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Colt Knox

Ideally, I wouldn't waltz right into the lion's den unarmed, but when it comes to The Russian Mafia there isn't much choice.. I can't exactly walk into their territory, cock my pistol and start making demands.. I don't have the leverage, or the desire to taste my own blood..

Dutifully, I raise my outstretched arms as an overweight Bratva bruiser who couldn't outrun me to save his life, pats me down, checking for the weapons I'd left out in the lockbox of my truck.. Along with Ace Greyson, who refused to let me come here alone..

The bruiser's heavy handed thumping at my back is surely meant to be an intimidating warning, a warning to watch myself when entering the back-alley downtown dice-house the Russki's call home turf..

A few days of tailing Konstantine had only proven the man is impossible to get to one on one.. Taking him in against his will would be a task that'd get me killed and Paxton had known it.. He'd sent me out here without so much as a scrap of assistance.. Washing his hands of the entire operation since he had warned me against getting involved in the first place.. I get that he wants to remain impartial to the contract, with my suspension in place he'd be putting everything on the line by assisting me.. But his withdrawn indifference has to be the final straw for me..

I've always done my job, followed orders, no questions asked.. But when I need a favour from Paxton, he's nowhere to be found..

Fucking typical..

Working alone, I've found the elusive enforcer Konstantin is one slippery son'of'a'bitch.. He is always surrounded by his cronies and when he isn't, he moves like a shadow.. Untraceable..

Following the guy had been beyond frustrating and a waste of time. Finally I had decided a head on approach would yield better results.. At a somewhat higher risk..

"Dvigat'sya!" Snaps the surly, slate-eyed Russki. Demanding me to move with him when he begins to lead me through to meet his boss..

I make my way across the casino floor, an alcoholic scent in the air like lighter fluid.. Winding through the tables towards the back offices I can only think about how stupid my plan is and how Greyson might be hauling my cold body back to Specter tonight of shit goes sideways...

The card dealers barely pay me any attention when I pass by, but the patrons at their tables, members of the brotherhood, all glare at me, pinning me as an outsider immediately.. Unknown and unwelcome in their territory..

"Zdraviya zhelayu.." I nod to them with cold, militant regard, not looking anyone in the eye for too long, or not long enough.. Every man in this room has a black mark on his record, as part of Bratva initiation it's a requirement, so I am well aware of the danger that surrounds me.. Still, the slightest show of weakness, a hint of fear could set off a chain reaction.. Like sharks scenting blood.. A reaction I'm not keen to see come about.. So I exude a false bravado and force myself forward,

The bruiser stops me at a dingy back-room door, holding up a hand to knock three sharp raps..

"Voydite!" Booms a response from the other side..

The door is pushed open and I am shoved forward to stagger into the back-room where four men sit around a red felt table, halfway through a game of Texas Hold'em and waiting on the river..

Konstantin rises to his feet, a curious grin on his face.. "Mr Knox, Comrade.. I waz wondering when a specter would next appear.." He pours out a glass of crystal clear vodka, holding it up.. "Come, join uz!"

"I'll drink your vodka, Ivanov, but I ain't here to play--" I step forward to accept his liquid offer, because turning it down would be sucicide and I'm not here to die.

I know better than to refuse Vodka from a Russian.

Tossing back the shot I look around at the others as a grumble of disapproval snakes through the three men who remain seated.. Konstantin lifts an authoritive hand to silence them instantly.. "Luka, Yuri, Aleksandr.. You remember Brat Hunt's associate.. Colt Knox.. He haz been stalking me for, what iz it?-- Three dayz now, Comrade?"

I shrug.. "I just wanna chat, s'all.. Alone.."

The one called Luka looks up at me from beneath a mop of dirty-brown scruff, a small black rose tattooed beneath his right eye signifying nothing good, no doubt.. "Menti, gaduka.. Nu ti dajosh!" He snarls with a spiteful tongue..

Konstantin smirks.. "He sayz; You are brave man to come here--"

"I know what he fucking said.." I bark, understanding his friend perfectly, I know full well his words weren't meant as a compliment.. "Yob tvoyu mat.." I promptly spit back the first insult ever uttered to me by a Strystack soldier on my first tour.. I've never forgotten it and I've found it comes in surprisingly handy more often than not.. 'Fuck your mother.'..

For a stained moment they look at eachother, danger whirring a warning, coursing through the charged static in the air as a silent decision is made as to whether or not they will accept me at their table.. And then.. They all begin to laugh..

Thunderous, dark laughter that rumbles around the dank space as they jeer in humours approval..

Konstantin chuckles, moving to pour out another round of shots.. "You see, we are all friendz here!.. Knox, Brat.. Sit."

Reluctant, I fall into place at the table reaching for my wallet from my back pocket, I drop a few hundred on the table before taking my seat.. I watch on silently as Yuri begins to deal the cards to my right, and Konstantin to my left separates a portion of his chips to exchange for my cash buy in..

I push several chips into the center of the table as a small blind before taking a peek at my cards; the six of hearts and the nine of clubs..

A shitty hand..

Konstantin lifts the corners of his cards with an expressionless glance down at them before her tucks them neatly beneath his palm.. "So.. What iz it you follow me so diligently for, Comrade? Not that I have not enjoyed our games.."

Yuri deals the flop; eight of diamonds.

I place my bet, assuming our discussion is reliant on my continued participation. "I need to know about that job. You know, the one Orion commissioned.. The one you fucked up.."

Each player calls the next, and the additions pile in the pot on the centre of the table until Yuri lays out the turn; ten of hearts..

Alexandr tosses in his cards with a surly grunt, folding and turning his focus to the vodka bottle..

Konstantine smiles in dreamy, distracted way that makes me wonder exactly how much the guy has had to drink this evening.. Likely more than I've had in the past year.. "Careful.. It iz dangerouz to make thiz kind of azumption, my friend.."

Then again, he always was a strange type..

I frown.. "You said yourself at Central, Orion approached you for your services--"

He nods.. "Da.. He azked thiz of me.. But I fuck up nothzing.. All iz az it should be.."

I look between his guys.. "The target, alive and breathing, begs to differ.."

Finally, Yuri deals the river; seven of spades.

Somehow my shitty hand had turned itself onto a straight..

Maybe it's a lucky sign.. Maybe I won't die tonight..

Aw gee.. Wouldn't that be fine..

Konstantine smiles unaffectedly to himself, upping the anti, just to see if I will match him.. Hell, I've come this far. No sense in folding now.. "Ah so, if something iz looking one way, this muzt be how it iz? Black and white, you see nothzing else? No alternativez?."

"Why don't you just tell me how it is, Reaper? What is happenin' 'in between' that I'm not seein'?" I gunt, laying down my cards to expose the weak yet passable hand I've been delt..

"Hmm.. Why should I tell you thiz? What do you have to offer, Comrade?" He lays his winning hand down over the top of mine as Yuri and Luka toss in their cards..

"I ain't got nothin'." I stated bluntly.. There's no point trying to bluff my way through this..There isn't anything I can offer the Bratva they couldn't gain for themselves..

"You come to my house, vwith nothzing?" Konstantin hums on repeat..

Luka scoffs.. "Tupoy yebat'.."

'Dumb fuck', he calls me.. He's not wrong..

With a click of his fingers, The Bratva enforcer darkens, giving orders to his brothers to clear the room.. "Leave uz.."

Alexandr and Yuri move fast, obediently scuttling away.. Luka however, remains behind, giving me a threatening death stare. Clearly he doesn't trust me to be left alone with his bossman..

"Luka, blyat!" Konstantin shouts, firing up from calm to furious in a flash..

Disgruntled, Luka stands and stomps out of the room.. Muttering to himself about me being a 'dumb American motherfucker' beneath his breath.. "Tupoy Amerikanskiy ublyudok.."

When the door slams shut, Konstantin returns to his strange, dead-eyed and smiley state, directing that dark crucifying stare of his back at me..

"I muzt apologize for 'zem.. 'Zey do not share 'ze same affinity for 'ze lovely Iris az you and I." He collects the cards in one clean sweep to fold them into a fast shuffle, flicking the thin slices of card back and forth between his expert hands..

I've never been a gambling man.. Of all my vices, it's never been a demon lurking in the dark corners of my mind.. But if I had to bet, The Bratva big gun wants something from me..

Whatever it is, I don't know if I am prepared to give it to him.. Especially if it means Mikki gets the happily ever after she I know she deserves..

With the kind of man I know she wants to live it with..

Oliver fucking Reid..

I have to find the bastard..

Some monstrous part of me almost wills the guy to be dead..


I could kick myself for the selfish thoughts that swarm me..

Goddamn it.. I have to see this through..

"You say that, but.. I'm pretty sure Iris wouldn't hesitate to see you behind bars, Ivanov.." I warn him earnestly.. Knowing Iris, she would just as soon work with the Bratva as she would destroy them.. A complicated woman, that's for sure.. "She ain't exactly merciful neither.."

He chuckles as he begins removing cards from the deck to set them aside.. "Ah.. Perhapsz thiz iz why I like her vury much.."

I crack a grin.. He's funny, I can't argue with that.. A dry as fuck, smart mouthed, black humoured hit man.. I hate to admit it, but I kinda like the guy.. "You're sick, old man.."

He nods, offering me more of his cryptic wisdom.. "Sickness iz living, son.. Thiz, you will learn az slowly az you die.." Changing the game he begins to lay out the cards for a game of Durak..

A game with which I'm familiar from my tours in Stryzakstan, but never mastered with any skill..

Maybe just dumb beginners luck..

One thing I do remember about the game is the last player with cards in their hand is the durak.. The fool.. The dumbass..

I'm pretty sure I don't want that to be me..

"Is that why you missed your target? You're sick of it all? Looking to get out of the game?" I ask, angling for a motive from him as we begin to play..

Still, he continues to smile, ignoring my question.. "I would like for you to bring me something, Mr Knox.. If you can agree to my termz, I will tell you all it iz you wish to know."

"Whadd'ya want?" I scowl, doubtfully..

"It will be eazy for you.. I want only an Specter asset file.." He turns over the first card..

"Who's file?" I frown, following his lead and placing my own card down atop the stack..

"Mizz Lucky O'Cléirigh." He replies, turning my card in correction so that the corners align just so..

"The fuck you want that for?!" I snort..

He tips his head to one side, considering my question.. "Thiz iz not important what for I want it.. Thiz iz my only requezt.."

I eye him over suspiciously, I can't see any reason he would want intel on the bubbly photographer.. "She's Kirby's sister.. You'd be better off asking Hunter for that--"

He holds up a hand.. "I am not in the buzinezz of owing favors to Paxton's.. I know you have accezz, since you were on her security detail yearz ago.. That iz my final offer.. What do you say, Comrade?.. Will you bring me thiz file?"

I shake my head in flat refusal.. I don't even have to think about it.. "No."

"Nyet?" He arches a dark brow..

"I'm not giving you one girl to save another.. Cut the shit, Konstantin.. You're going to tell me what you know, because If Hunter Paxton saw fit to keep a guy like you around, I gotta believe its because you aren't like the rest of the shit-kickers out there.. And if you wanna know about Lucky, you can man up, grow a pair, and fuckin' ask her yourself.."

He chuckles.. "You surprize me again, Mr Knox.. Paxton tellz me you have gone rouge, I would think thiz meanz you are no longer such little sheep.. Baa - - Baa Baa.." He laughs to himself, bleating like a Billy goat..

"Christ.. How drunk are you?" I scoff in amusement..

"Not nearly enough.." He cheers, reaching for the bottle and pouring out two more shots..

Fuck me.. I shouldn't have reminded him..

"Drink, my friend.." He holds his glass up in cheers.. "Oba budem zdorovy! To life.. To death.. May both be well!"

I clink my glass against his and unhappily down the drink.. "Oba budem zdorovy"

"I can see, my friend, still, even now.. Even after you have seen that we live in a world of grey, and consequence iz only what you make of it.. Still, there are linez you will not cross.."

"Jesus, what are you, a fuckin' oracle?!.. Enough with the bullshit and mystery.." I roll my eyes..

He pauses to pick up a card, studying it carefully before finding its place and fitting it neatly into his hand.. "I have no need for thiz file, I confezz.. I only seek to know where your loyalty belongz.. I believe it iz in the right placez.."

Annoyance pulls at my muscles, making them impatient.. Filling me with a need to move restlessly.. "Lemme get this straight.. You just wanted to see if I'd roll over on Paxton?"

He leans forward.. "Paxton? No.. He iz not pertinent to thiz issue.. It iz simply fortunate for you.." He assesses me carefully.. "I happen to regard Mizz O'Cléirigh, highly indeed.. Knowing a man who would betray such innocence.. Ah well, thiz iz not a man I wish to do buzinezz v'with.. If you had agreed.. I can say It would have brought me little pleazure to cut out your treacherous tongue.."

I scoff.. "So this was what? A test?"

He shrugs.. "It doez not matter what it waz, my friend, you have already made your decision and I have made mine.. What iz it you wish to know, Brat?"

Without pretense, I go straight for the reason I came here.. "Why did you miss? That shot you took at Angelo De'lucca.. Did he catch wind of the green light and pay you off? I don't fuckin' get it!"

He pauses thoughtfully, placing down his next card.. "Consider, Mr Knox.. A friend askz a favour of you.. But you are knowing 'zat he makes hiz requeszt on behalf of another.. Do you do what is requeszted, or what is required?"

"That depends.." I shrug at his vague hypothetical..

He sighs.. "Oliver Reid iz good man.. However, he had no buzinezz ordering a hit on the Godfather.. He knew thiz and still he azked.. He did not stop to think of the consequencez.. Why do you think thiz iz?" He smiles, sharky and sly.. "You know, my friend, do you not?.."

I shift uncomfortably.. "Because she asked him to.."

He claps gis hands together excitedly.. "That iz right.." Reaching down he lays out over another card.. "Ze Mafia Printsessa, she is 'ze treazure.. One who commands devotion.."

"She don't command nothin'.." I argue, an immediate defensive prickle spiking along with my blood pressure..

He looks up at me, stern, sincere and serious. And something else.. Something that makes my insides squirm and my skin crawl.. Sympathy.. Sympathy from a serial killer..

Now I know I've crossed over a line, into a world I don't belong..

"Da, Comrade.. She doez.. Empires have fallen eazily for women such az thiz.. You cannot deny her power.. It iz a power she haz pained to earn.. Acknowledge thiz, and you will become wizer than those men who came before you.."

"She isn't like that.." I growl through gritted teeth..

"Comrade, you think I am meaning thiz az insult.. I assure you, it iz in fact the opposite.." The distracted way he toys with his cards irritates me.. But I ignore it and try to focus on what he is saying, to unpick his riddles.. "A few monthz ago, a man came to me.. He sat in that vury same chair in which you now sit.. He azked me for favours on behalf of a beautiful woman.. A woman I am sure he loved az you do.. Now, that man is missing and you mean to tell me, az you sit in that same chair, azking me for favours, on behalf of thiz same woman.. That you do not believe she commandz devotion? My friend, do you know the definition of insanity? 'Ze repeating ov' mistakes.. Following paths we know lead uz into darkness.."

I swallow, feeling exposed.. Seen in x-ray vision and hating it I move to offload another card from my hand.. "So you missed that shot because Mikki didn't come to you directly? Kinda petty, dont'cha think? You know she's good for the money.. If you're looking to make a power play here, take over the streets--"

"You are not liztening, Comrade.." He shakes his head, growing angry.. "I did not miss.. I did only what waz required.."

"What the fuck does that mean?" I bark, matching his temper..

"It meanz, I made no true attempt against the Godfather.. Becauze I had no need.. He will be dead come soon enough.."

"How?" I scowl..

"I obtained De'lucca's medical recordz, there I learned of his afflictionz.. There iz a poizon that iz cauzing hiz kidneyz to fail, his heart to grow weak.."

"Poison.." I stare at him him disbelief.. The tabloids had it right for once... Angelo De'lucca is dying.. "What kind of poision?"

He rubs his stubbled chin in thought.. "I believe it waz 'Belladonna'.. By the time hiz doctorz were able to discern his symptomz.. It waz too late.. I am told the Godfather now sleepz, the kind of sleep from which he will never wake"

"The Godfather is in a coma?" My thoughts whir in a hurricane of chaos.. If Angelo had been taking the same Belladonna poison as his daughter, surely he wasn't the one feeding it to her.. "If De'lucca is out of commission, who is runnin' the mob?"

Somebody wanted them both gone..

Was this all that sicko Ranger's doing?

Or what about her little maggot of a cousin Vinny, maybe he has ambitions to take over his uncle's role a little earlier than anticipated.. He had been damn determined to get his cousin back..

"Ah, thiz remainz to be seen, Comrade.. " Konstantin interrupts my brooding thoughts.. "So now you see, I fired those shots to appeaze The Printsessa's impatience.. And to protect a good man's conscience.. But there waz no need to make my mark, somebody elze had beaten me to it.."

"Who?" I ask..

He shrugs, uncaring.. "Thiz I do not know, not do I care to discover.. Though if I were curious, I would start with 'ze man who prescribed the medicine.."

I push up to my feet.. "Then that's where I'm goin'.. Spasibo, Brat.."

He frowns motioning to the cards on the table.. "Brat, we have not yet finished our game--"

I grin, slapping my final card down on top of the deck.. "I ain't no Durak, brother.."

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