Chapter 2

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I sat at the bar, patiently awaiting Juno's presence.

Hunter had decided to head out early, claiming she needed to be up early the next day. That was fine by me. I, however, wasn't going to leave until I got a chance to talk to Juno.

Speaking of, she just finished her final dance before making her way off the stage.

She locked eyes with me and smiled a little before walking towards me.

I stuck my hand out as she stopped in front of me, her heels making her seem taller than me, although I could tell she was most likely an inch or two shorter.

She took my hand and gave it a light shake. "So, you wanted to see me?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "I was hoping I could buy you a drink?"

She nodded and ordered two shots on her tab before handing one to me. "Cheers."

"Cheers." I replied, clinking my glass against hers before throwing the shot back.

I set my glass down afterwards and refocused my attention on her. "So, you're new here?"

She nodded. "Yeah... I had to leave my old club and heard they were hiring down here. So, here I am."

I laughed politely. "Well, I'm glad you are..."

She bit her bottom lip teasingly. "Well, then maybe you'd like to accompany me to the private room?"

I nodded. "I'd love to..."

She took my hand in hers and led me down the familiar hallway, curtained rooms on either side of us.

She pulled one open and ushered me inside.

   I handed her a few bills. She folded them up and stuck them in her purse before straddling my lap.

   My eyes traveled up her chest as she tangled her hand in my hair, grinding lightly against my hips.

   Her breath ghosted past my ear as she whispered. "You're cute..."

   I smiled up at her. "So are you..."

   She ran her finger under my chin before standing back up and turning around, bending down in front of me.

   Her head turned back towards me as she slowly stood, running her hand up her leg seductively.

   Then, she spun back around, placing her heal next to my thigh, leaning down close to me. "Time's almost up..."

   I smirked. "So soon..?"

   She wrapped her fingers around my throat. "Unless you wanna buy another dance..?"

   A chill ran up my spine as I pulled my wallet back out...

   After a couple more dances, Juno and I made our way back towards the bar. We bought another round of shots and faced each other.

   "So, Juno, any chance I could ask your real name..?"

   She took a sip from her shot, smiling a little. "Maybe next time..."

   I nodded before downing my own shot. "Alright... When's next time?"

   She downed hers. "I'll be here tomorrow night..."

   I set my glass down and paid my tab. "I'll see you tomorrow night, then..."

   It was already early morning by the time I made it home.

   I stumbled through the door, bottle of tequila in hand, before collapsing onto the couch.

   My eyes struggled to stay open as flashes of tonight's dance played through my mind.

   Juno... She was beautiful. Far more beautiful then Bentley and a lot more fun to talk to. She was more subtle. More mysterious. And, for the first time in a long time, I felt something. A crush. I liked her. Yet, I barely knew her. It was almost terrifying. Considering the last time I had a crush, I got my heart broken...

   "Tessa... I don't think this is going to work..." Macy said.

   I felt my heart sink. "What do you mean..?"

   She looked down, rubbing her forearm nervously. "I just... I can't be tied down... I need to know what else is out there..."

   My blood ran cold. "But... I love you, Macy..."

   My eyes sprung open and I sat up on the couch, scanning the living room. The sun shined through the curtains as I forced myself to my feet.

   I popped open the bottle of tequila and took a big swig, making my way to the bathroom.

   I set the bottle on the edge of the vanity before turning the sink on, splashing some cold water in my face.

   Then, I caught my eyes in the mirror. "Just, stay the fuck away from me..."

I paced around the house after that, drinking straight from the bottle. It was something I found myself doing often these days. Each room had its own set of memories. Every room reminded me of her. There was nowhere I could go to escape her. Not in my own house anyway.

I stared at the couch, seeing us cuddled up under a big blanket, sharing popcorn as we laughed at some movie on the TV.

Then, my eyes wandered to the kitchen, seeing us making homemade pizzas, giggling as we hurled pepperonis at each other.

It was torture. Pure hell.

I tipped the bottle back as all the memories swirled around my head at once. Snippets of past conversations playing through my ears. The taste of her lips against mine. The feeling of her hands running over my body.

Then, I finally snapped, throwing the bottle against the wall before forcing myself out my front door. "I said stay the fuck away from me!"

Everything quieted down when I noticed Hunter pulling into my driveway.

She hesitantly stepped out of her car. "Tessa..? Are you ok..?"

I shook my head, the alcoholic buzz growing. "What the fuck do you care anyway?"

She looked down, leaning against the side of her car. "Tessa... I've always cared..."

"Bullshit!" I yelled. "Friends don't do that to each other if they truly cared..."

"What do you mean you did something bad?" I asked.

Hunter wiped at her eyes with a little sniffle. "I was at the bar... I got a little to drunk... Macy was there..."

"How many times do I have to apologize?" Hunter asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"A million and then some... I want to hear you apologize until the fucking pain goes away!" I replied, collapsing to a sitting position on my front porch.

Hunter slowly approached me as the tears started to fall. She sat down next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Tess..."

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