Chapter 38

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"Just who is this girl? I've seen her somewhere, but where?" Teresa tapped her table looking across her husband's cabin.

Rina noticed her best friend was lost somewhere and she was just talking to herself. She looked at the direction Teresa was looking at and smiled.

"Getting jealous huh?" She clicked her fingers in front of Teresa's eyes.

"Huh?" Teresa was brought back to reality.

"Don't worry, she's not even a competition for you." Rina assured her friend.

"What are you talking about?" Teresa asked with a puzzled expression.

"I'm telling you to stop worrying about your husband and his secretary, worry for yourself instead and focus on the project."

"Worry about him? It's the other way round, I should be worried for that poor girl instead. Being his secretary, God bless her." Teresa sighed.

"Oh really? Is that why you're continuously looking there?"

"I've seen her somewhere and I'm trying to recall where." She tilted her head tapping her index finger on her chin.

"That thing aside why is she getting too close to him, they can talk without getting that close." She made a face and crushed the paper in her hands (like husband like wife 😉😉) when she saw her husband and his secretary too close than her comfort. Well of course they weren't that close but close enough, according to Teresa.

"She is jealous." thought Rina and smiled seeing her best friend tossing the crushed paper in the dustbin which of course reached the dustbin but bounced out instead going in.

Just then Ren entered her cabin and enquired about her foul mood. Rina laughed and explained her best friend's jealousy whereas Teresa denied of any. Ren looked at Ryouma's cabin and shouted as soon as his eyes landed on a familiar face.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Ren shouted widening his eyes.

"Huh? You know her?" The girls enquired.

"She's Miya, my Miya. I showed her pictures to you last time?" Ren reminded them.

"Ah, That's why I thought I've seen her somewhere. Rina, you also didn't recognize her? I mean your memory is sharper than mine." Teresa narrowed her eyes.

"Excuse me, I would have remembered if I did saw her photo but you and Ai-chan didn't even let me have a look in the first place." Rina defended herself.

On the other hand,

Ryouma was ordering her secretary around with the files and because of his foul mood he was being stricter. But to his surprise, she's quite efficient and did all the work without a word of complain, unlike certain someone. He then looked at his wife's cabin where she was chatting with her best friend. He sighed and focused back to his work but of course his eyes were not ready to leave his wife's face.

He messed up his hair and shouted in frustration. He hasn't been talking to her for 2 days now and he couldn't focus on his work because of that and what frustrated him more was that she was doing just perfectly fine while he wasn't. And what's more, they fought again the previous night and this time it's she who's not talking to him.


"What the hell? Here I'm trying to apologize and you're giving me attitude?"

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and pushed her aside heading to the bed.

"You pushed me? You just pushed me?" She shouted with her hands on the side of her hips.

He just ignored her and pulled the blankets on.

"And you even dare to ignore me? There's no way you're sleeping until we sort this out." She pulled his blanket.

"Do not mess with me." He glared at her.

"And don't you mess with me. You don't even say sorry when you're at fault and here I am saying sorry when it isn't even my fault and you're the one who's giving attitude?"

He slightly raised his eyebrow on the words "It wasn't her fault."

"Okay a part of it was. But at least I'm apologizing, not like a certain someone who every time escapes the apology." She narrowed her eyes pointing her index finger at him accusingly.

Ryouma went back to bed jerking the blanket off his wife's hands.

"Okay then now even if you come begging for forgiveness don't expect me to talk to you." She jumped into the bed throwing one, two cushions at him.

"Bad night husband, horror dreams, hate you oxox." She pulled on the blanket from him and turned other side.

"What's oxox? ox? You called me an ox?" He got up and poked her arm.

"Why would I insult the poor ox? Usually it's love you, xoxo for everyone but for you hate you oxox." She went to sleep making humph sound.

Flashback ends

He sighed again.

"Are you okay, sir?" Miya Kitazawa, his new secretary asked.

"Mind your own business." He glared at her.

He looked his wife and smiled seeing her sudden change of expressions. "She can really change her expressions from sad to happy to anger to innocent to violent to shy blushing face in less than a minute." He thought.

Miya looked at the direction her boss was looking at and smiled catching him looking at his lovely wife. She smiled at the thought that her boss could show an expression like that.

Suddenly his expression changed to a one that scared her. He then shouted her to bring a file, she was startled. Just a moment ago, he was smiling and now he looked like he'll literally murder someone. What happened? She looked at the direction he was throwing murderous glare at and found an unexpectedly familiar face.

"Ren? What the hell is he doing here? Is he following me?" She thought.

Teresa's cabin

"But what is she doing here, that too with your husband?"

"Breaking News! She's his brand new secretary." Teresa announced it to him.

"Huh? Why?"

"Idiot, because of the challenge of course, he threw me out and is it written somewhere that she can't join this office? And Sorry Ren, for this coming week we're going to be super busy, we won't be able to entertain you so if you don't have any better thing to say, get out." She found herself raising her voice.

"Why are you shouting?" He yelled back.

"She's a jealous wife, forgive her." Rina laughed.

Teresa glared at her best friend but she continued laughing.

"I'm not jealous because I know my husband doesn't give a damn about her or any other girl not even me, I'm just... I don't know." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Teresa he loves you and i can even bet my life on it." Rina sighed.

"It's all so obvious my dumb bff." Rina hit Teresa's head because she was so frustrated with them, they both are so in love with each other even a blind man can see that and here they are stuck with their everyday tom and jerry fight.

Ren wasn't listening to their conversation because he was busy staring at his love.

"Guys, can I ask you a favor? Would you let me be part of this project too?" His words pulled the girls out of their conversation and made them look his way.

"What?" Both exclaimed.

"Yeah please i beg you." 🙏🙏🙇

"The more the merrier." Cheered Teresa. "Just tell your girlfriend to stay away from my husband."

"Why not tell that to your own husband?" Ren rolled his eyes.

"He won't even look at her." She glared at him.

"My Miya is so pretty and she's such a sweet girl even your demon husband would fall for her."

"Ren. You're trying to pick a fight with me? I thought you're my best friend."

"Yes and i was just warning you."

"Really? You know what I've changed my mind, you'll not be in this project."


"Whatever! 😾"

"Rinaa! Say something how can she do this to me." Ren whined.

"Not again! You know what guys if you guys actually decide to work on this project seriously call me okay? I'm out of here." Rina walked out of the room.

Few minutes later in the other room there were other two burning with jealousy as the two best friend smiled at each other in terms to help each other with their love.


Teresa's P.O.V

"Ren is right, if Mr. Monkey fights with me i should be the one to fix it instead of joining him because if this goes on, a month will be over in one blink." Sigh. It's almost a year and our relationship is stuck at the same point. Argh!

I threw the pillow in frustration and it landed on my husband's peacefully sleeping face.

I slowly removed the pillow off his face.

"Sorry." I whispered.

But seeing him sleeping peacefully made me more angry. Here i am not able to sleep because of him and he is sleeping peacefully like a baby. I pinched his nose.

He frowned and slapped my hands away. I pinched again. Hehehe.

"Stop it, Sara." He muttered.

Hi guys my practicals will be over next week so i'll upload the next chapter next week. Enjoy reading!! 😊😊

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