Chapter 36 Apologies

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After Charlie knew the whole truth and met the babies, he stayed talking to Bella about everything that happened in depth and what happened to his friend who was killed by a "bear" which left him sad but at the same time knowing that those responsible were killed made it better

He left before nightfall to be with billy, Nati and Bella are at the entrance saying goodbye to him, they see how she drives away from her in her car and Nati is about to enter but Bella stops her

Bella: Nati .. please wait for her -holding her arm-

Nati: -He sees her confused and somewhat serious-

Bella: Forgive me please....I can't stand that you're upset because of me {sad}

Nati:...They hurt me a can you think that I would hurt charlie or my family?

Bella: It was our mistake and we're sorry but {sighs} Put yourself in my shoes, nati, what would you do if your father was put in danger?

Nati: I understand why you got really upset but... You didn't have to say what you said

Bella: I know ...And I'm very sorry -He grabs her by the waist- Can you forgive me?

Nati:....Give me time -He pushes her away- As much as Edward and Carlisle have to give me time, I'm going to spend time with the children, ok?

Bella: ..... Okay ... We'll give you time-she walks away and she goes into the house sad-

In that Emmett and Jasper come out with Rosbell and Jeremias in their arms and they feel the tension that Bella left behind when she entered.

Emmett: Are you alright midget? {worried}

Nati: ..Yes ..just -denies several times- Girl stuff {smiles slightly}

Jasper: -sends him a wave of calm-

Nati: -she sees it- Thank you {smiles} And how are these beautiful babies? -Kiss the two babies on the cheeks-

Emmett: Missing her sexy mom, Beautiful like her other Sexy mom -kisses her-

Nati: {Smiles} tomorrow I want to see if I have more gifts. Can you help me?

Jasper: Of course love -kisses her- with pleasure

Emmett: So we'll see if you're strong and worthy to fight against me -Challenging her-

Nati: Done big {smiling}

They come in and Nati spends the whole day with her children and when night comes she sees them sleep like little angels and thanks to her gift she falls asleep with them in the room and falls sound asleep without knowing that Bella, Carlisle and Edward were very sad and sorry and they couldn't stand that I ignored them

The next day

Alice: Very well honey, your first lesson will be to control your eyes, to be able to change the color of your eyes to the one you like the most, do you remember how you did it the first time? {curious}

Nati: It was when Leah told me that my red eyes were a little disturbing and I just closed them and for a few seconds and thought about my eye color before I was a vampire and that's how I did it

Alice: Interesting, can you do it again? -she nods- Do it with the color of our eyes now, if you do it, there will be no need for contact lenses {smiling}

Nati nods and closes her eyes and thinks of everyone's golden eyes and then opens them to see a big smile on Alice's face.

Nati: Did I make it? {nervous}

Alice: Yeah!! {happy} you have beautiful golden eyes love, now do it again but with the color you like, we will be like this for a few minutes to see the progress {smiling}

Nati thinks of the light green color and closes her eyes and opens them to see Alice surprised.

Alice: how beautiful! -she looks at him closely- you like that color very well {flirtatious}

Nati laughs and kisses him.

Alice: Now let's do one last try, I want you to go back to your normal eye color but I don't want you to close them too much, I want to know if you can change them in a blink like in the movies - Nati sees her doubtfully - She trusts you darling as well that I do

Nati thinks about the color of her eyes and blinks at her and Alice jumps happily

Alice: You did it!! -jumping- this is amazing honey. I knew you'd make it -hugs her-

Emmett: Wow Wow, but if my dwarf controls the color of her beautiful eyes as well as our hearts {smiling mischievously}

Nati rolls her eyes and looks at him to notice a large rock next to him.

Nati: Why the rock?

Emmett: - He snaps his fingers- Let's test your strength -she sees him nervous- calm down love I won't hurt you

Nati approaches Emmett and he gets in position and signals her to come closer and she gets in position and they grab her hands and the others put them behind her back so as not to cheat

Alice: Ready? ...1.......2.....and......3 Begin!!

They begin to struggle and Nati gains confidence and is beating Emmett. He looks at her in surprise and in that Nati knocks her hand off the rock, breaking it a bit, leaving Alice amazed and Emmett more in love.

Nati: {happy} I want to do it again

Emmett: I want to hear that some other time {picaro}

Nati and Alice laugh at Emmett and Nati stares at the forest landscape while Alice and Emmett enter the house.

Nati: And to think that all this happened because I wanted to leave my country -laughing softly she enters the house-

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