Chapter 20

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Ryouma's P.O.V

"So you're coming back today?"

"Yeah. In fact I'm already on the plane." she answers.

"Listen Ma-kun, I even visited our old house and guess what it's just the same. Next time we should come together and open our time capsule that we buried here 'kay? I've restrained myself from opening it because it won't be fun if we didn't do that together. And..."

"How much will you chatter? And about a week ago, you refused to speak a single word and didn't I tell you to stop calling me Ma-kun?"

"Touchy, huh? hehe but it's so cute no? Ma-kun?" she says in a sing song manner.

"Come back and I'll tell you who is what." I threaten her.

"Are you back to demon mode again, ma-kun?" I smile hearing her giggle.

"Mam, can you please turn off your phone. We're about to take off." I hear the air hostess.

"Yeah sure." she replies to the air hostess, "See you soon, Ma-kun." She replies to me and cuts the call.

I stare at my phone.

After the night she talked to her dad, her fever went down and the next day she was completely healed. But she still wouldn't smile. After all the efforts of Rihito, Rina, Mom and dad she finally laughed when she saw Rihito and Rina fighting over her. After that, she and her dad went to visit the grave of her mother and spent some time in their old house. After a week, she's finally returning home. Looks like she's back to normal. I smile at the thought.

Third person P.O.V

"ahhmmm??" Rihito clears his thought. "Am I disturbing you?"

"No." Ryouma replies.

"Looks like I interrupted your sweet dream of your wife." Rihito teases his friend.

"You want to die?" Ryouma raises his brows at him in a threatening way.

"Oh where's your killer glare? Aww! someone is in love." Rihito squeals.

"You know I don't love." Ryouma replies curtly.

"Are you kidding me? For the past week you've been missing her like crazy. You look at your phone every minute waiting for her call, when she hangs up you make excuses and call her again. You were a cleanliness freak and now you yourself mess your room purposely." Rihito counts them all on his fingers. "Dude you look very much in love to me!" He then leans against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Then go and consult an ophthalmologist, don't eat my head. She's just an important friend." Ryouma replies.

"I don't need to consult any one because my eyes are perfectly fine. Anyone can tell what's with that smile of yours? An important friend? Aren't you over sulking over the fact that she forgot you? Aren't you too happy right now cause your wife finally remembers her ma-kun? Whom are you kidding? It's you who should stop being stubborn and accept the fact." Rihito argues.

"You know me perfectly. I don't love." Ryouma rolls his eyes.

"You're still stuck in the past?" Rihito narrows his eyes at his bff.

"I'm stuck nowhere and don't bring up that topic. and don't you dare drag Teresa in this." Ryouma bangs his hands on the table.

"Don't you think it's about time you move on? You didn't even love her so why you're still stuck up on the same page? You've already got a perfect lovely wife." Rihito states.

"Don't you think it's about time you stop cracking stupid jokes? If you're that interested why don't you go and love?"

"Really? You want me to date your wife?"

Ryouma throws a murderous glare at him.

"Just kidding. Stop giving me that murderous glare, she's like a sister to me 'kay? But if you keep being stubborn someone will steal her away."

"Like I care! And if you're done with your nonsense, you get out of my office. I've got work to do." Ryouma points at the door.

"Fine, mr. workaholic! Meanie!" Rihito twists his mouth and walks out of the door but then, "Mark my words, you'll regret it someday." he warns his friend as he pops his head in.



Ryouma's P.O.V

"I even visited our old house and I visited our old school. Dad took me to my favorite ice cream parlor and then we met Seira, remember the dog we adopted, she used to cling to you every time and she used to glare at me as if she would jump anytime and bite me. And...."

"Shut up and let me sleep." I shout at her. God where does she gets all the things to talk about?

"Not fair! I didn't talk for whole 3 days and I didn't even get to irritate you past week either. I have to compensate or else my mouth will hate me." She complains.

"Before I start to hate you and throw you out of the room, SHUT.UP!" I shout and turn my back to her as I pull on my blanket over my head.

"You can't sleep like this! Hey you stupid husband!! I'm not done yet! How can you sleep when your wife has lots to talk? Oi wake up husband." She hits my arm.

"So you're not waking up huh? Fine!"

There's a minute of silence.

Did she finally give up? Oh thank god!

"Dear husband!" She starts to tickle my ears with a feather?where did she get that? Don't ask me!

"Okay enough is enough!" I shout and push her down and covered her lips with mine.

Her eyes widens with shock.

"Good! Now one more word and I'll kiss you again." I threaten her and turn to the other side pulling over the blanket.

"Jerk! I'm going to get back at you for this!" She hits me after a minute recovering from the shock.


Teresa's P.O.V

"Teresa, open the damn door. I am going to be late for my office." Shouts my husband banging the door.

"I'm bathing. Wait for another 2 hrs." I play with the water forming big soap bubbles in my hands on the bathtub.

"You didn't bath for a whole week or what? Who takes 2 hours for bathing?" He continues to bang on the door.

"I do. Don't bang the door so hard you'll break it and now don't disturb and let me have my bubble bath." I shout and focus back on blowing the soap bubbles.

"Damn you! Get out right now!" I hear him shout.

"Nope. Who told you to mess with me last night? Now wait for 2 hours! You deserve it!" I smile splashing, playing with water.

"Argh! You witch!" I hear him shout again.

The drumming of the door finally stops.

"Hubby? You're still there? I guess no." Hehe I continue enjoying my relaxing bubble bath.

Rina's Place

"Rina give me the worst ideas possible, I need to torture that demon! Looks like I've become too soft on him that he's started to mess with me again." I ask my bff for help.

"I don't think he's that bad." she smiles at me.

"Oii you okay? You have a fever or something? Come to your senses bff we're talking about my husband here?" I shake her trying to bring her back.

"Yeah, I don't think he's that bad." She stops me and replies.

"Come with me, you need to consult a psychiatrist. God who is this? give my Rina back!" I pull Rina towards the door; we definitely should get her checked.

"Cut it, drama queen. I'm serious, he actually cares for you. I've seen it myself." She pulls me back to the couch.

"You must have forgotten your glasses then." I make a face.

"I don't have glasses." Rina raises her brows at me.

"Then you obviously need one." I nod my head vigorously.

"Are you telling me you haven't noticed that he cares for you?"

"That was only because I was having a worse time, so yeah he has his human side which is caring, I'll give him that! But his demon side is way too strong and he is back being a meanie!" I sulk.

"Come on Teresa every sane man can see love in his eyes for you."

"Are you trying to say I'm insane? Whose best friend are you? Looks like you're hanging out with Rihito very much. It's that side effect."

"Who would hang out with that idiot? Not me." She makes a disgusted face.

"Oh really? Are you telling me you haven't noticed that he cares for you?" I repeat her words back at her. "I thought you became friends." I add.

"Okay fine! I appreciate he helped me out but he, my friend? no thank you! That perverted flirt!" She rages with anger.

"Did something happen?"

"No. Don't try to change the topic here. Ryouma actually is a nice guy. I mean I don't know about other things but when it comes to you I think I can trust him and this discussion is over." She raises her hands.

There she goes again. Where is my Rina? I let out a sob.

"I live with him and trust me my experience of past 4 months, he only knows how to pick a fight with me, irritate me and annoy me. Why do you think he's good to me??" I stand in front of her and point my fore finger at her.

"Cause my dear bff, that husband of yours went crazy when he found you were missing. I was there and he literally looked like a demon who would trash the kidnappers once he got his hands on them and he almost did, when you were out on holiday with your dad, he literally wanted to tear them apart limb by limb, even I felt sorry for them. Thank god Rihito jumped between them and they are now peacefully living in the jail. And god he terribly missed you when you were gone."

Really? A smile forms on my face.

But wait, "How do you know he missed me?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"I have sources?" She shrugs sipping her coffee from the mug.

"And you say you're not 'friends' with someone?" I emphasize the word 'friends".

"Shut up already. I think you've found yourself a perfect prince charming."

"Prince charming? I'd say a demon king!"

"And you're his queen."

"Well whatever." I roll my eyes but after a while, a sweet smile forms on my face. I know he's not that bad, I just wish he stops confusing me with his bipolar moods.

"Someone's blushing." Rina teases me bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Who? Not me." I point my finger and turn it sideways.


"Where are my chocolates?" I search the entire room.

"I remember I kept them here. Where did they go?" I check the drawers, closet, flip the bed sheets but I can't find them!

"Did they get their feet or what?" I lay on the bed and pout.

Just then mr. husband enters the room.

"You saw my chocolates?" I get up from the bed and ask him.

"Nope, which chocolates?" he answers, but the happiness in his voice gives away.

"I knew it! You're behind their disappearance! Where are my chocolates?" I glare at him.

"Really? I don't know." He shrugs, playing innocent.

"Oh don't give me that innocent look I know you're not! Tell me where did you hide my chocolates?" I put my hands on my waist and demand the answer.

"Go ask your bubble bath." He mocks me.

"Oh I see so it's about this morning. You were the one who messed with me. Give me my chocolates back!" I point my finger at him.

"First apologize for the morning." He smiles.

say what? He wants an apology?

"Oh as if! you never apologize for doing any mistake and it wasn't even my mistake! I won't apologize! Never!" I shake my head no.

"Then chocolates too, never." He mimicks me.

"I take back what I said before you're a jerk, a total jerk, the biggest jerk! Rina come and I'll show you his true face. Care? My foot!" I murmur.


"None of your business! Fine keep those chocolates! You think I can't get another one? But what about this? I don't think you'll get another one?" I show him a file.

"What's that?" He narrows his eyes at the file on my hand.

"I don't know but seems to be a very important document about some Smith Construction?" I play with the file on my hands.

"You! Give that back. How did you even get that?" He tries to snatch it but I pull it back, I run and climb on the bed.

"Why should I?" I shrug.

"Fine I'll give your dearest chocolates to you." he rolls his eyes putting his hands on his waist.

"I told you, you can keep them, I can always get another one." I fan myself with the file.

"Fine. But give that back to me." He puts his hand forward, asking for the file.

"First say please." I smile at him.

He glares at me.

"You want this or not?" I threaten him.

"Please, give that back." He says with a stern face and anger in his voice.

"A little sweetly not with that demon face, come on say it with a smile."

"Please my dear wife, give that back." He forces a smile.

"Aw how sweet! I melted! sure here." I offer the file, but before he could take it I pull it back again.

"What?" He glares again.

"One hand give, one hand take."

"I thought you could get another one?" He raises his brows at me.

"Of course I can, it's just that they'll get wasted. You don't even like sweets. So offer is simple my no.1 businessman husband! Give and take."

"Fine. Here." he takes the chocolates out from his coat's pocket from the closet.

"Very good, from next time, keep in your mind that I'm your wife and don't mess with my things if you want yours safe. We live in the same house and same room, how many things will you protect from my hands? So better remember this, 'kay? Dear husband!" I smile as I take my chocolates back.

On one certain morning

"Where the hell am I?" I look around the bed, this isn't my room. I run out of the room and reach outside and see the vast blue sky.

"Hey good morning!" I hear my husband from behind.

"Bad morning! What the hell is this? Where are we?" I ask him.

"Oh my god! Why are we in a yatch? In the middle of somewhere?" I exclaim as I look at the ocean that surrounds us.

"We'll be reaching there shortly. Here want some breakfast?" He offers me Sandwiches.

"I knew you're mad but just tell me where are you planning to take me?" I take the sandwich and munch it.

"Just wait and watch." He replies.

This guy will make me go mad someday!

After 15 minutes the yatch stops.

"Come we're here." He begins to walk.

"Here? Where?" He doesn't bother to answer me and gets off the yatch and keeps walking.

"Hey, wait for me." I get down from the yatch and follow him.

The yatch departs.

"Oii, How will we go back?" I shout as I see the yatch leave us behind.

"Welcome to my private island and We're having a holiday." He declares.

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