Chap 18 The Volturi Twins

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After having seen that billy and charlie love scene, we talked for a while Alice called me and told me to go to her house to talk about something important and judging by the hasty voice she is a little worried but she told me not to worry which is not a bad thing.

I said goodbye to Charlie and Billy and I told them that I would come tomorrow and tell the boys to excuse me that I am going to buy them something and they accepted and accompanied me to my car, I started and left.

I hope it's nothing bad

I finally got to the cullen house and from the outside you can feel the tension inside the house, I park the car and go to the door and ring the bell, in less than two seconds Emmett comes out hugging me and spinning me around

Nati: hahaha Emmett, why are you going to make me dizzy {laughing}

Emmett: I missed you my dwarf {giving her a tender kiss on the lips}

Nati: {she breaks away from the kiss} hey! that you are a lamppost does not mean that it is a "dwarf" {pretending annoyance}

Emmett: heheh ok my "dwarf" let's go inside they are waiting for us {smiling}

Nati: let's go {smiling}

Emmett let me pass and we went to the living room and when we entered I see everyone with serious faces and worried about something

Nati: hello ... is something wrong?

Carlisle: good that you arrived darling ... we are waiting for you {tense}

Nati: what happened? . Why those faces? {sigh} if it's because I went to the push you can rest assured I couldn't go for your call but I'll go tomorrow so don't worry they won't hurt me

Edward: no nati that's not why it's .... for something else, but we'll talk about that later

Nati: okay and then are you going to tell me the bad temper? because Emmett was the only one who hugged me and gave me a kiss {sarcastically} but that will be later what is the problem

Alice: nati ... they are the guard of the vulturis ... they come to see us {tense}

Nati: the guard? And for what ? I don't do anything right? {worried}

Carlisle: no darling they just come to see how things are going with Bella and if we don't break any law ... but - they interrupt him-

Alice: I saw that uardia will meet you but ... I don't know if after that it is good or bad since I couldn't see more ... that's why I called you because in the vision it was seen

Nati: ok .. and ... how long would it take for the guard to arrive? { nervous}

Alice: .... right now

Rosalie: what? !!

At that there is a knock on the door and we all get tense. Rosalie and Alice take Nati to the library so they don't see her for now and Esme will open the door with a smile on her face like she always does.

Esme: Jane and Alec welcome come in - he makes you come in-

Jane: Mrs. Cullen ... good {serious}

Alec: hello

Carlisle: Jane, Alec, how nice it is to see you guys how are you? { smiling}

Alec: well ... mister cullen {serious}

Jane: this will be quick, Master Aro sends us to see how everything is going with his member {serious}

Carlisle: of course come in

They take them to the living room and see the boys

Edward: guys ... how are you doing {smiling slightly}

Jane: as far as possible ... we have had worse Mr. Cullen-see beautiful- Mrs. Cullen, how is she doing in her new home and her customs? {curious and serious}

Bella: Jane ... well fine, I adapt quickly {smiling slightly} and hello Alec

Alec: Mrs. Cullen ... hi {seriously}

Jane: {tense and serious} why are they hiding a human?

Emmett: we don't know what you're talking about blonde

Alec: don't lie we can smell her, although her blood doesn't attract our attention {confused}

Jane: it's true, show the human if you don't want Master Aro to come and see him for himself {serious}

Carlisle: ... okay ... but they can't do anything to him anyway

Alec: what do you mean? {confused and serious}

Edward: we'll tell you ... Rosalie. Alice !! Bring it on !! { Screaming}

The tense girls leave the library with nati behind them to protect her if necessary and reach the room

Jane: don't hide it. If they have nothing to hide, we do not see the reason for her concern. {It would be}

The girls slowly let Natalia see Jane and Alec and Nati them, when they see her they are very surprised and do not know it but they want to go and hug her as if it were a mother but they contain themselves very well

The girls walk away slowly to see the two members of the volturi guard and when they do I can see a blonde girl with red eyes and a black robe and next to him a boy with brown hair and red eyes and a black robe. they surprise but hide their amazement very well

Nati: ehh hi .. I'm Natalia lopez {smiling nervously}

Jane: hi ... I'm jane and he is my twin brother

Alec: I'm Alec ... nice to meet you

Jane: now explain why there is a human here, why we cannot touch her and why she is important to you and the most important thing as she knows we exist {serious}

Carlisle: {sighs} Natalia is very important to us because she is ... our partner {smiling} of all of us actually

Jane and Alec see them all surprised and amazed. A companion for their entire clan?

Jane: that is not possible ... there is no more than one partner

Alice: if it exists I saw it ... I have seen the day that she would arrive, the day that we would meet, we would spend some time together, laughing and being loved by her ... I have seen everything and we will be very happy ... Aro can see it if you don't believe us {serious}

Alec: of course we will tell Aro and he will be very intrigued on this topic

Jane: if they know that if Aro believes them, she doesn't have much time being human, right? I do not think they will be surprised with this .. It already happened once - seeing Bella and Edward- and it will happen twice {serious}

Nati: wait what? like that little time?

Alec: don't be scared .. that's the price for being with a vampire or being friends with one, we can't risk it, don't you understand?

Nati: .... yes ... I understand very well ... but they won't do anything to us, right? { nervous}

When they saw her nervous, they smiled sincerely a little to calm her down.

Alec: calm down ... we won't hurt them

Jane: None ... but we have to inform Aro of this ... if we hide it from him it could be worse for you and we won't be able to do anything {serious}

Nati: {sighs} ok ... thank you very much {smiling}

Natalia hugs them, surprising them both, but little by little they return the hug, surprising the others.

Jane: - they separate- we have to go and Aro told us not to be late and that this would be fast

Alec: goodbye cullen family ... and Natalia {smiling slightly}

Nati: tell me nati ... and be careful come, I'll accompany you to the door

Natalia accompanies them and they say goodbye and move away from there in less than a second with her vampire speed, Nati locks the door and returns to the room where her companions are watching her in amazement and admiration

Emmett: but just look at my dwarf ... all a beast ... I admire you love {smiling evilly}

Jasper: we have to admit that was great we have never seen anything like this before, that's why we love you nati

Nati: aww thanks but you don't think that by flattering me you will make me kiss you because if you didn't give it to me when I arrived you lost well ... less Emmett than if he received me well and won his prize {feigning anger} it would be for the other my loves"

Emmett: woo on their faces haha ​​{laughing victorious}

The others see him with a hateful face but they deserve it but they had to prepare so that when Aro says that he wants to see Nati they are ready to protect her from her if she needs to ... since Aro is not much to trust

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