Dethroning The King

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My thoughts were interrupted by May tapping me on the shoulder. I had trouble hearing what she was saying over the wind but I got the gist of what she was asking.

"Wally can I have Gallade? I want to heal him so we can jump into battle prepared." May said. I handed her the Pokeball and she went to work using various healing items before handing it back to me.

While I was turned around I caught a glance at May. She seemed to be nervous about something.

Before but I had the opportunity to ask May what was wrong we began to descend. We were above the ocean and heading towards an island stationed high above the water.

A waterfall flowed from the top of the island. I could make out the large building on the other side of a giant rock formation making up most of the island.

The building seemed to glisten in the sunlight. It resembled a large castle and was made of whites and reds.

I immediately knew it was the Pokémon League. Where trainers went to take on the Elite Four and Champion.

As we came closer to the island I noticed we were flying to the side of the landmass with the Pokémon Center and waterfall.

Salamence landed on the ground next to the red-roofed building and we all climbed off of the giant lizard.

We were in what was known as Ever Grande City. From what I had researched nobody knew why it was called a city when there weren't any homes or people living on the island.

Emerald looked straight ahead at the entrance to Victory Road. The giant cave system that served as a final challenge for trainers going to take on the Pokémon League.

"This is it, everyone. We certainly don't have much time left so we must hurry. The weapon is within Ever Grande City. I doubt the entrance will be sealed off, but if it is I can open it." Emerald explained.

Brendan stepped forward and checked his supplies. "So we'll probably have to fight your dad again."

Emerald nodded. "I will take him on myself. Focus on dismantling the machine then you can help me battle my father."

The four of us were about to walk into the cave when somebody began to laugh. I looked up and saw King Hoeńal sitting on a giant metal bird.

The bird seemed to be made of metal that reflected light. Its black body seemed to shine and glisten in every direction.

The Pokémon had the familiar multicolored eyes. This bird Pokémon was enhanced with Mega Evolution Energy.

I couldn't place the species of the Pokémon. It must've been completely foreign because in all of my research I had never seen anything resembling the Pokémon.

"I'm impressed you children had the nerve to even show up here!" King Hoeńal boomed. "Unfortunately I don't know what you think will happen here. I was promised this land! I have a right to it! Family died for it! We will take back our homes!"

Emerald whipped out his sword and glared up at his father. His Salamence began to growl and walked up behind him. "You aren't saving anybody father! You are only causing destruction! And I won't let you! I will put a stop to this, once and for all!"

Emerald began to climb aboard his dragon and looked down at us. "Go and stop this! I'll handle my father!" His Pokémon flapped its wings and they shot into the air.

I watched the battle begin. The metal bird was flying circles around Salamence. He wouldn't be able to beat the king on his own. We had to hurry.

I turned and ran straight into Victory Road. I felt the blood pump through me as I weaved through obstacles in the cool and damp cave. Fortunately, it was well-lit enough for us to navigate without much trouble.

After some running around we came to a stop. May sighed in frustration. "If the entrance is closed how will we ever know?  There has to be some way we can locate it..."

Suddenly I had an idea. I turned to face Brendan. "Brendan see if Marshtomp can find any hidden paths for us."

Brendan grinned and sent out his Pokémon. "Great idea Wal!" Marshtomp appeared on the ground and Brendan explained the plan to him.

Marshtomp nodded and began to touch the ground. Before long it pointed at a wall in front of us.

I looked closely at the part of the wall and noticed that it seemed slightly different from the rock around it. More artificial.

"Alright, Marshtomp use Rock Smash to break it open!" Brendan said. His Pokémon ran at the fake wall and punched it into bits. Revealing a passageway deeper into the cave.

We ran down the narrow passageway and I noticed it began to slope upward. I held onto the wall to keep myself from tripping.

Eventually, we arrived at a massive cavern. It seemed to be an entire village. Buildings were carved into the sides of the walls.

"This must be where the people of Hoeén lived." May mused.

We took in the sight. Then we set our sights on the large stone palace at the end of the path. Once we arrived at its base we moved up the stairs and into the building itself.

The palace's interior seemed to be mostly destroyed. The top of the cavern was gone as if it had been blown off by a surge of power, and sunlight bled into the room.

In the center was a large contraption. The machine was a large base propping up a metal orb. The orb floated slightly above the base and seemed to exude energy.

"This must be it," Brendan said. "We need to stop it!"

"But what IS it?" May asked.

Before we could inspect the machine any further Emerald's Salamence crashed into the ground next to us. The Pokémon was battered and bruised. On its back was Emerald.

Emerald glanced at us. "Please tell me you were able to disable the machine." We shook our heads and he groaned.

Emerald slid off of his Pokémon and drew his sword. "Then we just might be doomed."

As he said this King Hoeńal and his Pokémon landed in between us and the machine. The king jumped off of his Pokémon and took out his sword. "Good. You're all here. Just in time to watch this stolen world be returned."

I looked over and saw the fear on May's face. "N-no! You won't destroy it!"

"Really?" The king smirked. "Well, the Mega Doom Desire is almost done. And I don't see any of you stopping me." He sent out his Nidoking and the beast roared into the air.

I sent out Gallade, Rodney, and Piplup. Brendan called out Marshtomp and Grovyle and May called out her Blaziken.

Emerald turned to us and then to his father. "Break the orb. I'll stall him." Emerald charged at his father and the two began to clash their blades.

Nidoking charged at us and the bird Pokémon flew into the air. "Alright Blaziken use Blaze Kick and keep a good distance!" May said.

Oh, shoot! We're here already! So it's final battle time then! You ready Wally? Gallade asked and I nodded. Just like before I felt our minds sync up and he transformed into Mega Gallade.

I looked at my other Pokémon who were eagerly awaiting the battle plans. "Alright, team. Gallade and I are going to focus on taking down that machine. You guys help Brendan and May fight Nidoking. It's really strong so be careful and keep a good distance." I told them.

My Pokémon nodded and ran off to assist Brendan and May in fighting the beast.

"Alright, Gallade. Let's take out that doomsday device!" I said. Gallade nodded and ran towards the orb. He was about to break it open when the bird Pokémon swooped down and knocked him away.

Gallade tumbled and landed off to the side. "Gallade use Thunder Punch!" Gallade leaped into the air and punched the massive bird across the face.

The Pokémon barely seemed phased by the first and struck Gallade with its massive wing.

Gallade flew back and I felt a sharp pain in my side where Gallade had been hit. Agh! This thing is crazy strong Wally! How are we going to beat it?

I took in some deep breaths to keep my head steady and thought of an idea. "Gallade try using Thunder Punch and Psycho Cut. Get in and out as much as possible!"

Gallade nodded and his arms began to glow yellow. He fired waves of electric energy at the metallic beast and jumped in to strike it.

The Pokémon roared and flew into the air, swooping down at Gallade. He jumped on top of the bird's back and began to slam his fists into it.

The metal bird screamed and thrashed to try and knock Gallade of it. Gallade held on the best he could.

The Pokémon flew straight into a wall. I felt roaring pain on my forehead as I tried to focus on the crash site.

Gallade stumbled out of the dust cloud clutching his head. I think I got it. But my head hurts like hell now. Gallade told me. I began to see the figure of the bird appear behind Gallade and the glow of its eyes once again.

"Gallade behind you!" I shouted. Gallade whipped around just in time to block the two wings as they were brought down into him.

Wally! I don't think I can hold it for long! His legs began to shake and I could see the strain on his face.

"Come on Gallade! You've got this!" I said. I concentrated and tried to focus on our bond. And the strength that came with it. The more I focused the more I could see from Gallade's eyes.

The wings were both substantially larger. They were made of strong metal and had the power to finish Gallade off.

I took everything around us in and had an idea. Without having to speak a word Gallade broke away and lunged back. The giant wings crashed onto the ground.

Gallade grinned and his fists began to spark. He jumped up and brought both arms down on the bird's head. Finally, the Pokémon fell unconscious.

I felt relief wash over Gallade and I. With the Pokémon defeated I was able to turn my attention back on the machine. Before we could destroy it, however, we heard a crash and saw that the Nidoking was still standing and wearing down the Pokémon fighting it.

"W-we gotta help them," I said. Seeing how battered Rodney and Piplup were.

Gallade shook his head. Just wait a moment. I was about to ask him what he meant when Nidoking was knocked over by a giant four-legged metal beast. A Metagross.

I looked to see who it belonged to and the Champion of Hoenn was standing in the doorway of the palace with a familiar Goomy by his side.

"Goodness! It appears I arrived just in time!" Steven said.

I looked at Gallade for an explanation. Well, I knew they were looking for us so I told Nian where to go since we still had a mind connection from when we traveled together.

I grinned. "Perfect! Now let's destroy that ma-" My heart sunk as I heard a clatter of metal off to the side.

King Hoeńal had disarmed Emerald and was standing over him with his sword raised. Emerald's sword had landed out of his reach and he seemed to be barely conscious.

"I didn't want to have to do this... but Emerald. You have tried to destroy everything your mother and I worked so hard on achieving."

"Don't. Drag her. Into this." Emerald growled.

"You think she didn't want this, boy? She was the one who spent countless nights waiting for the Jirachi to fall from the sky! She was the one who died trying to control its power!" The king shouted.

Emerald tried to protest but King Hoeńal kicked him.

"I thought I raised a true, Hoeén King. One who would do what was best for his people. Instead, I have a selfish brat worrying about what will happen to those who disrespected us. Those who are beneath us!" The king brought his sword into the air.

In an instant, I realized what he was going to do. I tried to run in but I froze. What could I do? If Emerald couldn't win, could I? I heard my heart pounding in my ears. I was scared.

I was scared. I admitted. But that wouldn't stop me. Not when my friend needed help. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed Emerald's sword off the ground.

It seemed to happen in slow motion. As the king brought down his sword I ran in between them and swung my blade to block it.

The two blades collided and my arms shuddered upon taking such a powerful force. But I didn't waiver.

Screaming, I kicked the king in the stomach and to my surprise, he was knocked back a step. He pulled away and his eyes seemed to burn into my skull.

Gallade ran next to me and we locked eyes. You ready Wally? I nodded and we charged at the man.

He swung his sword in broad strikes but I was able to block one of his swings. Gallade took the opening and punched the man across the face.

I felt us moving in an unfamiliar way. We seemed to be one fighting machine. Every time one of us was about to be hit the other blocked the strike.

I smacked the king in the face with the flat of the blade and Gallade swung his leg into the man's hip.

I could see the building rage in King Hoeńal's eyes as we delivered more and more blows. As our blade's collided he kicked Gallade away and punched me across my face.

I stumbled back. The punch had felt like a giant metal ball had been swung into my face. An unfamiliar taste of blood filled my mouth as I landed on the ground.

Before I could regain my senses I felt a rib-shattering kick slam into my side. Once I stopped rolling across the ground I looked up and felt my vision fill with dark spots.

My head was swarming with information and I could barely process that the king was charging at me. I took one deep breath, and despite my aching body, I stood up.

I swung my blade into his and dug my feet into the ground. I held my position with every last bit of strength I had. I felt myself begin to falter when Gallade jumped in by my side, pushing against the sword with his arms.

Together we pushed back and launched the king backward. He was sprawling as he fell and with the momentum on our side, Gallade and I slammed our fists into his chest.

As the king fell back he groaned and didn't make any moves to stand back up. We had won.

Thankfully, as I looked back I saw that my friends had beaten the Nidoking at last. I was about to finally give in to my exhaustion when l felt a surge of power.

I looked at the source and saw the orb had begun to glow. The Doomsday was starting.

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