Chapter 4

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Teresa's P.O.V

After our 'wedding ceremony' I come to my husband's house. The room I enter, his room, 'our' room I felt like I was in a black and white film of '40s. The room was very big with white colored wall, black cupboards, grey couch, black carpet, grey curtains and of course black bed sheets.

People say that one can get the idea about a person by looking at his room. I realized that I married a guy with black and white personality. Sigh... But the room was totally perfect- neat and clean with everything placed perfectly well arranged, as the rumors has it Mr. Perfectionist. "What have I gotten myself into?" I stare at my husband and sigh. 

After an awkward silence, there's a knock on the door, I open the door, "Sorry to intrude" my mother-in-law greet me with a smile.

"Mrs. Carlton?" I look at her puzzled.

"Oh call me mom, dear. All this while I was letting you off but from now on call me mother, dear." She enters the room. "Now you're Mrs. Carlton too" she winks at me.

"Yes... M-mom..." I reply blushing.

"Sorry to intrude, I'll just take a minute." She walks and opens a walking closet and calls me in.

It was filled with the pretty clothes that mom and I shopped before the wedding along with some extra clothes which were very, very pretty, that time she told me that she wanted my help to select dresses for her niece who lived overseas and I tried those clothes as her size matched mine. I look at her surprised.

"These are for you. I always wanted to shop dresses for my daughter, but unfortunately I only have an arrogant son" she gives a look to her son and continues "but now I have a daughter, yeah!" she exclaims excitedly.

Aww she's just like a child whose wish has been granted. My mother-in-law is actually quite cute. "Thank you, mom." I hug her.

"So mom, now that you have your favorite toy to play with I hope you stop playing with my life." There goes my husband's arrogant mouth.

I just want to punch him right now, ruining such a cute moment. Urgh! can't he mind his own business?

"Aww son, don't be jealous. Don't worry you'll always be my number one." She said teasingly.

Her son just rolled his eyes.

Wow! she's just too good.

"Now if your chitchat is over. Would you mind getting out of my room?" He glares at her.

This guy, just where the hell is his manners. How can someone talk to their mother like that?

"Of course I don't mind, I understand I'm interfering your wedding night, don't worry son, I'll go right away." she winks at him. He eyes throw a death glare at her.

She hugs me and wishes me good night, kissing me on my cheeks and goes out of the room.

Left alone in the room, we both stared each other. I looked away, first.

"That's your bed." he says pulling out the grey semi-transparent curtains, which reveals a medium sized bed. "You can do whatever you want but just don't touch my things or mess with my room. I don't like my things being misplaced. I want it exactly the way they are." He instructs strictly.

Does he think that I'm a 5 years old child, who would misplace his things? Is he trying to pick a fight with me? But before that, I need to change out of this outfit.

When I came out after changing into my normal clothes, my husband is already into his bed.

What's with the bed? His bed is so big and mine? It's not that the bed is super small (enough space for me to roll on my bed, he's rich and smart enough to buy a comfortable bed) and it's not that I don't like it. But still, there he goes looking down at me again and making me feel inferior.

But right now I'm totally tired by the day's events; I don't want to fight in the middle of the night. I prefer my sleep than fighting with this arrogant guy here.

I slipped under my blanket. The lights suddenly went off.

I screamed loud.

"What's wrong?" He asks turning on the lights.

"Umm, can you please leave the light on. I can't sleep with the lights off." I said weakly.

"And I can't sleep with the lights on." He complained irritated.


"Look just sleep okay, no one's going to eat you up in the dark alright. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and don't wake me up again." He says totally pissed.

Now, how insensitive this guy can be.

"Look Mr. I know all you care is about your business and that's why we're here with a contract marriage but can't you be a little sensitive here?" I glared at him angrily.

He glared at me. But I glared back, telling him I'm not backing out.

"Fine, do whatever you want." He said slipping his head under the blanket.

Good, no one dares to mess with me when I'm angry, I thought satisfied and fell asleep.

Ryouma's P.O.V

After I turned off the light. A loud scream filled the room.

What the hell?

I immediately turn on the light and I see the source of the scream- my wife.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Umm, can you please leave the light on. I can't sleep with the lights off." She says weakly.


"And I can't sleep with the lights on." I complained irritated.

That's why I hate this marriage concept why do I have to adjust with a girl I don't care about.


Afraid of the dark? I can't stand the girls who go screaming around over such a small thing. I thought she was better than those girls.

"Look just sleep okay, no one's going to eat you up in the dark alright. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and don't wake me up again." I said totally pissed.

"Look Mr. I know all you care is about your business and that's why we're here with a contract marriage but can't you be a little sensitive here?" She snapped.

This little brat! I glared at her. She glared back.


"Fine, do whatever you want." I said slipping my head under the blanket.

That was the first time someone talked to me like that (except my mother of course).
But she really looked scared and I'm not that insensitive, I don't want to waste my time arguing whole night just because of 'turning the lights on and off.'
I let her off tonight.

For the past two hours, I've been tossing around the bed unable to sleep

Urgh! I get up and look at the girl peacefully sleeping while I haven't been able to sleep a wink.

Since she's already sleeping I guess now I can turn off the light.

I turned the lights off and went back to sleep.


What the hell? I woke up and looked at the time, 3 am, and I slept just 2 hrs.

I turned on the light and seeing my wife crying and screaming in her sleep, I went towards her bed.

"Oyy wake up. Teresa??" I try to wake her up.

She grabs my hands, still shouting in her sleep.

"Oyy Teresa wake up..." I shake her to wake her up.

"NO!" She screams and opens her eyes. She looks around her and her eyes meet mine, "I..." she mutters, her hands cold and shaking. She looked so vulnerable and weak.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything's okay." I hug her and caress her hair as she rests her head against my chest. After a minute she finally relaxes, "You okay?" I ask her concerned.

"Hmm..." She nods tightening her arms around me; suddenly she jolts her head up and blinks at me. "Sorry!" She release her hands flustered.

I give her a glass of water. "Thank you." She says with a weak smile.

"Do you always scream like this?" I ask her.

"Not always, only when it's dark, I get nightmares. That's why I said I can't sleep with the lights off." She says as she wipes her tears.

"Ok then, I'll leave the lights on, sleep well." I answer feeling guilty about turning off the light. She could have just told me!

As I turn to walk, she grabs my hand; I look at her with a questioning look. "Yes?"

She immediately leaves my hand, "Sorry, I know you have an important meeting tomorrow, sorry for disturbing your sleep. Good night."

I stare at her as her nervous eyes looks here and there; I guess I don't have a choice.

"Actually you've already disturbed my sleep and I don't think I'll get any sleep right now and I think it's the same for you?"

Teresa's P.O.V

The same dream, but I don't remember its content. I try to calm down but I'm scared to go back to sleep.

"Actually you've already disturbed my sleep and I don't think I'll get any sleep right now and l think it's the same for you? So as we have nothing to do, we can talk a bit."

Is he trying to comfort me? "hmm... so he's not that bad", I mutter.

"Said something?"

"Nothing!" I reply hastily.

We agreed to have a talk but about what?

A moment of awkward silence!

"So, why did you enter this contract marriage?" he asks.

I stare at him for a moment and speak, "Well, I couldn't say no to my dad. I love my dad; he's the only family I have. I didn't want to disappoint him." I look down at my hands, drawing a circle on the blanket.

"Just because you didn't want to disappoint your dad, huh! I thought you were smart enough to avoid this. What a fool!" He taunts me.

What? he's calling me a fool? Just when I thought he was being nice, Mr. jerk is back! I roll my eyes. "So, do you mean that you're smart to marry me just because of a business contract?"

Ryouma's P.O.V

Excuse me? She thinks that I'll marry anyone who would benefit my business?? I did everything possible to avoid this marriage, offered her a contract marriage and also insulted her whenever got the chance but this foolish girl willingly enters this contract marriage and she puts the blame on me?

"Look, I didn't marry you just because of the business proposal. I'm not that stupid to allow a girl enter my life just because I want to expand my business. My mom and dad wanted me to marry you when I protested they threatened me that they wouldn't leave the company in my hands." I told her trying not to raise my voice.

"But I thought you're the owner?" she asks innocently.

"Yes, but few years ago I merged my business together with my father's, at that time I didn't think a day like this would come and due to this, now he holds a major power among the board of directors and he can turn the other members against me." I explain to her.

"But why would they go to that extent to get you married to me?" she says thinking deeply with her hand touching her chin.

"You don't know my parents yet. Especially my mom, she gets what she wants by hook or by crook! How could she let such an opportunity go? Having you as her daughter in law is her biggest dream come true!" I reply rolling my eyes.

"I don't believe you. She's so sweet and innocent and why me? I never met her before, so I don't know what you're talking about! There's no way that she would force you to marry me, stop blaming your mother for your deeds OK! Just agree that you married me for your own convenience." She suddenly bursts out.

This girl, I can't believe how she immediately changes her expressions like that, a moment ago she was thinking deeply, looking innocent and adorable like a child and the next moment she bursts like a bomb! BOOM!

And what? She says she doesn't know my mother! Seriously??
Oh yes, this idiot doesn't remember anything before she was 12, that's why she doesn't remember any of us.

"Blame your memory for not remembering anything about us and think whatever you want I don't care." I try to get up and leave.

"Oh! did we know each other? Did we meet before?" asking innocently, she cocks her head to the side.

Idiot! Saying she doesn't remember me when she was the one who used to hold on to me crying not to leave.

"But if it's as you say, won't it be a problem if they find out about our contract marriage?" Jumping on to another question, suddenly there's a look of concern in her face. I sigh.

"Who would tell them about it? We'll just pretend to be a happily married couple in front of them. And before they find anything, I'll already have the upper hand and after the contract is over they can't do anything about it." I proudly tell her the conclusion of my plan.

"Ah." She nods.

"And what about you, won't your dad be 'disappointed' after a year?" I ask her sarcastically.

She just shrugs her shoulders, she yawns and stretches her arms.

"Ah, I'm so sleepy." She says rubbing her eyes. "Good night." She adds looking at me and slips under her blanket.

Eh? I blink standing by the bed side.

"Ah yes, Good night." I reply to her looking at my watch. Oh it's already 5.

As I went back to my bed, I remember I can't get any sleep, Of course 'The lights!'

On the other hand, his own wife was planning something.

"Well Mr. arrogant, worrying about my dad, are you? You should worry about yourself because you really don't know what will happen after a year, do you? You'll be on your knees, begging me not to go." Hehe... She smiles evilly. 

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