Cap 20 The Volturi Kings

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Natalia after spending the afternoon with the boys in the push, she was preparing everything to go to Italy but she did not have to worry about school since it was Saturday and it would be better for her.

The others were nervous so that Nati goes to volterra and sees the vulturis, especially Aro and his guard, they just hope that nothing happens.

After having everything ready, everyone was heading to Volterra, but everyone relaxed when they saw Nati sleep peacefully and that calmed them down a bit.

A few hours later

Carlisle: ready ... we're here - everyone gets out of the cars-

Nati: woww .... I did not imagine that they lived in a castle - seeing the place- well I should have imagined it, the vulturi kings would obviously have a castle

Everyone laughs and then they open the door and everyone passes tense

Alec: -close the door- we thought they wouldn't come, the master was already getting impatient to meet his partner {seriously}

Carlisle: he doesn't have why, as we already told him we have nothing to hide {serious}

Jane: - coming in - enough Alec

Alec: what's up sister

Jane: Aro sent me to see why you take so long - go to the cullen- we are waiting for you, cullen gentlemen - go to nati- and miss natalia {serious}

Nati: with only Nati Jane will suffice and for you too Alec {smiles}

Alec and Jane smile slightly surprising the boys

Jane: follow us, the master wants to meet her

Everyone is still tense about how Aro will react

Alec: wait a moment - he says to the cullen-

Jane: - open the door- I love the cullen and their partner is here

xxx: perfect dear Jane, show them in {smiling}

Jane: yes I love, Alec-she calls him-

Alec: come - open the door - come in

Everyone passes by letting Carlisle go forward with Esme and they Back protecting Nati

xxx: Carlisle !! my dear, dear friend {smiling} how glad I am to see you

Carlisle: Aro {smiling} the pleasure is mine - see the other Kings- Caius, Marcus, I want to see them too

Marcus: Carlisle welcome Sean {smiling slightly}

Caius: Carlisle {serious}

Aro: dear Carlisle ... we learned something that ... left us speechless tell us, is that true? { curious}

Carlisle: this is Aro, as they informed you ... we all have a shared partner and she accepts us as we are

Aro: extraordinary - go to Bella and Edward- Linda Bella, Edward, how are you guys doing?

Edward: Excellent Aro {serious}

Bella: Wonderful, we would say {serious}

Aro: hehehe I'm glad and I would like to meet the Famous Natalia, can you?

Everyone gets tense but everyone slowly leaves Nati at everyone's dress

The boys slowly move away from me and finally I see the Volturi Kings and I see a man with black hair smiling very animatedly, another who has the saddest face in the world with brown hair and another bitter with blond hair staring at me but The one that gave me the most bad feeling was the one in front of me

Aro: Hello dear, my name is Aro and you?

Nati: I'm Natalia lopez but tell me Nati is shorter {smiling slightly}

Aro: can I hold your hand? I want to see with my own eyes everything you have experienced with the Cullens {smiling}

Nati: okay? - I give him my hand and he grabs it-

Aro sees the memories of nati with the cullen but he is surprised that only he can see fragments of her memories as if something does not allow him to see something else

Aro: extraordinary {astonished} - he lets go of her hand- brothers ... she is the companion of the cullen

Caius: that's impossible brother {serious}

Aro: - You see it- my gifts do not lie brother, I have seen everything that has lived with the cullen and I saw how she accepted them one by one ... there are more than one partner - go to nati- and she us He has shown but ... they know that being his partner and if he is still human, there is no other alternative, right?

Alice: a date is being agreed to convert her and she will be one of us without problems

Marcus: and when would that be?

Nati: in 1 month, after graduation ... but we have almost everything ready {sure}

Aro: splendid {happy} apparently she already knows the rules to follow to be one of us, right dear?

Nati: yes ... of course

Hoop: great !! { happy}

Caius: brother, the time is coming and geidi must be on his way {laughing wickedly}

Aro: it's true {smiling} dear friends I loved her visit ... but I'm afraid we have something important to do and we don't want our guest to be scared, do we? { fun}

Carlisle: of course not and we understand very well, it was good to see you Aro but we must go

Aro: Carlisle the pleasure is all mine - go to nati- take care of yourself dear we will be waiting to see you again as one of us

Nati: of course {smiling nervous} see you later

Marcus: felix take them out

Felix: yes I love - open the door - follow me

When we all left the room we see a person with cameras in hands and passes, that gave me to understand that they are tourists but it made me sad because children were with them and I know that they drink human blood and it hurt me

Edward: Bella went through the same thing, I know it's ugly but calm {smiling slightly}

Nati nods but she still felt bad and everything got worse when cries from the tourists were heard, for Nati it was hell waiting for the elevator doors to close but they closed after a few minutes.

Nati was still nervous but suddenly she felt a wave of calm that invaded her and she knew who it was, she turned and gave a smile to Jasper and he returned it with a wink and she blushed leaving the blonde with a huge smile From ear to ear

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