Chapter 7

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Teresa's P.O.V

When Rihito said my husband had something to talk to me about. I thought he came to apologize about the night's incident and of course he's not getting off the hook without a proper apology because only I know what I had to go through yesterday in the dark night in the middle of somewhere when he left me I can't even describe the fear I felt. Thank heavens that I somehow managed to find a telephone booth and thank god that I remembered Rina's number because when my cruel husband threw me out off his car I left my purse in the car which had my phone and money and was the hope I could find my way back home. Of course I had no idea that my husband would leave me there or else I would have held the purse tightly like my life depended on it. But what's done is done so I do expect an apology after what he had made me gone through.

But it's already been 5 minutes and I'm offered with just silence instead of apology.

"You're coming back with me." He simply orders me around.

"Excuse me?" I glared at him. he's supposed to apologize and not order me around.

"I know I shouldn't have done what I did..."

Thank god he at least thinks it was wrong. Good.

"would you mind telling me exactly what you did? just making sure at least you know what you did." I have no intention of letting this matter go easily so do hell with getting in his good books or whatever. I can't pretend to be sweet girl after what he did to me.

He glared at me. I glared back.

He looked down. Good he's guilty at least.

"I left you alone. I know I shouldn't have. I know that was wrong." I already know what's wrong and what's not. I just want his apology that's it.

"And?" I wait for him to apologize.

"and I'm here to.."

"And you're here to?" Just what the hell is taking him so long. you've done some mistake apologize and get done with it.

he sighed.

"and I'm here to take you back home."

"and that's it?" where is the damn sorry?

"yes that's it."

Teresa: "you're here just to bring me back? You want me back home?"

Ryouma: "Yes. Mom's wants you back she misses not having you around."

"You could have sent someone else why come yourself?" I tested him whether he actually came realizing his mistake or someone forced him to?

"I was just passing from here so thought I'll take you along with me."

this jerk! Just passing by? So this jerk is here not to apologize but he was just passing by. Stop kidding me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." of course i'm not going anywhere with him.

Ryouma : "What?"

Teresa :"yes, I'm not going anywhere with you."

Ryouma:"But I'm here to take you back and you are going with me."

"Do not order me around. I'm not simply means I'm not." how dare he order me?

"if you've forgotten you've signed a contract with me and you promised me you'll help me out with my parents you cant back out."

now where the hell did this come from?

"what does our 'contract' marriage has anything to do with this?" i asked him.

Ryouma:"it does. you're making this difficult for me what will I answer mom?"

Teresa:"you should have thought that before you threw me out of your car."

Ryouma:"I said I was wrong and it was your fault you made me angry."

" I just asked why we left the party and my fault? whom are you kidding?" this jerk sure knows how to make me angry.

"I didn't have to answer your silly question."

"Really? then I too don't have to go with you either. I am going to my house instead."

"We're married Teresa, my home is your home now. You're coming with me and that's final." oh wow that's a news to me. we're married wow i didn't know.

"you can do whatever you want, but I'm not going anywhere with you and that's my decision." I declared.

We both glare at each other for a while and then he storms out of the room.

Why did he even come? to ruin my mood? to depress me more than I already am?

He just simply had to apologize instead he blamed me what a jerk!!

Ryouma's P.O.V

I shouldn't have gone there in the first place? that woman! and Rihito called her a sweet innocent lamb. Nothing of her was innocent and sweet instead she was picking a fight with me. and now my headache has just gotten worse.

After the office, I head home. I don't even want to go there; mom will kill me from her nagging.

Argh! Damn.

Dinner time

just what the hell is going on?

I've been sitting here for past half an hour and no one has served me the dinner. In fact everyone is ignoring me like I'm invisible or something.



great! no reply just fine.

I look at dad. he just hides behind the magazine he's reading.

" Maria, pass me the plate." I called my house maid.

Maria has looked over house for years. she's like a second mother to me. my mother loves to mess with me but maria always supports me. but looks like she's become "MOM" today.

when I try to take the plate myself my mom snatches the plate from my hand.

"What the hell now I don't even get to eat in my own house?" I protest.

" yes you're not getting any food today, if you're hungry go get your food yourself." my mom definitely plans to starve me.

"and whom is that plate for?" i pointed the plate in her hand.

"Oh this it's for my daughter" she answers cheerfully.

"daughter? Teresa? She's here?" I ask her and I thought she said she's going to 'her' house.

"If you don't want to see her then you can get out of this house,son." my mom not only she wants me to starve but also wants to make me homeless.

"I see what's going on here. and dad you're supporting them?" I look at dad hoping at least he would help me out.

"You reap what you sow son." He simply means 'do not make me mess with your mom, she'll throw me out too.'

"ok that's fine, just do whatever you want."

I went upstairs in the terrace and had my food...ordered food....but more than half of it I threw it away. I can't digest restaurant food. Even though they made it like homemade but still can't match a real homemade food can it? And my mother knows how to torture me that's why no food for me. I can manage for a week or two but the problem is how many weeks they are going to torture me. Sigh.

so after having my food I head towards my room. I brushed my teeth and got into my bed. but wait. what?

Ryouma: "what the hell are you doing in my bed?" I jumped out of the bed .

She just stares at me blankly.

"Sleeping of course. Can't you see?" She asks me as if i'm an idiot not to see such a simple thing.

"I can see that woman, but why are you sleeping in my bed? Go sleep in yours."

She points towards the space where her bed was supposed to be now empty.

"Where did it go?" I ask her.

"it got bored here so it walked away." she's messing with me now.

"Are you crazy?"

"No. you just asked a crazy question. 'where did it go?' so it got bored and went away."

"okay where the hell is your bed."

"this is my bed." she points at my bed.

"this is my bed." i protest.

"oh that bed. mom took it away."

"wait you told her everything?" my mom got to know everything and she is saying this like it's no big deal at all.

"do I look that stupid to you?" She asks me seriously.

"yes." truthfully i've always found her stupid.

"what? ok whatever... but let me make it clear if your mom gets to know everything my dad gets to know it too. if you're caught I'm caught too, and becoz we jumped in this together knowingly we both are trapped. so no I'm not stupid as much as you think I am. got it." she points her finger at me.

I nod.

"good. now good night." She goes back to sleep.

"Do not sleep in my bed." i tell her.

"then where should i sleep. "

"just go and sleep anywhere but not here that's my bed."

"I'm very sleepy don't make me fight right now. we'll continue later 'kay?

"no we'll sort this out now. why are you here? you were going to 'your' house didn't you?"

"Yes husband I said so. but then you only reminded me that this is my house too. so yes I'm in my house right now. got a problem? and why are you fighting like a child over bed anyway? it's a big bed enough for both of us. but i'm telling you this is my side 'Kay? you can sleep there." She says pointing to other side.

"I don't like sharing my things. I can't sleep when someone is right next to me."

"Okay I'll solve this too. we're married, contracted or not. so the law gives me all the power to be in this room, in this bed and since we didn't mention about it in the contract it makes it all more simple. to put it in a simple way dear husband, what's yours is mine and what's mine is also mine so basically everything's mine there is nothing to argue about and if you cant share bed with anyone that's simply your problem not mine so good night husband. sweet dreams." She goes back to sleep

"what? get up woman. get the hell out of my bed." I try to pull her from the bed.

"nope.' she pulls the blanket over her.

"okay so you want to share a bed huh?"

"what do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what i said." I go close to her.

"Oye, w-wait stay away from me. I'm warning you do not come closer than this. stop right there." She suddenly brings a paper "the contract paper" in beween our faces.

"Rule no. 1!! Rule no.1!!" She shouts desperately.

I try to control my smile and take the pillow behind her.

"just your face is enough for me to stay away from you. I do not need any contract." bleh I stick my tongue out. :P

"what did you just say about my face. you arrogant jerk." she shouts with her face red as tomatoes.

"I said what you heard.. good night. wifey. sweet dreams."I went to the couch and sleep.

"jerk!" she threw pillow at me. "a very very bad night. I curse you have nightmares. I curse you wouldn't be able to sleep the whole night you big big jerk." she continues cursing.

childish... I slept with a smile on my face.

1:00 am

I turn here and there why is this couch so uncomfortable.

i went towards my bed and looked at my wife sleeping like a child. thank god she's fast asleep.

I crawled back to my bed slowly making sure not to wake her up.

In the morning I better be up before she does, I would rather die before she even gets to know I slept here. Finally I get to sleep...

3 a.m

her hands are round me I slowly put her hand away.



ouch I fell from the bed. seriously this girl has so much space the other side.

I quietly wet to other side and tried to sleep again.



she fell from the bed.

God, what's with this woman? I picked her up. put her back to the bed.


"ouch" something hit me.

"ouch ouch ouch" she punched me.

what the?

I tied her hands with her scarf. actually I waned to tie her neck it it but I somehow managed to restrain myself.

again now she has taken whole 180 degree round the bed.

when I finally kept some cushion in between us and got ready to sleep it's already 6:30 am.

damn in the end I couldn't sleep a wink.

I looked at the witch beside me whose curse actually worked.

Rihito said a sweet innocent lamb married to a devil.

at this moment I feel like a goat married to a witch.

today I took a day off which normally I never did but that witch becoz of her curse I couldn't sleep a wink last night and I was so sleepy that I almost fell asleep in the middle of a very important meeting so I decided to just take a day off and sleep.

I directly went to Rihito's place to sleep peacefully but this damn devil is just irritating me with his questions. I decided to answer his questions all at once. After I narrate the entire incident, the demon laughs like there's no tomorrow. well I'll actually make sure this will be his last laugh but not before I get my most awaited and needed sleep. now shut the hell up and just let me sleep.

before drifting into my dreamland heard him murmuring.

"the devil got his right match."

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