Chapter 7

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The truth is that the boy gave me vibes to Lucius Malfoy, but the truth was I did not know who he was as I only approached them.

"!! YOU TWO!! "My voice rose the truth was very angry the attention of Peter and Remus was inside me as well as that mysterious boy approached me aggressively making them stand where they were from and get defensive since I was angry was the same as doing him -Titillandus Draco dormiens- (Tickles a sleeping dragon)

"H-hello you know T/n you look beautiful and always with that perfect skin," Remus said trying to make me not angry.

"I love compliments, but BECAUSE THEY LEFT ME WITH THESE TWO IF I HAD NOTHING TO FIX THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE FIGHTING NOT ME SO IF I AM FURIOUS AND THE ONLY ONES WHO ARE TO BLAME ARE YOU TWO SO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN AND I SWEAR I WANT TO KILL YOU" Everyone who was in the hallway turned to see me and I could see the fear that Peter and Remus in their Faces knew I was angry was fatal

"Hey, our defense they already came out uju so now you could stop looking at us with that face you put on every time you go to kill us" The fear on Remus' face intensified

"You know I won't kill you because I already have too much trouble also because if I kill you Sirius got angry the truth doesn't matter to me, but I still hate them" I kept walking since I had a class right at that moment.

"I don't understand how you support Sirius" I add Peter while everyone saw me leave

"I heard them," I said, following, walking down the hall.

I had transformation classes, so I had to go to the room where Professor Mcgonagall was.

I was heading to my transformation class, but in the truck, I ran into Professor Dumbledore in which he invited me to his office to discuss something.

On the way to Dumbledore's office, I could see which Snape brought that boy from some weird glasses which was my son and Professor Sprout was coming with James which was very strange for me since Professor Dumbledore did not mention anything about them.

"Professor where we are going" my curiosity and intrigue increased considerably

"James what's going on," I whispered to James who was a few feet away from me.

He just beckoned me that the size knew what the partially happy guy was going through, but I didn't understand why

We arrived at a room that I had never seen, although almost the entire corridor knew it thanks to the famous map of the marauder to which I also had access since I still help a little.

In the room there were only three chairs it was very bright there was only one exit when we entered Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall stayed inside next to the three of us.

"What do we do here," I asked as I looked around

"They will be here living together," said Professor Dumbledore while he pleaded to a corner of the room.

"That's all about it was to bring the Family together" my face owes an expression of bad taste, although I would love to live with them in the future, but at that time I felt very uncomfortable about what was happening.

"And I'm Harry," said that boy timidly.

James looked at me and then harry "Hi Harry" James said with a smile on his face.

"Hello," I said as I sat in one of those seats.

When I turned to where Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall should be, they had not left us alone with the door delighted so that it would not open.

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