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Mikki De'lucca

"Mmmm! Everything smells good, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Colt glances at you again, with a scrunched up expression of disgust in the dim light of the truck cab, blue LED lights reflecting off the dashboard..

"You just might, Sugar.. Who knows what they put in that shit!" He laughs nodding towards the fast food bag in your lap..

When Colt had driven by the neon signs of a Big-Burger Joint on the way back to the city, you had insisted he pull over.. It's been a long time since you've eaten junk food, and you had figured if you get caught by Angelo's goons, you're probably going to die anyway.. So to hell with dieting..

"Don't judge me, this might be my last meal.." You jibe, trying to keep afloat the light and pleasant mood in the truck cab, since it's a long drive back to the city and The Cowboy is finally talking to you again.. So far things are going well, even if you have caused him nothing but trouble and impending doom looms ahead of your little road trip, you're trying your best to make the most of your time with him..

Actually, you don't want your time together to end at all..

He clicks his tongue with a wry chuckle.. "That stuff'll kill ya.. So yeah, maybe.."

You giggle.. "You don't drink at parties.. Don't take painkillers when you've been shot.. You won't eat fast food on a cheat day.. You just love to torture yourself.. What's up with that?"

He grins, a sinfully sexy smirk.. "There's other ways I get my kicks, Sweetness.."

You roll your eyes.. "A famous Knox non-answer-answer if I've ever heard one! Well done!" I give a sarcastic clap before calling out a dramatic score.. "Seven out of ten for execution, five points for style and let's say.. Hmm.. A 3 for originality!"

He hums in amusement.. "Always keepin' score, huh? You're real funny.."

You snicker.. "Yeah, and you're full of shit.."

He checks the rear view mirror for the millionth time, almost as if paranoid somebody could be following you, merging into the right lanes before looking over at you with a cheeky smile.. "Hey now hellcat! I thought we was playin' nice.."

You smile sweetly.. "We are.. This is me being nice.."

"Ho-ly hell.." He laughs to himself.. "Alright.. I don't drink 'cause I have a tenancy to do awful dumb shit when I'm drunk.. I do take painkillers, but not when I don't need 'em.. And I don't eat that shit cus it's trash.. Happy?"

You are exceptionally happy to have your way when it comes to The Cowboy and he knows it..

"Trash?!" You gasp in offence before popping a French fry in your mouth, moaning at the crisp, salty crunch.. "Mmmmhh! Ohhh! But it's sooooo gooood!" You make a meal of it, really playing up the sensuality of the flavours..

He licks his lips as he takes a glance at yours.. "Alright, you're selling it hard.. Gimme one.."

"Come on, take a walk on the wild side, Cowboy.." You coo in a dulcet sing-song with a smile, offering up a French-fry..
"Yeah, you know you want it.." You tease in a breathy, sensual tone..

Colt groans.. "Mmmhhmm.. Yeah, Sugar, I want it bad.." Leaning over he chomps the fry from between your fingers while keeping his gaze on the road ahead..

Just before the city, he turns off the freeway at the exit and takes a series of turns.. Before long the truck powers up a steep dirt track that seemingly leads to nowhere, but you're too busy distracted by Colt chewing the French fries you feed him to notice where you're going..


The Cowboy pulls the black Chevvy up at the outlook at the top of the road, a glittering view of the city glimmers below.. Leaving the radio playing soft country rock, he gets out, rounding the hood of the truck to open the door for you.. He offers you his hand, taking the bag of takeout and helping you down..

Together you sit on the tailgate, quietly munching french fries and sharing a sugary soda.. "Oh wow, Colt.. It's absolutely beautiful from up here.. You would never know the secrets the city holds.. The suffering going on down there on the streets.. So much of it because of what my father has done.. From a distance, everything looks so perfect.. But then you get up close and you see all the cracks and imperfections.. The truth.."

You can feel his eyes burning into you, but you don't dare take your gaze from the spectacular view.. You're too nervous.. "You really don't want to go back, do you?" He cocks a curious ear in your periphery..

You shake your head, the night breeze cooling your core temperature fast.. "Want to?.. No.. What for?.. There's nothing left for me.. I'm going back because it's the right thing, there is no choice.. There never really was.. One way or another, I need to end this.."

He shrugs out of his heavy, fleece-lined denim jacket, leaning across to wrap it around your shoulders when he sees you shiver.. "When it's all over, you can leave this all behind, Sugar.. Start again someplace new.. I reckon you'd fit right in down in Bama', especially in them little boots.." He winks..

You know he is kidding.. But it doesn't really sound all that terrible to you.. A new life.. A fresh start..

Okay, maybe not the deep south.. But somewhere nobody knows your name.. Where you're just another face in the crowd..

You shrug.. "I don't know about Alabama.. But - - That sounds nice.. Impossible.. But nice.."

You dust your hands off on your short denim skirt and lay back to look up at the stars, speckling inky the sky above like a billion little fairy lights twinkling brightly.. The silvery moon setting everything it touches aglow.. Your pulse picks up as you work to pluck up the courage to say what is on your mind.. "So, are we just not going to talk about last night?"

He shifts, looking back over his shoulder at you.. "What is there to talk about, Sweetness?"

"Really?" You push up to your elbows to scowl at him.. "Wow.. Nice, Colt, real nice.." You sit up, folding your arms crossly..

He chuckles.. "Christ-Almighty.. Why does everything I say piss you off?"

"Because I thought something was-- happening--between us, and you act like you'd rather forget about it.. Do you want me to just pretend like it's nothing? Am I making all this up in my head?" You swing your legs up and fold them to one side, turning to face him now..

"Uhh, Is that what I said?.." He frowns, balling his fist into his other hand to work out the cracks in his knuckles..

You chew on your lip, feeling flustered but determined not to turn everything into a fight again.. "You haven't said anything.. Colt, I'm trying to understand.. But, it's confusing.. Why can't you just give me something.. Something real.. Anything.."

"I'm tryin'.. I--I don't know how, Sugar.." He strains, running a hand back through his soft-blonde hair..

"You do.." You lean closer, raking your nails over the taut denim wrapped around his muscular thigh..

Suddenly, his touch is moving up your legs, hands seeking hungrily over your silky flesh, moving as if independent of his rational thoughts..

"I know I wanna kiss you again.. Real bad.." He groans in frustration as if warring with himself..

A war he loses..

"Mmmphh.." You squeak in surprise when his lips crash over yours.. He kisses you like you are liquid and he is dying of thirst.. Sweet and searching, the chemistry of it climactic, sending shivers down your spine..

When the two of you break apart, he smiles.. His burning blue eyes are a sight to scorch your soul.. "Mmhh.. Damn.. Did you get even sweeter?"

"Oh, you're too good, Cowboy.." You smile dreamily, almost forgetting your questions remain unanswered..

"I ain't bad.." He winks as leans back on his palms, tipping his head back to peer up at the stars.. "What's the end game here Mikki?.. Say everything had gone according to plan.. Do you really think it would have made you feel any better if Angelo were to get what he's got comin'?.. I wonder what it would take to make you happy, Sugar.."

You shake your head, tugging his warm jacket tighter around yourself.. "No.. I don't think that.. I mean-- I did at the time.. But now.. I think--" You choke up, unable to get out the terrible words..

"Mikki? What is it?" He presses gently..

"I think I was trying to die.." You breathe, your voice barely above a whisper..

He swallows hard, narrowing his stare in disbelief.. "No.."

You nod, your gaze falling to your hands in your lap as guilt oozes through you, bringing nothing but negativity along with it.. "Yes.. I--I've thought about it a few times.. Killing myself.. But I couldn't even do that right.."

Anguish paints his gorgeous features as he reaches out to gently lift your chin, bringing your gaze back to meet with his.. He sees into your soul as he strokes your cheek.. "Mikki, my sweetheart.. Why would you do that?.."

You wince, flushing with embarrassment and shame.. "There have been times when I feel it's too much.. Everything is too much and it starts to crush me.. It's like there is this impossible weight.. Overbearing me until I can't breathe.. It's like suffocating slowly.. I--I thought about it.. In the woods.. Before the mountain lion showed up and scared the stupid right out of me.. That huge-ass cat made me realise that dying isn't what I want at all.. I just don't want to be sad anymore.."

He turns away, to scrub a hand down his face, before he coughs trying to hide his reactive emotions.. He is an unreadable combination of distress and tension, his drawl gravelly and slow as he considers.. "Jesus fuckin' christ.. Mikki.. I had no idea.."

"Of course not, Cowboy.. None of it is your fault.. If anything.. You make me want to get better.. To be better.." You blush..

He draws his hand away slowly, your fingers instantly missing the feeling of his tangling with yours.. "I want you to get better too.. But It can't be me, Sugar.. I need you to want it for yourself.. I can't be relied on the way you deserve, Mikki.."

"Yes you can.." You swallow, wanting him to know the entirety of the truth, because once there are no secrets between you, everything will be easier.. It has to be..

Doesn't it?

"Listen - - I know it's a lot.. And I know I've been a little crazy-- But, Colt, how I feel--"

"Don't say that.. You ain't crazy.. You ain't crazy at all.. Just.. Don't.." He growls as he pushes up to his feet, agitated and clearly on edge..

You have no idea what you have said to upset him, you wish you did so you could fix it.. "Okay.. But, why are you mad?.. I'm trying to say--"

He cuts you off in a hurry.. "It aint you, Sugar.. I'm pissed at myself.. I need to tell you somethin'.. And.. Fuck-- I ain't no good at this shit.." He begins pacing back and forth at the back of the truck.. "You gotta know sweet-thing, everything between us, it was all real... Everything I said.. When I told you I didn't want to hurt you.. Mikki, I meant it.. I might not have succeeded, but I meant every word.."

"But?" You can tell there is more to it..

He stops, looking you over with a longing hunger.. "But-- when you go talkin' about 'us' as if there is some kind of future there-- I'm just not the kinda guy you think I am.. Shit, Mikki, I'm not even who I thought I was.. I thought I had more discipline than this--"

You stand reaching out to stop his pacing, taking his hand in yours.. "I know you think that, Cowboy.. Hey listen, I get it.. You have your commitments to Juliette and the ranch and I've put everything you care about at risk.. I know you aren't looking to rearrange everything just to fit me, and I don't expect that.. I'm not asking you to fucking marry me Colt.. I just want to know if you see any kind of place for me in your life.. Because I think that's where I might like to be... I can see what kind of man you are, even though you don't want me to.. Your loyalty.. Your heart.." You chew your lip nervously..

"Mikki--" He growls but you bring a finger to his perfect, soft lips, effectively shushing him..

"When we met, I needed you so badly.. I needed you and I didn't even know it.. I needed somebody I could trust.. I don't know why, Colt.. But I've always felt like I can trust you.. You saved me from myself.. And all I need is for you to know how I feel.." The truth rushes from your mouth like a river of honesty.. "If you wanted me.. You could have me.."

"Aw.. Hell.. Sugar.." He swallows as you reach up to curl your fingers around the back of his neck.. "I--Ah.. Fuck me.."

"Shhh, don't talk.." You stretch up on tiptoes to tenderly kiss along his stubbled jaw.. "You'll ruin it.."

"Ugghh.. Mikki.. Baby.." His hungry growl revs your libido..

You push his chest softly, backing him into the tailgate.. He takes the direction, moving with ease and drawing you with him as he leans against the truck..

Pushing up in your little borrowed boots, you grind your hips into his, feeling him stiffen and strain behind his zipper already.. "I don't want to break you in, Cowboy.. But I feel safe when I'm by your side.. Maybe one day.. You'll trust me too.." You breathe the scent of him, like lemonade and leather, citrus and spice..

"It ain't about trust, Sugar.." He groans into your mouth, his hands groping generous handfuls of your backside, harsh and hungered..

"Then what is it about?.." You whisper as you kiss along his neck with seductive expertise, your fingertips tracing the carved out trail of abs down his center towards his narrow hip bones..

"The truth.." His warm calloused hands wander up beneath your shirt to your braless breasts, teasing your nipples tight as he rolls them between deft forefingers and thumbs..

"Mmmhh.. And what is the truth?" You pant, leaning back to peer up at him from beneath fluttering lashes..

He hums, a dark look of desire in his blue sea-glass gaze as he chews on the words he seems to want to say, choosing the ones he does so carefully.. "The truth is.. I never know what you're gonna say or do next.. It drives me fuckin' mental, just trynna figure you out.. I think about you all the fuckin' time.. Hell, Sugar, I'm already broken in.. I've never met a woman like you, Mikki De'lucca.."

His words are like a hit of high voltage, zinging through the circuits of your system and zapping your heart into overload..

"Consider yourself lucky you've never met a woman like me before, Cowboy.." You tease, reaching for the shiny buckle of his belt, tingling all over with excitement.. "Or you'd have been put in your place a long time ago.."

Much to your disappointment, he grabs carefully at your wrist to stop you from getting into his pants, holding you off.. "You don't want me?" You whimper meekly, blinking up at him confused..

Damn him and his mixed signals!

"No, I-- I just wanna take a second to remember this.. Those eyes.. So beautiful.. You're so damn beautiful.." He brushes the golden-curls back over your shoulder before he cups your cheek affectionately.. "When you're looking at me, Sugar, it feels like the sweetest sunshine.. And I don't ever wanna be in the cold again.."

"Oh.. Colt.." You sigh softly.. "Sometimes you say just the right thing.." Your lips press against his as your fingers work the shiny silver buckle of his belt and the zipper of his jeans.. You reach in behind his fly to find he is standing at full attention.. His masculinity is rock hard and ready.. Your fingers wrap around his swelling shaft, gliding him through your grip like steel wrapped in soft satin, hot and thick..

In a lusty daze, you fall to your knees before him, a pressure pressing at the apex of your thighs, liquid passion pooling in your panties.. "Mmmm.. Let me keep you warm, Cowboy.. Right here.."

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