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-/explore (group name)
Exploring for landmarks. Takes 1 energy.

- /hunt alone (group name)
Hunting solo. Takes 1 energy.

- /hunt with... (group name)
- /hunt with name (group name)
Hunting with other cats. Takes 1 energy.

- /patrol with... (group name)
- /patrol with name and name (group name)
Going on a border patrol. Takes 1 energy.

- /gather alone (group name)
Gathering alone. Takes 1 energy.

- /gather with... (group name)
- /gather with name and name (group name)
Gathering with other cats. Takes 1 energy.

- /forage alone (group name)
Foraging alone. Takes 1 energy.

- /forage with... (group name)
- /forage with names (group name)
Foraging with other cats. Takes 1 energy.

- /heal name
Healing another cat. Must have enough herbs. Takes 1 energy.

- /train skill with name (group name)
Training skills with a cat either lower or higher than you. Takes 1 energy.

-/bond with name (group name)
Bonding with another cat. Levels up the bond by one. Takes 1 energy.

-/become mates with name
Must be level 5. Takes 0 energy.

- /breed with name
Breeding with another cat. Must be mates. Takes 1 energy.

- /name kit number name
Names your kit.

- /play with... (group name)
- /play with names
A kit-only command. Can only play once a day.

-/sneak out of camp (group name)
For kits only. 50% chance of being caught.

- /rankup to apprentice
Ranking up to an apprentice. You will receive a mentor.

- /rankup to name
Ranking up to a hunter or healer.

- /don't eat
You will be the last to eat that day. If there is enough prey, you will eat.

- /escape (group name)
Only valid for camp evacuations. Takes all energy.

-/exile name
In the event of rabies or a cat is found treasonous.

- /attack name
Only valid for battles and attacks. Takes 1 energy.

- /hide
Hiding in battle. Takes no energy.

-/send battle patrol to group name (cats names)
Only usable for leader or second in command. Will send your cats to attack.

-/capture group name landmark #
Will send patrol to other group. Can cause battle.

-/send patrol to landmark number
The matching command if someone send a capture patrol to your landmark.

-/capture name
Usable in battles if cat has 5 or below health.

-/surrender (cats name)
Usable in battle.

-/official surrender
Usable for leaders in battle. Mean they lose the fight.

-/exchange info with group name
Usable for many leaders. Exchanges information between groups.

-/build den name with names
Building a den. Must have the appropriate branches needed.

-/go after name
Used to retrieve kidnapped cats or peacefully go after a loner cat.

/travel to group name
Used for loner cats or groups in need.

/travel to cat name
Used for loner cats.

-/become secret mates with name
This will send a request to the cat. They can either accept or decline. If they accept, you will become mates.

-/do not meet
This is another command for secret mates. Doing this will stop the meet that moon.

-/breed in secret with name
Must be secret mates. Takes 1 energy. The kits will show as an accidental litter.

-/meet in secret with name
Not a secret mate command, this command shares information secretly with the other cat. Takes 1 energy.

-/murder name
Only usable for your own group. Must be motivated.

-/kidnap name
-/kidnap name with name
Usable for group-on-group action. Takes 1 energy. If successful, it holds the other cat prisoner.

-/destroy resource
Usable to destroy your own group's resources. Takes 1 energy.

-/spy on name
Spy on a cat of your group. Takes 1 energy.


Huntingskill Level 0 : 0 prey
Huntingskill Level 1 : 0-1 prey
Huntingskill Level 2 : 0-2 prey
Huntingskill Level 3 : 1-3 prey
Huntingskill Level 4 : 1-4 prey
Huntingskill Level 5 : 2-5 prey

Gatheringskill Level 0 : 0 branches
Gatheringskill Level 1 : 0-1 branches
Gatheringskill Level 2 : 0-2 branches
Gatheringskill Level 3 : 1-3 branches
Gatheringskill Level 4 : 1-4 branches
Gatheringskill Level 5 : 2-5 branches

Foragingskill Level 0 : 0 herbs
Foragingskill Level 1 : 0-1 herbs
Foragingskill Level 2 : 0-2 herbs
Foragingskill Level 3 : 1-3 herbs
Foragingskill Level 4 : 1-4 herbs
Foragingskill Level 5 : 2-5 herbs

Bond Level 1 : Acquaintances
Bond Level 2 : Friends
Bond Level 3 : Good Friends
Bond Level 4 : Close Friends
Bond Level 5 : Companions/Mates

Healingskill Level 0 : Nothing
Healingskill Level 1 : Fever, Cough, Allergies
Healingskill Level 2 : Slightly Injured, Whitecough, Hayfever, Broken Bones
Healingskill Level 3 : Injured, Infection, Nightcough, Prey Poison
Healingskill Level 4 : Severely Injured, Greencough, Berry Poison
Healingskill Level 5 : Near-Death, Redcough

Sickness / Injury
Fever : takes 2 herbs to heal
Cough : takes 2 herbs to heal
Allergies : takes 2 herbs to heal
Broken Bones : takes 3 herbs to heal
Whitecough : takes 3 herbs to heal
Hayfever : takes 3 herbs to heal
Infection : takes 3 herbs to heal
Slightly Injured : takes 3 herbs to heal
Greencough : takes 5 herbs to heal
Nightcough : takes 5 herbs to heal
Injured : takes 5 herbs to heal
Prey Poison : takes 5 herbs to heal
Berry Poison : takes 10 herbs to heal
Severely Injured : takes 10 herbs to heal
Redcough : 10 herbs to heal
Near-Death : takes 15 herbs to heal

Building Chart
Leader's Den : 15 sticks
Healer's Den : 20 sticks
Hunter's Den : 25 sticks
Apprentices Den : 15 sticks
Nursery : 20 sticks
Prisoner's Den : 15 sticks
Makeshift Den : 5 sticks

Battleskill Level 0 : 0 damage
Battleskill Level 1 : 0-10 damage
Battleskill Level 2 : 10-25 damage
Battleskill Level 3 : 20-40 damage
Battleskill Level 4 : 35-50 damage
Battleskill Level 5 : 45-65 damage

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