll call me if she wakes up.. It's a good thing I came over here, since you're fired half the staff there's nobody to tell you there's some guy at the gate asking for you... Shelby is giving him the business.."

"Really, who?" You sit at the dresser to apply a dark red lipstick to match your knitted winter dress..

Vinny shrugs.. "I dunno.. Says his name's Jameson Tucker.. I've never seen the guy before.. Should I send him packing?"

"No!" You spin around.. "No, tell Quinn to let him in.. Is there a woman with him?"

He shakes his head as he hobbles away.. "Nope, just the Redneck.."

You add gold jewelry, earrings and a necklace before you finish fixing your hair, which is now a natural dark chocolate colour.. Then you head downstairs to wait for Jameson in the living room..

When he shuffles in out of the cold in his trench coat, he takes off his hat politely before he glances around.. "Damn Miss Micks, You got this place locked down like Fort Knox.. I was plannin' on swinging by to surprise you-- kinda hard to do with them gates.. Beta you saw me comin' a mile off.." He grins at his own implications..

"It's a surprise alright, a good one.. It's nice to see you again, Jameson.." You ignore his cocky smirk.. "What brings you into the city?.."

He smiles.. "Well, It's about Juliette see.."

Your heart skips..You haven't spoken to her in so long.. She had tried to call you a few times, but you hadn't the heart to answer her.. You couldn't be cruel to Juliette, so instead you had coward behind silence.. You do really miss her though.. "Is she okay?"

Jameson nods.. "She's better than okay.. She's pregnant.. We're - - uhh - - havin' a baby.." He laughs nervously..

"Oh wow.." You breathe in amazement, almost in tears of joy.. Or tears of regret, you aren't quite sure.. "C-Congratulations.." You can't explain it, or why you but big sobs begin to tremble through you..

"Aw-Lawd.. Miss? I'm sorry--" Jameson steps forward to place a comforting hand on your shoulder..

You wave him off, flapping your hands.. "No, no.. Oh.. I'm happy for you.. I'm so happy for both of you.. This is just-- crazy surprising news.." You sniff, pulling yourself back together to give Jameson a watery smile.. "Wow.. Juliette is going to make the best mother.."

He beams proudly.. "She surely is.."

You sit on the sofa, inviting him to join you.. "Wow.. There must be something in the water.. Vinny and Jaquiline are expecting too, any day now.. Wait-- so what are you doing here instead of back at home with your pregnant girlfriend?"

He nods.. "Yeah, well see.. That's the thing-- I wanna make her more than my girlfriend.. I wanna make her my wife.."

"Oh my god!" You squeak excitedly, clamping a hand over your mouth..

Jameson chuckles, reaching up to rub the back of his neck.. "But I don't know nothin' about diamonds.. I need help and.. You're the only lady friend who knows her well enough to know what she'd want.. I know you guys don't talk much anymore.. But - - she sure misses you.."

You smile.. "I miss her too.. As for the ring, Juliette only deserves the best.. Classic, Tasteful and timeless.. We'll go to Tiffany's, don't you worry, we'll find the perfect one.."

He sighs in relief.. "Thanks.. You know.. You're just like she said you'd be.."

"How did she say I'd be?" You giggle nervously..

"Real.. She said you were real.. I knew I recognised you when we first met, but I couldn't place ya.. After I saw you and Knox on the news I couldn't believe it was actually you.. I mean.. I always knew the tabloids were full of shit but.. You ain't nothin' like they say.. Nothin'.. Now, meetin' you again-- I know all that shit is just noise.. You're a good woman, Mikki De'lucca.. Colt was a goddamn dumbass to let you go.."

You blush.. "I um.. He didn't-- That's-- um.. You're sweet.." You stumble over your words, realising you have no idea how much Jameson knows.. "I can see what Juliette sees in you, Jameson.."

He grins an impish smile.. "Not takin' the bait then? You're not even gonna ask me how he's doin'? You're not even a little bit curious?"

You smile.. "I'm so deathy curious, Jameson.. Lately, I've been trying to avoid things that can kill me.. So, It's a little hard bite.."

He nods.. "I get it.. I just wanna say.. I mean you should know.. He was awful cut up about whatever it was what went down.. I mean-- he's different now, it changed him.."

You hum.. "I'm sorry to hear that.."

He shrugs.. "Don't be.. I think its all for the better... Anyway.. I hope it won't stop you from from comin' to Riverland for Juliette's surprise party?"

You narrow your curious gaze.. "Party?"

He grins.. "Yeah.. It's her birthday, so we're gonna celebrate big.. That's when I was plannin' on popping the question.. You'll be there, right?"

You rub your palms nervously on your knees.. "Umm I dunno-- Colt is going to be there?"

He nods.. "Well.. Yeah.. He is.. And a bunch of other people.. Look.. I know it's a big ask, but I'm pretty sure you're the only person she actually wants there.. She really misses you, Mikki.."

You hesitate.. "I uhm--"

He stands, putting his hat back on his head.. "No pressure, you just think about it, won't'cha? Party is at the end of the month, the 31st.."

You nod.. "Okay, I will think about it.. Thanks Jameson.. And thanks for coming here today.. If you want you can make a time with Shelby on your way out for us to meet up and go digging for diamonds.. She has my schedule.."

He winks.. "Can't wait.."

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