Chapter 16 - Girl, ain't no way you're crying over a boy

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"LAPD, put your hands where I can see them." They yelled as they raised their weapons at us.

"I'm the one who called you! The guy is lying on the ground over there!" Damn, I could feel his heartbeat and it was as fast as mine; if not faster. Too fast that it was making him a little tachypneic.

He let the officers pass by us and then looked at me, with a small smirk. I felt my heart drop to my intestines. Even when I'm mad at him, he somehow manages to make my heart flutter.

You like him.

Ew. No, I don't. Stop talking inner voice.

"You were about to say something? It started with 'because' and ended with 'I'm the one who called you." I said, boldly removing a strand of hair from his face.

Sophia, stop embarrassing yourself please. For the love of God.

He laughed a little and held my hand to his cheek for a few seconds. The rain poured around us with more intensity now and I was for sure going to get sick again, but also this was cute.

"You and I both know what I was about to say, but I don't think now is the right time. Just know that I will never do anything to hurt you Sophia Grace. Never."

"I know." Was all I managed to whisper out, a smile never leaving my face.

The police officers dragged the perv right in front of us and handed him over to the paramedics, who put him on a stretcher, before finding their way over to us. Out of nowhere, Lara came running at us with full force, hugging both me and Axel.

"Hello. My name is Officer Adil and this is my partner Officer Lawrence. You sir, said you called it in, but what happened? I assume you weren't already on site?"

"No he wasn't, I was. I'm Sophia Powers." I started.

"Hello Sophia. Why don't we move you from under the rain, and I can get the whole story okay? Hey Julien, can you pass me two blankets?"

We moved back under the protective covering where he gave us a couple of warm blankets, and just like that, it stopped raining.

"Okay, can you recall what happened?" He took out his pen and notepad.

"Yes. I work as a cashier at this store. He was one of my customers and he was acting suspiciously weird. He was saying really weird things to me, and made excuses for staying back but counting very slowly, entirely in one dollar bills even though his bill was close to a hundred dollars. It was not until Axel here came downstairs and confronted him, he finally said he'd pay with a credit card and then he left. That was hours ago, and then when we closed the store, I was the last to leave as I was waiting for my friend to pick me up. He came from behind that dumpster over there and as I was asking him to leave me alone, he took out his knife and threatened me. He said if I don't come with him willingly, that he would force me and that even if I yelled, no one would hear me."

Axel's head turned at me so fast, I almost heard his spine crack. "He did what now?"

"I'm also like a hundred percent sure he's a pedophile who has kids locked in his basement or something."

The officers chuckled as they continued writing down the notes.

"Okay, and what about the wounds on his face. You don't seem to have any, and I'm positive he didn't just fall."

"No, he didn't. I'm a black belt. I guess he didn't know that."

"Neither did I." I heard Axel mumble.

"Tell me about it brother." Added Lara.

"Karate?" Asked the officer, slightly amused.

"No sir, taekwondo."

"And you said a comment about him being a pedophile. Was that a guess?" He asked.

"Not really. I am a senior studying forensic psychology and he really just fit the mold of a typical sociopath. No matter how many comments he made at me, it wasn't the same sparkle in his eye as when he saw children inside the store. The way his eyes lit up and the disgusting way he licked his lips whenever he saw a child pass by was sort of a giveaway. I mean, even if he wasn't a pedophile, I'd still say he's some sort of an offender. Also the amount of eggos and ramen he bought, just seemed like an amount you'd buy to feed a bunch of kids, and let's face it, he didn't look or dress like he was someone parents would let around their kids."

He chuckled, as he wrote it all down. Before he said anything, his partner called him over.

"Hey Hassan, you're going to want to see this."

"Give me a second, I'll be right back." He said to us, smiling a very kind smile.

"Okay." Replied Axel.

A second after he left, I was on the receiving end of a big, fat, bone crushing hug. I looked to my right in confusion to see Lara wiggling her eyebrows at me. Okay then, so it was Axel. I hugged him back, unsure of what caused this, but still glad he initiated it. The feeling of dread and danger completely gone.

When we pulled away, his eyes never left mine. He was silent for a few seconds, until he noticed the confusion in my eyes.

"Now this makes me feel ten times worse about what I said earlier. I was an idiot for saying that. You're strong Powers, the strongest girl I know. The best girl I know. And honestly... screw it; what I said earlier? There's no such thing as the wrong time...there's.... I mean... time exists...but..." He was cut off by the police dude yet again.

Damn you justice.

But then again thank God, because I really don't know how I would've responded. There's just too much going on right now.

"Well, I gotta give it to 'ya Ms. Powers. That profiling of yours was absolutely spot on. His fingerprints came back positive to a pedophile we've been looking into for the kidnapping and murder of about eight across LA. He managed to stay under the radar without raising any suspicions due to his disguises, and thanks to you, we finally found him." He extended his arms for me to shake.

God damn. I did something cool!

"Thank you sir. I'm glad he's out of the way. Please give him twenty five to life with possibility of parole." I shook his hand back.

"That's it for me. Get checked out by the paramedics before you go so we know you're all good. I'll just need you to come by the station to make an official statement, but you can do that tomorrow at your earliest convenience okay?"

"Sure. I'll hopefully see you tomorrow sir. And don't worry about me, he didn't touch me."

"Definitely. You kids stay safe now okay?"

Kids? He literally looks my age.

"Bye." We all said in unison.

As the ambulance and police cars sped away, so did any feeling of dread. He's finally gone.

"Thank you so much Axel. I don't know what could've happened to Soph had you not arrived on time." Said Lara, giving him a side hug.

"Anytime." He smiled at her.

"Excuse me miss, did you not hear the police officer? I kicked that perv's ass. I did that. Not Axel. Me, Sophia Grace."

"Damn right you did." Chimed Axel, still holding Lara.

"I don't know about you guys, but I have had quite a day, and I need to snuggle in my bed and fall asleep. It's been a crazy first day back."

"Oh, right. Let's go home. We have to go to the police station tomorrow." Said Lana, scooching under the blanket with me.

"Bye Axel."

"Bye ladies. I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

We both turned around abruptly, partially from wonder and partially because we were both cooped up under the same blanket.

"What do you mean a couple of weeks?" I asked, trying hard to not let disappointment show in my voice. But why can't I let it? If we like someone, why can't we let them know?

So you do like him?

Shshsh, not now.

"Ummm, yeah. I'm flying over to New York tomorrow morning to meet my grandparents. It's sort of a yearly thing we do every Christmas break, and since I'm graduating this year, the whole family is coming around to celebrate that. They have a house on the Upper East Side."

"Oh." That's all I managed to say.

"Well then, we both hope you have a safe flight and let us know when you get there safe. Right Sophia?"

I barely managed a nod, trying to avoid eye contact. I hope he didn't sense it.

Lara turned us around and we made our way to her car. I didn't say anything as I got on to my seat and did my seatbelt. Why am I feeling like this? I don't even think I like him like that, and I certainly never thought of him in that light before. So why am I feeling so sad over him leaving; for two weeks only, mind you. It started raining again and by the time we backed out of the parking lot, Axel was still standing there, rain pouring around him, looking straight at our car. Is he trying to get sick? Lara waved at him and he waved back at her, but somehow I couldn't seem to move at all.

I really don't want to acknowledge feeling anything, because acknowledging them means they're real and I don't want them to be real. My life isn't in a good place right now to have someone in it.

As soon as we were on the street and a block away from the lot, I got a text message. One single line of text that almost sent me in tears.

From: Axel

I'll always come back for you. We'll talk when I'm back I promise.

This managed to make me smile and somehow this girl with a million eyes also noticed that.

"What got you...actually never mind. I already know." She practically sang the words.

"Whatever." I laughed. And for the rest of the way home, no one said a word. She played music from a playlist that played nothing but love songs. She wasn't even being subtle about this.

Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams

Us Against the World by Westlife

How Did I Fall in Love with You by Backstreet Boys

When You Look Me in the Eyes by the Jonas Brothers

Love Me by Justin Bieber

When we finally pulled up to our house, she turned off the ignition but didn't get down.

"So..." She started, trailing off. I knew what she wanted to talk about.

"So..." I replied.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." But what if I did want to talk about it? I can fight these feelings all I want, and I can be in denial all I want, but at the end of the day, I fell for him. Quite hard, might I add.

Ugh. Stupid humans and their stupid feelings.

"Okay." She said, slowly making her way out of the car. Slowly, like she was waiting for me to change my mind.

"It's just..." I started, and she immediately shut the car door again, and positioned herself towards me, her smile stretched wide.

"Before you say anything, I want to show you something. Look at this picture, and tell me if these glances are fake."

She showed me a picture she took of me and Axel standing in the rain, my hands on his cheek, his hands on mine. Wow, that moment lasted for a few seconds, how the hell did she..? Little paparazzi! When did she even take this? But she was right, it all looked genuine. The way he looked at me truly melted my heart. I guess that's what he does to me. I didn't realize it until I was sniffling, but I started crying.

"Girl, ain't no way you're crying over a boy." She reached over the car seat to give me a hug. She continued hugging me until I stopped crying.

Well. Tried to, anyways.

"I don't want him to leave. Not before I get the chance to say something." I croaked out, my throat constricting a little from all the crying.

"I think he already knows, Soph. This guy has clearly liked you since you started working here; if not before. It clearly wasn't obvious to you, but to the rest of us, it was clear as daylight. Even if he goes away for two weeks, that doesn't mean he'll stop liking you. You should've seen him when you were admitted to the hospital, it was like a part of him was missing. He would smile half a smile, and laugh half a laugh. He won't forget you. Also it's two weeks woman, get your shit together!" She exclaimed, smacking my forehead.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"Get it together Powers. We are not crying over men. Not at our big age. And we sure as hell aren't making the first move. Just wait. He'll come around."

That was kind of mean, but I know she's right.

"And if he doesn't?" God, why am I being so pathetic?

"He will, hun. And even if he doesn't who gives a damn. Someone will come around someday who'd be the perfect fit to your puzzle. Someone who will hear all about your scars, to figure out how to heal them. Someone who will always find a way to make sure you're safe, even when they're not there. And you'll feel safe with them, and at home. You won't be crying and constantly wondering 'what if', because you'd know. Deep in your heart, you would know the answer." She wiped away one of my tears, and gave me the kindest smile ever.

How did I get so lucky as to have such a good friend.

"Thank you for being a good friend Lara."

"Friend? All this time you've been thinking of me as your friend and I was considering you my sister? Wow. I am deeply offended." She looked at me for a second and we both broke out in laughter.

Having friends really is the best thing ever.

We went inside, showered, had dinner watching a re-run of a true crime documentary, then we both went to bed at around 1am. I work a closing shift tomorrow, so I don't need to be at the store until 4pm and the police station is only a few stops before that. It didn't take more than a few hums to completely send me to snooze town. It felt like I had only slept for a split second before my phone rang. The vibration alone shook the entire foundation of the house, and the ringtone drilled through my skull like a chainsaw. I had a sleep mask on and and couldn't be bothered to take it off.

Who the hell calls someone in the middle of the night? Without looking at the screen, I answered my phone. I swear if it's a scam call, I'm going to be throwing hands at the phone company and curse Alexander G Bell 'til kingdom comes.


There was no answer.

"Hello?" I repeat, prepared to curse at whoever it was.

"Hey." The person on the other side breathed out.

"Axel?" Okay, no I was up now.

"Have you ever been acquainted with a caller ID Soph?"

"Okay, thank you, good night, bye."

He chuckled. "No. No. I'm sorry."

We were silent for a few seconds.

"Uhh, don't you have a flight to catch?"

Please don't go.

"I do, but there was one important thing I needed to do first." Was his voice shaking?

"Okay. What is it?" I asked, still confused as to why he called me, and not the actual thing he needed to do.

"Can you...can you come outside? I'm outside your house." This dude was straight up having difficulty breathing.

"What? Okay give me a second."

What the hell is he doing here? When I finally looked at the clock on my phone, it read 3:40am. I'm going to kill him.

I didn't have time to put on anything cute so he was going to be met with unicorn PJs, two space buns, and fluffy unicorn slippers. I slowly made my way outside, trying my best not to wake up Lara; she'll hear all about it in the morning anyways. I prayed it wasn't cold as I opened the front door after I deactivated the alarm.

I turned on the porch light, and there was Axel, standing against the front of his bright, red Jeep, hands crossed. He was wearing full business attire at the freaking crack of dawn. He was wearing black dress pants, a white shirt that was tucked in with both sleeves rolled up, and a dark blue vest. He smiled widely when his eyes landed on me.

Bro, he looks absolutely stunning.

"I'm sorry sir, the Giorgio Armani fashion show is just a little down the road to the right, you might've missed it; it happens."

He laughed such a beautiful laugh.

Can you keep it together Powers? Honestly.

Let me live, stupid inner voice.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better." He breathed out.

I held my hand over my heart and just looked at him. Can he be any more perfect?

Maybe he could, if you would actually tell him.

Zip it. 



"But also, the Care Bears fashion show isn't a thing anymore, I'm sorry did you not get the memo?"

"Oh, bro's got jokes now don't he?" We both laughed for a few seconds and it honestly always feels nice being in his company.

"If I recall correctly, you have a plane to catch to the fancy Upper East Side no?" I asked, making my way over to him; minus a few steps I left between us for safety.

"You recall correctly but I don't board until 5am, so I'm fine." He scratched his head, clearly bothered by something.

Completely ignoring the fact that he should've been at the airport by now, I looked at him. I mean really looked at him.

"Axel, what's wrong?"

He didn't waste a second. He held my hands in his, and looked straight into my eyes.

"I have something I've been meaning to tell you, and I hope you let me let it all out before you say anything."

"Okay." I replied.

A few seconds passed, and he didn't say anything. I was going to make a comment about it but he started talking.

"I like you." He finally breathed out.

Vanilla/cinnamon garden of heaven say what now?

"I like you a lot Soph. You're so beautiful, and you make me smile, and make me laugh and just the thought that I might see you at work makes me so happy. You're a unique girl Powers. You're so smart, and hilarious and resourceful and I know that I would regret not telling you this, especially since I might not be coming back for my final semester..."


I promised to let him finish, so I shall.

But what!?

"You asked me why I came running downstairs when you called me to tell me about the pedo dude? It's because I took your feelings into consideration. How this man must've made you feel, and how I hated that you felt an emotion other than happy. I'm sorry, I don't usually say any of this stuff in my head, let alone out loud. But you... you changed a lot of things since you got here Powers."

He stared into my eyes, and I was way too dumbfounded to say anything.

He likes me? The actual definition of beauty, likes me?

"I don't want this to be weird for you and if you don't feel the same way, I am 100% okay with that. I just thought I'd say something."

I was standing there, hands wrapped around myself, staring at him in disbelief. Have my prayers finally been answered?

I must've not said anything for a few seconds, because he spoke again.

"Soph, I think this is the part where you say something."

"Can I tell you a story?" I asked, shivering a little.

"Sure." He replied, as he went to his car to get something. A few seconds later, he came back with one of his hoodies.

"Here, you can wear this. It's a bit chilly."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure, darling."

I think my heart did like four cartwheels in a row. I put on his hoodie and I almost melted to the ground because it smelled exactly like him. We both leaned against the front of his car, and I took a deep breath, before I continued.

"I had a lot of bad things happen to me growing up, and when I came here, I honestly didn't expect to settle down and work here this long. I usually stayed in each workplace for about a few months. But then I started working at this local grocery store, and I wasn't only attracted to it's healthy and friendly environment but also to the most stunning pair of blue eyes..."

I heard him chuckle and took that as a sign to continue. I turned around to face him, so he can know that I mean everything I'm saying.

"You always make sure that I'm comfortable. You come to my aid, even when I never asked you to. I always find you by my side when I really need you. You make me smile, you give me this cozy feeling in my heart, and honestly, no matter how hard I tried denying these feelings and suppressing them, I don't think I could. It took me too long to realize that I really like you too Nikilson."

At that point I was straight up blinded by the tears. He wiped them away and just looked at me with the most stunning smile decorating his face.

"It's okay, Soph. You don't have to cry; not when I'm here." He hugged me so tight, that all my broken pieces slowly came back together again. He rested his chin against my head, and gently stroked my hair. He helped calm me down, like he always did. I took a step back and held his face in my hands; stroking his cheeks.

"Thank you for existing."

It almost looked like he was tearing up. He leaned his head into my palms and I wished that time would stop. I wished that the feelings I was experiencing at the moment would be locked in a jar and kept forever. I've never felt so happy, and safe.

"I have to go now before my flight leaves, but as I said Powers, I'll always be back for you."

"Pinky promise?" I asked.

He chucked again, and nodded his head.

"Pinky Promise."

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