Chapter One

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In the charged atmosphere of the moment, both Jedi were keenly aware of its significance. For the Padawan, it was a pivotal juncture, a final lesson to be learned, memorised and overcome — as it was expected. For her, there was no room for failure, nor weakness; even the slightest thought of it could have pushed her through her limits and would have bruised her own self-confidence.

So, with that thought, she made the first move.

Even after sensing her intention, the Master held her ground; and composed herself, retreating to a defensive stance. With a subtle shift in posture, she readied herself to meet the Padawan's onslaught, her eyes never leaving her opponent's form.

The first exchange came in a flurry of motion, the Padawan's blade darting forward with calculated precision. Her strikes were fluid and deliberate, aimed not at overpowering her opponent but at finding the chinks in her Master's defences. Each movement was met with a swift counter, the clash of lightsabers ringing out like a chorus of steel. The Padawan's senses sharpened, attuned to every subtle shift in her Master's movements. But even despite her best efforts, the Master's defences remained steadfast, each counterstrike a testament to her unwavering skill.

The dance of blades continued, the rhythm of their clash echoing through the chamber like a heartbeat. The Padawan's mind raced her thoughts a whirlwind of anticipation and determination. She had sparred with Master Yaddle countless times before, their duels referring to their bond as teacher and student. But this was different; this was a trial by fire, a moment that would define her journey as a Jedi.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the duel grew, the chamber awash with the crackle of energy and the hum of lightsabers. The Padawan's movements were precise, each strike a calculated gambit in the game of combat. Yet, for all her skill, she could sense the subtle undercurrent of doubt gnawing at the edges of her consciousness.

So, she secured her left hand at her back, quickly calming herself, reflecting to her brother's words, his teachings, to all the time they had spent together, as once again, she pressed forward. Green and emerald met in the middle of the air, striking down, but as the blades met in a fierce exchange, neither combatant could gain the upper hand. The force of their strikes cancelled each other out, leaving them locked in a stalemate of wills and skill. Recognizing the impasse, the Padawan made the decision to retreat.

In a moment of calculated anticipation, the Padawan seized the opportunity presented by her Master's forward leap. As Master Yaddle propelled herself toward the younger Jedi with the Force, the Padawan skill-fully harnessed the energy around her and, with a swift yet controlled movement, executed a powerful push that sent her Master staggering backward, her lightsaber firmly held to her throat. Quickly, she even managed to get ahold of the emerald lightsaber, holding it in her hand, somewhat triumphant. She has won.

Master Yaddle inclined her head in a graceful bow, acknowledging the Padawan's victory and the growth that had transpired throughout their duel. In response, the Padawan reciprocated the gesture, her demeanour reflecting a blend of humility, while she deactivated the two lightsabers.

"Mmmh. An impressive duel, it was, Young Serenno," remarked Master Yoda, his sage voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom as he approached the two.

"Thank you, Master Yoda," Leilani bowed. It was extremely rare for her to hear a praise as such. Yet, now she was waiting for something else, not a praise, not even a gesture but rather a verdict — as all of them knew what such a display was for.

"Worthy of the title, you are, and shall you be," he added, attempting to sound more mysterious rather than straightforward. "Therefore, confer on you the level of Jedi Knight, the council does."

With a gentle smile, she lowered herself onto one knee, silently expressing her profound gratitude. For her, it was more than just a title; it was one of the greatest privileges bestowed upon a Jedi. Standing before the esteemed peers of the Jedi Order, she felt the weight of the moment, knowing that she had proven herself worthy to be counted among their ranks. So, she moved quickly, as she returned her Master's weapon, who seamlessly stepped forward to stand before her — with that, and with them being at the same height for the moment, Leilani saw with crystal clarity the pride shining in Master Yaddle's eyes.

The emerald sabre ignited once again and moved forward, and as Leilani merely blinked and opened her eyes again, her Padawan braid was already on the ground.

And so, the moment of significance was followed by one with mere chatter, the whole of the Knights, Masters and Padawans co-joined to congratulate her achievement, one by one — taking a rather long time to express how inspired they were by the duel or her previous engagements. Not that any of those was so preposterous; but simply out of flattering.

She masked her emotions behind a kind smile, not frowning, not even flinching when it came to yet another bizarre or rather cliche saying — that is, until she finally spotted her brother, from the corner of her eyes.

"If I may...," her brother interrupted the Zabrak master, as he was right about to engage Leilani in a not-so fascinating conversation about meditation techniques. "...steal my sister for a moment."

And how pleased Leilani was when the man nodded and got out of their eyesight...

"My, how glad I am to see you, Dooku," she expressed sincerely, glancing up at the man; even with her wearing high-heels, as she was used to, the man was far taller. "One more unnecessarily uttered a word about how impressed they were or might it be about a simple lecture — or advice, and I would have seriously considered giving up my rank already."

Dooku only smirked. "You surely haven't changed, Jedi Knight or not. But may I at least offer my congratulations? I am indeed proud of you."

Leilani's lips curled into a smile. "You may, however, if you don't get me out of this airless room, I'd rather not hear it."

Dooku chuckled softly, his demeanour calm and composed despite the bustling atmosphere surrounding them. "Ah, the burdens of ceremony and tradition. Such stifling formalities for a noblewoman and Jedi."

"When it comes to my nerves, I suppose none of that matters," she smarted back, her laughter lightening the tension as they made their way out of the stifling atmosphere, arms linked.

Her brother knew better than to question her weariness from all the social interaction; it wasn't that she despised it; quite the opposite — she often relished such gatherings, enjoying conversations and the company of others. It was only now that she felt particularly drained, out of her element, more so than she preferred.

"I've got something for you," said Dooku, as they neared the balcony — only for Leilani to realise that her droid was waiting for them there. Of course, that Dooku had planned something; he was just as inexplicable as he was sophisticated. However, even with that thought loudly in mind, she followed him, trusting the man who practically raised her. As 46 years her senior, Dooku could've easily been her father — but fate's cruelty demanded otherwise.

He led her to the droid, gently keeping his hand at her back; something that became a sort of habit with the intention to guide and shield her, if needed; as she eyed the box in the astromech droid's serving arm. As nearing it, Leilani took the package, carefully flipping it in her hand before attempting to unwrap it.

"I wanted you to have something of your legacy," Dooku explained as she uncovered the smooth fabric from beneath the wrapping. Quickly discerning the cloak, she realized it was more than just a garment — its style, the throat clasps, the colour, and ribbing all indicating its royal Serennian origins, a perfect replica of the one Dooku himself wore ever since he became ruler of their world.

"I... I'm speechless, brother," she murmured, mesmerised by the gift. "It's stunning." As she draped it over her shoulders and fastened the clasps adorned with House Serenno's crest, it felt like an otherworldly experience.

Of course, Jedi were not supposed to have possessions.

Yet for Leilani, this would be the second object that were simultaneously close to her heart and all so important. Second being the cyber-crystal hanging ever so delicately down from her neck, and fairly visible 'cause of her v-neckline. She found it many years ago — the crystal calling to her on a planet far away, during one of her missions, and as strong as the temptation was, she didn't yet craft another lightsaber with it; instead, wore it as a simple piece of jewellery, until she found the right moment.

Lessons with Dooku did involve many topics, even after Master Yaddle was assigned to Leilani, much to their mutual dismay, the man did not weaver. He delved into the intricacies of the second form, teaching her the art of duelling with grace. Yet, he also emphasised the importance of etiquette and delivered lengthy lectures on dressing appropriately and exercising patience for opportune moments. Thus, aside from admiring him, Leilani adopted many of his mannerisms, gestures, and even his thought processes. Moreover, her wardrobe underwent a transformation largely influenced by him. Lengthy dresses became a staple, each one accentuating her figure and impeccably embodying her royal status.

First, she merely became accustomed to it — and then, she took a liking to it too.

Such was the influence of Dooku.

For the time being, they remained relatively still, sharing experiences, stories, as they hadn't seen each other for quite a while. With Dooku leaving the Order and ruling over Serenno; and Leilani's past months spent preparing for her trials, even a bond so great went sideways. Therefore, now more than ever, they just enjoyed each other's company in a silent celebration. After all, he came to Coruscant only for her. Or so she thought.

After the festivities subsided, she was quick to fall asleep — waking up only in the morning, with no pressure, no unforeseen insecurity nor doubt. She felt safe and somewhat free; well...surely better than before. Taking an additional ten minutes in bed, she readied herself quickly, and smiled again as the cape clashed around her form — then went on her way. Not that she had so much to do, rather hoped to spend a quiet time in the library, followed by a playful sparring with her brother, but that thought went away as soon as she saw three figures getting close to her in the hall.

"Qui-Gon!" exclaimed she, quickly earning the attention of the man — who she often referred to as brother too. Him being Dooku's apprentice and the man who was there when she was found, it came as no surprise at all.

"Leia," he acknowledged too, with his features softened at her sight. "I hear that congratulations are in order."

All three turned their attention to her, with the other two being Obi-Wan and a young boy she had never seen before. It wasn't unusual, considering Qui-Gon's tendency to pick up and adopt strays from across the galaxy.

So, she thanked him quickly, waiting for an introduction while crouching down.

"Anakin Skywalker, meet Leilani Serenno," it finally came.

They both extended their hand towards each other, while Obi-Wan quirked a brow, not knowing why this was necessary. Seemingly, he was not pleased by Anakin's presence nor by what it meant.

"You're a Jedi too?" Anakin sounded surprised; she rather looked like a politician with her choice of clothing — minus the lightsaber hanging down from her belt, so it was reasonable too.

Leilani smiled at the boy. "Well, as far as I know, I am."

"Master, if I may, we have to report to the council," Obi-Wan interjected rather groggily.

"Of course," Qui-Gon assured, wanting to calm his Padawan's mannerisms. "Leia, I was about to ask Madam Jocasta —."

"I'll stay with him," she interrupted, nodding, standing up to face them properly. "You two go, don't keep them waiting."

"Thank you. Ani, stay close to Leia, please." And with that, they were already on their way, leaving Ani and Leia behind; two of whom Qui-Gon now held dear and spoken the nickname of to reassure that thought.

She had cared for children on numerous occasions before, even substituting for Yoda to teach his clan occasionally—but never quite like this. Being next to a boy who was essentially a civilian, or at least chose to be one, felt strange, especially considering the powerful aura she sensed emanating from him. He was undoubtedly strong with the Force—and perhaps that intimidated her as well. Alas, a feeling and a slight tugging at her neck decided for her, as she recognised the calling. It seemed that now was the right time.

"I'll show you around," explained she, sensing the uneasy feeling coming from the boy. "And we'll pay a visit to Professor Huyang too, tho, I am sure that you will enjoy it." She smiled at him sheepishly, before leading the way, carefully observing her steps and making sure that Anakin stayed at her heels, if not beside her. Leilani engaged him in conversation, asking about various topics, his life, what he had left behind — and so, it went like that, wandering the corridors, briefly stepping onto the training grounds and the library while asking questions and sometimes answering his queries too. Anakin easy conversationalist, especially with his curious and chatty nature and Leilani enjoyed it, talking about anything but procedures and naff formalities.

She showed him almost the whole of the temple by the time, so instead of wandering where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were, and what took so long, she rather wanted to visit a very peculiar spaceship, and urged Anakin to go with her.

The door to the ship creaked open, revealing the cluttered interior.

"Ah, Knight Serenno," Huyang greeted her, as she stepped into the messy hall; but of course, the droid claimed that it was perfectly organised, so he could find anything. "And...a youngling."

"Oh yes...Ani, may I introduce you to architect and lightsaber designer, Huyang," she explained, gesturing towards the droid, and almost laughed when the boy scrunched his face at it.

"But...he's a droid," Anakin expressed his thoughts, laced with confusion.

Huyang looked at him, holding one of his synthetic fingers up in the air. "Many years I've been on this ship, young one. Teaching many Jedi and I will continue to teach many after. You can call me what you wish, but inside my memory banks I contain a record of every lightsaber ever made and the Jedi who designed them."

Anakin's scepticism gradually gave way to fascination as he contemplated the significance of Huyang's role within the Jedi Order. "Wow," he murmured, his eyes widening with newfound respect. "I had no idea a droid could hold so much knowledge. It's... impressive."

"Appreciated, young one. But now, I would assume that you two didn't come without reason." And how right he was.

Leilani's hand instinctively wandered toward her pendant as she recounted to Huyang the story of how she discovered the crystal and the sensations she experienced during that momentous encounter. Anakin, engrossed in the tale, observed with keen interest, his eyes alight with curiosity. With a delicate touch, she unclasped the crystal from its delicate chain, allowing it to rest freely in her palm before offering it to the droid for examination. Lost in her memories, she closed her eyes, her fingers absent-mindedly threading through her hair as she vividly described the tactile impressions of the hilt against her skin—the texture of the fabric, the richness of the colour, and the intriguing curvature of its design.

"Curved hilt, you say?" Huyang asked, while already looking through the drawers for the exact parts. "Hmm. The one you described has a shocking resemblance to one. And that belongs to Dooku Serenno — it only makes sense."

However, it didn't take long for the droid to locate and present each component to her. With practised ease, she accepted them one by one, mentally visualising how they would fit together. Eschewing the need for a blueprint, as she had done this before, she moved swiftly, settling into a comfortable position as she gathered the pieces. With her eyes closed once more, she began the process of assembling them into a cohesive whole.

Leilani heard Huyang engaging Anakin in conversation, and she couldn't help but smile subconsciously as she felt the boy's fascination with the ancient and significant ritual unfolding before him. At that moment, she surrendered herself to the Force, allowing its currents to guide her hands as she worked. With each piece of the lightsaber hovering in the air around her, she didn't rely on sight but rather on the deep connection she felt and the energy around her — as it pulsed through her. Her fingers danced gracefully through the air, guided by the invisible threads of the Force as she assembled the lightsaber. She felt the weight of each component, the texture of its surface, and the subtle vibrations that resonated within. When the final piece clicked into position, she opened her eyes to behold the completed lightsaber and taking it in her hand, she finally ignited it too.

And as the room bathed in a gentle lilac glow, and amidst the ambiance, all she could hear was Huyang's voice;

"It all happened long ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

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