Chapter 14- He has the attention span of a squirrel on crack..

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We took her inside, and locked all the doors and windows. She was out cold, her face filled with healed and healing bruises. I got her an ice pack, and tried my best to not hurt her. She looked pretty bad.

"Dude what the hell? Who did this?" Asked Cooper, as we closed the room door. We did our best to tend to her wounds and we took her to my bed.

"I don't know dude, this is scary. Do you think we should call the police?"

"I don't know man. Whoever did this could come back for her and kill her."

"Then what should we do Cooper? This is serious. What if they come for all of us?"

We just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded, before he spoke again.

"Did you get your phone? Did you manage to find out when she actually sent that message. Maybe that could be our first lead."


"Oh, right. I did. Let me see... what the hell." This is scary.

It unlocked without my fingerprint.

"What Soph, don't scare me."

I showed him my phone. Completely wiped clean of anything. Completely brand new. Absolutely not how I left it.

"What's wrong with it? It looks good. Also why don't you have any apps on there? It just solidifies what Landon said about you being a grandma." How can one person laugh for so long at their own joke.

"Cooper this is serious!" I smacked  his shoulders to center back his attention. I swear he has the attention span of a squirrel on crack sometimes. "There were over 25 apps on there and all our conversations and my phone logs. It has all been erased. I sure as hell didn't do that."

"What is she up against? Do you think it's people her dad worked with? Remember how powerful he was? Maybe it had something to do with that."

"Let's just wait for her to wake up, and we'll find out. Do you need to go anywhere? Want me to make you some lunch?"

"Nah, I'll go home and get my study materials and I'll come back with lunch. You need to rest. And let's not tell Landon and Axel about it yet, in case Lara didn't want anyone else to know."

"Okay, sounds like a plan. I'll text you if anything changes."

"Okay, deal."

I went back to my room and sat next to her, just to make sure she was still breathing - which she was, thank God. Flashbacks of seeing my own family on the floor hit me like a ton of bricks. She looked so broken, and vulnerable lying there.

Since I was at the hospital for the past three days, that meant that nobody was supposed to be in the house. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and looked around. My desk was the exact way I left it; laptop out, papers scattered, calendar still with a marker on top of it. So why would someone go through the trouble of erasing my phone, but they wouldn't take anything else? Nothing else seemed out of place, so what was the deal?

It took me a minute, but I got there. They weren't coming for me. For the first time, the danger wasn't for me. I just happened to exist in the same time-space, the minor head injury I sustained was a just an unfortunate accident and I wasn't targeted. My phone was deleted so it wouldn't show us texting at that time. I let out a breath I never even knew I was holding. That frees up a lot of headspace I could use to study and to make sure Lara gets better. I took my books and my laptop with me outside, made sure she was asleep one more time, then I turned around and sat in the living room. Whatever she got going on, she'll tell us when she is up.

My head still hurt a little so I got myself a cold pack and set up my study space and went at it for an hour or so. A few seconds before Cooper came back, I got a text from Axel.

From: Maybe "Axel"

Hey! Hope you made it home alive in one piece!

To: Maybe "Axel"

Yo! Sure did! I should be returning to work in 8 days!

From: Maybe "Axel"

naaaah don't worry about it! come back whenever! I do miss you though!



I saved his number before I lost it.

To: Axel

I miss you guys too! Tell marina I cant wait to see her again!

From: Axel

Will do :)

Ugh, this guy and his weird mysteriousness. Watch him bring me food from there because of I don't know what reason he'll make up.

Anyways, back to reality. I set out my books in front of me, next to their adjacent notes. Way too much writing and way too much highlighter. I took one look at my notes, and suddenly got this overwhelming urge to sleep. My head still throbbed in pain, but it was very manageable. I closed my eyes, and promised myself that I would be awake in thirty minutes. That definitely went in to the pile of broken promises and lost hopes and dreams.

I woke up over an hour later, very confused. Did I wake up by myself? I mean I was drooling like a teething infant, and my snores aren't that loud so I highly doubt it was me. I stood still for a few seconds then put my head back, ready to roll back to dreamland when I heard a muffled sound. The cries were coming from my room, and without thinking, I carried myself and ran there as fast as I possibly could.

I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a response. She still laid in the same position we put her in, but she now had the duvet covering her head.

"Hey." I spoke, a little above a whisper, as if somehow my voice was going to physically hurt her.

She didn't stop for a second, as if I wasn't here. I went to the other side where I could face her and sat on the floor. I got to her level, and when we made eye contact, she started crying again.

"I'm sorry Sophia. I didn't mean for any of this to happen to you. I'm so sorry." She wailed louder into her hands.

"Girl I'm fine. Are you serious? Look at you. What on earth happened? I'm fine trust me. It wasn't even your fault." Trying to calm her down was like trying to get Cooper's brain to cooperate in the middle of a conversation.

It took about eight minutes of convincing and begging, but she finally listened to me and stopped crying.

"Is anyone else with you?" She asked, drying her tears.

"Nope, but Cooper should be coming soon. He went to get us lunch and went to get his study material."

She sighed, and turned on her back, starring at the ceiling.

"Can we wait for him to come? I don't want to repeat the same thing twice. It was bad enough that I had to live through it."

"Yeah of course. And even if you don't want to say anything, that's also fine."

"No. No it's okay, I need to have people I trust in my life. I've been so isolated that I thought I was too broken to form any meaningful human interactions. This is me proving him wrong. I love you and Cooper and I'm honestly glad it's you guys that I get to lean on."

My heart.

Since apparently I just received a new batch of pregnant lady hormones, I teared up a lot.


The doorbell rang, and I got up to let Cooper in. As soon as I opened the door, he shoved me to the side like I was yesterdays stale fries and ran towards Lara's room.

Okay then.

I chuckled and followed suit, just happy to be in their company. Before I even entered the room, I heard her laugh. Gotta give it to Cooper, not much of an attention span or common sense, but no one else would make a crying person laugh in a split second.

"Really? So all it takes is whatever he said for you to stop crying? Man I've been begging her for the past hour." I pulled the chair next to bed and sat on it.

"I have some magical abilities that transcend beyond the human perception." He said in a strained voice, clutching his side.

Wait a damn minute.

I looked him up and down. Sigh. Typical Cooper.

"No you don't. You accidentally fell over your dumb untied shoelaces didn't you."

He didn't even reply, he just looked down in shame.

"It's actually a little sad how you guys know me so well."

Lara and I started laughing and soon enough, he joined us. We quieted down a few seconds later and for the first time, there was such an awkward silence. We both wanted to know what happened, but at the same time that meant that we had to put her under the same agony again. Cooper seemed to have the same idea as me because when we made eye contact, he looked at her very fast then looked back at me.

"I know what you guys are thinking."

Caught us a little by surprise.

"Really? That's interesting because we could be thinking of a golden retriever playing baseball with a cap on and a bone shaped baseball bat."

"Buddy. Ain't no one thinking that but you, also you literally just gave yourself away."

It took him a few seconds.

"I really need a brain-to-mouth filter." He smacked his head in frustration.

At least he got her laughing again. She sat up on the bed and crossed her legs.

"Do you guys remember what I told you about about my dad?"

"Yup. Very vividly. Continue." Replied Cooper.

"I'll even pay for that filter, what is wrong with you?" I lash out. Took him another second before he realized what he just said.

"Sorry Lara."

"No it's okay. He wasn't really a good person and even after his death, his evil still haunts me. When I told you that I was going to sleep, I actually did try to, but that's not half the truth. I wasn't just helping my brother move to New York. I was helping him escape. My dad worked with a lot of sketchy people, and he was pretty powerful. So, when he was alive, no one had the guts to ask him for their money from him, and any one who opposed him would mysteriously disappear the same day. When they all heard that he died and liquidated all his assets, we knew it was a matter of time before they came for me and my brother. I was kept home from the world for the longest time, so I didn't think they would know who I was.

We thought Ant was going to be the one who would be targeted, so we got everything ready for him to go to New York and we were almost there had they not ambushed me at your house. They took me away somewhere, texted Cooper from my phone at 3am to make it seem like I was the one who texted him, and if you didn't pass out due to your clumsiness, they would've killed you after realizing I also texted you at 8am. Instead, I convinced them to just erase your phone. They literally kidnapped me, and threw me at the back of a van. Of course, not before they punched and kicked me around for information - which I don't even have. Sometime when they were speeding down the road, I managed to jump off and find my way back here. Most of these bruises are from the fall and roll down a very painful hill. I didn't even care if they knew that I'd be back here. It's just that this is the only place that feels like home."

We were quiet for a few seconds, completely stunned by what we just heard. How is this real life? And here you had me, thinking I was the only one going through crap. Self centered much? Honestly Sophia.

"You need to leave." I blurted out.

In hindsight, there was probably a better way I could've worded that.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any sort of trouble..."

"Girl that's not what I meant. You're always welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like. But I also know from experience, that they never give up. If they came here for you before, I'm sure they're smart enough to realize that you would return back to this place. So I don't think you'd be safe here. I don't want to compromise your safety in any way..."

Cooper cut me right off. "Wait, did you hear that Lara?"

"Yup. I heard it too."

I stopped to listen, just in case I missed whatever the heck they were talking about. I heard absolutely nothing.

"She said 'from experience'. What in the damn hell happened to you?" Cooper looked at me like he was profiling my entire existence.

"Ummmm..." Yikes, now what?

"Do you not trust us? Because it's okay, you don't have to tell us anything." said Lara, a hint of something in her voice.

"Was that an attempt to make me feel bad?"

"Depends on whether or not it worked." she joked.

I mean, what do I have to lose? Even if I claim that I don't want to endanger her, I mean hello, she's already in danger. Looks like we're in this mess together. I looked at both their eager faces, and decided to go for it.

"Okay. Here goes."

So, I sat down and told them everything.

About my parents being top agents in the Air Force. About their team being annihilated one after the other due to top secret information they knew about a shady VIP business dude. About their murder and how I witnessed the entire thing. About Hunter and his hospitalization. About the Russian mafia hot on my trail. About everything.

Their eyes were so wide, I almost heard a vein pop. Their eyes darted from each other, to me, then back again to each other.

"What the hell?"

"That explains the jitteriness..." Started Cooper.

"And the restlessness..."

Okay, so they're actually doing this stupid analysis thing.

"And that one day on the bus when you were erratically looking around, did your spidey senses tingle?"

"Damn, it also explains the absent mindedness. Just. Explains. So. Much."

"Okay, okay. Thank you kindly for your very unwanted input. And FYI, I am fine. Nothing happened in a very long time, I think. And I'm still here."

"Barely." They said in unison.

"Um, rude. Anyways, what are you gonna do Lana? I'm happy to have you stay here and I'll even re-enforce my security system so that the both of us are safe. Or, if you want, you can always find a safer place to stay. It's totally up to you."

She didn't even hesitate to answer.

"No, girl. I would much rather stay here with you, if you don't mind. I feel much safer here. I'll even pay for rent."

"Bro, I own the house, and even if I didn't, you are absolutely not paying anything. MY parents would be looking down at me with disgust. I do have a favor to ask though, can you just cook for us once in a while? I never got to taste your waffles, but the smell was amazing. Maybe more of that if you can."

"I gotchu sister."

"Okay. Food. Please. Let's go." Cooper really is a child in a grown man's body.

"Okay whiny, let's go." I replied, taking the two boxes of pizza he bought with him. One extra large veggie delight and another humongous one that's half cheese and half pepperoni; both with stuffed crust, and sides of garlic bread and cheese pull aparts.

While Cooper and I set up the living room with plates and blankets, Lara went to wash up. I felt so much relief knowing she was fine. Somehow, sharing the same trauma made us a little closer. I filled the jug with ice and brought out a 1L bottle of lemon sparkling water.

"Sparkling water? What is this a dystopia?" Asked Cooper, a look of disgust horrendously decorating his face.

"Why didn't you grab a drink with you then?"

"I only have two hands Powers. It was either the pizzas, or the drink."

"Then it's either the sparkling water, or tap water like a commoner peasant."

We had a little staring contest until he gave in. He rolled his eyes at me. The audacity.

"Ugh, fine. Stupid tap water it is. I'd die before I ingest this monstrosity. Literally tastes like electrocuted, murky lake water."

"I'm sorry that your taste buds are null and that you can't taste luxury. But this water tastes like it could be the official drink sponsor for heaven." Added Lara when she finally joined us, high-fiving me.

"Not really. It's giving 1890's TV set vibes, and I am definitely not here for it. I am going to go fill my water bottle." He said, taking it out of my school bag.

"Do you guys want gross TV or cute TV?" I ask, making my way to the living room with my stuff.

"Gross." They said in unison.

"There's a movie about a guy dressed in a clown costume that brutally kills the crap out of people! We should watch it!" Said Lara, finding her place on the couch.

She talking about my homeboy Pennywise?

"Or maybe we can watch Halloween? Nothing screams gross quite like Mike Myers." Said Cooper, almost spilling his drink all over his food and my couch. Almost.

"Or, we could watch both?" I was not about to get caught up in a yelling match between these two.

They looked at each other, contemplated for a second, then both agreed.

"But we watch mine first!" Yelled Cooper, pizza crumbs flying from his mouth.

Oi. There's really no winning with these two.

But eventually, we did end up watching "Halloween" first. Before we pressed play, Cooper brought up a very important topic.

"Hey Lara?" He started.


"Just so you know, Landon and Axel were with us when we tried calling your phone and they also know that you completely disappeared for a few days. Axel even tried calling your number and another guy answered it for us. What's your plan on telling them?"

"Oh. I didn't know that."

"You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to." I replied.

"I know. I think I'll just hold off on it, even though Landy keeps emailing me." She looked a little bummed, and I really felt for her but we gotta do what we can to keep them safe.

As the light from the TV illuminated our makeshift movie night, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for the both of us.

And of course Cooper. He's like that weird cousin that no one really talks about yet he's found in every single family outing.

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