Chapter Sixteen

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Positions of high alert are well executed, even as Leilani returns to Tython; they check the scanners, they are hyper-aware of the circumstances and analysing every moment and grain-sized subject which goes in and out of the hyperlanes. Yet as days and then even weeks pass, there is no movement; the case of Dooku's new apprentice is soon closed, forgotten, especially after Obi-Wan and Anakin bring news from Toydaria and Dathomir. They don't necessarily cease to look, but bring a wave of calmness and patience to wait - hoping that it won't happen again. As that is something everything is based on during the war. Hope.

Leilani also returns to her duties with a sense of ease. She trains Nia in front of the temple's waterfall, though even she isn't entirely sure why she has her Padawan standing on her hands atop a tower of rocks.

Perhaps, she recalls her own training days with Adi Gallia under the guidance of Masters Yaddle and Windu. On the lush planet of Kashyyyk, she had balanced precariously on top of at least six rocks, her feet steady despite the wobbling stack as Adi, beside her, stood on one hand, her fleshy head-tendrils nearly grazing the ground as she struggled to maintain balance, their shared efforts teetering on the brink of collapse. She could almost reminisce the voice of her old Master and the piercing gaze of Mace Windu as they both trained beside the Great Tree- or how she felt the flow of the Living Force, gliding through with the breeze; how the leaves were whispering around, guiding her, and emboldening her with every minute.

"How much more of this?" Nia asks, lifting her chin slightly, careful not to fall. Yet she knows as well, that impatience is not something Leilani particularly appreciates.

She sighs. "A tad more." Just as the answer is vague, Nia already knows what it means that she has just earned an extra time out in nature, instead of practising her forms.

Nia Rhayme wasn't ungrateful for her Master's teachings, but she viewed physical training as more crucial than the ancient Jedi "banthashit," as she so bluntly put it. Despite her Master's disapproval of such disrespectful terminology and her unnecessary rebelliousness, Nia remained steadfast in her beliefs. Swordsmanship was her top priority, and while Leilani was determined to find a balance, she couldn't completely dismiss everything else even if her Padawan wished it.

Yet, when it is finally time to drop down and stand on two feet once again, she feels more than grateful; not to mention in the moment when Leilani calls for her clone Captain, to gather a few troopers in a circle as Nia rests for more.

Captain Blaze gladly takes the challenge, nothing they haven't done before- they adored to take part in the Padawan's training; Nia's and occasionally Ahsoka's too after General Skywalker approved of the same exact technique for her. Partially stolen from Leilani, yet it proved to be even more effective than they originally thought. So efficient, that it became Nia's favourite training method, as Blaze, Prophet, Connix, Blitz, Xeno and many more gather around her, and she ignites her blue lightsabre, ready to take the first shot. No distractions, just her susceptible senses, waiting for the blue, fading shots to come-usually, that is; however, as she sees the space left between Blaze and Prophet, she has to force herself to be careful and not to think. To dull her feelings while sharpening her senses- and even so, after a mere minute, she takes the hit.

It goes like that for days, if not weeks, Nia feeling cold-blooded from the incident and from losing Skimmer every time she thinks about it or sees a gap; while Leilani senses her feelings and lowers her head just a bit more, each time. Neither talks about it; they close off, as if it would be a sin to do so; they just move forward, as the reality sinks in. As losses are usually like that, for the first moments, easy to accept, where the adrenaline of the arrangements keep you going or in their case, the reckless actions of the war; yet as you have a moment for yourself, and you realise how alone and lonely you are, suddenly everything becomes all too real. That's when you start to mourn for the loss, and the tears will start to prick the corners of your eyes, involuntarily. Crying for them; yet first and foremost, crying for yourself.

And eventually, the tears cease to come; hence, you drop yourself into the action, or you are forced to do so.

"Good, it is enough for today," says Leilani, as she takes a step closer to the Padawan. "Thank you, boys." Her words sound grateful, yet her intention is to dismiss them just the same, and they tend to understand it.

She extends her hand and helps Nia up from the dust as they depart; somewhat forcing the Pantoran girl to straighten and rehash her white robes. "I could've gone on it for a little longer."

Leilani nods thoughtfully. "Oh, I am well aware," she emphasises. "But I don't want to fully exhaust you just yet."

"You have plans for me, then?"

"We shall see," she replies. "But only after the meeting."

Nia nods in understanding as they both slowly turn around and walk back towards the temple; she is excited, trying to figure out what her Master has in mind, while Leilani only offers vague ideas of what is waiting. Two personalities crash all the time, the curious and the mysterious, a perfect pairing.

Their steps are firm, and confident as they walk into the main hall, knowing the temple like the back of their hand; as why Leilani matured while Nia grew up here. A true home.

"Masters," they both bow before the holo-projected figures which stand around the table, Nia going down deeper than her Master does, to show the proper respect. As to why she has to attend this week's briefing, she isn't sure herself, yet seemed, that Master Yoda especially insisted.

She listens in silence, attempting to seem curious, yet fails miserably; it is only when they mention a specific planet that she raises her chin further, truly concentrating. "There has been a series of bombing attacks on the planet Jedha," Master Windu says as the outline of the planet slowly shows up above the holotable. "According to our intelligence, the Separatists are looking to destroy the planet, as well as to drain our Kyber-temples for the making of a new weapon."

"To let that happen, we can not," adds Master Yoda.

Leilani shakes her head slightly, as Nia only stares at them. "So then, one of us shall go and help with the efforts. I'll be sure to let Captain Blaze-"

"No," Mace interrupts her.


"No," he repeats. "We need all the help we can muster sent onto the planet; as so, both you and Padawan Ryhame shall go, accompanied by the two other battalions and Master Kenobi. It is more than necessary to free the planet and restore it under the name of the Republic."

Leilani is about to let her thoughts roam out freely, as she can't accept how they would both be forced to leave the temple unprotected. Yet before she could, and with Master Yoda recognising her intentions to question the order, he interrupts, clarifying how he shall travel and protect Tython in their absence.

"Very well," Leilani agrees. "We shall meet Master Kenobi at the rendezvous point in a planetary rotation."

"May the Force be with you."

They bow to them once again as the holographic presence slowly dissipates, leaving them confused and with endless planning ahead.

"You don't think it's a good idea?" Nia asks her Master, as they both intend to interpret what has just happened in their own ways.

Leilani blinks. "It has been a while since we've both left the planet at the same time and while I understand the necessity, I do not-"

"You do not want me to fight," Nia finished the sentence for her, and she did not have to confirm it in order for them to know that it was true. "And I assume we won't have time for whatever you planned either," she continues as Leilani opens and closes her mouth, hinting how she wouldn't want to answer.

"I'm afraid so."

Soldiers are accustomed to packing lightly and efficiently filling the cargo hold, but moving the tanks onto the Jedi cruiser and especially Leilani's flagship, the Nemesis, still took some time. They worked with practised precision, but the task was still demanding. Just as Master Yoda touched down with his ship, they were finally ready to depart from Tython. Commander Raze received his final orders, casting a last look back at the temple, the place they were leaving behind. The cruisers engaged their hyperdrives and jumped into hyperspace.

Admiral Tallon was already deep into preparing battle plans, studying the blockade over the planet. Leilani and Nia soon joined him, leaning over the holotable with intense focus. The holographic projections flickered as they reviewed the enemy positions and discussed their options. Nia, eager to be involved, mimicked her Master's stance, placing her elbows on the table and hunching slightly. While Leilani's posture reflected her worry and concentration, Nia's was an effort to match her Master's intensity. The Padawan was an excellent fighter, adept at planning and executing ground strategies, but space battles were beyond her experience.

''General Kenobi's position is just behind the moon's orbit,'' one of the assistants announced from the front of the bridge.

Leilani nodded thoughtfully. ''We shall meet him there, and let them board the Nemesis.''

''Understood, sir.''

Getting out of hyperspace goes smoothly as they near Obi-Wan's cruiser; the pilot officers making it as perfect as possible. And after a short call, the Jedi Master is ready to board a small ship, having Leilani and Nia wait for him in the upper hangar bay.

Obi-Wan steps out in a perfect manner, waiting until the ramp touches the durasteel, having his robes perfectly steamed hours before, keeping it purely crisp and refreshed; adding to his look as he always thought that it would be normal. While, he is followed by two other men, Commander Cody on his right and Captain Rex on his left; and the appearance of the 501st's second-in-command only surprises Leilani for a moment, thinking of how comfortable Rex could be with Obi-Wan already. Frankly speaking, Anakin was reluctant to let his captain go as he went to the planet of Mon-Cala with Senator Amidala, yet as it promised to be a diplomatic solution and a mere meeting to decide about the planet's future, he had no argument against his former Master taking over his battalion-- neither against Nia, who only found out that she was leading a whole battalion when Leilani subtly conveyed her reluctance against it.

''Do not worry, General Serenno; I am sure that the Commander will do an excellent job. Plus, the boys are used to a more--''

"Reckless style of leadership?'' Leilani cuts in, as Rex stumbles upon his words and characterisation of Anakin.

''Exactly,'' the Captain affirms her words while stealing a glace from the still humble-mouthed Nia, flashing a soft, encouraging smile towards the young Pantoran woman.

Leilani nods, triggering Obi-Wan's brow to raise for a moment, as he looks towards her from the other side of the holotable.

"So it shall be," she concludes. "But let us get back to the task. It will not be easy to break their blockade. Not even with six cruisers at our disposal."

Captain Blaze steps forward, his gaze fixed on the holographic projections of the Separatist fleet, deep in thought as he analyses it. "Perhaps-"

He continues, outlining a strategy that, while risky, is nearly perfect. Leilani makes a mental note to commend him later, not because his brilliance is unexpected, but because she believes he deserves the recognition. The group agrees to follow his plan, making only minor adjustments to small details that could easily be altered.

Nia has to brace herself, quickly memorising the tactics, as the generals rush down to the hangar bay, finding their starfighters ready to depart from the ship. As much remorse and worry goes through Leilani's thoughts, she does not waiver; instead, she focuses her state of mind, using up the emotions to get over this horrifying battle even faster, as she swirls through the air. The Force nudged a hand on the control yoke and the two Jedi starfighters twisted, flying closer to the other unwillingly.

"Lilac Leader to Lilac Squad," she says firmly through the built-in commlink device. "Take formations. Nemesis command, we are ready to engage."

"Permission given, good hunting, Master," the cockpit's speakers crackled, as Nia's voice came through.

Antifighter flak flashes on all sides; as she closes up on the Trade Federation ships, the droid fighters line up and start to take aim. Even louder than the clatter of shrapnel and the snarl of her sublight drives, her cockpit hummed and rang with near hits from the turbolaser fire of the ships swiftly crowding the space around her and her companionship. Sometimes, her whirling spinning dives through the cloud of battle-skimmed bursts so closely that the energy-scatter would slam her starfighter hard enough to bounce her head off the supports of her chair, yet she keeps on going, for appearance's sake. She takes the left side as a new burst of flak brackets her path, reaching into the Force to confirm that Obi-Wan does the same, opposite of her, even sensing as his frown deepens as he tries to find a safe way through the swarm of shrapnel and sizzling nets of particle beams.

"Everything alright there?" she asks while hitting one of the droids on the side.

She can hear as the man sighs over the comm. "I'm afraid the flying still isn't my favourite."

"Some things never change," she replies, with a hint of a cocky grin in her voice. "But it shall be over very soon."

Obi-Wan hums through the speakers, merely acknowledging her words as his starfighter flanks towards the right to avoid a direct hit; blowing past the tri-fighters while looping in an evasive spiral.

"Arfour," he then addresses his droid. "Try gaining access to the spare vessels."

"We need to direct them sparingly, to seem foolish, altruistic even; to set up the trap."

The droid ganged into the socket on his fighter's left wing and whistled something that sounded very much like a confirmation, bringing several bombers into the air.

"Access confirmed, General Kenobi."

He whipped sideways along the cruiser's superstructure as fire from the pursuing tri-fighters blasted burning chunks from the cruiser's armour. "But why are we always the bait?"

Leilani spun her starfighter between the recoiling turbo-cannons enough that energy scatter made the cockpit clang like a gong, but still, cannon fire flashed past her from the fighters behind. "Would you rather have Oddball or Hammerhead take the job?" she asked, as the latter mentioned pulled up behind her to hit one of the droids.

"You're clear, General."

"Thank you," she says quickly. "Now, lock on Arnine, move to clear the shot." The droid beeps briefly, as she takes a quick turn and the starfighter kicks backwards; flanking the remaining tri-fighter. "Well done, now let us keep the appearance of us and the three cruisers struggling, just a little bit more. Try not to be as efficient, boys."

"Copy that, General Serenno."

Both Obi-Wan and Leilani dive right in, both having the Force to guide them through, while the tri-fighters only had their electronic reflexes, operating at the speed of light, staying at their tails as if they were dragging them by a tow cable. "My, they are infuriating."

Leilani kicks her starfighter into a tight spiral toward the Federation cruiser, letting the cannon fire track closer.

"Cut right, Leilani! Now! Hard right! Don't let them get a handle on you!"

Yet Leilani's ship continues to streak along the curve of the Separatist ship's dorsal hull, as flak bursts on all sides, trying to pick her up. She rolled a right wingover into the service trench that stretched the length of it; low and close enough to the deck that they couldn't depress their angle of fire enough to get a clear shot, but the fighters stayed right on her trail. At the far end of the service trench, the massive support buttresses of the cruiser's towering bridge left no room for her fighter, so she kicked it into half a roll that whipped her out of the trench, straight up the tower's angled leading edge. Yet the droid fighter followed her path exactly, and she did let it, even as she sensed the laser-bolt coming, letting it hit her starfighter's right wing.


She sighs. "I'm fine, and this should give us reason enough to retreat."

"It's reckless!"

"It's necessary," she retorts while turning her starfighter around to face the three Republic cruisers, kicking the ship to turn over in the air, seeking a safe passage through the debris with wing still on fire; as the enemy's Admiral almost claps his hand with a victorious grin.

The Kyuzo hums, gesturing with his hand for the battle droids to press their attack, seemingly pleased with the outcome, a treacherous hawk-like expression on his face. He focuses on the two Jedi starfighters retreating from the battle, nearly ninety percent of the bombers destroyed by his mindless droids, with the flagship also in flames. He views this as an easily secured victory, believing the Jedi have overestimated their power. As a Navy General, he considers it a significant achievement to force a Jedi, especially the sister of Count Dooku, to retreat in a fair battle, as he recognized the Nemesis and had meticulously planned his strategy against her tactics.

He points towards the lilac Jedi starfighter, as she hits maximum drag on her intact wing and the hip shots into a barely controlled arc high, as Obi-Wan follows; seeking the only clear path through the line of tri-fighters without taking another hit. Only to determine that there is none.

Yet the Kyuzo Admiral hawks, once again, and it sounds awfully like a clear order, which the droids quickly understood, concentrating all their firepower onto one.

As she is quick to notice. "Arnine, divert all the power onto the forward engines, we need to get out of here, now!"

"Lilac four, Lilac seven, we need covering fire behind the General!"

Several tri-fighters get behind Leilani, while Obi-Wan seeks to secure a path forward; and perhaps for the first time in the battle, the clones need a show of force to protect their greatest love.

"Get that fire under control!"

"They're onto you, General."

She punches onto the control panel, growing frustrated by the moment; she releases the spare parts, hoping perhaps to flank or distract the droids, yet they prove more than able to follow, sticking onto her tail. "We don't have time for this," she raises her voice. "We have them right where we want them. We need to engage the other cruisers. Now!"

"But what about-"


Obi-Wan looks back, over his shoulders with a hint of worry, slowing down his starfighter to match the pace of Leilani's in case of any emergency; to be closer as he opens the comm channel. "General Kenobi to the Negotiator command, Cody, you are free to engage," his words are clear, while his tone significantly wavers.

"Copy that, General!"

Much to the Kyuzo's dismay, three Republic cruisers are swift to jump out of the vast hyperspace, out-flanking their ones; not only catching them by absolute surprise but also in utter shock as they use their ego as the perfect advantage. He caws angrily, hitting and breaking down one of the battle droid's heads with a simple motion; gesturing to initiate a retreat, for the droids to perhaps, perform a miracle- yet, as the engines blow up and the Trade Federation ship ceases to act on command, he breaks down in a deep sigh, holding onto his strangely round hat, thinking of an alternative to save what is left of the blockade and his control.

The shock wave of debris and exploding gas rocked Leilani; she fought the control yoke, barely keeping her starfighter out of a tumble that would have smeared her across the nearest cruiser's ventral hull. Yet, as Obi-Wan closes up, the Force nudges their hand on the control; twisting the Jedi starfighters and flashing past each other belly-to-belly, close enough to scorch each other's paint, as they meet several tri-fighters head-on.

The droid fighters start to lose themself against the back-ground of the battle, as R9-T6 is tracking them on the scan; prompting Leilani to shift her grip on the controls. "Seven vultures inbound, high and right to my orientation. More on the way," she announces.

"I have them," Hammerhead answers, picking up the targets from behind.

Obi-Wan spins around, taking another shot at a tri-fighter as he opens the clone command frequency. "I'll bring General Serenno in, clear out the way."

"Copy that, Red Leader."

Her starfighter jolted sideways, as Obi-Wan whipped by him and used his forward attitude jets to kick himself into a skew-flip; one certainly taken from Anakin; facing backwards to blast the last of the tri-fighters on their tail.

Leilani hides a deep frown behind her gritted teeth. "There is no need to-"

"It's hardly up for debate. Slip back and left, swing behind me."

While the woman shakes her head, she does as Obi-Wan said, obeying an order, glueing her fighter right onto his trail as he leads the way.

Yet, slowly, her atmospheric scrubbers drained smoke from the cockpit, as the wing peeled away enough of the hull plates, from the blast and fire, that sparks were starting to flare into space, along with an expanding fountain of gas that instantly crystallised in the hard vacuum of space. "I can't see out, Obi-Wan."

"It's alright, just stay on my wing," he replies, attempting to sound calming, but a blast, did he hate flying now; and always. "Arfour, activate the tractor beam, and we'll pull you in. Brace for impact."

"All done, get me out of here."

"With pleasure."

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