the daily grind

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Charolette P.O.V.

I wake up like clockwork, ready to take on the day, if any of you know by now I am the ever glorious, ever alluring rare green Arachne in my world. Charolette Arachnera Kurusu Tennyson, daughter of Ben Tennyson and Rachnera Arachnera Tennyson.

I'm about fifteen and I like using my dad's powers, playing with my cousins and singing and dancing. I'm the oldest of ten kids all from the same clutch of eggs. We are spiders... and like all girls my age I go to high school, and thankfully I get the room in our house that is the furthest from mom and dad's.

I may love my parents to no end but not even I want to eves drop on their late night antics. I was already unfortunate enough to walk in on my mother using her pedipalps to hold Dad in front of her when I asked for some help with homework...

Let's just say nowadays I just ask either my auntie Suu, Gwen, uncle Rook and Kimihito. In fear of bearing witness to that sight again (shivers) Anyway time to wake up my brothers and sisters. (Puts clothes on and walks outside down the hall)

I stopped outside my younger sibling's room and opened it up "morning everyone time to get up" I called as they all rushed out. My five younger sisters Arlene, Widow, Kumomi, Tara and Venni, and my four younger brothers Kumo, Randy, Arden and Orb.

"Morning big sis!" They all cheered and saluted, I sighed, where did the days go. When I first met by little brothers and sisters they were all so small.. nervous and followed me everywhere, we used to have so much fun. Now recently after spending a day with uncle Rook they have a soldier mentality.

"Sometimes I wish I could have my old siblings back" I groaned aloud, Orb perked. "What do you mean sis?" He asked, "we used to have so much fun back then. And after that day with Rook you changed" I answered.

"Why would you want the old us back?" Widow asked, "because we always laughed, smiled and did the things kids were supposed to do. And now I rarely see you smile at all" I said as we walked down the hall. I then felt them jump on me for no reason!

"Huh What?!" I yelped "yay we don't have to act soldier again!" Arlene cheered nuzzling me. "Uncle Rook said the best way to impress you was to act mature! But we couldn't take it!" Randy cried as he hugged me.

I just giggled happily and hugged my little sisters and brothers "looks like some people are happy" I heard my mother from behind me. Looking back we saw her and Dad looking at us with smiles on their faces "MOMMY!!!DADDY!!!" My siblings cried jumping on our parents.

"Aww! I'm so glad I can hold my own children without all the brooding again!" Mom said as she nuzzled Komumi. I also smiled as I liked seeing my mother smile, later that day I went behind our house to a painted on gate in the back. I raised my hand and a band appeared "as a member of the council of Infinite Ten I command passage!" I chanted and an actual gate opened.

I then walked into it, and we now find ourselves back in our little council room. "Morning!" I greeted Ezra whom was currently sitting down looking exhausted. "Hey Charolette, sorry if I look a bit tired" she apologized, feeling tortured for having to watch my beloved sister out of breath I gave her a glass of water and rubbed her back.

Ezra P.O.V.

Charolette gave me a glass of water and gently rubbed my back, I'm thankful for her for doing so. "me Ken and Kelly were up non stop trying to curb Luke's destructive tenancies, he's been acting out again" I explained. Luke is a friend of ours at Fairy Tail, he's the son of Natsu and Lucy. And like his father he's rambunctious and destructive "again, he never stops does he?" A voice said next to us. Looking to our left we see a tall 14 year old, well 17 to anyone really, girl with long black hair that somehow becomes a suit for her. She has two ribbons in her hair, one red the other green, she's wearing a type of visor and at the moment has four guns made from Atomix DNA on each arm and each leg.

This is Elizabeth, she's the daughter of dad and a witch named Bayonetta, she looks like her mother in terms of appearance. But they are opposite in personality, while her mom is normally saying innuendos non-stop, my sister is careful of what she says. Elizabeth or Lizzy is very nice and generous, and deep down all she wants to do is hug us.

"Morning Lizzy, now are you?" I asked, "can't complain, in fact I took down seven angles and demons on my own just yesterday with no sweat" she explained. "Nice sis" Charolette praises "now give your expskeletal sister a big hug!" She said opening her arms wide with a grin on her face.

"Hey wait! Charolette you know I'm not... a hugger..." Elizabeth tried to reason before she ran being chased by Charolette. I sighed, they do this all the time, Charolette knows about Lizzy's desire to hug people, she always got hugged by her mother and she wants to return the favor. Only problem is she doesn't know who to Huh so my Arachne sister takes it upon herself to give her affection.

"Anyway be sure to be ready! We have council duties in a bit" I called out as Charolette finally caught Elizabeth and started cuddling her. To which the quarter witch hugged back as her desire won over her embarrassment.

Later on more council members showed up, not as many as last meeting but enough. Selene, Alice and Clarissa were here as were me Ken and Kelly. But my other siblings like Xylene and James couldn't make it because they had a hero exam at AU. Emerald has a school play he needs to participate in, both as actor and special effects.

Aika's club is on a trip this week, Mathew has an extra long shift at the music store he works at today and he promised to take Becky to a music festival. Kelse had to train her genie powers with her mother and Danny wanted to go with them. And my Esper siblings Raiden, Yuki and Kodak has to measure their power levels today.

Well at least Kali, Charolette and Shino are here. And lucky Elizabeth showed up, in addition to them a girl with Brown hair wearing armor on her name's Betty and her twin Lucas who had blonde hair and looked more like Dad. Their mother is a strong woman in a world of goddesses, both have dad's Omnitrix.

Another was a boy with reddish brown hair and next to him were two girls with blue hair and a single horn atop each of their foreheads. The boy's name was Kaoru while the girls were Levi and Via.

Kaoru's mother was a friend of his dad's in high school who wound up in a relationship with Dad. His sisters Levi and Via were from a different mother and were half dragon. Along with them was a blonde girl who's hair looked like flames with green eyes and had two gauntlets on her wrists. This is Yin, in her world creatures called Grimm run amok and cause plenty of disasters.

So it's those people's job to fend them off by becoming hunters and huntresses. Yin's mother Yang is a tough tank build brawler who prefers to fight up close and personal. Her weapon the ember celica can fire kinetic energy at a long distance, and like mother like daughter Yin's weapons, the emerald rapture, can also fire projectiles.

Only these come in two types, one is her mother's kinetic rounds and the others are DNA blasts that she can use to transform her teammates into aliens if necessary. They even act as a Biomnitrix to shoot combined DNA, her power or semblance is basic alien shapeshifting. Like her mom Yin can be brash and cocky and rather rude occasionally but she really does take it seriously in a fight. And she has a short temper, especially if you cut her hair... (shivers) one of us learned that the hard way.

The next person was also a girl, she had blue hair and green eyes and her outfit was akin to something of a wasteland. Like in Mad Max or something similar... ever since Amber built her TV in her hideout we've been watching some shows down there.

This is Delilah, her mother is a shapeshifter named Eve Nueschwanstien. She's nice to be honest but occasionally she'd accidentally flaunt herself once in a while and it gets kinda uncomfortable. She has something called a fragment, or power, called Omni-total, it gives her the power of dad's aliens but in sets of ten and they come at random.

The last girl that had arrived is fairly tall and has red hair and tanned skin with green eyes. This is Saundra, her mother is an excellent fire mage who uses to go on dates on a daily basis. But after meeting Dad she finally settled on him and never dated anyone else again.

Saundra has transformation magic and can only turn into father's alien forms, in terms of personality she's a nice girl who strives to become as strong as her parents. But she does enjoy teasing boys by flirting with them.

Anyway council time.

Selena P.O.V.
We finally called the assembly to order, our sister Ezra was about to speak "Okay everyone we have more assignments today. So this time we have to go separately" she then brought out the assignment monitor.

There were four jobs that we could all do, "first up a Ben Tennyson is currently fighting a man named Fiamma who wields a powerful sword alongside Mikoto Misaka. Because of the danger this sword possesses I recommend that myself, Kali, Yin and Elizabeth handle assisting in this fight" she said.

"Always a pleasure!" Yin said winking, "sure thing sis" Lizzy replies, "Okay next up, an alternate Ben 23 and prime Ben are trying to hold their own against Mad Ben. This time I'd like to ask Selena, Alice, Clarissa, Shino and Delilah to handle this" Ezra added.

"Got it sis!" I said, "wasteland! Alright this'll be just like the fallout games" Alice cheered "how is that good?" Clarissa asked. "I'll be right on it, sis" Delilah said winking... sometimes we think flaunting isn't the only issue she has.

"Okay next we have a Ben Tennyson alongside the Fairy Tail guild fighting the Phantom Lord guild. And they may need some help, Ken, Lucas, Betty, Saundra we're going to need you on the battle field" Ezra said as her brother along with Lucas, Betty and Saundra nodded.

"And lastly, oh this is fairly easy, we just need someone to hack the Omnitrix for one Ben. So Kelly, Charolette, Kaoru and the twins can head to that world" Ezra said.

"Kelly always happy to use my brain than brawn" Kelly said twirling one of her tools "even if it is fun to punch stuff" I commented as we both laughed. I always have fun with Kelly, we're both very smart, "what're we waiting for time to save a wasteland!" Alice yelled as she ran to the portal room.

Charolette P.O.V.
We had got to the universal doorways and all of us headed in for our assignments. Personally I'd rather not get anywhere near the world Ezra is going to, too intense. And funny thing, this one is an exact copy of my world but slightly different.

The Ben here was not like my Dad, he was the 15 year old version of himself who put the Omnitrix back on after removing it for a couple years. We call this Ben version the Alien Force Ben, don't know why but we like the name.

Anyway we finally arrive in the universe, I suddenly see a version of my mom only younger. But they already spotted us "Uh hi!" Kelly squeaked, I cleared my throat "Hello there we are the council of Infinite Tens" I introduced. "It is our soul mission to assist any Ben Tennyson", Ben tilted his head "really. Thanks but why did you come here?" He asked, "and why are you an Arachne" the alternate Aunty Miia asked.

"Oh well my world happens to be an alternate version of this one, meaning that my... mother is..." I then explained that we were all the children of an alternate Ben that was split up and sent to different worlds. I blushed doing so as the alternate mommy did the same "not to worry though, not all universes are the same, the fact that you had me couldn't even happen!" I assured. Man this is super awkward!

Kelly than spoke up "Okay time to fix the Omnitrix" she said "oh that's what your here for? Thanks" the alternate Ben said. "Not a problem Dad" Kelly teased as she got to work, "so what're you here?" Alternate uncle Kimihito asked.

"I am here to explain the situation while my brother Kaoru does his best to keep everyone calm" I explained pointing to my brother who was currently Ditto acting as a coping mechanism. "And the kids?" Miia asked hugging a Ditto "Uh Levi and Via? They're here to keep aunty Papi and aunty Suu busy" I said seeing the two playing tag with them.

Kelly P.O.V.
I took out my tools and pulled out my goggles, "Okay here we go" I said before starting to work on the device. I may not look it but I enjoy working with technology, back at the guild I would alway build some kind of weird contraption. And a lot of them were to catch Luke, the big idiot, anyway back to our plot I was looking through the Omnitrix's systems.

Damn this thing was messed up, it must've been when Dad and uncle Kevin tried to hack the Omnitrix so he could fight Vilgax. It looked like there was an alien missing from the codon stream, the random transformation glitch had been way to active. This will take a lot of work, "Okay I'm gonna need to get up close and personal" I said turning into Nanomech and flying inside the Omnitrix.

I smiled an cracked my techno-oraganic knuckles "time to get to work" I grinned then flew around fixing what needed to be fixed. After a good hour I finally got everything in working order, in addition gave all of dad's transformations back and unlocked the Hyper evolution program. In addition I also took out the time limiter so Ben can stay in alien form as long as he needs to and fixed that stupid glitch where if you slam down on the faceplate it skips a transformation.

DAMMIT AZMUTH!!! I'm lucky I studied the early Omnitrix, how else do you think I unlocked all my aliens at a young age? Satisfied with my work I flew out and turned back. "Okay Ben I'm done, you have all your transformations back. In addition I also fixed that stupid glitch where if you bang on the faceplate the Omnitrix skips to a random transformation" I explained.

Ben then slapped his hand with his fist "so that's why I always get a random form" he realized. "As added bonuses I took out the time limiter, now you can stay in alien form for as long as you need. And with that glitch fixed it's almost like master control" I said. "Nice" "oh yeah I also gave it a letter something something" I added... just then the Omnitrix spoke "unknown life forms detected initiating scan" it said before scanning the other monster girls. "New DNA samples collected no initiating genetic randomization" it said.

"Oh looks like you have linimal DNAl Charolette said, I packed away my tools before walking to the portal with my siblings.

"Well we'll see you around" I greeted before we all left, just then I got a notification saying error 119 was active. 'Hmm 119 isn't that when the Omnitrix would confuse one DNA with another with close genetic patterns and give it a dominant trait? Wonder what could cause that to happen?' How that error works is as an example if the Omnitrix were to scan a monogendered species that's only female. So if it scanned more species who had a close genetic pattern they would also become female as well. I shrugged 'I wonder how the others are doing?'

(Next chapters feature how their assignments went).

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