Chapter 55

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"What? She won't see me?" Ryouma banged his fist on his table getting up from his chair. "Guess she won't! But aren't you the one who sent her those papers?" Rihito glared at his best friend. "I didn't. Why would I?" Ryouma shouted. "So she won't see me at all? Fine then I know how to make her come to see me."

Ryouma and his lawyer await Teresa's arrival.

"You sent her the notice, right?" Ryouma glared at his lawyer.

"Yes sir."

"Then why isn't she here yet?" Ryouma shouted looking at the clock.

"She won't." Entered his ex-father in law. "Why are you here?" Ryouma glared at him. "She's not coming here. so whatever it is let's settle it between us." His ex-father in law glared back. "Then I think I should take a legal action on you may be then she'll come here." Ryouma gave a cold smile.

"I can't believe you're such an evil. You'll hurt her so that she comes to see you?" Eren shouted.

"I did warn her but she left me with no other choice." Ryouma sighed.

"You're such a jerk." Eren muttered.

"Well thank you, father in law. But where's my lovely wife she should have been here but I guess I will have to o get her myself?" Ryouma smiled at him.

"You'll be thrown out again!" Eren scowled.

"Let me remind you, legally you don't have right on that house neither on your business, My wife was the owner but now she's not my wife and according to our contract she can't demand any right on my property, so dear father in law I'm the legal owner of both your house and your business." Ryouma smirked.

"Take everything, we don't want a single penny from you." Eren glared at him.

"Sure I will but you need to call your daughter here first." Ryouma grinned.

"I won't let you see her."

"Then maybe I'll put you behind the bars and your lovely daughter will come to take you out? Don't check my patience!" Ryouma warned.

"You devil! Do whatever you want you won't see her, never." Eren shouted.

Just then Teresa answered entering the room. "It's okay, pa. Your daughter is fine." She smiled at her father and glared at her ex-husband.

"Finally!" Ryouma ran to his ex-wife and hugged her.

"Stay away!" She pushed him away. "You jerk!"

"I didn't mean to, I just wanted to see you but you wouldn't. You left me with no other choice." Ryouma defended.

"Just shut up!" She yelled. "Dad, it's okay you wait outside and he's right we NEED to talk!"

Her father hesitated but left the room without protest. The lawyer followed after him. Now both left alone, Teresa glared at her ex-husband and asked, "Why do you want to see me now? Weren't you the one who left me? That too without even informing me."

"I was scared of myself. I didn't want you to see that side of mine never and you looked so scared, it scared me. I just wanted some space to calm my anger. I didn't want you to be hurt." Ryouma tried to explain.

"Really? That's what you thought? So tell me, do I seem happy to you? Your so called space made me happy? You didn't even pick my calls! Hell you even divorced me!" She shouted.

"I wasn't ready to talk to you but I did call back but I just snapped there too. Trust me I knew nothing of this divorce!"

"You called back after my thousands of call, just one call and you hung up on me in that too and now You're saying you didn't send it?"

"No, I didn't."

"Then did your lawyer get a dream where you told him to deliver those papers to me personally?"

"Look he's here, we're here, let's get it clear with him hmm?" Ryouma tried to touch her but she stepped back. He sighed and called his lawyer back into the room. "Did I tell you to deliver the divorce papers to her?" He gritted his teeth.

"Do not scare him!" Teresa glared at her ex-husband. "And please answer it truthfully." She begged looking at the lawyer.

"Yes, sir. I just did what you told me to. You were the one who said you won't tolerate her a day more than the contract period." Lawyer answered. "That was wayyy before, when she colored my room pink, You idiot!" Ryouma shouted at the lawyer. "But the day the contract expired I called you to confirm and I did what you said."


"The day you went off on your damn business trip!" Teresa yelled unable to bear.

"I didn-"


"Ryouma, you shouldn't have yelled at her like that!" Rihito yelled at Ryouma entering his cabin.

"Shut up Rihito, leave me alone!" He shouted.

"Fine! Do whatever you want!" Rihito rolled his eyes and walked out banging the door.

*ring* *ring*

"What?" Ryouma shouted picking the call.

"Sir, I called you to confirm about your contract marriage-"

"What do you want?" He shouted not listening at all.

"Last time we talked about this, you wanted to get divorced as soon as the contract ended so I just called to confirm."

"Yeah just do it!"

Flashback end


Teresa glared at him.

"I didn't mean it I swear! I didn't even listen what he said! Really!" Ryouma defended.

"You didn't listen? Then how do you remember it without listening? And it doesn't change the fact you said this." Teresa bit her lips holding her tears back. She didn't want to cry, at least not in front of him.

"I was very angry, I didn't even know what I said. I wasn't in my right mind. I'm sorry."

"Really? Then when you said it was all a distraction and this contract was always between us, you were angry that time too?" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh damn, I wasn't talking about this contract. I was talking about the Italy project and I didn't understand what was so odd about that and I thought you weren't being serious and yelled at you. I'm sorry."

"You thought I was disturbing you because of a stupid reason that's why you didn't even listen to what I had to say and you hung up on me." She yelled at him.


"Fine, Then you could have called me the day you returned here. Didn't you find odd when I wasn't home for a week? Not a day or two but week Ryouma! You didn't bother to call me." She glared at him.


Day 1

"Mom, where's Teresa?"

"Oh she went to her dad's house for few days. I guess she got lonely without you here." Mom winked. "Now that you're home call her back I miss her too."

Ryouma nodded. He was just about to call her but he got an important call to attend. A work problem that needed his attention immediately.

Day 2

Again about to call but something came up. Similarly Day 3, 4, 5.....

Flashback end

"So when I was crying and hoping that now he'll call, now he'll call, you were BUSY with your work?" She clenched her palm into a fist.

"I am sorry."

"How many times do you think I've heard this 'sorry I won't do it again' thing? I don't need your sorry, you don't even mean it. It's a mere word for you isn't it? You and your sorry can just go to hell!! Because I've had enough of your shit, you're just a rich, mean, arrogant, psychopath! I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore." She paused, closing her eyes she took a deep breath, swallowing her tears she glared back at him, "And as Dad said we don't need a single penny from you. I'll transfer everything back to you so just leave us alone and don't you dare bother me or my dad anymore." She walked out.

Teresa's P.O.V

Yesterday I was convinced of one thing that my first love was a rich, mean, arrogant, ruthless, cant-see-anything-except-his-work businessman and a big, bigger, biggest jerk. But today he managed to put something more in my list - an annoying stalker!

Early in the morning, determined to start a new chapter of my life, I opened the curtains with a smile welcoming the rays of hope and happiness of my life but found an eclipse, a big fat dark black eclipse of my past right in front of my house. Damn him!

"What the hell are you doing in front of my house?" I yelled at him.

"Good morning, beautiful. My fire princess, burning with anger as always but you look hot with your bed hair and night suit too." He winked.

"You wanna die?"

"I'll even go and live in hell for you." He gave me quick peck on the lips and grinned. I paused and blinked. I almost smiled at him. Damn him and his 1000 watt smile! My blood boiled again with anger thank god for that.

"You hit your head somewhere?" I glared at him.

"Just a minute." He searched for something inside his car. What is he doing? Has he really gone mad for real? I blinked. "Here." He took out a flower vase and kept it in my hands and bowed his head. "If that's what you want." He smiled looking up.

"Call the doctor! He has actually lost it." I blinked thrice in horror. I threw the vase away and ran back inside. "Oh no! What should I do? Did I say too much yesterday that he lost his mind?" I slowly peaked out of the window and he waved his hands at me giving me a flying kiss. "Omo!" I immediately closed the curtains! "What to do? He really lost his mind!"

Just then Rina entered my room, "Hey! What was that outside?" She pointed out of the window.

"Rina! What should I do? My ex-husband has gone mad." I sat on my bed with a huff.


I nodded.

"Forget about him, why aren't you ready yet? We'll be late for the movie. We have to pick Ai-chan too." She scolded me.

"Ah! Sorry! Totally slipped out of my mind! I'll get ready quickly."

At first, I thought may be he was in a shock after yesterday, but this jerk is following me everywhere, bakery, theater, mall the whole day and outside my house the whole night! Then the next day, next day too!! Argh! Annoying! Annoying! Annoying stalker!! Doesn't he have any work? Usually he has lots of it now where is it when I need it? Maybe he really did lose his mental balance.

"Argh! I can't take it anymore!" I stomped towards his car to which he was leaning on with a nasty grin plastered on his handsome face. NO ! His creepy face!

"What the hell do you think of yourself? Is this a movie? And you're the hero? Waiting outside the MC's house, following everywhere! Let me tell you, first this isn't a movie. Second, you're not a hero you're villain that too third class. Third, it's annoying and creepy. Fourth, it's called stalking and harassing. You nasty psychopathic creature!" I yelled.

He just smiles at me as if I'm not yelling but praising him. "He literally has lost it!"

"Listen, if you don't get out of this place then I'm calling the cops! Leave!" I threatened him.

"Make me." He smirks.

I stomped back to my room and called Rihito. "Come and take your best friend from here or I'll really get him arrested for stalking!" I yelled.

Within few minutes, my dear brother is here to save his little sister is what I thought! But this second jerk is siding with his bff! "You guys are really testing me huh?" I glared at them. "Wait! Now I'll actually get you both behind the bars."

But what? Even the cops! Oh I forgot he's Ryouma Carlton and the other Rihito Carlen, two most powerful men of the continent. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. *cry* *cry* I bit my lips in anger and glared at them who were busy laughing at me, sitting on the bonnet of the car. AH! A bulb glowed inside my head, "Now I'll laugh and you both will cry. Just wait and watch." I laughed pointing at them.

They looked at each other then back at me with puzzled expression. I took my phone and dialed the number.

"Hello Grandy!" I smiled. They both fell off the car and looked at me horrified. Good!! I smiled proudly.

"You didn't." My ex-husband+psychopath muttered.

I put the phone on the speaker. "Grandy, some people are stalking me and harassing me, I'm really scared grandy. Help me." I faked a cry.

"Who the hell dared to harass my granddaughter? Didn't you call Rihito? Should I come there?"

"Grandy, Rihito--" But Rihito snatched my phone. "Yes grandy. I'm right here. I'll see who is harassing her, you don't worry. No need to bother with small fries hmm grandy? I'll handle them. Okay, bye." He immediately cut the call. "I almost got a heart attack." He sighed placing his hand on his heart.

"So bye, bye?" I waved.

"Ryouma get inside the car right now." Rihito yelled.

"I'm not scared!" The over-smart guy stood still, crossing his arms.

"But I am. He'll kill me please for my sake get inside the car, please I beg of you."


"Just shut up and get inside." Rihito pushed the arrogant jerk inside the car.

"Have a safe journey." I laughed and waved them bye, sticking my tongue out.

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