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Leo sat by the blazing fire. He rocked back and forth as his left eye twitched slightly.

He breathes heavily. He then wraps his arms around himself to keep him warm for a while.

"Alone..for a while..I've been searching through the dark..." He sang softly only to himself, his eyes focusing at the fire.

"For traces of the love...you left...inside my lonely heart..." His voice sounded raspy from lack of use and possibly from crying.

"To weave..by picking up...the pieces that remain.." He sniffed as he tries to hold back a sob.

"Melodies...of..life...Love's lost refrain..." Tears then fell down his cheeks as he sobbed.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry.....I'm sorry..." He whispered to himself.

Leo looks around the room and only looked down quickly when his eyes caught a glimpse of the corpse of his own brother.

"Fearless...heh...why did I earn that nickname again?" Leo chuckled to himself.

"Weo! Weo!" His baby brother's voice called from his room.

Little Leo quickly ran to Mikey's room in worry.

"What is it? Are you okie?" Leo asked as he ran closer to Mikey and hugged him.

"I-It's so dark! ...I don't like dark!" Mikey cried.

"Shh..it's ok. I'm here..the dark cannot hurt you. You're fine." Leo comforts him as he smiled and rubbed his head gently.

"Weally? Is Weo gonna fight the munsters that hurt me?" Mikey asks, innocently.

Leo nodded, "Yes Mikey..I'll protect you."

"Wow..Weo is so brave! I wanna be like you!" Mikey exclaims as he lean on Leo's chest.

"You will Mikey..you will." Leo laughs a little.

"Good night bro.." Mikey's eyes closed.

"Good night baby brother."

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