Christmas Special Part One

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This is going to be a special focused on two of the Loud sisters and how they realize what they lost during NSL. Hopefully, you guys like it.

Now to begin our story.

As Lincoln was in space, Lynn Junior was sulking in her cell while blaming him for everything. She hated him for ruining her life and basically destroying everything that they had.

"Stupid Lincoln. When I find you, I'm going to..." Lynn started to say before the room started to become darker. To be honest, that scared her...but she didn't want to admit it. 

"W...Who's there? If you don't come out then I'll..." Lynn began before hearing someone else speaking in a voice that seemed familiar.

"Alright. Whoever interrupted my beauty sleep will feel my wrath!" The voice yelled. Wait..Beauty sleep? The only person who she knew would talk like that would be...LOLA!

"Lola?" Lynn said before her little sister appeared right next to her. She looked alright, but her hair was sorta disheveled and her skin was more pale. 

"Lynn?! I missed you." Lola said before hugging her. 

"What happened? You guys were supposed to be in the house, right?" Lynn asked.

"Well...." Lola said before a figure appeared before them. As they stared at them, they were surprised at their appearance. They had flowers in their hair and were wearing a white dress, but what really struck them was how similar she looked to one of their siblings.

"Wait a minute, Leni is that you?" Lynn said. The figure chuckled for a minute before speaking.

"Nope. I am the ghost of Christmas Past." The figure said.

"Oh come on...ghosts aren't real." Lola said.

"We're real alright. Some are spirits for revenge, some to have some fun or like the ones like to teach some lessons to some horrible people." The ghost said.

"Horrible people? We're not bad, we just wanted to protect everyone from that bad..." Lynn started to say before the ghost interrupted.

"That is the reason why I came. You have lost sight of the bonds that connected you to your brother and I along with two others will show you different points in time in order to show what you have lost." The ghost said.

"What?!" Lola asked before the ghost snapped her fingers and they were back at the house.

"Huh? This is our home?" Lynn said.

"Correction, your home several years ago." The ghost said before two people stepped inside from the kitchen. They were Rita and Lynn Senior who looked younger than how they looked now. 

"Did you get everything, Lynn?" Rita asked.

"Yep. This is going to be a good Christmas." Lynn said as several feet rushed down. They were the Loud kids, but each were a little younger.

"Look how cute we were." Lola gushed before seeing a certain white haired boy come downstairs with a small gift.

"Ugh. It's him...." Lynn said. She watched as he walked over to join the family as the parents handed them their presents. 

"Thanks Mom and Dad!" The kids said as they started to open them. Before Lynn could do her's...Lincoln tapped her on the shoulder.

"What is it, Lincoln?" The younger Lynn said.

"I wanted to hand you something that I picked with Mom's and Dad's help." Lincoln said as he handed the gift over. The younger Lynn slowly picked it up and started to rip it open only to gasp when she saw something inside. It was a medal inside that said...

Number One Sister!

"Lincoln sent some time picking that out for you. He even picked things out for the others, but placed each one on their pillows." The ghost said.

"I remember that. He got me a tiara and a necklace." Lola said.

"That old thing...I threw that away." Lynn said.

"Stop lying. You placed it in your closet and tried to hide it from view." Lola said. Lynn was about to say something until her younger self spoke before her.

"Thank you, Lincoln! I'll treasure it always." The younger Lynn said before everything faded to black.

"That was sweet, but I still say that he ruined our lives." Lynn said with Lola looking unsure about that statement. The Ghost of Christmas Past just sighed and left, but not before saying:

Hopefully the other two ghosts will straighten you out.

Leaving the two sisters wondering what will be shown next.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

(I hope this wasn't too bad)

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