Chapter Ten

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In the following three cycles on Tython, Obi-Wan gradually acclimated to the atmosphere of the temple. He could often be found traversing its halls and corridors, acquainting himself with its layout and intricacies. His interactions with Leilani and Nia were limited, confined to formalities and occasional briefings with the Council. Despite spending time in their company, their exchanges remained superficial, devoid of personal connection or depth.

Initially reluctant to stay, Obi-Wan found himself bound by the Senate's orders. Alongside Anakin, his duty now involved escorting Leilani and other joining senators to Coruscant aboard the Coronet - while Leilani travelled to plead her case.

A Jedi standing in the seemed absurd to him, comical even.

Yet upon learning of the line of succession and Countess Jenza's demise, the Chancellor insisted on Leilani's return to Coruscant. His aim was to dispatch Republic forces to her planet and place it under her governance; forcing Dooku on the run.

"I'm a Jedi, Nia," she sighed for the hundredth time, her frustration palpable. "The rules forbid Jedi from taking political stances, let alone speaking in the Senate. And for the sake of the Tirra'Taka, I am no diplomat-" These words were not meant for Obi-Wan's ears, yet he found himself drawn to the main hall by the intensity in Leilani's voice. "Politicians spend years training, honing their rhetoric, practise speeches, and whatever else they need to do. While all I have ever done is listen to the will of the Force, duel, and lead troops into battle. I'm no good at any of this."

"Isn't this the will of the Force?" Her Padawan asked. "I, going to Coruscant; you have always told me that nothing happens without a reason."

"I'm not so sure anymore."

Her connection to the Force felt strained now; where once she could easily discern the right path, now she felt lost. There was a void, a disconnect that left her feeling adrift. And she found herself having a sudden, unexpected, overpowering and entirely distressing bad feeling about this.

Expecting and growing up with the weight of politics was never a trouble; only now, when the realities hit hard - had she felt stranded. The possibilities poisoned her mind, and perhaps for once, she didn't see the way out. All she knew was that she couldn't let this happen.

Obi-Wan politely walked away from the door, just as the comm sign came in.

It was time for them to go.

"Commander Raze will oversee your training until we return, Nia. But please, no unnecessary shenanigans until I am gone. I want to find the temple as it is now," Leilani told Nia, as they walked out to the landing deck. Not that she took any pleasure of leaving her Padawan alone, yet again; but it seemed the devil's circle was never ending - while she was glad that Nia wasn't going to witness her Senate gatherings.

"Of course, Master," Nia nodded.

Joined by Anakin, Obi-Wan and Captain Blaze moments later, she walked onto the ship, with only a last glance over her shoulder.

Reluctantly, Leilani ascended to the upper level alongside Senators Camadam Tanner, Aang, and Vivyn. While below, the other two Jedi briefed the troopers, a routine task now including her own contingent. It all seemed highly unnecessary; two clone captains and a clone commander staying guard, accompanied by roughly twenty troopers. All this fuss over protecting a Jedi General who, by all accounts, was more than capable of fending for herself.

As they settled into their seats on the upper level of the ship, Senator Tanner raised a point of concern. "General, forgive me for being frank, but isn't it unwise for a Jedi to entangle herself in political affairs? Your return from the Confederacy, especially considering the associations with your homeworld, raises questions."

Leilani's brow furrowed slightly at the implication. "I understand your concern, Senator," she replied evenly. "But as a Jedi, I am bound to uphold the principles of peace and justice. If my involvement in political matters can contribute to the greater good, then I cannot turn a blind eye."

Senator Aang chimed in, his tone sceptical. "Nevertheless, General, your planet and your brother's ties to the separatists cast a shadow of doubt. How can we be sure that your allegiance lies with the Republic and not with the separatist cause?"

Leilani sighed, the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her as she moved to neaten her cape's clasps. "I did not choose to be born into the ruling family of Serenno, nor did I seek the mantle of leadership," she explained. "But I cannot abandon my people, nor can I risk plunging my planet into chaos and imminent civil-war by openly opposing my brother."

Senator Aang nodded thoughtfully. "Even so, perhaps, in light of recent events, a show of military presence may be necessary to ensure stability on Serenno."

Leilani's jaw tensed at the suggestion. "Militarising my planet will only exacerbate tensions," she countered.

Senator Tanner leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "General, with all due respect, the Senate cannot afford to ignore the potential threat posed by your brother's ties to the separatists. We must consider all options to safeguard the Republic."

"Resorting to military intervention without exhausting diplomatic efforts first could have dire consequences," said Leilani " I will implore the Senate to consider a more nuanced approach."

"I agree with General Serenno," Senator Vivyn, known for her staunch advocacy for diplomacy, spoke up. "We must explore all diplomatic channels before resorting to military action. War should always be a last resort."

"While diplomacy is commendable, we cannot ignore the reality of the threat," voiced his concern Senator Aang. "We must be prepared to act decisively to protect the Republic's interests."

Her brother's domain was one of manipulation and audacious ambition, a realm where clarity and reason often bowed to unchecked desires. He was a scion shaped by his own aspirations, a natural leader who embraced the mantle with fervour. From the moment he was anointed by the TirraTaka, his path seemed ordained. Meanwhile, Leilani held the wisdom, yet her voice lacked the persuasive cadence of his. She wasn't destined to sway opinions; her role was to inquire and execute, bound by duty rather than charisma.


Anakin and Obi-Wan couldn't help but sense a trace of Leilani's self-doubt as they made their way up with the elevator. Yet, it wasn't just her uncertainty that they sensed; Anakin also detected a subtle wave of emotion emanating from his former Master - a mixture of nervousness and concern, silently conveyed through the Force.

"I sense some anxiety from you about Leilani," Anakin told Obi-Wan plainly, causing the older Jedi to snap his hand away from his beard and give him a look. "She couldn't be in safer hands."

"Yes, I know." The answer was short and tempered, just as he expected.

He stole a glance at his Master, the unspoken question lingering between them. "You were close, weren't you, before..." Anakin trailed off, knowing his words conveyed the weight of their shared history. He dared to tread further, hoping for a glimpse into Obi-Wan's inner world, beyond the barriers of duty and stoicism that often shrouded him. Despite their bond, there were depths within Obi-Wan that remained elusive, particularly when it came to matters concerning Leilani or Qui-Gon. Anakin had gleaned snippets of their shared past from Leilani, but he longed for his Master to share his own experiences and that he wouldn't be the only one to form attachments and to love.

"We were," Obi-Wan answered. "But it's all in the past."

Anakin nodded, and stepped out of the elevator as soon as they arrived, making their way towards the main hall to join the politicians.

Leilani sensed their presence and noticed them quickly, stopping in midst of a mild argument.

"Forgive me, for interrupting, my lady," Obi-Wan took a step forward, slightly bowing his head before them - while seeking eye-contact with Leilani.

"Senators, I presume you are acquainted with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi," Leilani said, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "Known throughout the galaxy for his impeccable timing and penchant for interrupting crucial discussions."

"My lady, you are too kind," Obi-Wan smiled softly, glancing over the fellow Senators, to rectify Leilani's introduction.

"You are right, I am."

Leilani takes a sip of her drink, prompting Anakin to furrow his brows in the background, not only at her sudden action, but her choice of words.

"Senators, allow me to introduce my fellow Jedi, Anakin Skywalker," Obi-Wan gestures towards him, then, breaking the tension, while Anakin bows in front of the four.

The introductions proceeded smoothly once Anakin and Obi-Wan joined the politicians. As the ship settled into its journey, a sense of tranquilly enveloped the surroundings, perhaps even too serene for Anakin's taste. He could discern the quietude not only from the slight shift of his feet on the durasteel floor but also from the gentle hum of the engines, signalling their transition into hyperspace mere minutes ago. With the ship's capable engines, they should be safely ensconced from any potential threats, a rare moment of respite for Anakin in the company of the two Jedi who could easily be mistaken for his parents. From his vantage point, he observed with contentment, enjoying the drink a droid had brought him and allowing a smile to grace his lips as he witnessed the sarcastic banter between Obi-Wan and Leilani - though Anakin might boldly label it as flirting.

However, the lively atmosphere soon quieted as dinner was served. They settled at the table, indulging in the fare-deep-fried nuna-legs and a dessert featuring jogan fruit, thoughtfully selected by Senator Aang.

Leilani, though, only picked at her dessert, consuming just half before excusing herself with a feigned headache. Instead of retiring to her chambers, she made her way toward the cargo hold, intending to spend time with the troopers.

Blaze, Blitz, Skimmer and Prophet greet her with a smile, as soon as they hear the elevator's beep; all featuring a quick salute before she chides them and calls them to stand at ease.

"General, shouldn't you be enjoying your dinner?" asked Skimmer, holding her blaster towards the ground.

"Well, I am not used to spending a quiet night without you," she says with a smile, sitting down on one of the cargo crates, inviting them to do the same - and they oblige.

"So you've missed us," takes the conclusion Blaze, with a brow quirked. She blinks.

Maybe their bond wasn't conventional, devoid of mere politeness or formality. To her, they were family-her boys, her 405th. They transcended mere clones, far from expendable pawns in an endless conflict. They were her companions in witty conversation, her allies in the pursuit of knowledge, whether delving into history or mastering new languages. Leilani even took joy in expanding their understanding of Mando'a. While in exchange, they would have done anything for her; for their General.

"Would it have a purpose? For all this to happen now, and for the Seppies to gain from us attacking the planet?" Blitz posed a question that held significant weight, potentially more than that. The ARC trooper voiced the very concern that had haunted Leilani.

She sighed. "I can't wrap my head around it. If I were to fail, and the Republic were to invade Serenno, it could spark civil war-a travesty. The only outcome would be for the citizens and senators to lose all trust in the Republic, and for the Confederacy to depict my planet and its people as martyrs, thus rallying even more planets to their cause."

"Isn't that exactly what they want?"

"It is," she nodded. "My only problem is, if we can clearly see that, why can't the Chancellor? Why is all this circus necessary only to make things worse?"



"We are sure that you will be able to change their minds."

If only it was that easy.

It was inevitable. She needed to strategize and prepare, this time not for the next manoeuvres on the battlefield, but for her speeches to sway the majority. Without voicing her concerns again, she simply let the conversation continue, and as fatigue began to set in, she made her way to her room. Settling onto the mattress, she closed her eyes without hesitation, ready to delve into meditation.

She opens herself to the living Force, allowing the currents of belonging to flow through her body and senses, seeking guidance, perhaps even a glimpse into the future and its myriad possibilities. Yet, time and again, she is met with emptiness-a blank canvas devoid of certainty. Despite her desire to pursue it further, she refrains, simply allowing her mind, body, and soul to merge with the Force, become one with it.

I am with the Force, and the Force is with me.

For once, Obi-Wan heeds his former Padawan's advice, yet as he stands outside Leilani's door, he already regrets his decision. They needed to talk; of that, he was certain. In fact, they should have addressed their issues years ago, rather than allowing petty anger to dictate their actions. He was well aware of this. At the age of 36, he considered himself a mature and experienced adult, capable of recognising the importance of communication. Yet, despite his prowess in combat, facing General Grievous or even Count Dooku in a lightsaber duel, he found himself unable to confront his own emotions or admit to his mistakes.

He drew a deep breath before rapping on the door, yet there was no response.

He tried again, once and then twice, but still, there was no sign of Leilani.

Growing increasingly concerned, he pressed the button for entry, allowing his apprehension to guide his actions. To his relief, it wasn't neglect or the presence of an assassin that he sensed, but rather Leilani, still in a state of meditation, her eyes closed and her shoulders relaxed as she sat in the centre of her mattress.

A gentle smile graced his lips as he felt himself ease into a more relaxed posture. Just as he was about to quietly leave so as not to disturb her, she unconsciously reached out her hand to him, silently inviting him to join her in the tranquil stillness.

Obi-Wan acted instinctively, without hesitation, as he gently took her hand in his own, his thumb caressing her delicate skin once more. With a sense of surrender, he settled onto the mattress, positioning himself directly in front of her. Closing one eye, he allowed the Force to guide him, cautiously allowing himself to be enveloped by Leilani's soothing aura and the forbidden allure of a deeper connection. The intimacy of the moment prompted him to caution himself against delving too deeply into the Force, yet he dared to risk everything as he closed both eyes, giving himself completely to the moment and letting it all go.

Just Leia and Ben.

Like all those years before, teenagers who haven't a care in the world.

Perched on the branches of an ancient tree, evading yet another rogue band of bounty hunters while his master scouted for supplies. It was just the two of them, shutting out the worries of hunger, danger, and anxiety. Their instincts honed to perfection, they repelled the world's threats with such mastery that their origins remained unquestionable.

Breath in, breath out.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.


However, even in the most tranquil moments, there always seems to be... something... that intrudes, disrupting the peace. Just like now. "Master, it appears that one of Leia's troopers is unaccounted for," Anakin's voice unexpectedly crackled through the comm, jolting both of them out of their reverie and prompting them to open their eyes.

"Who?" Leilani responded promptly, blinking slowly as she locked eyes with Obi-Wan.

"Lieutenant Skimmer," Anakin replied, debating whether to question how Leilani had heard his transmission but ultimately opting against it, offering a straightforward response instead.

Obi-Wan shook his head, swiftly rising to his feet. "I'm on my way," he declared.

"No, stay with Leia. I'll take care of this," he interjected decisively, not waiting for Obi-Wan's approval as he terminated the communication frequency, leaving Obi-Wan to sigh in resignation.

"You can go, I'll be fine here," Leilani said.

"Is that an order, my lady?" Obi-Wan queried.

"Hardly," she smiled up. "I don't nearly have enough courage to order you around, Master Kenobi."

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