Chapter 26 A Not So Pleasant Surprise Part 2 - Marathon-

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Jacob took me to the house of the Cullen and in the course I thought that it could be crazy to be pregnant with vampires but on the other hand I feel happy to take not one, maybe there are two but just knowing that I could be a mother filled me with love since I always hope to be a mother but ... apparently I'm the only one who thinks about it




Jacob: nati - turning off the car- whatever happens I will support you - squeezing his hand-

Nati: jake ... will the boys still love me after this?

Jacob: ..... yes nati ... don't worry about that but I already told you I will always support you

Nati: thank you {sigh} let's go

Jacob gets out of the car and helps Nati get off but before moving forward, Emmett arrives

Emmett: hello beautiful -he smiles and sees her belly- you look good {smiling}

Nati: hello {dryly} I thought that ... you would be angry like the others to have something of you in me

Emmett: love to me I never got upset alone ... I was surprised because we never saw something like that

Nati: mm ... please take me to Carlisle so he can tell me her "conclusions" about what I have, okay? {smiling slightly}

Emmett smiles and carries nati bridal style and takes her inside with jacob following them, when they enter they all see nati but they see her belly instantly and some get tense and that makes her upset and talk

Nati: Carlisle are you going to tell me what I have or they are going to look like idiots looking at me {angry}

Rosalie: and why does the pooch have to be present in everything? {annoyed}

Nati: why does he support me and not like others, do you want me to say the names? {annoyed}

Carlisle: {sad} Emmett bring her over here

Emmett takes nati where he indicates carlisle and lays her down gently and carlisle starts her to check and the others are silent

It takes half an hour until carlisle speaks

Carlisle: I don't know what they are but ... you have 4 inside of you, it is what the ultrasound captures for now and they are growing very fast and they are strong

Alice: I can't see them either ... and I don't see Nati's future anymore

Carlisle: We have researched legends but there isn't much to help

Edward: and why aren't we doing something? get those things out of him

Nati sees him angry

Jacob: what a love of yours {sarcastic} accept it because you like the others did this {angry}

Rosalie: don't go where they don't call you a dog {angry}

Esme: Rose !! .. these fights hurt nati

Alice: the fetuses are the ones that harm nati {angry}

Bella: why don't you say what they are? Babies!! they are just babies

Jasper: it's possible

Edward: - he approaches carlisle- do something quickly -they interrupt him-

Nati: no! - Everyone sees it- it is not the decision of any of you ... if you do not accept them then I do accept them - go to jacob- let's go jake

Esme: you can't nati you have to stay here

Nati: and why not ?! to continue listening to a thousand ways to get my babies out? I don't think so {angry}

Carlisle: - he sees her as guilty like everyone else- it's to keep you safe like us and make sure they are not dangerous at birth and also because the belly is growing very fast for a normal pregnancy and that people would not take it good

Nati: {angry} look! ... I'll stay but I only do it for my babies and not for you so please leave me alone with Jacob

Everyone sees her sad but accepts and leaves somewhat annoyed since they do not want to leave her alone

Jacob: -helps her to sit on her sofa and sit with her hugging her- I know it's stupid but how do you feel?

Nati: Yes, it's stupid, but {sigh} I feel good and at the same time I don't

Jacob: nati .. I know I told you I would support you but why are you doing this anyway?

Nati: I know it is somewhat intimidating but .. it is not - he touches his belly- these babies are a miracle .. I feel my children

Jacob: so you are going to have little boys .. if I knew that I buy blue balloons {jokes}

Nati: that's what I think ... when I find out I imagine children - see - we'll see the same I'll love you a lot

Jacob: {sad and annoyed} nati .. you won't see them ... being 4 and the way they are growing up .. they will kill you

Nati: ... I can do it jake I have the strength

Jacob: oh natalia - get up- tell that to your bloodsuckers but you don't fool me - see her- I'm seeing what those ... babies are doing and what they are going to do .. they are murderers nati

Nati: not true - touching her belly-

Jacob: and if you die ?! what case did he have ?! , the one that you will find your companions. that you meet me, the boys, my dad, charlie, that you become part of all of us, who is good at that ?! Because I do not know

Nati: ....- with watery eyes-

Jacob: - approaches and takes her hand- listen to me nati .. please .. and what is your biggest dream but .. don't do this just live if? live - with watery eyes-

Nati: - she denies and a tear comes out- don't ask me that because you know I won't do it and jake - caresses her hand- everything will be fine and we will all be happy {smiling slightly}

Jacob nods sadly and grabs his jacket and gets up to leave

Nati: Jacob, please don't go ... you don't

Jacob: - I see her- I know how this ends ... and I won't stay to see it - she goes-

Nati sees him go and a couple of tears come out and in that she turns to look at one of the windows and sees Esme looking at her with pain, she goes to the er that Nati saw her. sad nati tries to settle on the sofa but feels a pain in the whole stomach

Jacob when leaving the house of the Cullen becomes angry and runs to get lost in the forest remembering everything that happened and that annoys him even more

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