Chapter 46

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Ryouma's P.O.V


"Why did you take her there?" Ryouma shouted at his best friend.

"You were being such a jerk, I had no choice." Rihito defended.

"You're one hell of a best friend." Ryouma glared at him.

"Thank you very much. But you know he'll actually shoot you down if you even thought to enter there. What were you thinking?" Rihito rolled his eyes.

"You've create this problem now help me bring her back." Ryouma yelled.

"I created problem? You know what? there are villains in other's love stories but in yours you, yourself are the villain so don't blame it on me and I don't think she's coming back because now my grandparents and your wife enjoy each other's company so much that they almost planned to adopt her and I don't think they'll hand their granddaughter to a jerk like you. Truly speaking, even I won't hand my sister over but what can I do now? You guys are already married." Rihito laughed.

"You think it's funny?" Ryouma glared.

"Yes and I am shocked how her gang is increasing day by day and not to mention she has very strong members in her gang. You my friend, are dead. K.O." Rihito grinned.

"What should I do then? I didn't even realize one year's over so soon." Ryouma sat with his chin in between his hands and his elbow on the table.

"Aww poor you. You shouldn't have been so possessive but I also know you can't help it but Ryouma getting jealous over Ren, aren't you going too overboard?" Rihito patted his head.

"But I saw them with my own eyes and I am not jealous." Ryouma glared.

"Okay if you're still going to deny then, I am also not free to listen to your rubbish, handle your problems on your own, she won't come back until your contract is over and then you'll lose her forever but who cares right? Keep denying but I'm out of here." Rihito threatened to leave.

"Hey wait! What should I do then?" Ryouma shrugged.

"First stop denying what you feel for her." Rihito pointed his finger in front of Ryouma's face.

"Fine. I don't want her to leave."

"Wow, that was easy. Guess you are sacred to lose her. That's really good! Okay secondly, confess that you love her." Rihito pointed two fingers.

"Why should I?" Ryouma rolled his eyes.

"Jeez this guy! Cause you're the guy and you're the one who messed up." Rihito yelled.

"Fine I do." Ryouma nodded.

"Not to me idiot, to her." Rihito slapped his back.

"First get her out of the lion's den." Ryouma glared at him.

"Leave it to me. I'll do something about it." Rihito thought for a minute. "Valentines' is near right?" He clicked his fingers.

"What's that now?" Ryouma blankly stared at his best friend.

"It's lovers day, my boy. See a perfect chance, take her out on a date and confess your love as simple as that." Rihito smiled.

"And why would she go anywhere with me?"

"You've become intelligent. Wait." Rihito thought for a minute. "yeah arrange a valentines' day party in the office and make it compulsory for everyone." Rihito suggested.

"And You really think she'll agree to this and come? She'll shout on my face 'Do hell with your compulsion.' She isn't any regular staff she owns 50% , she'll rub it on my face." Ryouma rolled his eyes.

"You just arrange it, I'll handle the rest, why am I here for? But you'll have to do exactly what I tell you to."

"What else?"

"No. 1. Keep control over your jealousy, No.2. Bear with everything she she throws at you, even if it's a thing or her words because after what you did last night I don't think she'll come into terms with you so easily."

"I know I'm already prepared for that."

"Good, then that's all there is to it. Best of luck."


"Why should I attend the party? Valentines' day is for lovers, why should I attend it with my archenemy?" Teresa shouted.

"Teresa, he's your husband?" Rihito kept his hands on her shoulders.

"So what? I hate him." She replied.

"Now, don't be like this. He even made it a compulsion so that you come." Rihito begged.

"How dare he? He thinks I care about his compulsion?" She yelled.

"Ryouma was right." Rihito muttered.

"What?" Teresa glared.

"Nothing, I mean you know he likes you." Rihito said with wide smile.

"haha, joke of the century." She faked a laugh.

"Trust me, he really really likes you so much that he can't even stand a minute without you. He's just not good with words, he doesn't know how to express that's why he always ends up fighting with you." Rihito tried to explain.

"Why should I believe you?" She shrugged.

"I am his best friend." He frowned.

"But I won't go to the man who doesn't even trust me." She looked to the other side crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"It's not that he doesn't trust you. He's just a little possessive." Rihito paused. "Okay very possessive and he gets jealous easily too." He shook his head.

"I don't give a damn." She walked away stomping her feet.

Rihito took his phone out and dialed the number.

"Rina! Get your bff in the party I don't care how?" He yelled.

"Excuse me? What party and why should I?" She asked him in confusion.

"You owe me one, dear and it's not for me it's for our idiotic couple, our bffs." Rihito sighed.

"I don't even know what you're blabbering about? If your nonsense is over, I am busy. Find someone else and eat her head not mine." Rina shouted at him.

"You owe me one for the last time and it's about your bff's life and you're busy? I didn't expect this from you and here Teresa's the one who keeps on going that he should be the one to confess first and now finally when that idiot has come to his senses she's throwing tantrums!" Rihito ranted.

"You tell me the things clearly first, I don't get any celestial announcement from the sky to know what's exactly going on in your mind do I? You just called me out of nowhere and now you're shouting?" She yelled.

"Sorry. You know about their last night's fight right?"

"Yeah and I am going to punch him the time I see him next." She gritted her teeth.

"Alright, hit him all you want but please help out with your bff's love life too?" Rihito requested.

"What do you want me to do?" She sighed.

Rihito told her his plan.

"Can't you come up with a better one?" She scolded.

"If you have one then please." Rihito smiled.

"Fine." She cut the call.

*clears throat* Rihito looked at the direction and found his granny smiling at him.

"But your grandy won't send her." She smiled at him.

"Then you help me out. Granny they love each other and I thought you supported lovers." Rihito looked at her with puppy dog's eyes.

"Fine then." Granny nodded.

"Thank you so much!" Rihito grinned.

Teresa's P.O.V

"Why should I go?" I sat on the bed and pouted.

"I think you should go." Granny suggested.

"Granny I thought you were on my side."

"Of course I'm on your side."

"Then why're you sending me away? And it's not like he came to pick me up." I said rolling my eyes.

"He wouldn't dare to come here." Granny smiled.

"If he cared, he would." I pouted.

"Then if I tell you he did come here, then?" Granny poked my arms.

"huh?" I looked at her in confusion.

"He did come outside the gate at noon after your call this morning but Rihito went back with him because that poor guy didn't want his best friend to be shot by his grandy." She whispered.

"But, I hate him." I said with a huff crossing my arms.

"Do you?" Granny raised her brows.

"I even cut my beloved hair for him and after all I did for him how could he even think I like Ren? Thank god for the extensions that my hair now reach my shoulder blades or I don't know what might have I done? So, I hate him, I hate him and I HATE HIM! And I've already declared him my archenemy." I ranted.

"You know, grandy and I were enemies too."


"yeah, he was a mafia king, the most feared and I was a sergeant." She laughed reminiscing.

"Wah! That's so cool! I clasped my hands together and looked at her.

"but of course that was in the past, now he's just my sweet husband though he's still respected and feared in his world." Granny winked. "I am not telling you to forgive him but you can go and punish him instead right?" Granny smiled mischievously.

"What do you mean?" I stared at her blankly.

"give him taste of his own medicine." She winked.

"I think you're right!" I smiled.

Third person's P.O.V


"But I saw them." Ryouma yelled.

"I don't know what you saw but just talk it out with her when she gets back." Rihito sighed.

Teresa entered her husband's office and glared at him.

"Oh you're back?" Ryouma smiled.

Teresa continued glaring a him.

"What?" Ryouma looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Nothing, I just need to settle scores with you." She walked up to him.

"What are you talking about?" Ryouma stood up from his chair and his wife blew some powder on his face.

"What the hell? My eyes!" Ryouma shouted.

"What are you doing Rihito? Your best friend is having trouble, go help him." She ordered.

Teresa took out her phone and clicked their photos as Rihito was blowing his bff's eyes.

"Oh my god Ryouma! How dare you have an affair behind my back? okay not behind my back but right in front of me?" She yelled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He yelled back.

"I saw you guys kissing right now. Look I've even got the proof." She showed them the pics.

"He was only blowing the dirt from my eyes." Ryouma defended.

"Why should I believe you, when I've seen it with my own eyes. You're a cheater." She walked out.

Rihito laughed crazily. "She got you man. Fair and square. Now, I hope you got your answer?"


Even though his wife is back Ryouma's not so happy because since she returned she's been talking to Ren and that's driving him mad.

"Ryouma calm down." Ryouma muttered as he remembered Rihito's suggestion.

He got up and walked out, unable to bear the torture.

"Haha granny, it's working. He's burnt with jealousy so much that he drank 10 cups of coffee within an hour and I guess he went out to get another!" Teresa jumped on the bed.

"Oh I guess he's back. Talk to you later. Bye bye love you." She cut the call and immediately composed herself as her husband returned, trying her best to control her laugh seeing him holding his 11th cup of coffee.

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