Chapter 27

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Teresa's P.O.V

"Don't get angry before he finishes and don't start shouting, just let him finish his talk 'kay? and-" I instructed my husband.

"Okay I got it. Relax." He kept his hands on my shoulders.

"If you fight, you're dead and if you think you'll go before sorting everything out then forget about entering the house and this time I'll make sure to color the walls pink with Disney princesses' stickers." I threatened him.

"Okay enough of your threats, I'm going right? stop discouraging me before even meeting him."

"Which of this is discouraging? Now you can't even differentiate between discouraging and encouraging?" I argued.

"Forgive me, I won't talk okay. Now may I go?" He folded his hands.

We had made arrangement inside our house on the roof top. Everything decorated with flowers and lights. When he confronted about this I said we need to create an atmosphere to talk.

"Wait." I arrange his tie and dust his suit.

"I'm not going on a date. Stop being nervous and relax." He patted my head.

"I'm not nervous!" I took a deep breath.

"Yeah yeah!" He kissed my forehead.

"Fighting!" I made a fist and encouraged him.

Ryouma's P.O.V

Haha she's more nervous than me. My smile disappeared when I saw Sam. Good he's already here, i don't like to wait.

I sat opposite to him and looked somewhere else. I am not going to start the conversation as Teresa said, I'll just listen. But looks like he's not going to talk either well even better. I don't want to hear either I'm here forced by my wife.

"Oii" I hear my wife whisper from behind, a little far from us with Sara hiding behind curtains.

"Talk." She whispered.

I looked at her and shake my head no.

From the other side, Sara was signing him. We both sighed.

"Looks like you were forced too, huh?" I got up from the chair and turned back to go but my wife glared at me and mouthed 'pink' i sat back.

"If you don't have anything to say then let's end this here, i have more important works to do." I said without looking at him.

"Look at you, treating your brother like a trash." He muttered.

"You didn't think of this brother, when you decided to cheat me? And I'm warning you don't drag my wife into this. Don't use her to get to me." I warned him.

"Look I'm sorry for that. But use? I didn't use anyone. I really wanted to talk everything out." He retorted.

"Why didn't you try then? Running away from me like a coward?" I shouted at him.

Sam: "You were not ready to listen to anything."

"I did give you a chance to talk." We started shouting at each other.

"I know, I was just protecting my wife then, i didn't know what you might have thought about her, i didn't know what you would have done to her!" He kept his hands on the table.

"You think that low of me?" I got up from my seat.

Teresa's P.O.V

"And I told him not to fight." I face palmed myself.

"It's okay let them get everything out, it's been 3 years. They need to get everything out even if they're fighting." Sara said with tears on her eyes.

"I guess so." I muttered.

But hey they've reached each other's collar and punched each other, we have to stop them before they start blood shed.

"Stop this, please. I just wanted you two to talk not fight." I hugged him from behind.

He stopped.

"Come on Sam stop being a child and tell him what you actually wanted to say." Sara rubbed her husband's back.

"I wasn't forced well maybe I was but I always wanted to talk everything out with you. I am tired of us avoiding each other, we're brothers we can't keep avoiding each other, and I really miss being with my brother." said Sam.

Sam and Sara told him everything about what exactly happened.

He clenched his fist so hard that his skin was growing white. I opened his fist and hold his hand interlocking our fingers.

"I am sorry i shouldn't have lied but my mind was a mess that time, i didn't know what to do. But i don't want to run from you anymore I can't stand being hated by you, I want my brother back. Can I?" Sam said with tears in his eyes.

I nodded at my husband.

"I need time to think." He muttered.

Sam: "You can take as much time as you want but then after that can i get my brother back? Will i be forgiven?"

He didn't reply.

"Of course he needs sometime but for now can you guys hug? Come on a brotherly hug hmm? I want to see, please?" I smiled at them.

Sara pushed Sam and I pushed my husband. Sam pulled him into a hug.

"Aww!" I clasped my hands together.

Sam was actually about to cry and he went from there, Sara ran after him.

"I am going to cry too." I rubbed my eyes but then suddenly my husband pulled me and hugged tightly.

"Ouch! I can't breathe." I struggled in his arms.

"Just a minute, please." He said with a trembling voice.

"You can cry if you want, I'll keep it a secret." I hugged him back.

"I'll die before crying in front of you." he tightened the hug.

"I'll seriously die with loss of breath!" I struggled.

He loosened his grip and I smiled and hugged him a little tighter. "This is fine."

Ryouma's P.O.V

It's already been over a month of our 'talk'. I still cant seem to talk to Sam normally and here we are on an important meeting away from home for few days. And i am not able to concentrate on my work the reason is obviously my wife. We fought again before I left and it's been a day and she still hasn't called me yet, neither she picks up my call. I keep my hand on my head and sigh.

"You're okay?" Sam asks.

I nod.

My phone buzzed and i looked at the caller id, finally she decides to call me.

"Yes? Done with your not talking torture?" I taunted her.

" I don't know what to do.... can you come? " she sniffs.

"Hey, you're crying? You okay?" I panicked but the call gets cut.

"Hello?? Teresa? Damn it." I try to call again but her phone is unavailable!!

"It's okay, you go. I'll handle here." Sam who heard the call patted my back.

"Thanks, bro." I hugged him.

"You finally called me your brother. Now go." He smiled at me.

"Get me every detail of what's going on in my house!" I called my secretary.

I immediately called for my private jet and flew back home.

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