Chapter 21 -Do you want me to regurgitate it? Cuz I could, like a mama bird

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"Sophia, we are going to be late. Come on!" Yelled Lara for the twentieth time this past half hour.

"In a minute!" I yelled out. This dress she gave me to borrow was a little to hard to get into, especially when my hair kept getting caught up in its fabric.

Her clothes finally came today when we were asleep, since we slept until 3 p.m. Man that shift really took a lot out of us. I thought I had it bad, Lara and Cooper had it a little worse. It was like they got transformed into the customers' private servant. One lady kept adding 'and another thing' after every single item Lara found for her. She didn't even want to pick up any of the items herself because, and I quote, 'her nails would get ruined'. Meanwhile, Cooper's customer was a very old lady who couldn't quite carry half the stuff she bought. So he was there, helping her get the items that were too high to reach, too heavy to pick up, and he also listened to all her stories about the war she fought and the family she raised. I think he was the only one of us with a wholesome story.

Anyways, back to the now; Saturday, December 25 @1932.

There were at least 35 different dresses for formal occasions. I don't know what type of life this girl lead, but holy smokes. I mean, I'm not complaining because I don't have any girly clothes, so this wasn't too bad. I spent over a half hour trying to figure out what to wear. Short dresses, long dresses, colorful dresses, matte colored ones, bright colors, dark colors and everything in between.

I finally settled on a floor length, off-shoulder, emerald green dress with silver block heels. The sleeves were green lace, with a hint of silver sparkles, and the tail had a beautiful floral design. Of course, Lara did my make-up otherwise I would've been the laughing stock of the party, and for my hair I decided to put it into a side bun with mini, silver flowers for décor. For the first time since she passed away, I went through my mom's jewelry and wore her emerald stone choker necklace and matching earrings and coupled that with a silver watch. Lara looked at it and said it was missing something, and gave me like five stone rings, and a cute silver bag. I put on my favorite perfume; STELLA by Stella McCartney. I decided not to look at myself until after I put on my heels, and once I did I stood in disbelief. I could not believe that people, let alone me, could look this regal. I don't know how long I stood there admiring myself, but Lara made sure to remind me

"Sophia Grace Powers, so help me God, I will..." She barged into my room without even knocking and stood speechless, her mouth wide open. She finally spoke after a good one and a half minutes.

"What the hell? Who said you were allowed to be this beautiful?" She asked, circling around me.

"Me? What about you? You look stunning!" I exclaimed, slowly taking in her own appearance.

She wore a floor length, off shoulder, high-lo red dress, that had silver sparkles all over. Her hair was straightened, and held back with the huge red bow. She wore red heels and several silver bracelets.

She stood next to me, looking at the mirror and demanded we take a billion pictures.

"If Nikolson doesn't ask you to marry him this evening, I will hurt him. But anyways, the driver has patiently been waiting for us for the past 10 minutes, so let's leave please."

"Okay, let's go." I took a final look in the mirror, turned off my lights and left.

I set up the alarm system and locked the house. The car they sent to get us was a matte black Range Rover; super expensive. The driver came out of his seat to open the door  for us.

"Pleasure to meet you mi ladies, I'm McGilligan and I will be your driver for the night. Mr. Nikilson made me promise to take good care of you." He said as we got in.

"Nice to meet you sir." We said simultaneously.

He looked to be in his mid sixties, with grey hair decorating his head, a Scottish accent heavy in his words. The inside of the car smelled brand new, and it was so comfortable I almost fell asleep. He turned on a playlist before we left and I knew it felt familiar. I mean not only the songs themselves, but the order. Where have I heard it? Then it hit me, it was the playlist Lara sent to Axel. I looked at her, but she was already looking at me.

"He really doesn't miss anything does he?" She asked.

I was too stunned to say anything so I just shook my head. The hold this man has over my heart is unbelievable.

The car ride there was comfortable and amusing. It took about 50 minutes to get to Malibu to the strip of land his  house was on. Axel's family owned a huge piece of land and the entire driveway until the house gates was decorated with different sized lights and lanterns; it looked absolutely magical. When we got to the gate, we couldn't believe our eyes. The house looked like something straight out of the movies. A huge, well kept garden, butlers at the door and guards at the gates, three floors completely illuminated, classical music played by a live pianist.

"If he's this loaded, why the hell does he work a minimum wage job, listening to customers whine all day?" Asked Lara.

"I think he said he wanted to be independent of his dad's money, and make his own." I replied, remembering one of the first conversations we ever had.

"Noble, but still."

Our car stopped in front of the grand entrance. The stairway that lead to the main entrance was covered in a red carpet, and it made us feel like celebrities.

McGilligan got down and opened the door for us.

"Hope you enjoy the party ladies. I'll be outside here somewhere, waiting to drop you off home." He said.

"Thank you so much." I replied.

"Thank you!" Said Lara.

We stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up.

"Are you ready to face the music?" Asked Lara.

"Nope. I'm super nervous." It was like he felt my nerves, because he texted me right away.

From Axel:

I spy with my little eye, an angel in green.

To: Axel

Where are you?

"Good evening ma'am, are you Ms. Powers?" Asked a guy in a a waiter's suit.

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"Mr. Nikilson is expecting you. Please follow me this way." He said, as he lead the way. We went up the stairs, through the heavily crowded main entrance, and down a fancy set of stairs.

"Yo, is this dude going to kidnap up or something? No one would hear us yell down here." Whispered Lara, and honestly she has a point.

He went down another set of stairs but stood at the top and pointed us towards the bottom.

"Down these stairs and straight ahead." He bowed his head, and left.

Lara and I looked at each other, a little suspicious.

"I mean, Axel would rather die than to put you in danger, and obviously I'm with you, so nothing would happen to me. Let's go." She said, almost pushing me.

"Okay, okay." We slowly descended down the stairs and for some reason, it felt like a scene from Cinderella. Axel came out of nowhere, and waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. The looks on his eyes made my heart flutter. Both his eyes were wide in astonishment, and his smile could cure every ailement. Everything felt like it moved in slow motion. He kept his eye contact like there was no one here but me. He wore a black suit with a red bow tie, his curls were tamed into a side part; a single fringe hanging loose. When I almost hit the ground, he extended his arm for me to take.

"You look like a princess, Powers." He said, as he kissed my hand.

"And you look like royalty." I replied. He maintained his eye contact until Lara broke it for the both of us.

"And you look like a princess too, Lara. Why thank Lara. You're welcome Lara." She looked like  an idiot talking to herself.

Axel and I looked at each other and laughed. He let go of my hand to go help her.

"And you, my lady, look absolutely beautiful tonight." He picked up her hand and also kissed it.

That girl blushed like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh, damn Nikilson, you're too much." She smiled.

He took my arms in his, Lara's on the other arm,  and lead the way.

"Dude, where are we going? What is this, the mafia's secret lair?" Asked Lara, looking around the huge basement floor we were walking through.

He chuckled, shaking his head.

He took us to a huge ballroom, that looked like the main room on the main floor; not a basement room. When we entered, we were greeted with the smiling faces of Landon, Asma, Sandra, and Marina.

"Oh my God! Sophia! So nice to see you again!" Marina ran to hug me, looking absolutely stunning. She wore a black mini dress, her hair flowed to her back. She wore beautiful sparkling earrlings and a huge rock ring on her index finger, and platform heels.

"So nice seeing you again girl! It's been so long!" I hugged her back, and introduced her to Lara.

"This is Lara. Lara, this is Marina. She's one of Axel's close friends and she works at the Love Shack." I said, as they shook hands.

"Oh I remember you!" Said Marina. "You came once with your brother and fought about which toppings to choose from."

Lara laughed but blushed a little, clearly a little embarrassed, but she hugged her regardless.

"Yeah, sorry about that by the way. We held up the line and everyone got mad at her."

Everyone started laughing.

"What happened?" Asked Landon, slowly taking in Lara's appearance.

"We played 'truth or dare' and he chose dare, so I did the one thing he hated the most: dared him to try a mushroom melt. He absolutely hates mushrooms and is severely lactose intolerant. So we stood in line fighting over it until we almost got kicked out." She chuckled.

"Yup, sounds about right. Customers everywhere are all the same." Said Asma, fixing her scarf. She wore a beautiful green and gold abaya that made her look like a princess. She wore gold heels, a sparkling gold hijab, and a beautiful set of rings.

A waiter came by with a push tray filled with sweets and drinks. We sat down on the couches in front of the swimming pool out back. The house was absolutely gorgeous. Even the swimming pool outside was designed with fairy lights, various colored chairs, and a small disco ball. Asma and Marina took two mini cakes and sat a little farther from us to talk. Landon asked Lara to talk, Axel said he wanted to see how she was after everything that's happened to her.

Then there were two.

Axel and I sat next to each other, facing the swimming pool. The way the different colored lights refracted against the water created a beautiful illusion of something. Was it peace? Or serenity? Axel was tense, I could tell that much. Like he wanted to say something, but was stopping himself from doing so. He just sat there and ate his mini cheesecake in silence, looking anywhere but my face. I thought I would just give him some time, to collect his thoughts, but he didn't say anything. I'm not saying the silence wasn't comfortable with him, but I just wanted him to be able to open up. It looked obvious that he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder and I wanted to relief that burden for him.

He sighed, and I  turned to look at him.

"Okay, out with it." I said.

He chuckled, and downed down the last huge bite of the cheesecake.

"Out with the cheesecake? Do you want me to regurgitate it for you? Cuz I could, like a mama bird."

"Okay, gross. Close your yapper while you eat you Neanderthal." I replied, smacking his head.

"Um, that's abuse. And what do I have to say?" He still wouldn't look at me.

"There is something that is clearly bothering you, you little log nut. So, and I repeat, out with it."

He threw his head back against the sofa, and reached out to hold my hand.

"There's so much going on that I don't even know where to start." He whispered, glaring at the stars more than just looking.

"Just start somewhere, and we'll go from there."

"Well, the only good thing is that I slowly, slowly started patching things with my dad. And I only did it for you. If you're going to be in my life, then I want to make it easier for you." He smiled, squeezing my hand.

I was actually taken aback a little, because I knew how sensitive this topic was to him.

"Okay, wow. That's a good start, hun. And I know that it's a big deal for you because of everything you've been through with him."

"Yeah, he wants to make a difference in the lives of my younger siblings, and I don't want to stand in the way of that. Just because he was absent during my life, shouldn't mean they should."

"That's very kind of you Axel, always putting everyone else's wellbeing before yours." I grabbed his hand and held it, my rings hurting at the contact. I know how hard this was on him.

"He came by our house back when you were still in the hospital. I was about to kick him out, but for some reason my mom welcomed him in with open arms. Even my brother and sister ran to him. I just stood there, out of anger, unable to open my arms up to this man, unable to look at him with admiration, or anything. All I see when I look at him is the same guy who promised me the world but came up blank." He took a deep breath, and smiled at me.

"My mom is dying to see you. Whataya say? Are you up for it?" He asked, genuine concern on his face. He traced circles on my palm.

Am I? I mean,  I don't know. Is it going too fast? Shouldn't I get to know him first, before I make such a move? But then again, this is her party. It would be awfully rude if I didn't say hi. I mean I'm serious about getting to know him, and and that includes his family.

"Let's do it." I said.

He smiled, as he walked alongside me down a crowded hallway. He wasn't kidding when he said formal fancy; people here looked gorgeous. Men in different colored and styled suits, and women in the most beautiful gowns I've ever seen. They all looked very expensive, and I didn't know if I fit in this world.

The walls were absolutely beautiful in their different shades of gold. The chandeliers hung very high but could illuminate an entire street. There were tables along the length of the floor filled with different kinds of foods, dessert, and drinks. Classical music was playing on speakers even though there was a live pianist and harpist in the crowd. We went up the same flight of stairs we came down of, eyes turning to look at us the entire time.

What on earth could be so amusing?

"Hey darling, just stay right here and I'll go get my mom. She should be somewhere here." He looked around like a deer in the headlights.

He stared at me for a few seconds, a loving smile etched on his face.


"Nothing. You just look stunning, and I'm really happy that you're here. I'll be back!"

He left before I had the chance to tell him that I am not an extroverted person. That when left alone, I would shrink into a spineless sea critter and probably cry. I walked a few steps to the long table and poured me a lemon/mint mojito. As I was slowly sipping it and trying my best not to make eye contact with anyone, someone bumped into my back.

"I'm so sorry...."

Oh dear God no. The one person who bumped into me was Spencer. Just perfect. There goes my plan to stay invisible.

"Don't I know from... oh, that's right! You're with that douche Nikilson, aren't you?" He said, more of a statement than a question. He slowly looked me up and down and it made me feel icky and uncomfortable.

What the hell is he doing here? Is he family?

"Where is your knight in shining armor anyways? I don't see him here trying to protect you." He said, inching closer and closer. He raised his hand to tuck in my hair, but I swatted it away.

Where the hell is Axel?

"Don't you ever touch me, do I make myself clear?" I tired to deny it, but my voice was definitely shaking.

His eyes widened in...shock? Nope, amusement, like this whole thing was a joke to him.

"Feisty and gorgeous. I can see why he's clinging on to you like a leech. Why don't you come with me? I can definitely sweep you off your feet or whatever shit people say." He took a stop towards me, and I took one back. He easily overpowered me, like how an old and dying oak tree overpowered a tiny, blooming flower. I was not about to cause a scene so I pretended to give in. He looked pleasantly surprised, but he didn't see it coming. I moved my hand up his face, caressing his chin, slowly and steadily, making my way up to his ear. He leaned in to my touch, his piercing blue eyes closing as a result.

Gross. Why does he look so love deprived?

As soon as my fingertips caressed his ear lobe, I yanked it so hard to my level; he yelped. His eyes widened in horror, but he didn't try to fight me because I know he didn't want people noticing this.

"You listen here you filthy, roach infested trash can. If I ever see you looking at my general direction, or Axel's, I will tear off your ear with my bare hands and shove it down your throat. Do I make myself clear?" I slowly said. I kind of creeped myself out.

He didn't reply, he just nodded, still whimpering like that dog from Tom and Jerry.

"Use your words, Spencer." I replied.

"Yes... yes ma'am." He was almost breathless. I let go of his ear and when I tell you it was a new shade of red that no one discovered yet; you wouldn't believe me.

"Now get the hell out of here before I make an actual scene."

He smirked. What the hell is wrong with him?

"I would've loved to, but my aunt is the one who invited me over to her party. You see she's my mom's sister. So technically, if I kept up with the family drama correctly, that would make me Axel's cousin." He wore a smug smile, like he won.

Not today buddy.

"Well then I'll make sure to send her an invite to your funeral. Closed casket, since you'll be mangled. Now get the hell out of my face." Yup, that did it. Still holding his ear, he turned around and walked away.

"We'll meet again, princess."

Yeah, no way in hell.

I held on to the table for composure. I hated guys like that, he's so douchy and rude, and if I ever saw him again, I would most definitely push him down the stairs and go to jail for it; I wouldn't even pay my bail money.

I looked around again, trying to see if Axel was near, but he was nowhere to be found. If I recalled correctly, he want down the hallway to my right and into the study there. I slowly went down that way, hoping he saves me the trouble and embarrassment of getting lost. The walls were filled with expensive art, along with several family portraits. His mom looked beautiful, and his sister looked like a spitting image of her. Meanwhile, Axel and his brothers looked like twins. He stood there without a smile, like he was so used to being drawn, but he still emanated confidence. Just looking at his eyes makes everything better.

The further down the hall I went, the quieter and emptier it got. Maybe I should just go back to where the people were and wait for him to come find me. But for some reason, my gut told me to keep going. Not because I didn't trust him, but the pull I had to continue walking was strong. I took a few steps down the hallway and that's when I heard it; muffled yelling. I got a little closer, and was standing outside a door that was half open.

"Are you serious, dad? Or is this one of your other fake promises. The ones I no longer fell for?" I heard Axel say.

"No, son. No more fake promises. I told you, this time I'm making amends for everything I've done to you. You continue to inspire me, and I'm so proud of you." Replied his dad.

Wait a minute, that voice sounded very familiar.

"What did I tell you honey? We are both extremely proud of you, regardless of what grandma might say about me." Said his mom, causing them to chuckle a little.

"Thank you, sir. You're going to have to work a little more if you want me calling you dad." Said Axel, anger and hurt clear in his voice, but of course he tried playing it cool.

"Worry not my boy, I will wait. It's the least I could do. I promised Evelyn that I would do what it takes, and I intend to keep that promise; no matter how hard I had to try."

Where the hell did I hear that voice before?

I took a step closer, and I could see their reflection on the mirror.

"They told me that they would like to be a part of your company, but that you'll always be the CEO, and that weird friend of yours..."


"Yes, him. He can be the head financial analyst. This is huge because your company could really take off..."

Axel bent down to pick up something and his dad came in full view. The shoulder length grey hair, the scar on his cheek, the piercing blue eyes; I've seen them before. Think Sophia, think. It took a minute, but it hit me like cold water.

My head felt numb, and my heart beats skyrocketed all of the sudden. My chest and throat felt constricted and dry, and I knew that I had to leave immediately. I slowly retreated until I was back in the main hall with the others. I bent down to take off my shoes, I picked up the tail of my dress and rushed down the stairs. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had to hurry out of there. My eyes were filled with tears and my ears were unbearably ringing.

That was his dad? That man? The same one I encouraged him to make amends with?

I totally forgot to tell Lara what was going on, I just ran. People were looking at me weird and whispering within themselves, even Spencer tried to stop me, but I didn't give two damns; I couldn't even if I wanted to. I found my way outside, and down the red carpeted stairs, and I turned towards the open gates. I didn't know how I was getting home, or where I even was, I just knew I had to leave. I couldn't stop to catch my breath and my lungs were seconds away from exploding; but I couldn't stop. Three minutes after leaving the gate, a pair of headlights were behind me. I ran even faster, hoping Axel didn't send someone after me. Who the hell did I think I was, because of course I couldn't out run a frickin Range Rover. The driver sped up a little until he was next to me and he lowered the windows.

"Oi, mi lady! Let me drive you." Said the man.

Oh, thank God, it was McGiligan. I slowed down until I came to a halt, finding it super difficult to catch my breath. I silently cursed at myself for never going to the gym. I was bent over, feelings of nausea and dread taking over. McGiligan came over and crouched next to me.

"You might want to take a sip of this." He said, handing me a bottle of water.

Like the fatass that I was, I gulped the whole thing down. When I finally regained my ability to breathe, my eyes swelled with tears.

"It's okay. Let me take you home, dear." He said, guiding me inside the car.

"No, not home. Not home. Can you take me to a hotel, please? Downtown LA." I said, voice heavy with dread and pain.

"Of course my dear." He closed the door and went to the driver's seat, a look of sympathy on his face.

I couldn't hold it in any more, so I started crying. It came in waves, first my shoulders shook silently, but the more I cried, the louder the sobs got, until I was gasping for air.

I remembered where I saw that man. I remembered why his Russian accent sounded familiar. I was looking down at him from the air vents, ten years ago. I saw him, as he ordered his men to kill my family.

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