Chapter 31

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Teresa's P.O.V

"I shouldn't have poured coffee on him. I feel so guilty." I feel guilty.

"It's okay, Teresa." Ren patted my back.

"No it's not. He always does sweet things for me and i always kinda trouble him. I don't want to fight with him, in fact I want to get close to him but he does things to annoy me, I just can't help it but whatever it was I shouldn't have poured coffee." I said with a sad face.

"If you're feeling bad, then after you go home apologize to him." Ren patted my head and smiled.

"yeah I should do that." I nodded.

"Now Teresa can we talk?" He said with puppy dog's eyes.

"Oh yeah sorry I was going on with my problems. Tell me?"

"Can we go away from the office? I don't want your husband interrupting us again."

"Okay, let's go to Ai-chan's place?" I suggested.

"Okay, I'll go get my car."

I nodded.

I opened the door and was about to sit in the car my husband ran past me and sat on the passenger's seat.

"What the hell are you doing husband?" I was shocked.

"Sitting on the car?" He answered innocently.

"Yeah I can see that, but why?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Actually I thought about it, and you're right I was actually being mean to you guys so as you've said I'm going to spend some time with him and become friends." He smiled and showed a thumbs up. 👍

Did I hear him right? He wants to be friends with Ren?


"Come on, I'm following your advice. Can't I?" He looked at me with puppy dog's eyes.

I widened my eyes in surprise and seeing him like that made my heart race. That's cheating! I patted my chest/heart. Breathe Teresa breathe. I started chanting in my mind.

"Ok." I sat on the back seat. I heard Ren click his tongue. Sorry Ren, i mentally apologised, it's not like I can help it?

"Shall we, Ren?" My husband said cheerfully.

"Sure, boss." Ren said with sarcasm.

"Hey come on, the office hours are over, you can just call me Ryouma, right Teresa?" My husband looked at me turning back.

"Yeah, I guess." I gave a nervous smile. What's wrong with him? What's with this sudden change of attitude?

We reached Ai-chan's place.

Ryouma's P.O.V

What the hell? Why are there so many sweets? Wow now I've got another reason to hate this Ren. Does he want to have entire sweets of the bakery?

I'm getting nausea seeing the cakes and pastries.

"Wow, Ren you still remember my favorites? So sweet." My wife smiled at him.

I hate my wife too. Why does she have a sweet tooth?

"I know you don't like sweets, here salty cookies for you." She smiled at me.

"Actually for a change I want to try those. Ahh." I pointed at her cake and opened my mouth.

I can't believe I'm doing this. For the first time I'm actually following Rihito's advice.

1. Make Ren the bad guy in front of her instead of myself.

2. Like whatever she likes.

3. Act like a sweet couple and show him he doesn't have a space between us.

4. Show her I'm way better than her Ren.

If this doesn't go well, you're going to pay for this, Rihito. I mentally cursed him.

She blinked.

"Huh? Do you have a fever or something? You want to eat this cake?" She checked with her hand on my forehead.

"Yes, I want to try some? Any problem? Feed me!" I glared at her.

"You want me to what?" She kept staring at me, widening her eyes.

Teresa's P.O.V

"Ahh" He opened his mouth.

He wants to have the SWEET triple layered fruit jam strawberry cake that too he wants me to feed him?

"You're so slow, my jaw is hurting." He pulled my hands and ate the cake.

"Wow, it's good." He twisted his face.

"Your face is telling something else." Ren pointed at his face.

"What's wrong with my face? It's like this because i like it, 'k?" My husband rolled his eyes.

"I doubt." I muttered.

"You're really okay, right? The coffee that I poured in your head didn't reach your brain, right?" I asked him worrying.

He glared at me. Of course he's mad. I better apologize.

"I'm so--" he cut me off.

"Of course wifey that coffee helped me relax my mind, and thanks to that i can think clearly?" He smiled at me.

Was that sarcasm? Ah! Now I'm not able to think clearly!

This guy surely knows how to shock me.

Omo, he's had the entire sweets on the table. Now I'm really worried. His face is starting to pale. He seems to be competing with Ren but why? Ren likes cakes so he's having it without any problem but if he doesn't like this why is he forcing himself?

"Stop it, leave something for us too." Of course if I tell him he won't be able to have it, he would not listen. So I snatched his plate and finished the pastry.

"You're okay?" I looked at his pale face. He's definitely not.

Ryouma's P.O.V

"Ah worried about me so, sweet!" Argh I don't want to hear the word sweet ever again.

"Wait a minute, I need to use the washroom." I ran to the washroom and vomited everything out. Rihito, you're dead!

"Ah my stomach!" I felt a little relieved.

I went back to them.

"You sure, you okay?" My wife asked me worrying.

"Of course." I smiled.

"He's saying he's okay, Teresa. Stop worrying, frown doesn't suit on your beautiful face." The pest smiled at her tapping her forehead.

How dare he? He's flirting with my wife right in front of me.

"That's right, wifey. You look pretty with a smile." I pulled her to me pulling her cheeks.

She blushed and turned away.

"Let's have an ice cream now." Said the dumbo Ren excitedly.

"This late? No, you'll catch cold." I pulled my wife.

"Come on, Ryouma. It's more fun to have ice cream in the cold night. Right, Teresa?" Ren pulled her wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

What the hell? I pulled her back. Did he just smirk or am I imagining things?

"Actually Ren. Let it be, I think we'll have ice cream someday later. Today I'm a bit worried." She looked at me worriedly.

"Really, where is my Teresa? Where have you hidden her? Because normally my Teresa would have forced me and whined like a child for an ice cream." He rest his elbow on her shoulder and glanced at me.

"Actually he's right, we should have ice cream." I smiled at my wife pushing his hand off.

"We? I hope that doesn't include you, you'll catch a cold plus you've already broke your record today. You've already crossed your limit." She raised her voice pointing her fingers at me.

"Come on wifey, don't be like this. You two will have ice cream and I'll keep staring at you both?" I pouted.

"You don't have to, you can go home. I'll drop her later." Ren wrapped his arms around her.

"Why bother you, when we're going to the same place? I'll take my wife with me." I glared at him. "And i'm perfectly fine, so relax and enjoy wife." I turned to her and smiled.

"Okay, if you say so." She gave up and nodded.


*sneeze* *sneeze*

"And I told you not to over do it. You caught a cold." scolded my wife.

"Nah! just a sneeze. I'm perfectly fine." I tried to reassure her but *sneeze*

I really doubt I'm going to be okay tomorrow.

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