Chapter 27 -Of course this six foot, totem pole of a human was blocking the way

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Why did my heart beat this fast?

I didn't want to see him, or talk to him, or even catch a whiff of that dumb vanilla/cinnamon smell.

"I'm sorry Cooper, I have to go back downstairs. You can keep the pasta."

He looked at me like I done lost my mind, but he didn't say anything. I heard Axel sigh and mutter something under his breath.

My head whipped at him, and he looked taken aback.

"Some nerve you got, Nikolson." I stopped myself from saying anything else I knew I'd regret.


"Woah." whispered Cooper, busying himself with the pasta, looking at anything but us.

"What did you say to me?" Asked Axel, somewhere between hurt, angry, and surprised.

I shoved my skittles in my pocket and took my drink and headed towards the door. Of course this six foot, totem pole of a human being was blocking the way.

"You heard what I said. Now, move." I said slowly, half afraid I'd cry and crumble like the weakling I know myself to be. I knew that if I looked at him for too long that I'd want nothing in the world but to cry my heart out in his arms. That I'd want nothing than for him to reassure me -- to tell me it was going to be okay.

But what did I do? I got into a staring contest with him. It took all but two seconds for his eyes to soften.

"Please, love. I just... I just want to talk. That's all." It was barely a whisper, but I could tell he was just as tired of this as I was. His hair was uneven and disheveled, his pretty eyes were tired and worn out, and on top of that, the bags under his eyes were tainting his otherwise angelic face. He was wearing checkered pajama pants and a black, Batman t-shirt in addition to his white superstars.

Something was off. This guy has never left home without looking like a million dollars, and today he looks like fifty-cents at most.

Okay, maybe a dollar but that's it.

"Axel, why do you look homeless?"

He chuckled a little, and shook his head.

"For your information, this is Hugo Boss."

"All I'm hearing is bla bla bla."

He looked at me, and I think let out a sigh of relief. He tilted his head, but didn't say anything and he didn't have to because his eyes said it all.

Damn you Nikilson.

"I hate you, by the way."

He sighed. "I know."

We were quiet for a few seconds before his phone rang. He answered it, and looked deep in thought.

He cursed under his breath.

"Yes, I know. I'm here already. Have Lyon meet me at the required place. Tell him it has to stay between us, okay? Thank you, man."

What the hell?

He saw the bewildered look on my face.

"I'm going to need you to trust me. I know you hate me right now, I know. But there's no time to explain. You and Cooper have to come with me right now. Now."

Cooper and I looked at each other, and back at Axel.

"Axel.. what..."

He cut me off.

"You were right. Of course you were right. About everything. And it shouldn't have taken me this long to realize it. They're coming for you, and that includes Lara and Cooper, because they think they're your family, so there's no time. I spoke with Nate, and he got someone to cover you guys, and we're going to get Lara. But please, let's go."

Not even half a second later, my home security system alarm went off.

Oh, no.

"Someone opened the back window..." I said, showing him my phone. It was a live feed. The window was wide open but there was no one there.

"Let's go. Now!"

We got our things and followed Axel into the guy's changing room.

"Why does it smell like that?" I whispered, tears blinding my vision.

Good God, what died in here?

"I don't smell anything." They said together.

He took us through the disgusting bathroom, and inside the disability washroom.

The smell was horrendous, I almost passed out. Like sunburnt, stale coleslaw and tons of urea. Cooper looked at me, and took another whiff.

"I still don't smell anything."

Axel pried open a piece on the wall that lead down a weird looking tunnel.

"Come on, let's go!" He whispered.

What in the Mission Impossible is going on? How the hell does he know about these weird entrances?

"What the hell is going on? How do you know these hidden trap doors?"

He absolutely doesn't even acknowledge my existence.

We climbed down the ladder, and I think it brought us to the back of the store. We walked for half a minute, where he opened another trap door that lead us to the loading docks. A car pulled up in front of us, and Axel opened the door for us. We got in and he covered our heads with a blanket that smelled like death personified. Cooper and I didn't say anything, as Axel went around to the other side.

"Get in you bloody idiot. Someone will see your big Megamind forehead, and blow our cover."

I could recognize that voice even if I was deaf.

"Hey! What's this perv doing here?" I yelled out. The smell of this thing transferring as a taste now.

"Nice to meet you again gorgeous. Offer still stands, if you want to leave this butt-crack for me."


"Watch it." I heard Axel say.

"I'm only joking sheesh."

A long time passed by, and I didn't hear Cooper even breathe.

"Hey, Coop. Are you okay?"

No answer.


I peered through the blanket, and this dude was as still as Spencer's dumb car would allow him.

"Cooper?" I nudged him again, but to no avail.

I lifted the blanket to find this kid completely KO'd, his face red.

"Oh my God! Cooper! Wake up!"

"What's wrong?" Said Axel, turning back.

"Your cousin's rancid blanket made him pass out. Oh my God. It's okay Cooper, breathe. Breathe some fresh air. Open the damn windows Spencer!"

I took water out of my bag and sprayed him with it. It took a while, but he finally came to.

"Dear God. What happened? Did I faint of hunger again?"


"No, it's this dimwit's blanket. You're okay. Get up, let's sit on the chair."

"No!" They both yelled together. "You need to lay low until we'er out of the city."

"How long is that going to be? My knees are numb, and I'm slowly losing clean oxygen. Also, why the hell is Spencer here, Axel? He's annoyingly weird, and very much non-reliable."

Axel snorted, and Spencer laughed a humorless laugh.

"Don't worry, darling. I won't betray your weird little superman. And besides, he's paying me to help. Money talks..."

"Really? Didn't know it spoke pervert." I replied, both of them snorting.

"Just stay down, love. I need to make sure you're safe."

"Where are we even going?" Asked Cooper, trying hard not to pass out again.

Sitting on the floor of this dumb car is painful, and honestly I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even Spencer.

"I got a cottage as a birthday present when I got into university. No one knows where it is since I swapped it for another on the beach. We just have to make one stop first. Just stay down, because I know for a fact that my dad has people here..."

Yes, but doesn't that mean they'll easily make you two out? I mean, you're cousins so basically brothers and as much as you hate to admit it, you do look alike."

"Nah, don't worry, we thought it through. We have hats, sunglasses and medical masks..."

"And this is your car is it not?" I interupted.

"Damn, you really are a forensics major, Soph. This is a rental, made in my housekeeper's name. Now stay down, we're stopping over to pick up Lara." Axel put on the glasses and black mask, and I almost couldn't identify him.

We turned left and into the campus of her university. The law building was smack dab in the middle of it, right next to the ancient library. I put my hoodie over my face, tightened the strings and looked around. It looked like a scene straight out of "Legally Blonde". There were people on the floor studying and others walking around in suits looking super important. It didn't take me more than a few seconds to spot Lara and her shiny jewelry, the sun rays reflecting off of them. How does someone look so effortlessly flawless like that? She was wearing black jeans, white Air Force shoes, a white shirt, and a lavender blazer. She also had on silver accessories, lip gloss, and super expensive sunglasses. Sitting next to her was non other than Wesley the tech dude. He was saying something and she was laughing, of course almost falling off the bench. She actually came very close to it.

"Hey Lara, it's Axel. I want you to listen to me closely. We are parked right in front of you, the black Escalade in front of you. Tell Mr. Teeth-whiter-than-thou that someone called with an emergency, and that you have to leave. He's going to offer to drive you, tell him your cousin is in the car, and just sprint here. There's no time. Go now." He said slowly, opening the automatic sliding door.

"Oh shit, it's that dude." I heard Spencer say, turning his head the other way and sinking deeper into his seat.

Does he know Wesley?

I saw Lara tell him something, and he nodded and got up. She shook her head no, and walked towards the car, her head down to avoid any eye contact. She got into the car and moved to the back seat. Spencer closed the door and drove off.

"Does anyone want to tell me what's going on?" She said, clearly out of breath. She caught my eyes and her eyes almost popped out their sockets.

"What the hell? Sophia? Why are you sitting on the floor? Cooper too? What's going on?"

"I don't know bro. He came to us at work and told me to come with him because people are coming after us. That's the extent of my knowledge. That includes you and Cooper because they think you're my family."

"Because we are." She replied, giving me a fist bump.

"That still doesn't explain why you're sitting on the floor. And why does Cooper look like a Victorian child perishing away with influenza. And most importantly why the hell is that pervert here?"

"Do you guys not know my name? It's Spencer by the way, nice to meet you." He said.

"Yeah we don't care. Dipstick." She replied, her own face turning a weird shade of auburn.

"We have to stay on the floor because they could've easily spotted us getting out of the Corner Store parking lot, Cooper passed out because of the God awful smell of perv boy's blanket. We're going to a safe house where we'll be staying for a while, waiting for all of this to calm down. Now lie down, at least you have the whole back seat."

"I wish. I have an ethics course assignment I have to work on."

She took out her laptop and headphones and got to work. Axel was on the opposite side from me, in front of Cooper, and I was on the floor which was the seat behind Spencer. Axel was seemingly sleeping, so I crept behind Spencer and whispered out.

"Hey. Psst."


"How do you know Wesley?"

"Who the heck is Wesley?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I heard you say 'it's that dude' when you looked his way. So, what gives? And don't lie to me, Spencer."

I heard him sigh.

"Okay, fine. I went to undergrad with him. I studied business management and he studied computer engineering. Our dorm rooms were facing each other, and he always bothered me because he was always smiling and saying good morning even when I clearly looked like I was having the worst possible day. So as a result I might've accidentally leaked his first mobile application a day before the announced launch. Someone stole his idea and made it into something better. It took him a few weeks to get over it."

Oi. Why am I not surprised?

"So you've been a pain in the ass since you were born? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You won't get it princess. Anyways, it's not like he remembers me or anything. I made sure of it." He whispered the last part like I wouldn't hear it.

"Something as despicable as what you did, can never be forgotten. You have to be a decent human being at some point in your life man, because one day you're going to need someone, but there won't be a single person who has your back, because you've been scum of the earth to everyone around you. Everyone."

He didn't say anything but I saw his jaw clench. I didn't want to be rude to him, but someone has to give him a wake up call to join the party of humanity.

"Now I see a bit of why this loser is head over heels in love."

"Why are you like this Spencer? Why can't you be nice to people? I mean what's being a dimwit going to get you? A status amongst gangsters? A cool nickname? What?"

"Well, caring only makes you weak. All it does is give your enemies motive to hurt you, and that in turn makes you weak amongst this community. Be abrupt to everyone, don't take feelings into consideration, and that way people will fear you. They'll.... they'll fear you." He trailed off.

Woah. That sounded like a lot to unpack at the moment, especially with him driving and three people existing next to us.

"You can sit up on the seat now, we're in the clear for the next half hour." He whispered out.

"Thanks. And this isn't over Spencer. I have a lot I want to say."

"Okay." Was all he said.

I woke Cooper up, and we both sat up on the chairs. He went back to sleep, and I looked outside the window. How the heck did my life get to this? Why am I always putting the people I care about in danger? If it was just me, it would've been easier to just disappear, but now I have a car full of people I put in danger just by association. I looked at Axel and his luscious curls. He had his eyes closed but I knew he was awake. I can't even begin to imagine what he's going through right now. He knows that his dad did some questionable stuff, and now he's trying to protect me from him. I don't know if he realizes that he's no match for him. That man took the lives of everyone on my mom's squad. Who's to say that he didn't kill more people. I know for a fact that when push comes to shove he will kill his own son in cold blood. This man can't be trusted.

I got a text message, and I took out my phone to read it.

From: Axel <3

Don't worry love. I won't let anything happen to you. You have my word.

When the hell did he take out his phone? 

I looked up to see his hand extended towards me, albeit in an ummcomfortable angle. I held it and he squeezed my hand.

From: Axel <3

Everything will be okay.

He let go and I went back to looking out the window. I know in my heart that this man will do anything to protect me. I just hope it doesn't end up costing him more than than I can carry on my conscious.

To: Axel <3

I know :) I have you Axel -- I have it all.

He looked at it and I could see that it put a smile on his face. That's all it took to ease my nerves. I looked over at Cooper and he was sound asleep, drool dripping down his shirt. I looked back and Lara had her headphones on, her laptop on her lap but she was staring out the window. I could faintly hear Lana Del Ray singing "Summertime Sadness". Her facial expressions were hard to decipher, but I could make out a little smile. I reached out and tapped her knee to get her attention. 

"Hey. Are you okay?" She asked, taking off her headphones.

"Girl, I haven't been okay in a hot minute. I'm always scared, and I'm tired of looking over my shoulder every damn day. I just want to feel normal again Lara."

"With this weird army behind you? I don't think you have to worry." She was quiet for a few seconds and the continued. "I'm sorry I wasn't around often bro. But school is getting crazy, and..."

"Lara, you've been there for me more than anyone else! And I know that you're going to be one hell of a lawyer! And I can see that you and Wesley are really getting along. I'm happy for you."

Something flashed in her eyes, and I couldn't quite put my hands on it.

"Yeah, he's.... he's great..." She trailed off, but I could tell she was holding back something.

"Lara, what is it?" I asked.

She looked around, and came a little closer to me.

"I've been getting messages..." She started.

"What kind of messages? Like 'you look cute today' messages from Wesley, or ones that sound like they could be from you dad's past associates?"

"The second one. And they're starting to freak me out." She took out her phone to show me.


Don't think we 4got about you sweetie. ur dad was a bad man who owed a lot of money to a lot of mean people -- we wont stop until we get it..... just remember that 

"What the hell? Did you show this to anyone?"

"No, of course not. But I'm starting to get too paranoid. Every accidental sound at night puts me on edge. So if it's alright with you, I'd like to hire a security detail. Not the dumb ones that die first in horror movies -- like navy SEAL type ones."

"Honestly, that sounds like a good idea. But at the same time, doesn't that put us at even more risk? We'll be more exposed and publicized, and our street is pretty empty. People would notice if we start having guards stand outside the house. But hey, if it'll help you feel better then we will. We've got nothing to lose."

She was quiet for a few seconds.

"I'd really appreciate that Soph. I'll get my lawyer to find some he trusts." She looked relieved and it showed on her face. 

Was she scared I was going to say no? Did she think I would choose to protect my own self but hang her out to dry?



"Why do you look relieved? Were you scared to ask me in fears that I'd shoot you down?"

"No, of course not. I just didn't want to be the one who compromised your safety in any way. I know what it's like to walk around constantly looking behind your shoulder. And ther was no way I was going to let that happen to you. I always have your back girl." She smiled at me and all the bad things I was scared about didn't seem to matter anymore.

What did I do to deserve such amazing people in my life?

"You're the best sister any girl can ever ask for." I reached back to hug her and she didn't hesitate for a second. I  sat back in my chair, and she went back to her legal ethics paper.

All of the sudden,  the car swerved to the left and then to the right in a split second and I hit my head against the glass.

"Spencer what the actual...." I started, my head throbbing at the impact, my vision a little blurry.

"Look to your left Nikolson, what do you see?"

Axel took off his sunglasses and squinted his eyes.

"Shit, someone tipped them off to our location." He replied, his phone ringing.

"Do you have any other place you want to go to? Just know that the farther away from the city we go, the easier it'll be for them to outnumber us."

He answered his phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey Landon what's..."

"Axel..." He barely breathed out, "the trojan horse, don't forget it. If you forget to bring it back, we'll all lose the game, okay man? We'll all lose." He repeated the last part a little slower and breathier.

Lara and I looked at each other in horror. I saw something in her eyes that told me she'd go running back for him in a heartbeat.

Why did Landon sound like that? He sounded like he was barely breathing, like how someone would sound when they're wounded. 

 And what the hell was he talking about?

"Spencer...." started Axel.

"Yeah, I know. I know." He slammed his hand against the steering wheel, and scracthed his head like he was either thinking really hard or like there was a lice colony invading his scalp.

"Axel, what? What's wrong with Landon? What did he mean?" Asked Lara, slamming her laptop shut and throwing it in her bag.

Axel and Spencer looked at each other.

"It means..." started Axel, but he didn't say anything else, so Spencer finished his sentence for him.

"It means they've got Landon."

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