Chapter 12 -Dr. Pepper is what I imagine the devil's favorite drink would be.

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"Knock knock!"

I turned to my left and there was Axel coming in with a bag I knew too well.

You guessed it. The Love Shack.

"Hey!" I waved my hand this time because the last time I tried to sit up, I almost permanently damaged my spine.

"Waffles? Really Sophia? You slam the ever-living crap out of your head because of waffles?"

So Thing 1 and Thing 2 told him. Hmph

I knew I would never live it down.

"Whatever Nikolson. Let me be!" Oh God the embarrassment.

"I heard you haven't eaten yet, so... ummm... here you go."

Hey laid out the food for me on the patient eating table looking thing, and slid it over my bed, which he then lifted up. He pulled up the chair next to me and sat on it, a Dr. Pepper in his hand.

Sorry. A diet Dr. Pepper.

"Ew." I grimaced. "Dr. Pepper is what I imagine the devil's favorite drink would be."

He snorted and it came out his nose. Imagine having to smell that and taste it. Could never be me.

He excused himself to wash up, and I took a peak at what he got me.

Mushroom melt cheeseburger, fries, onion rings, Cesar salad, and a mini chicken taquitos.

"This smells nice, but you didn't have to bring me anything. I don't feel like eating and besides - hospital food would've done the trick."

"Oh yeah definitely. Dry mashed potatoes, two day old canned beans, that yummy, dressing-less broccoli that's cold for some reason and lets not forget the main appetizer- a side of seasonal depression. Yum. Works like a charm every time." 

We laughed but I hope that's not true because I'm still here for a whole other day and I don't intend on feasting on sad food - I'm already sad as it is. 

"Eat your food before it goes cold."

I hesitated but then my stomach made the most embarrassing sound a person can possibly imagine. He tried to hide his chuckle but miserably failed. 

He watched me eat for a few minutes before he started talking again.

Weird, I know. I couldn't say anything either because I was, in fact, starving. Stupid stomach and its stupid sounds.

"I know you're tired and your head probably hurts, but do you remember what happened? Because everything I heard so far made no sense. And I've heard it all from Landon and Cooper so even worse."

"Dude, it makes no sense to me either. I still don't understand how I got here, how my heart stopped working, or how...."

"Woah, woah, woah. Backtrack here a little bit. Did you say your heart stopped? How the hell does a head injury cause cardiac arrest?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I'm still trying to figure out what Lara has been up to...."

"Why Lara?" It took a second, but then it hit him. "Oh! Wasn't she staying with you?"

Finally someone believes me. Little victory for Sophia.

"Yes she was! But get this. Cooper told me she texted him and told him she was flying to see her brother at around 3am...."

"Let me guess, she wasn't on the flight?"

"Hell to the no. According to her, she was 'up all night cooking for me', but somehow she's over at her brother's? In New York? The math isn't math-ing up."

He was silent for a few seconds, then all I heard was the ringing of a phone.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He didn't answer and just let it ring.


Both our heads whipped towards each other at the same time.

This wasn't Lara.

This wasn't even a girl - it was a dude.

"Hello?" The voice said again.

"Uh hi." Started Axel awkwardly. "Who is this?"

"Child I'm about to whoop your ass right now. You're the one calling me in the middle of the damn night."

"I'm sorry ma'am...sir! I mean, this is my friend's phone and I was just calling to make sure she was okay." He looked at me and I could see pure terror in his eyes.

"Is this a prank son? I've had this number for over ten years.... why am I even explaining myself to a kid. If you call me again I will file a harassment complaint." He hung up. If this was an old school phone, he would've probably slammed the headset, and probably broke it.

"Well that was weird." Said Axel.

"Weird? What about suspicious? I had a near death experience, and the only person who could corroborate my story is currently MIA. It's a little bit more than weird. Something is really not adding up."

"It's okay. We'll figure it out don't worry. Just eat your food and rest. We're going to be back to pick you up tomorrow morning... oh wait." He looked at his phone all confused.

"What?" I managed to say between devouring the salad and drinking.

Yes at the same time, I'm allowed to pig out.

"I accidentally called the wrong number. Ooops. Let's call the actual Lara."

"Wow Axel. Just... wow." I shook my head, silently judging him while trying to keep down this stuff.

Why am I dizzy?

"Whatever." He sneered.

The phone didn't even ring for a millisecond before it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey! You've reached my voicemail. Please leave a message, and I will get back to you soon! Bye!" Her happy voice echoed through the depressing hospital room.

"This mailbox is full. Please try again later." The phone hung up. Ugly robot voice.

"I guess we're not the only ones thinking something is off." His brows are always furrowed in a weird way whenever he's deep in thought.

And by weird I mean adorable.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because her voicemail is never full. She once told me that she can't stand having that red dot on her phone icon because it really bugs her. Something is just not adding up. I hate playing into this whole detective thing when I know absolutely nothing about reading people, but none of this makes sense. You're the forensics and psych major bro, what do you think is going on? Do you have the mafia hot on your trail or something?" He chuckled, as if what he said is completely implausible; like it was an out of reach plot to a fantasy movie that has no chance of ever happening.

Man. Should I tell him? I mean who do I have left in my corner? I depended a little on my friendship with Cooper and Lara to keep me sane, and Axel has shown nothing but kindness the past three months, but is that enough time to open up about something like this? Something that might very well put him in danger?

No. It's not worth it at all. I kind of like him - kind of - and I would hate for anything to happen to him. Last time they paid me a visit was a very close call.

Too close.

"Ha Ha. As if my life can ever be that interesting."

My eyes were blurring out all the lines in the room. My head started spinning even more than it did when I woke up.

"You.. don't...well..." Axel's voice was coming in and out of my ear like I was drowning. My eyes distorted the image of his face until it looked like a mirage.

Oh hell to the no!

I pulled out the IV from my hand - which hurt like hell by the way - and ran towards the bathroom. 

Well, the next best thing. 

Okay, I hastily dragged my numb feet towards the general direction of the bathroom.


"" His words were both near and far and I knew that I was running out of time.

I quickly snapped the capsule on my necklace, swallowed its contents and downed it with nothing but saliva.

Then I waited for the worst part.

I felt it coming and braced myself - carelessly holding on to both sides of the toilet. I threw up and felt my entire soul leave my body. Everything I just ate was violently expunged from my system. Everything I just ate not too long ago at the bottom of the bowl. My entire body shook with exhaustion and I just fell on the ground, crying.

Axel was already by my side, tying up my hair.

"I'm.... I'm scared." I whispered between sobs.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here Soph. I'm here." 

He held me to his chest and slowly rocked me until I was done crying. He just sat with me on the cold bathroom floor in complete silence, the sound of my irrational heartbeats and uneven breaths filling in that silence.

I still couldn't stand up on my own, so he helped me up to wash my face. He kindly dragged me back to my bed and made sure to lift up my railings in case I fell flat on my face again.

I was heaving, my chest viciously rising with every breath. My eyes were teary and blurry and everything felt so bright. I was too tired to talk so I just closed my eyes, throwing my arm over my face. As if on cue, Axel stood up to dim down these stupid lights and came back next to me. He held my hand in his and slowly, and gently sang me a song. Homeboy can sing y'all!

Oh, the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people, they were dancing
To the music vibe

And the boys chase the girls with curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there
And the songs get louder each one better than before ........

Out of hunger and pure exhaustion and let's face it - whatever was in my system - I slowly started drifting away just as a nurse came in to my room.


I opened my eyes and the sun was blaring at me, even though the blinds were closed. 

So it's finally morning, with yet another dreamless night. 

My hand was a little sore so I looked at it and saw that a new IV was inserted instead of the other one I pried off my hand. The clock read seven am, which is a weird time for sunshine with this level of brightness this late in the year. 

I tried to re-focus my eyes. 

Oh, wait. That read 2:40pm. Good God. They have got to stop letting me sleep this much. 

I looked to where Axel was sitting and the chair was pushed back to its proper place against the wall; a blanket neatly folded on top of it.

Oh my God. Did he sleep here? 

I looked at the board on the other side of  my room and it said that my nurse came over and did my vitals already. Twice. How did I not feel this? Something bad is happening and I need to figure out what. I'm not seventeen and ditzy anymore, and I have many tricks up my sleeve.

No. Crying isn't one of them. 

For one, I have a whole forensics degree under my belt and I know how to think and act like a criminal and how counteract that information for my own benefit.

The door knocked and Julez walked in. 

"Well hello. You're finally awake, I was getting a little worried." She pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed, a stack of papers in her hand.

"I didn't think I'd sleep this much honestly. But I did end up throwing up last night and didn't get to finish my food." I couldn't even lift my head up because even that small movement would make my stomach hurl.

"I know. Your friend managed to track me down and tell me everything he witnessed." She sighed. "He also told me that before you threw up, you ingested a substance that was in your necklace. Want to tell me what that was about?" The earnest look in her eyes made me want to tell her, but what if she involves the police? What if I end up going into witness protection and have to start a new life in frickin' Winnipeg

Good God. Anywhere but Winnipeg please.

It's like she read my mind.

"Trust me. Anything you say to me will stay between us. I promise." She looked at me but it felt like she was looking straight through my broken soul.

She put her hand on mine for reassurance. "You have my word." 

I nodded my head in approval.

A tear escaped my eye before I even had the chance to say anything.

"Before that though, let's get you something to eat shall we."

She stood up and got me a wheelchair to take me to the cafeteria against my best wishes. I really didn't feel like getting out of my bed, let alone my room.

"Hey. I thought I was being discharged today. Is that still happening?" a wave of nausea shut me up abruptly.

"We will be talking about that a little more in depth when we get back into your room - for confidentiality purposes. But unfortunately the short answer is no. Sorry girl."

Well that's a bummer.

As the elevator door shut on us, I mentally prepared myself for everything that will come out of telling Julez.

Nothing will ever be the same again.

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