Broken Bonds

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I found myself walking along some stone floor. Focusing further I picked up a lack of details in everything around me.

My footsteps clattered along the ground and I cautiously tried to figure out where I was.

Nothing about the area was particularly familiar to me. I reached for my bag but found it missing, which meant none of my Pokémon were with me.

I took in a panicked breath. I was completely alone in some strange featureless void. I turned around and found Kirlia suddenly next to me.

Ayyy Wally! I think we might be sharing a dream of something dude! Kirlia told me.

I pondered the thought and felt relief wash over me. It was just a dream. "Oh. How did that happen?"

Kirlia shrugged. probably the psychic connection or whatever.

I stood awkwardly, not entirely sure what to do now that I knew I was just in a dream with Kirlia.

Anyway, we should do what I usually do when I dream. Kirlia suggested.

"And what's that exactly?" Kirlia suddenly summoned an ice cream truck. Get ice cream. Obviously, Wally, come on.

We walked up to the truck but as we did the entire scene shifted to the route just outside of Petalburgh where I had first met Kirlia. It was late evening and most people had already gone home.

My eyes scanned the area to confirm where we'd suddenly been transported to. "Huh? I thought we were getting ice cream?"

Kirlia shrugged. Hey man, I only have minor control over these things. Dreams are weird.

Suddenly a Mightyena appeared. But this one was unlike the familiar black hounds. For starters, it was far larger than the average Mightyena. It seemed to flicker in and out of existence with ghostly red eyes.

I did my best to keep from screaming as the giant beast glared at us. Kirlia seemed fairly unphased. Oh, I know where this is going. Mightyena looks a bit different though... anyway enjoy the show. Have some popcorn. Kirlia told me casually as he summoned popcorn into his hands.

A trainer returned the Mightyena to its Pokeball and I felt relief wash over me. The man seemed to be in his mid-20s. He had a large build and wore a black trench coat.

He had silver eyes and golden blond hair. His hair was styled almost like my own hair. Fairly wild and unkempt.

He sent out a Ralts. The small Pokémon's face lit up when it saw the trainer. The Ralts appeared to be in its infancy. The trainer refused to look at his Pokémon as he crushed the Pokeball. "Go on. You're free now." The Ralts didn't move, though now its demeanor had changed to that of sadness. "Get out of here. Go to your weak brothers and sisters before I have to call out Mightyena to scare 'em off again. Go!"

The trainer's shout seemed to be enough to get the Ralts to run off into the grass. The trainer turned and left the route.

Suddenly my mind was pelted with one echoing thought. I am not weak. I am not weak. I AM NOT WEAK!

I shot awake in my bed. I took in everything I had just seen. That must've been Kirlia but why was he so casual about it all?

I glanced over at Brendan and he was fast asleep. We had to stay the night in the Lilycove Pokémon Center because of a sudden storm that had appeared in the sea.

I distinctly remembered Brendan's reaction. He seemed convinced this all had to do with what his father had been hiding.

I glanced at the clock on the bedside table and realized it was already 8 in the morning. I dragged myself out of bed and hopped into the shower.

I replayed my second battle with May in my mind. Ralts had been so upset over not winning. That event I had just seen had to be why.

I changed into some lighter clothes to match with the increasing heat of the region. I put on a vertically striped blue and white t-shirt and a pair of green shorts.

By the time I was ready to go Brendan had finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Wally you're ready to go already?" Brendan glanced at his clock and saw the time. "Oh man, I overslept! May will probably have a fit!"

Brendan spent the next 10 minutes frantically getting himself dressed in his usual gear while I packed up.

Before long we stepped out of the room and went into the Center Lobby where May was. She scoffed at how late we were and the three of us left the center.

We made our way to the docks and got tickets for a boat leaving for Mosdeep in the next hour.

May smiled. "Hopefully this time there won't be any more sudden storms and we can just leave."

I nodded. It felt like we'd been at Lilycove for an eternity at this point even if it had only been a day.

"Plus we get to see Tate and Liza over in Mosdeep," Brendan said. "Oh right-you guys don't know but I'm actually good friends with them. My dad was always going to Mosdeep back when he was working at the space station and when he'd bring me I would usually hang out with the local kids."

"Oh, that's cool!" May said. "Maybe they'll give us badges without having to fight them."

Brendan and I chuckled at the proposition. "You're both t-taking on the gyms right?" I didn't really like group conversations. They made me nervous.

"Yeah guess so," Brendan said.

"Maybe you guys could Uhm... double battle them together?" I suggested.

Brendan shrugged. "If they're up to it then I am. May and I make a pretty good team, right May?"

May nodded but didn't say anything. Brendan frowned faintly and I felt completely out of place.

Eventually, we boarded the boat and it set off. The boat was medium-sized and had a few passengers besides us aboard.

I smiled as the salty air pelted my face and the boat flew across the Hoenn waters. Pelipper and Wingull flew in the air above us.

May seemed less thrilled about traveling by sea. She looked a bit queasy and held onto the side of the boat like her life depended on it.

Brendan was doing something stupid. I wasn't really sure what it was. He kept shouting "I'm the king of the world!" While standing on the front of the boat and nobody seemed to really notice him.

I decided now was as good of a time as ever to formally meet my new Pokémon. I sent out Piplup and smiled at him. "Heya Piplup!"

Piplup chirped and jumped around at my feet. "So I'm not sure what Kirlia told you but I wanted to get to know you a bit. I'm Wally and I have two other Pokémon, Nian, and Rodney. We all try to get stronger every day as a team!"

Piplup seemed a bit displeased to hear the team part. I internally groaned to myself. I didn't need another rebellious 'tough guy' Pokémon.

Suddenly the boat came to a stop and I returned my Pokémon.

People began to buzz about why the boat had stopped and I made my way over to my friends.

The captain stepped into view and got everyone's attention. "Unfortunately everybody the boat is having... technical difficulties." He spoke in a scratchy voice. "We'll try to get it all fixed as soon as possible but we may be here for a few hours." People began to raise their voices in complaint. "The good news is that if it takes a long time you all will get to see a very special event that happens in the waters after sundown." With that, the captain fled below deck to avoid the wrath of the people aboard.

"Well," Brendan said trying to keep positive. "It probably won't take that long."

After about six hours the captain informed us the boat would be moving soon. He didn't give a specific time frame which made me suspicious that it wasn't going to be fixed anytime soon.

On the bright side, they had plenty of food and water and most people were able to keep themselves entertained.

The sun had just set into the ocean and I was watching the water to see whatever the captain had mentioned would happen.

Before long the entire seafloor lit up. Schools of Finneon and Lumineon swirled around the boat creating a show of beautiful lights.

Brendan and May peered over the deck as well. "It's amazing." Brendan marveled.

Mantyke leaped in and out of the water. Gliding in the air for a few moments at a time to show off the red patterns on its back.

A flock of Swanna perched on some rocks and began to sing a lulling tune. I found the entire setting very comforting, even if we were stranded.

A few trainers began to dance with each other. I personally had never tried dancing and I wasn't planning on doing so anytime soon.

But Brendan seemed more than willing to. "Hey May, you still remember the steps we used to do back when we were younger?" He held out his hand to her but she didn't take it. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

"Brendan we never could even do the whole thing right. We'll just look stupid. Plus your leg is still injured." May said.

Brendan grinned at her. "May I'm stronger now. And this ole thing is feeling fine. It only hurts a little bit. Trust me, I can do it."

I felt completely left out and lost at this point but I was pretty curious. What were they trying to do?

May reluctantly took Brendan's hand and they began dancing with each other. I was impressed by how skilled they seemed to be. I made a mental note to ask where the experience came from.

Brendan and May separated and Brendan got in a position that I assumed was meant to catch May when she ran over to him. 

May was about to run over to him but hesitated. "C'mon May! I'll catch you, just trust me!"

May clenched her fists and shook her head. "I-I can't do it."

Brendan tried to keep the disappointment off of his face. "Well alright then, if you're scared we can practice it. We used to be pretty good at this so I think-"

"Brendan." May cut him off. "I can't do it because... because I can't trust you." She said softly before walking away.


Wham bam another chapter ayyyy and in a timely-ish fashion no less! Thanks, everybody for reading! I hope you enjoyed and if you did let me know in those comments. Bye!

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