Chapter 24 Fourth Night

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Since yesterday about Carlisle and Esme I have felt like heavier but I'm not fat which is weird because I eat a lot but anyway, today I arranged to meet Bella and Edward to go out somewhere to hang out but I know them and I know that after the departure we will not go the other way but .... who does not want to? also . They are my companions and I hope that after whatever happens today they will let me relax for a while

I am near Port Angeles so that the boys and I have fun for a while and get fresh air and it is the perfect time and place because the weather is cloudy and there is not much sun, there we can better enjoy the day without worries.

Suddenly I feel my hand being grabbed and my waist caressed and I'm about to hit the person who touched me but he grabs my hand before hitting him in the face and I hear laughter. when I see better I felt relieved

Edward: - holding her hand gently- and I thought you would receive us with a {sarcastic} kiss

Bella: I think we deserved it {laughing}

Nati: you are absolutely right love and boy did they deserve it. Now there is no kiss {smiling} -she pulls out of Edward's hand and sees them amused by the faces they made-

Edward: I understand how beautiful she felt when I scared her {laughing}

Bella: you still do - roll her eyes - and how are you honey?

Nati: well love, with a little hunger but all good hehe

Edward: we can find something for you to eat while we think about what to do -she suggested-

Nati: I think it's great {smiling} let's go!

We walked for a while laughing and talking about everything that happened when they met and really that beautiful was very clumsy but I love her just like Edward. I didn't like the way he left her but it was to protect her but not in the right way. anyway

We went to an ice cream parlor and they bought me a strawberry ice cream with a cookie, Bella waited for us outside while Edward accompanied me but I felt a little nervous for the boy who attended us who kept looking at me flirtatiously and did not overlook Edward, When he gave me the ice cream he winked at me but when he saw that Edward grabbed me by the waist and saw him with a murderous look I scared him and he walked away nervous

When I left the ice cream parlor I saw him and I giggled

Nati: what was that Edward? {laughing}

Edward: the look of "if he touches her or you come near I'll kill you" {serious}

Bella: what happened? {confused}

Edward: the boy who attended us kept looking at Nati flirtatiously but what bothered me the most were his thoughts

Nati: and .. what did I think? {curious}

Edward: ... on how you would look naked in front of him {serious and angry}

Beautiful that ?! {annoyed}

Nati: hey hey - you see them- no matter what edward saw what matters is that only you have the honor of seeing me .. naked {blushed}

They relax when they hear me but then they smile coquettishly

Bella: and boy do we have the wonderful honor of her-looking at her from top to bottom-

Edward: and the great thing is that soon we will have the greatest honor to have you in our bed {smiling mischievously}

Nati: {flushed 100%} better let's continue if? hehe {nervous}

They laugh at Nati's nerves and continue leaving her with the love of their lives

After spending the afternoon with Bella and Edward they offered to take me home and without thinking twice I accepted

We get to my house and Edward turns off the car and the three of us get out of him

Bella: -looking at her father's house-jum my father is not at home and it's weird because today is his day off. Where will he be?

Nati: - I'm sure he's with Billy-I thought -, don't worry, he's sure he's at a friend's house and they're watching the games.

Bella: yes .. it could be .. it doesn't matter I'll call him later

Nati smiles because she knows that she is surely with Billy but she feels a pressure on her head and turns to see Edward staring at her

Nati: is something wrong Ed?

Edward: no .. nothing love is just ... that you and bella are beautiful under the moonlight {smiling tight}

Bella and Nati smile with love for what Edward said and Nati invites them to come in and they gladly enter

Nati: can you wait for me a moment? I'm going to change and wash a little

Bella: go easy love

Edward: we will wait for you here - go to bella- isn't that so beautiful? - Slightly squeezes his hand-

Bella: - understand the gesture and smile- if so - go to nati- take as long as you want

Nati nods and goes to her room, she closes the door and goes into the bathroom. she takes off her clothes and gets under the shower for a few minutes so as not to make her classmates wait

After a few minutes she comes out of the bathroom with a towel around her body relaxed but she feels that a pair of eyes see her at the moment she tenses but then she remembers that they are her companions and turns to see them in her bed naked

Nati: they scared me

Edward: you have nothing to fear love {smiling mischievously}

Bella: the only thing you have to fear is that we will probably not let you rest after this - looking at her with lust-

Nati: I would get nervous but I think she already got used to her "dirty" words from her {smiling}

Bella: then it won't matter if I do this

Bella approaches her with her vampiric speed and takes off the towel and grabs Nati and places her on the bed and then climbs on top of her to give her a passionate kiss while caressing her body

Nati does not stay behind and puts her tongue in Bella's mouth to which she lets out a moan between her kiss, then caresses Bella's breast and feels that she shudders at the touch that Nati gives her.

Nati turned to Bella to stay on top of her to go down little by little I will leave kisses all over her body while Bella lets out moans of pleasure while Edward kisses her neck and massages her breasts. Bella shudders and lets out a somewhat loud moan when she feels Nati's lips on her lower area giving her a wave of pleasure

Nati continues like this for a few minutes until she feels that Bella came in her mouth, she separates from her to give a kiss full of love to Bella who was breathing heavily. nati feels kisses on her neck and how they caress her arms sweetly. She turns and kisses Edward passionately as he lays her down on the bed gently staying on top of her as she prepares to enter nati

Nati smiles at him and nods for him to continue and he continues. He enters slowly so as not to hurt her since she does not have the same strength as them yet, when she enters completely, wait a few seconds until Nati moves her hips and that is Edward's signal to move

Edward starts slow while Nati is releasing small moans and sighs while Bella kisses his neck, mouth and breasts, Nati's moans become louder as Edward's thrusts increase in rhythm which is a pleasure for them. two

After a few minutes of pleasure they both reach the climax and let out pleasant sighs and grunts, when Edward finishes coming inside nati he carefully leaves and the 3 exhausted go to bed

Bella: wow ... that was ... incredible {sighing}

Edward: not to mention it ... it was wonderful {smiling}

Nati: yes hehe ... who would say that a simple human would be paired with the 8 sexiest, hottest and most good vampires in EVERY way {laughing} how lucky I am

Bella: {laughing} I think we are all lucky to have the sexiest human with good feelings in the world ... thanks Nati for coming to our lives - she kisses her on the forehead-

Edward: with sane co bella nati ... you are the best thing that has happened to us - kisses her hand-

Nati: {smile} for life?

They both smile at what Nati said and nod

Bella / Edward: for life

Nati: {smiles} so ... how about a second round?

Bella: Aren't you tired? {laughing}

Nati: I think I'll be able to hold it - she winks at both of them-

Edward: then do not say more and get to work - rogue-

Nati smiles thinking about how lucky she is and thanks fate for all this and for having the most beautiful fellow vampires on the planet

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