Chapter 44

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"So, enjoying your birthday party?" Teresa asked her husband.

"Yeah. I was surprised when I heard you were the one who arranged it and I thought you didn't like these kind of parties." Ryouma raised his brows.

"I don't. But I know it's important for you, it's like an opportunity to interact with others expanding your business circle, right?" She smiled.

He nodded.

"Come on, I am a businessman's daughter and I'm groomed to be a perfect wife too. Even though I don't like and don't even fit in these kind of parties, I can easily handle it when I want to. Who do you take me for?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Of course you're a fine lady, dear wifey." Ryouma smiled.

"Looks like someone is here to steal my husband's time." She pointed a young man coming towards them.

"Takao enterprises, I think?" She said looking at the guy. Her husband smiled at her and nodded. She wouldn't have known before but now she did.

"Enjoy talking business." She smiled and was about to go when Ryouma held her back.

"Leaving your husband alone on his birthday? That's bad manners." He smiled at his wife.

"I am going to get your gift, but i'll stay if you don't want it." She shrugged.

"What gift?"

"Your birthday gift of course, husband. So can I?" She smiled.

"Come soon." He nodded.

"Oh, I didn't know you'll get lonely without me?" Teresa grinned.

"It's just that people will see my wife in a bad view if you just leave me alone. You want them to do so? cause I don't."

"Wow husband, you're unexpectedly sweet today. Birthday special?"

"May be." He chuckled.

"Sure." She smiled rolling her eyes and excused herself.

Teresa saw Ren carrying the gift she was waiting for and ran to him.

"Oh you brought it? Where's Rina and Ai? They went with you right?" She questioned.

"Yeah. But Ai got to go, something came up and Rina went with her. But tell me why is it so big? What's inside?" Ren questioned his bff.

"It's Teresa's gift, it should be big and of course special. And you know what's inside I showed you? You think he'll like it?" Teresa asked him excitedly.

"He'll love it." answered her mother in law hugging her from behind.

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help, mom." She hugged her mother in law.

"Yeah, he's lucky to have a wife like you. I don't believe you even cut your hair, I think you should say those three words along with this gift." suggested Ren.

"Happy birthday husband?"

"That you love him idiot." He flicked her forehead.

"Why should I? Let him say first. Haven't you heard the one who confesses first is at disadvantage? And the disadvantage is huge if you've got an arrogant husband like mine." She complained.

"That's right. Let my idiot son confess first." Supported her mother in law.

"Anyway guys, help me keep this in my room. I'll break it on my own." Teresa asked for help.

"Sure you guys go ahead, your dad is calling me." Her mother in law excused herself and went back to the party.

"Here, I'll carry it by myself." Ren took it back from Teresa's hands.

"Ren, careful if this breaks, I'll break your head too." Teresa warned her bff.

"Okay, I won't, I love my head as it is." Ren laughed.

"Let's keep it on the bed." She suggested as they entered her room.

"Sure." Ren placed it on the bed but the corner of the thing hit her eyes.

"Ouch, idiot you hit my eyes." She shouted.

"But I aimed for your head." Ren clicked his tongue.

"Thank god it's only my eyes if this gift broke, you would've to run for your dear life." She threatened him.

"God! you and your gift." Ren sighed.

"Oww, it's really hurting." She rubbed her eyes.

Ryouma's P.O.V

"And she said she'll return soon, where is she?" I looked around for my wife.

"Oi, Rihito!" I called him. "Have you seen Teresa?"

"Why? Can't live a minute without your dear wife?" Rihito winked.

"You've seen her or not?" I glared at him.

"Okay don't get cranky. I saw her going upstairs." He said pointing up.


"What is this gift that she went to bring?" I thought.

I was about to open the room when I heard my wife talking to someone.

"Who's she talking to? Or is she planning for another surprise?" I slowly peaked inside.

What the hell? I was shocked to find her kissing that Ren, whom she calls her best friend!

"What are you doing?" She questioned him.

"I am trying to make it okay." He smiled.

"Ok, stop it, I'm fine." She laughed.

"Teresa, I think the thing I told you before you should tell him already. Plus your so called contract marriage is going to end soon, so I think it's better if you tell him, in fact today is perfect chance. Just tell him already." He suggested her and that was it, I lost my mind completely. Not only she told him about our marriage but she's also having an affair behind my back? This is ridiculous.

*Bang* I opened the door and glared at them.

Teresa's P.O.V

*Bang* It startled us and we looked at the source, my husband was standing at the door I smiled at him, but he looked angry, very angry, but why?

"He's here. Don't wait for him to confess and you tell him already before it's too late. Give him the best gift, your confession." Ren whispered and winked at me.

"As if." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I've got to go." He hugged me and walked out of the room.

My husband glared at me and walked to me but with his every step forward I took a step back cause I didn't like that look on his face. It was scary! But I managed to push the bad feeling aside and put a smile on my face.

"What were you doing?" He asked me, his eyes accusing.

"I came to get your gift?" I looked at him in confusion. What's wrong with him? Just few minutes ago he was normal but now he looked as if he's going to murder someone.

"Don't you dare lie to me!" He shouted. I flinched.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at my husband with a puzzled expression.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! Stop playing innocent." He shouted.

"Stop shouting and just tell me what are you so mad about?" I shouted back.

"You don't know?" He glared at me.

"that's exactly why I'm asking of course. Do you even know, your mood is like a clock's pendulum? It keeps swinging from one end to another, minute to minute. And I didn't get any celestial announcement from sky to know when and why you're angry so just tell me what's wrong?" I shouted at him as I lost my temper.

"What were you doing with Ren?" He asked me accusingly.

"Ren? oh my god not again! Now what?" I glared at him.

"I am asking you for the last time, tell me the truth. Are you having an affair with him?" He glared back.

"Wow Ryouma that was a very bad joke. Affair? Are you kidding me? Where did that come from?" i shouted.

"Don't you dare lie to me, I saw everything." He yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled back.

Third person's P.O.V

"Then tell me you didn't tell him about our contract marriage?" Ryouma questioned his wife.

"I didn't, he found out." She retorted.

"Don't lie." He shouted.

"Why would I lie?" She shouted back.

"then tell me what was he asking you to tell me? about you and him liking each other? " He eyed her accusingly.

"What? You seriously think I like Ren? Seriously?" She couldn't believe her ears.

"Then what?" He glared.

"Didn't I already tell you he's just my best friend?" She tried to clarify.

"You're lying." He rolled his eyes.

"I've also seen you with Sara many times but I don't accuse you having an affair with her, do I? Why? because you told me there's nothing between you and her, I believed you." She tried to calm herself.

"That's a different thing."

"Yes it's different because she's your ex and Ren's my best friend. How can you even think something's going on between us?" She yelled.

"Oh don't play innocent with me I saw you both myself."

"saw what?"

"I saw you both kissing right here, just few minutes ago!"


"I saw you both with my own eyes."

"I think you need to get your eyes checked then because you don't see what I am trying to show you, and here I was trying to change myself, for whom? Who thinks I am having an affair with my own best friend? That's why I cant keep my anger in control because every time you do something nonsense to provoke me, I even joined cooking classes, burnt my hands there, sacrificed my long, beautiful hair, for this? I am having an affair? Wow, bravo." She clapped.

"You know what, I am done with you. Do hell with sweet, polite Teresa, I won't change myself for stupid monkey who is not even worth it. I was mad to expect anything from you, do hell with you! I don't even want to see your face again, ever! It's good that our so called contract marriage is coming to an end, less than 3 weeks I guess? These three weeks live on your own, because I can't even tolerate you a minute anymore. Do hell with you, do hell with your contract, do hell with everything!"

She walked out but came back.

"And yes a very very happy birthday husband, enjoy!!" She carried the gift and place it on his hands.

She stormed out of the room while Ryouma stared blankly at the door. Rihito who had followed Ryouma, heard their big fight, came into the room and glared at him. "You're not going after her?"

Ryouma didn't move or reply.

"Even I'm fed up with you." Rihito rolled his eyes and followed Teresa.

Teresa was out on the road sitting on the sidewalk hugging her knees, resting her head on her hands.

"I know he's a jerk, but please don't cry." Rihito patted her head.

Teresa looked up and shouted. "Who the hell is crying? I am just so mad with anger right now. By the way, you know how to get kidnapped?"


"Actually forget it, I am expert in getting kidnapped. But this time may be I should go and wear some expensive jewelry, then it'll be more easier. Because I guess he cares for me only when I'm kidnapped, right?" She looked at him with a sad face.


"And don't worry, I don't cry anymore on things like this, I am used to him now. Rihito, can you do me a favor and suggest me some place where even his thoughts can't touch me there, because I'm afraid if I see his face again I'll surely murder him and you know I don't ant to be a widow in such a young age neither do I want to go jail!" She clicked her tongue in frustration.

"Actually, there is a place where even his thoughts can't enter. I am going there tomorrow, want to tag along?" Rihito smiled.

"Please! I would love to!" She smiled back.

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