Chapter 12

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   As time went on, my life seemed to slowly fix itself. The pain that used to run my life seemed so far off now that I barely remember it. I was happy. I was healthy. And, I was in love.

   I moved in with Ellie about a month ago and, while it took some adjusting, I couldn't be happier. She meant the world to me and I had a feeling she always would...

   We pulled into the parking lot of our local diner. We were meeting Hunter here for lunch. She said she had big news and the anticipation was killing me.

   Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. After we took our seats, Hunter and an unfamiliar blonde came strolling through the door.

   We stood as Hunter stopped at our table. "Hey, guys, I want you to meet Bella." She said, gesturing to the blonde. "She's my new girlfriend."

   I shook her hand first. "Nice to meet you."

   Bella nodded. "Likewise. You must be Tessa. Which makes you, Ellie." She said, shaking Ellie's hand.

   "Got it in one." Ellie replied.

   We shared a polite laugh before sitting down, placing our orders.

   We spent the rest of lunch getting to know Bella. She was kind and funny. I was happy for Hunter. She spent so much time this last year focusing on me that she completely forgot about herself. And, the way she lit up when she talked to Bella put a smile on my face. Regardless of what happened in the past, she was still my best friend and I just wanted her to be happy...

   After lunch, Ellie and I parted ways. She had to head off to work, while I was meeting my mom at the cemetery. She hasn't been to my fathers grave and said she wanted me to come along.

   We walked down the path, glancing at each tombstone we passed. Then, I stopped. "Here it is..."

   My mom turned to the my fathers grave, taking in a deep breath.

   I rested my hand on her shoulder. "I'll be right over here if you need me."

   My mom gave me a nod. "Thanks, honey."

   I gave her shoulder a squeeze before taking a few steps back, giving her some privacy.

   My parents were high school sweethearts. My mother got pregnant with me while she was in college and they married a couple months before I was born. When I was growing up, I remember them being happy. They never argued. They always made time for each other. The love they shared was something special. And, when my dad got diagnosed... Well, I can understand now what it put my mom through. It was bittersweet, but I was happy she could have her moment with the man she loved more than life itself.

   My mom approached me then, wiping at her eyes. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you for being here with me."

   I rubbed her back. "Of course, mom."

   After saying a few words of my own to my father, we split up, getting into our own cars.

   I sat in mine for a few minutes, the memories playing through my head. He may've been gone, but we'd never forget him.

   My phone suddenly rang out then.

   I pulled it out, seeing Macy's name flashing on the screen. "Hey, Mace, what's up?"

   "Hey, uh, would you be able to swing by my place? There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

   I nodded to myself. "Sure, I'll be there in a few."

   "Alright, thanks. Bye." She replied.

   "Bye." I said before hanging up.

   I started my car and took off for her place.

   She was waiting on the front porch when I got there, a travel bag sitting next to her.

   I stepped out of my car. "Going somewhere?"

   She looked up, standing to pull me into a quick hug. "Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about... I'm, uh, I'm moving back to Florida..."

   I froze up at her words. Even if I didn't want to see her for a long while, it always made me feel a little bit better knowing she was just a drive away. That, if I ever needed her, she'd be there.

   "Wow... What made you want to do that?" I asked, still slightly stunned.

   She looked down. "All my family is still down there and... I guess I'm just a little homesick..."

   I gave her a little smile. "Then, you should go. Family is the most important thing in our lives."

   She returned my smile. "Thanks, Tess. You're just the push I needed."

   I gave her shoulder a squeeze. "I'm glad."

   She let out a sigh then. "I'll miss you..."

   Despite the past, I knew I'd miss her to. Maybe more so. "I'll miss you to..."

   She wiped at her eye, sniffling a little. "Any chance I can convince you to come with me?"

   I lowered my head. "Mace... I'm with happy here with Ellie. Happier than I've ever been..."

   Macy flashed me a little smile. "I'm happy for you, Tessa... But, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't at least ask."

   I returned it, pulling her into another hug. "Some part of me will always love you... But, sometimes you just have to move on... This will be good for you, I know it."

   She pulled back, grabbing her travel bag. "You're right... Thanks for everything, Tess... Maybe I'll see you again sometime down the road."

   "I look forward to it..."

   After one last smile, she loaded her bag in her car, giving me a wave before driving off.

   I watched her leave. At one point, she was the most important person in my life. And, now... She was just a distant memory. Every now and then I'd remember the good times. The fun we had. It was special. But, it was time to move on. To make new memories with the girl I loved now...

   Ellie and I sat on our front porch, watching the sun set in the sky.

   "Hey... What're you thinking about?" She asked.

   I glanced over at her before looking down. "The past..."

   She took my hand then. "You ok?"

   I nodded, giving her a smile. "Yeah... There's a lot of things I'll miss and a lot of things I won't... But, I'm more interested in what the future has to offer and that's all thanks to you..."

   She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, kissing my temple before resting her head against mine. "I love you, Tessa..."

   A little smile pulled at my lips, happiness settling in my heart. "I love you, Ellie..."

   Pain is a hell of a thing. It has the ability to destroy your life without you even realizing it. It took me a long time to see that there's more to life then pain. Life is a special thing. We only have so long to live it, so we should find the things that make us happy and stick to them.

   I'll miss the times I shared with Macy and, deep down, I'd always love her... But, at some point, we all have to move on...

The End

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