The Darkness

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In the darkness, somebody coughed.

"Who was it?"

Silence reigned.


"I-It wasn't me, Leo! I swear!" Michelangelo's voice trembled as fear courses through his veins.

Leo's eyes squinted into the darkness to get his vision used to the darkness and spotted some pieces of wood.

He moved closer and smacked the two pieces of wood together to make a small fire barely illuminating the room.

The fire barely illuminated the cramped, windowless room and the four turtles within.

A world of dark orange mixed with red and inky blacks sprung into being, colors distorted by the monochrome aura of the blazing fire.

Raphael watched as Leonardo glared at faces of his brothers including himself. Michelangelo huddled near the barred door,eyes wide and uncomprehending as he stared off into an uncertain distance.

The blue-eyed turtle twitched slightly, squeezing his duct taped bear that he clutched so tightly to his chest. On the room's only bed was Donnie sitting with his legs against his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs as he sobbed quietly.

Raphael stood there, near Leonardo with his arms crossed.

The red banded turtle found his voice when the purple banded turtle began to shudder, "Why does it matter ta ya Fearless?"

Leonardo glared at Raphael with his invisible eyebrow furrowed,"Get serious,Raph. It's better for four of us to get through this than none of us. Coughing is the only warning we get."

Donnie's whisper carried well enough in the enclosed space, "Couldn't wait and see? It could just be dust or a cold. Please?"

"I really wish that we could risk it, Donnie," Leo said, the sharp edge of his voice softening slightly, "But there's no going back once it reaches the final stage. You saw what happened out there. Do you really want that in here?"

Mikey sighed, then spoke up, "He's right bro. It's not contagious until the end. We got a choice to make -one death, or four."

Raph gritted his teeth as he looked at Donnie, "Isn't there anything that can be done? Can't you stop it? Slow it down?" He paused, then added in a hoarse whisper, "Anything?"

The genius turtle shook his head, " You saw the news not even the scientists can't cure it. They can only contain outbreaks that do happen. Every carrier has to die. That's the only way the rest of us can be safe. The only way the rest of New York can be safe. You know that, Raph. Time matters here; why are you stalling?"

The hot tempered tutle's mouth worked, but no words came forth. Mikey's voice, suddenly confident, filled the gap, "I coughed. It was me." Raph gaped at his baby brother, eyes wide with shock and horror. The innocent and kind turtle turned to look at him and spoke, once again hesitant, "It's okay. It'll be okay dudes. I couldn't live with myself if any of you died, and I could have prevented it. It's better this way Raphie."

Raph shook his head slowly as tears formed in his eyes, and whispered a single, "No."

Donnie's voice was grim, "His mind's made up. It's a tough choice, but Mikey's got the strength of a warrior, on the inside."

Mikey ran to Donnie with tears streaming down his cheeks and his arms wrapped around him.

"'re my best friend..I'm sorry." Donnie's voice sounded broken as he held back a sob.

"I..I forgive ya..*sniff* I love you..." Mikey cries into his chest.

Raph's vision blurs then he felt wet tears streaming down his cheeks and he wiped them away when Mikey started to walk to him.

"No matter how many times I prank you and you beat was for you to blow off some steam bro. I love ya Raphie." He hugs Raph and Raph hugs him back tightly.

"I know you're lying..P-Please..! J-Just admit it bro! Please..." Raph pleads as tears starts to fall down again.

"I did cough bro." Mikey faintly smiled at him.

Mikey walks to Leo and the oldest and the youngest shared a hug.

After that, Leo sighed and slumped to the floor,"Even if I have katanas, it can't be me. It has to be you, Raph."

"What? Why me?"

The leader looked away, "I know you well enough to realize that you'd never just stand aside and let one of us lay a hand on your favorite bro. Maybe intellectually you'd know that it's necessary, but your emotions get the better of you. Ask yourself, if it has to be any of us, would you really want anybody but yourself to... to..."

Raph sniffed and wiped his tears. "You're right." His voice was hollow. He took a step away from his older brother.

Donnie spoke, "Mikey, sit up and put your head up against the wall. It'll be a mite... a mite...," the genius choked back tears, "...quicker."

"I'm so sorry, guys. I wish it could be any other way," Leo said, sadly.

The emerald-eyed turtle looked over his shoulder to meet the eyes of the bro he loved. Mikey had taken the brown-eyed turtle's advice. They stared at each other silently for a moment. Eventually, Raph found words, as insufficient as they were, "I'm sorry. I love you. I'm so sorry."

Mikey replied, voice shaking, "I love you too bro. And I forgive you. It's better this way. Just... make sure somebody takes care of you bros and Ice Cream Kitty when this is all over. When everything is back to normal."

Raphael whispered, "I promise." He took careful aim. One buck. It would be quick. Michelangelo deserved that much, at least. When he was sure he'd connect, vision or not, he spoke, "Cut the light, Fearless. Nobody should have to see this." The fire's light disappeared.

Years of running and kicking and fighting had honed Raph's muscles. He reared up on his front legs, gathered all his strength, and kicked. He connected, and a dull thud was accompanied by the sensation of warm droplets splattering across his plastron. It was followed by a high-pitched moan from the agonized turtle in front of him.

As this was happening, Donnie was sobbing. Whispering his baby brother's name all over again and aplogizing for the bad things he may have done against Mikey.

Leo just turned away and put his hands on the sides of his head to cover his non-existent ears as tears fall down his cheeks.

Raph reacted to Mikey's continued suffering without thought. He reared again and kicked repeatedly, steadying himself and adding force with strength. On his fourth kick, the young turtle's keening stopped with a sickening crunch.

The red banded turtle's leg dropped back to the floor. He stood shaking, his eyes wide and his heart beating nearly out of his chest. His three toes were drenched with sticky blood; he could feel it beginning to clot. He wondered despite himself whether the mess would stain, whether his chest plastron and leg would always bear the red residue of his deed. He wept quietly to himself.

Silence reigned.

In the darkness, somebody coughed.

Turns out it wasn't Mikey who coughed..Who's the real culprit?

Find out in the next chapter.

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