Part Six

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It had been two weeks since Zoya had seen Aditya. She wasn't sure why it bothered her this much, but no matter how much she tried- he was a constant thought in her head. She groaned as she tripped over a rock infront of her, the contents of her bag spilling on the floor before her.

Zoya reached out, grabbing the knife, she stood up. "Stop right there and put your hands up miss" someone shouted

Zoya looked forward alarmed, then back at the knife in her hands "No, I"

"Just drop the knife miss, no one needs to get hurt"

Zoya thought for a second "I want to speak to officer Hooda, or" she wiggled her brows

The officer sighed and nodded "Just stay put" he ordered as he lifted his radio


"What do you mean a strange woman wants to meet me and she has a knife, look I dont have time for this, you handle it" Aditya replied, irked

"Please Sir, she won't put the knife down and I dont want to shoot her unless I have to"

"Fine, ill be there in ten, at the park right, that's where you're placed"

"Yes Sir"


"Zoya, what are you, just what" Aditya paused, his facial features changing into one of absolute confusion

"Well, you see, I always carry a knife with me to cut my apple, it hurts my teeth when I bite into it, I tripped and everything fell out of my bag, I picked up the knife incase a child was to trip over it and before I could even explain myself, that man told me to put my hands up, so I thought why not ask to speak to you, we could catch up before you explain why I dont deserve to get arrested" she smiled

"No one on this earth thinks like you think Zoya" Aditya huffed, pinching the brim of his nose "You know I have a job to do right, I dont have time to run out to calls like this"

Zoya picked the stuff up from the floor, putting it back in her bag "So what was I meant to do, let myself get arrested and rot in prison, no thank you, I dont like cockroaches" she shook her head, shuddering at the thought

"Everything is always a joke to you Zoya, unlike you, some people have a job to do rather than just wander around the park with knives in their bag" he growled

"Hey, I had a job thanks, I lost it when I stopped turning up, oh, why was that again" she tapped her chin "Because you kidnapped me"

Aditya's eyes narrowed "I was keeping you safe, you know what, im not doing this right now" he turned to the officer "She's free to go, it was a misunderstanding" he began to walk away but Zoya ran after him

"Hey, wait, I have small legs, I cant walk as fast as you" she begged

Aditya turned around fast nearly knocking Zoya back "That's because I dont want you to follow"

"What's your problem today, long day or something" she pushed her bag back onto her arm

"You are my problem Zoya, stop bothering me"

"Hey, you bother me to okay, you're always in my head, you're worse than an alarm clock, ding ding oh look its Aditya again" she rolled her eyes

Aditya paused, a small smile on his lips "Maybe you should stop thinking about me Zoya"

"Oh yeah, I would if I could, I dont wish to think about you, promise, it just happens" Zoya looked back up at him "But anyway, since I bother you that much, ill be going, goodbye Aditya" she waved


Zoya turned back to face him, her brow raised in anticipation

"We've done dinner your way, you haven't tried my way"

Zoya glared at him "Ya Allah, why did you put me on the same path as this duffer, look how much he messes with my head" she looked back at him "I expect the nicest dinner of my life after all the hassle ive had to go through today, you can pick me up tonight" she turned and walked away

"Wait, Zoya what time"

"I dont know, you're the busy one, or did you forget I have no life as I have no job, so you decide, ill be ready whenever"


Zoya pulled open the door to see Aditya dressed in a white long sleeved top, the shape of his arms clear through it. He pushed his hand into his jeans and offered her a coy smile "You ready to go"

"Why does he have to look so good in everything he wears" she muttered under her breath

"Did you say something Zoya"

"No, nope I did not, you must be hearing something officer"

"Officer" he repeated "Zoya, im off duty"

"Oh I see, so moody Aditya is on duty, nice Aditya is off duty, your personality changes so much I think I have whiplash" her eyes glimmered humorously

"Just get in the car Zoya" he began to get frustrated

"Yes Sir" she saluted and sat inside


"Wow, this is your house and you live all alone, crazy, dont you get lonely"

Aditya peered down at her, Zoya's small form was pressed against his as she waited for him to unlock the door "Yes Zoya, i do"

"You're not actually alone, you have"

"Enough with the Allah talk" he cut her off

"I was going to say that you have me, but yes, you have Allah to" she giggled

Aditya opened the door for her, she walked inside, then turned back to face him "So, you're cooking dinner"

"I already cooked it, just go and sit down, you're like an insolent child"

"But yet, here I am, at your home, we all know I dont annoy you as much as you claim I do" she nodded and sat down as Aditya dished out the food

"Ohhh, this is to die for, you have a great house, a great job, you cook well, why aren't you married yet" she asked sarcastically

Aditya looked down "I dont believe in marriage"

"What" she let her fork clash onto her plate "Marriage is a sacred bond between two people in love, its a promise to stick together forever and always have eachothers back, its for the good times and the bad, what do you mean you don't believe in marriage"

"But some people dont stick to those promises Zoya"

"But that doesnt mean you call off the possibility of marriage, life hasn't been great for me, but everyday I get up with a smile, you know why"

Aditya looked up, focusing on her "Why" he whispered, he really couldn't work out where she got her strength from, or why he spent so much time with her, but she was different, good different

Zoya placed her hand atop his "Because the world needs kindness and happiness, and if everyone gave up faith, what would come of the world, I get that you are struggling, and you dont believe in good, but maybe that's why we met, the way I look at it, im your teacher"

"You are not my teacher" he shook his head

"Yes, I am, I am teaching you how to be happy, and im going to get there Aditya, because I never ever give up"

"Why do you even care so much"

Zoya sat back "I dont know Aditya, why do you care about me"

"I dont" he regretted it as soon as he said it, but strangely the smile stayed on her face

"You keep telling yourself that, one day you might even start believing it"

"Do you miss him, your husband" Aditya queried

"Yes, I do, but he's gone now and I cant live in the past anymore, he will always be with me, but now more than ever I have to live for him"

"How are you so positive"

"Im not, im just straightforward, if I was positive, I would tell you that one day im going to be okay and so are you, but im not saying that"

"Then what are you saying"

"Im saying, ill be here, whether you're okay or youre not, until the day you stop needing me" she promised, her eyes slightly teary "Excuse me" she pushed her chair back "Where is your bathroom"


Aditya dropped Zoya outside her house "So, about the job you lost, you want me to talk to them"

Zoya shook her head "No thanks, I have an interview tomorrow, so im hoping I get that job instead"

"What job is it"

"Counselling" she smiled

"So that's why you're so wise" he noted

"Something like that, have a good night Aditya and hey, tomorrow, maybe try and smile a bit more"


"You might make someones day" she kissed his cheek before turning and getting out of the car

Aditya's jaw remained dropped the whole way home

Updates will be more frequent now as my first two exams are tomorrow:)

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