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He was panting heavily lying on the platform. With the support of his elbows, he has elevated his upper torso from the ground. Her sword tip was touching his throat. The people around were teasing him for losing this dual.
But He smiled! Yes, The Great Warrior Neel is defeated by a Woman in Sword dual but he fealt so light hearted. Neel looked up to see her breathtaking smile which always adorn her face when she wins a combat. But, Alas! It was missing. Instead her eyes depicted confusion and suspicion.
" Princess Lady Avni Jai ho!"
" Princess Lady Avni Jai ho!"
The sound of the folk broke his chain of thoughts. Avni withdrew her sword and lifted it in the air as a sign of accepting the honour. But her eyes were on Neel only. Her confused face is more adorable He thought.

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