Chapter 36

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One certain day

"I'm late." I muttered as I entered the conference room.

Thank god meeting hasn't started yet. I went and took my seat. We've got a new project, building a resort in Europe, Italy and today's meeting is all about the project discussion with the board members.

I reviewed the file in front of me and I'm the in charge of this project. Wait! What??

I immediately glared at my husband's direction. He truly is a demon and he plans to murder me by giving me frequent heart attacks. He just smiles at me and I want to break his head. But I don't need to worry, there's no way the board of directors will agree to handing an amateur such a big project. I assured myself and smiled.

As I thought, there was a huge discussion on this and I too said no to this. I mean I'm just learning and it's a big project that too in another continent, I can't take on this big responsibility. But of course my husband had to open his mouth and now there are 2 groups the one supporting him and another opposing his decisions. Well that's not much of a big problem but the thing is there's a rift created between the dad and son too and I'm the one who is feeling guilty.



There is a huge awkward silence. I look at mom and plead her to do something.

"Ryuu, didn't I warn you not to bring your office affairs at home?" Mom glared at her husband while I glared at mine.

"What did I do? I know how to keep my personal and professional affairs separately. Why not talk some sense to your son? He's the one who's getting angry for no reason." Dad smiled at her.

Well it's true, Dad's not the one who started the fight. Dad actually just kept his opinion and my arrogant husband declared a war upon him.

"So you doubt my decision?" My husband glared at his dad.

"I do." I raised my hand. "And I am thinking how the hell did you become a no.1 business man? Because letting an amateur handle such a big project you're just out of your mind." I told him exactly what I thought.

"Really? You've handled the company quite well for the past 4 months. You even worked at your dad's office for 2-3 years. After all the big achievements you've made last month, you're still calling yourself an amateur?" He glared at me.

"Okay I may have had my luck but that doesn't mean that I'll head the project? And I did work there but I actually wasn't part of any big project let alone heading it. I mean seriously? You could have given me any other project, why are you staking your dream project on me? I mean it's seriously ridiculous." I raised my voice.

"Yeah and you should understand that I'm letting you handle my dream project and you should know me well by now that I don't do the deals in which I'll bear any kind of loss. I must have seen something in you to let you handle the project? And you're opposing my decision?"

"Ridiculous, I don't have the confidence to do this, why are you being over confident? And you should have discussed with me before announcing your stupid decision. I will not do it." I got up and slammed my hands on the table.

"Actually dad, you're right. When she doesn't have confidence, I am a mad to have faith in her." he got up and went to the room stomping his feet with anger and shut the door with a bang.

I flinched. What's wrong with him? This wouldn't have happened if he discussed with me beforehand. And he's the one who's getting angry? I seriously was trying to best not to have any more fights but all we do is yell at each other. Tears filled my eyes.

"Can we talk for a while?" Dad came to me and patted my head.

We went to rooftop with coffee mugs in our hands.

"I don't think I can do this, I did work in my dad's company for 2 years, but I wasn't heading any department or anything. I didn't attend any meeting neither dealt with the projects. But now your son is making me handle the entire thing now. Of course I don't have confidence." I complained.

"But you won't know unless you try right?"

"But I thought you also agreed with me? You're the one who supported me today at the meeting." I looked at him.

"I did say that Ryouma needs to rethink about his decision, not because I think you're an amateur or I don't trust his decision, I entirely trust him. If he thinks you are capable I know you are because he didn't reach this place just like that, he's gotten himself to this position all by himself and I'm proud of him. But seeing you underestimating yourself is what scared me. Believe in yourself, Have faith in your abilities, your faith can move a mountain but waves of uncertainty and underestimation will wash away every possibility of your victory. No matter what others do, however they help you, no one can do anything unless you don't have confidence in yourself, unless you believe in yourself." Dad patted my back.


"At least have faith in his faith in you, give it a try, after that if you still think you can't, at least there won't be a regret that you didn't try. If Ryouma didn't take his chance he wouldn't have achieved success. You won't know unless you try. And it's not that just because Ryouma or I say that you'll head the project and you'll get it, you have to prove it to us that you can and Ryouma believed that you would prove your worth but before that you refused to do anything at all. Of course he is angry his wife let him down." Dad justified.

"That is true but none of this would have happened if he discussed with me before throwing me into a battlefield, its normal I would panic. Maybe I should give it a try and I'll go and apologize because obviously he won't." I nodded.

I am very thankful to dad; actually he's right my narcissist husband loves his work more than himself why would he let me ruin it? Maybe I should have self confidence. Well why not give it a try? It's not like I'll die if I fail, it'll be a new experience.

I went back to the room fearing to face a furious husband but he's not here. Where did he go? I called him but of course he won't answer. God he's so angry. What to do? I called him again, thankfully he picked the call.

Third person's P.O.V

"Hey, sister." Instead of angry voice she was greeted with a cheerful one.


"Yeah, sorry sis but your husband is in no mood to talk, I was afraid that he might make you cry if I let him talk." He answered her struggling because the devil beside him was trying to snatch the phone shouting at him why he even picked the call in the first place.

"Does he even talk? He only knows how to get angry and yell at others and I'm used to him now, I won't cry." She assured.

"Oi, Ryouma what are you---" Rihito struggled but Ryouma took the phone and threw it on the ground breaking the phone.


*Beep* *Beep* All she could hear was the tone of disconnected call.

Looks like the demon broke his phone again, she thought. It wasn't new for her, within these 10 months with him he's probably broken more than 50 iphones?

"Why is he so short tempered? He doesn't hear anyone, just wants everything to be his way as if we're not human beings and we don't have our own opinion."

Wait it's already February? Her mobile phone changed the date to 1st Feb.

Wait! it's already 11 months? I only have a month? I'm out of time and all we're doing is fighting. I cant waste time anymore no, I'll sort out everything tomorrow itself. She nodded determinedly.

Teresa's P.O.V

Next day

It's another day and I didn't get a chance to talk to him at all. He'll have to talk to me, he can't avoid me like this. I entered his cabin but he didn't even spare me a look and continued staring at his laptop, totally ignoring my presence and after a while he handed me a file. Déjà vu.

"What is this now? Another contract?" I said sarcastically.

I opened the file; it had a piece of paper written something on it.

"Are you a kid? I'm not talking to you so let's converse writing in papers? huh?" I shouted.

He didn't answer and I read the content.

You're not a part of the project anymore, happy?

"But I was here to tell you, I'll do it."
He finally looked at me and raised his left eyebrow. He looks cute doing that.
He wrote something on another paper and passed it to me.

What's with you? Saying you won't do it then again you're willing to do it? Is this some kind of a joke?

"I thought that if you are trusting me with your dream project then I should at least give it a try. So is it you who's heading the project now?"

He didn't answer but the answer was obvious yes he is.

"Okay then, if you'll head the project then I'll be a good secretary and learn everything." I smiled.

"No need, you're fired." He spoke.

"Huh?" I looked at him with confusion.

"You're not my secretary anymore." He announced.

"But why?"

"Because according to you I'm brainless and you even think it's wrong how I am one of the top businessmen. I think you're right and I know you wouldn't want to work under a foolish businessman so I'm helping you, you can learn from whoever you want." He faked a smile.

"That's not what I meant." I defended.

"But I mean exactly what I said. You're right you are not fit for this responsibility and I'll handle everything by myself, okay? You just go and enjoy, running away will make you learn faster." he taunted me.

"But I want to do it. I know I was stupid to run but I am saying I want to try."

"Everything doesn't go the way you want. You think some kind of joke is going on here? First say no then out of nowhere you want to? Go and do some easy jobs. This isn't your cup of tea." He gave me a cold glare and walked out.

Conference hall

"I've decided I'll head this project myself and I've already got my team ready for it." He introduced his team mates him, Rihito and Sara. Wow a perfect team. Did I tell you Sara is one of the best architects in the country? I admired them.

"I wasn't thinking clearly to let an amateur handle my dream project. I can't let my company's name drown now can I?" My husband looked at my direction and rolled his eyes.

I get that he's super angry but does he have to make it obvious? I can't believe this chameleon, yesterday he was the one who was supporting me and now he is insulting me in front of everyone. But I don't get to complete either. I am the one who turned the situation against me. I pouted.

Dad looked at my direction and raised his brows. Huh? What? I looked at him confused. But then I realized everyone's eyes on me. I looked around with a puzzled expression on my face.

"What's your opinion?" Dad asked aloud.

"About what?" I stared blankly.

I heard my husband laugh. I realized that they were asking my opinion as my dad's company tied up with his and right now I'm the owner, my opinions mattered too.

"I don't think we need to ask a person whose head is in the clouds." He smirked.

"I..." I stammered totally embarrassed. Dad was looking at me raising his brows.

"I want to work on this project." I announced with courage. Dad smiled.
Everyone in the room looked at me with a shocked expression.

"The girl who didn't want to until yesterday now she wants to work on this project? You think it's a joke?" My husband taunted me.

"I am serious." I defended.

"You can't even decide what do you want, how will you handle this project? What if you come and say you can't do this anymore again? And you were wandering in your dreamland just now, how do you expect us to take you seriously?" He was literally not sparing me with the insults.

I got angry and threw a challenge.

"Really? Then what about we have challenge? Why not we make our own presentation and let the board members decide who's capable?"

"You want to lose that badly?" He smirked.

"I want to win that badly." I glared back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think she's not able to think clearly. Let's just go ahead with our discussion." he continued ignoring me.

"Do not underestimate your opponent, Mr. CEO." dad smirked at my husband.

"Really, Mr. Carlton? You're taking her seriously, when you were the one who suggested not making her lead this project?" My husband narrowed his eyes.

"As far as I remember I said I support her decision. And I've also heard she has two years of experience in her own company and there's nothing wrong with the challenge we'll just be able to see her potential and I think we may discover a new talent?" Dad supported me.

"And I think we'll just be wasting our time with this meaningless challenge." He retorted.

"I would like to see a face off too, Mr. Carlton." said Mr. Ryan Parker.

Ryan is here too? I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Fine then, I'm ready for that too." My husband glared at my direction.

And another war is declared.


Ryouma stopped bothering Ren after he came to know about Rihito's misunderstanding. That ring belonged to someone else not Ren. Rihito knew it wasn't for Teresa but he was having fun seeing his bff jealous 😉

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