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Ryouma's P.O.V

I look at my wife's face as she sleeps peacefully. I love how I'm an early riser; I get to gaze at her lovely face to my heart's content. I never thought she would become so important to me, important than my work. I brush her hair off her face and tuck it behind her ear. I love her to the point it that it scares the shit out of me, what would I do if she ever leaves me again.

When she threw me out of her house, I really thought my life was over. My world crumbled down and I didn't know what to do. At first, I was angered and I immediately came back. I cursed Rihito thousands of time, well he was the one who came up with his freaking stupid idea to call her at the hotel like that. I cursed myself sending her dad away...making her cry... again... By the time I got home, I was dead drunk, I couldn't even stand let alone walk. I don't even know how I got myself inside my room without breaking my legs or few of my bones. As I took every step inside the house it reminded me of her. The kitchen she blew off to prepare breakfast for me, the entire house she made me run after her threatening me with the contract. When I reached my room, it got worse, my room filled with memories, memories of her, memories of us... The room she drew lines, when I got her angry on her birthday, bed where she fought for the sides she would sleep in, her sleeping habits throwing me off my bed, the couch where she constantly annoyed me shouting into my ears, washroom we would fight for who would use it first, each and every thing in the room reminded me of her.... "Argh! How am suppose to live here?" I cried for the first time in my life. I started throwing things one after another. Breaking, throwing things didn't get me anywhere I would have rather to burn the entire house to get rid of her memories. No, I would have to get rid of myself to get rid of her memories...her anger, her smile, her blushing face, her chattering, her crying face haunted me.

My position, my power, my money nothing could get her back to me. I burnt down everything, everything was useless. I passed out.

The next morning I woke up numb, I didn't want to wake up at all, I just wanted to sleep at least I could have in my dreams. Then I saw her smiling down at me, making faces at me, she came back, I smiled, she sat beside me yelling at me "I am shouting at you and you're making fun of me?" I tried to touch her face but she slipped through my hands and disappeared. She isn't coming back, I've lost her forever... I slept again.

The next I woke up I found myself surround by doctors, nurses, my mom and dad. "What the hell?" I got up startled. "You idiot!" My mom started crying hugging me. "Why are you crying? What happened?" I looked at my hand attached to the I.V drip on the stand beside my bed. "I slept for two fucking days?!" I shouted. "Oh my head hurts." I held my head as I felt dizzy.

The next day mom started annoying me with her long lectures on food and what not? "Don't you get it? I'm not hungry. Just stop irritating me... I'll eat when I want to!" I shouted at her. "How dare you shout at me after all this?" She yelled back. "Mom, I don't want to fight! Go and let me sleep." I muttered as I covered my self under my blanket.

"You've been sleeping for three days already. God! You're unbelievable!" She yelled and stormed out of the room.

"Again? How many times should I tell you?" I yelled at the nurse who was again nagging me about my dinner. Can't they just leave me alone?


"Are you deaf? Or your mind can't process my words? Don't you get a simple bloody thing? I don't want to eat. Now get out of my room and DO.NOT.BOTHER!"

"Why're you still--" I eyes widened as I saw HER in my door. She looked at me and back to the nurse then back at me. "You... are you real?" Or am I seeing things again? I narrowed my eyes at my imagination.

"What?" The imaginary Teresa shouts. Oh now she talks too?

"Can you see her too?" I asked the nurse at the door.

The nurse looks at her and smiles nervously. Oh so she is here! I smile with relief.

"Keep it there, he'll eat it." She nods at the nurse smiling at her. Oh how much I wanted to see that smile! But she threw me out herself. Why is she here? I bet mom called her. Why? I didn't wan't to bother her again! I shouldn't expect much should I? Maybe she's here to lecture me too.

"I won't." I glare at her.

I'm yanked back to the reality as my wife stirs up from her sleep and looks at me with her sleepy eyes. "Whatcha looking at?" She smiles her innocent smile.

That's right, now she's back, back to me and I'll never let go of these hands. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. "I was mesmerized by my sleeping beauty." I kiss her forehead. "Good morning." I smile down at her.

"Good morning!" She plants a quick kiss on my lips and smiles at me brightly and my heart skips a beat.

"You're really bad for my heart." I kiss her back.

"Oh really? You're the one to talk when you don't miss to shock me with your shocking surprises, Mr. husband?!" She retorts.

I missed her calling me that. Finally the ex is out. I smile.

"Anyway dear husband, you promised me something last valentine, remember? When are you going to treat me?" She narrows her eyes at me.

"Oh that, shall we go tomorrow?"

"Nope, I have something to tell you which can't wait till tomorrow. You know I'm bad at keeping things? So dinner tonight and don't forget it, the most expensive restaurant's most expensive dish."

"Yes, yes I remember, as you wish my queen."

She giggles rolling on the bed. "I know you love food but is there something else making you this happy?" I look at her puzzled.

"Surprise is a surprise, dear husband. That's a secret. Shh! Hehe." She giggles.

I smile seeing her dancing around the room. What is the surprise?

Teresa's P.O.V


"Teresa, food isn't going anywhere, neither are we, so take it easy, 'kay?"

"Just shut up and let me eat." I munch my food.

"Can you really finish this all? Didn't you order more than normal?"

"I'm hungry, do not comment on my food. I have to eat for three of us so do not complain!"

"I understand but...Wait what?"

"Oops did I slip it again? I really hate my mouth sometimes. Ah forget it then, since it's already out..."

"Teresa...." He blinks at me.

"My dear husband.....we...." I decide to torture him as he eagerly waits for me to complete my sentence.

"Hurry up." He pleads.

"Oh I'm having fun seeing you like this.... let's just talk after dinner okay?" I tease him more. Hehe... Just a little more. I giggle.

"Teresa, I'm dying to know what that means!" He glares at me.

"Wow! Good." I put my steak inside my mouth.

"Teresa, I'm very very sorry for not telling about the wedding! So stop tormenting me please!" He kneels down in front of me.

"We're going to have a cute little ma-kun.. no actually two little ma-kuns to call you daddy!" I exclaim happily.

"Hey!" I yelp as he lifts me up off the ground and spins. "Everyone's watching." I blush. "Thank you for making me happiest man alive." He drops me down and kisses me. "I love you...I love you so much." He smiles down at me. I giggle and press my lips to his again.

5 years later

"You stupid husband! You're trying to pick a fight with me?"

"You think I dare to, wifey?"

"Can't you guys stop fighting already?" A little girl looks at her parents, with her grey eyes of her father and black hair of her mother.

"Teriya, say something to your papa... he's calling me fat." Teresa cries to her daughter.

"Yeah, you're so heavy that papa's back needs a massage now." Teriya lifts her eyes off her book in her hands and nods looking at Ryouma.

"What?" Teresa glares at her husband who hides behind his newspaper.

"Oh you father and daughter are ganging up on me now?" She narrows her eyes at them. "Fine, I've got Ryouta on my side. Right Ryouta?" She hugs her son.

"Right mama." Answers the smaller twin with his hazel eyes of his mother and chocolate brown hair of his father, kissing his mother's cheeks.

"Not fair. I want a kiss too." Ryouma pouts looking at the mother and son duo hugging each other.

"No! Ryouta loves mama the most right?" Teresa smiles at her son. "Yesh." Ryouta tightens his arms around his mother.

"That's not fair, only Ryouta gets to kiss you?" Ryouma pouts.

All look at Ryouma and shake their head. "Aigoo!"

"What's going on guys?" Midori Carlton joins the breakfast table along with her husband.

"Good morning nana, good morning grandpa." The twins smile at their grandparents.

"Good morning my angels." Midori squeezes them into a hug kissing them on their cheeks. She then looks at her son and his wife who are throwing glares at each other.

"Are they at it again?" She sighs.

"This time, I really didn't do anything." Ryouma defends.

"Oh not only you called me fat, you were also so mean! And please everyone here knows what a jerk you are." Teresa narrows her eyes at her husband.

"You married this jerk." He smiles at her. Teresa pouts sulkily.

"Okay stupid couple, I don't have time for this, I'm off to school." Teriya rolls her eyes at her parents and carries her school bag. Ryota follows his sister. "Today, nana will drop you guys to the school." Midori smiles at her grandchildren. "Grandpa will too." Ryuu Carlton joins them.

"Wait, you guys are forgetting something." Teresa calls out to them. She kneels to them while both kiss their mother on her cheeks and she gives them a chocolate each. "Yay!" exclaims Ryota. "Yuck! Not this again. Here lil' brother you can have it." Teriya hands it to Ryota who gladly accepts it. "Bye mama, bye papa." They wave to their parents. Teriya walks to the door again gluing her eyes back to her novel. "Let's go!" Midori exclaims happily ruffling their hair. "Granny, please not my hair." Teriya pouts where as Ryota holds his granny's and grandpa's hands smiling at them.

"She reminds me of someone, don't you think?" Teresa glares at her husband.

"Really? Who?" Ryouma shrugs feigning innocence.

"Then..." Ryouma hugs her from behind.

"Then what? You're going to your office. Bye." Teresa pushes him and waves at him.

"Are you still angry?"

"No, I'm fat."

"I was just pulling your leg."

"Really? But I thought you're old already. Your back hurts picking me up? Should I fix it?" She fists her palm and glares at him.

"Now, now don't get angry. You also called me old and yesterday you were pulling my leg teaming up with our son, aren't we even already?" He smiles at her and picks her up in his arms.

"That's because you threw away my chocolates again!" She pouts crossing her arms.

"You threw my laptop for that." He glares at her, placing her down.

"Okay, fine stop glaring at me. We're even, aren't we?" She smiles at her husband.

"I'm getting late for my work." He looks away.

"Don't get angry, Ne. Hmm?" She pokes his arms.

"So, where's my kiss?" He turns to face her and corners her against the wall. She stands up on her tiptoes and presses her lips against his.

"May be I should just skip the work today." He winks at her.

"You can't. I need to go the work too and I thought you had an important meeting?" She takes his hand and points at his watch. He frowns. "And I'm late! Damn!" He shouts and runs to his car.

"At least take your keys, dear husband." She throws the keys at him from the door.

"Yeah thanks. See you at the office, wifey." He winks at her giving her a flying kiss.

She smiles at her husband waving at him.


After this i'll be continuing "All is fair in love and revenge" I'm editing the first two chapters now. And yes there will me a book for Rihito and Rina after that "The Fake Marriage" :) <3

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