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❖ ❖ ❖

'Why have you come back here?'

Well it's a pleasure to see you, too, grandmother. Isla dropped her bags on the floor. It was a sparse room, fit for a rajini's favoured servant but no more. It overlooked the north-western garden of the estates, and the thicket of trees beyond that led off to the White Asraam.

'And with him, of all people.'

Clearly the rajini was not referring to Taeichi. 'Our interests happened to align.'

'It sounds like you speak more than a shared destination.'

A cunning strategist, Master Chendra had said of the rajini. Isla could use her supposedly brilliant mind, but if the rajini foiled a plot against the Maha Rama once in their youth, what was to stop her from doing it again?

After all, for decades the rajini knew of all the countless halfbloods hunted down and assassinated, and yet not once—save the one time it affected her direct flesh and blood—did she try to intervene. Not once had she attempted to discover the zealots behind it. Why would she start now?

Isla shrugged. 'We both want Rajini Dhvani captured and sentenced. He for what she has done to his mother, and I ... well, I just can't have any loose ends running around.'

'What do you call the Maharaj Kiet if not a loose end?'

What was her issue with Kiet, anyway? Or with his mother, for that matter? So what if Rajini Amarin stole the Maha Rama's affections? Rajini Chei did not seem the type to let jealousy get the best of her. 'Like I said, we share a common interest.'

The rajini lurched back where she stood, collecting herself quick enough to push the door shut behind her. 'You told him.'

'I—I didn't say—'

'Does he also know your true theurgy?'

'What does that have to do with—'

'And the part you played in his mother's death?'

Isla's mouth snapped shut. It was answer enough.

Rajini Chei took a step closer. Even in her age she stood a nose taller than Isla, not a touch of a droop on her slim shoulders. 'You have placed yourself and your sister at great risk. Now you might fancy him a friend, but what do you think might befall your common interests once he discovers your role in Amarin's murder?'

'He won't discover anything. I mean to come clean myself ... just ... at the right time. He isn't like his mother, he'll understand.'

The rajini's laughter cut through the damp room like a crisp autumn squall. 'Already two generations of my House has suffered the Lotus Mandala's betrayal. Do not become our third.'

What is that supposed to mean? 'I did not know Maha Rama Judhistir's favour meant this much to you.'

'Nor did I take my granddaughter for a naïf. Tell the maharaj nothing and hope Dhvani will never mention the salamander that led her there that night, and if you know what's good for you girl, you will take your sister and return to your handmaid.'

'Her name is Noi.' And she's safer without us. Isla took a deep breath. The rajini's decisive voice, the steep furrow of her brows, and suddenly she was staring up at her father, scolding her for swimming in the tadpole-infested creek. 'Your patronage of my sister and I has been greatly appreciated, rajini; her condition would not have improved so much without it. But I will not leave. You may be content allowing halfbloods die in the hands of faceless royalists. That isn't an option for me.'

'This is not a war you can win.'

'I understand if you wish to revoke your support.'

The rajini sniffed and made for the door. 'Silly girl.'

❖ ❖ ❖

Isla rolled the piece of parchment in her pocket and tossed it across the room. It bounced off the side of Tam Mai's forehead before disappearing into a crack on the floor.

'How long are you going to keep sulking?' Isla chuckled at the frown budding on her sister's face. 'Fine. Suit yourself. I was going to steal some pandan cakes from the Grand Palace Kitchens, but I guess you aren't interested.'

'Where's Taeichi-seung? I want to practice.'

'So she does speak.' It was an improvement, at least. 'Taeichi-seung is staying at Kiet's estate, and he needs a break from your constant pestering.'

Tam Mai was back to ignoring her. She propped her easel by the window and dragged a side-table for her box of paints. Her room was already a mess, and it had not even been an hour since they settled. Isla was only glad they did not have to share.

'The trial is set for next week. You should probably lay low until it's over.'

'Because stealing from the kitchens is laying low?'

'Ooh, look at that mouth on you!' Isla nudged her with an elbow. 'It's growing bigger every day.'

'I wonder where I got it from.'

The laughter quickly died on Isla's lips. A young girl had appeared before the doorway, tray in hand. Taller than Isla remembered, hair a little longer, but that face was the same—and by the looks of it, she was just as surprised. 'Rinju?'

'Elder Lilja!' She dropped the tray onto a nearby table before leaping into Isla's arms.

'Ifrit's breath, you're heavy! You've grown so much, let me take a look at you!'

'Where have you been? You didn't visit me for a whole year!'

"Who is she?"

Isla warned her sister with a glare. 'I'm sorry, I wish I had time to say goodbye, but I was working for Rajini Chei, see. This is Tam Mai, her court painter. She has been really sick.'

'Oh.' Rinju turned her attention to Tam Mai, yet directed her next question to Isla. 'But she's better now?'

Tam Mai did not respond. What, suddenly shy?

She must have still been scurrying around in Isla's head, because it was her turn to glare at her sister.

'I think one of the kitchen cats must have gotten her tongue. But what are you doing here?'

'The rajini asked me to bring some food. I've also been working for her. She likes my dancing; says I have a real talent for it. If I keep practicing, she might even sponsor me to study with the court dancers!'

Isla managed to keep the relief from showing. The rajini had made no promises the day Isla left, and she wrote nothing of Rinju in any of their communications, but for whatever reason, she clearly had taken Isla's request and granted it. 'So ... no suitors, then?'

Rinju's face fell. 'Ah ... well, I don't really have time for that.'


'The rajini says if I want her sponsorship, I have to work for it. So when I'm not studying ...'

Not so good. 'I'm sure she can be convinced to cut your hours back a bit. Tam Mai doesn't know anyone here, see, and I'm sure she could use a friend to play with.'

"Play with? I'm nineteen, not nine."

'Or to just keep her company.'

'She's like, ten years old!' Finally Tam Mai snapped. 'When I told you I didn't want a babysitter, I didn't mean I wanted to be one, either!'

Her sister's words robbed any from Isla's mind. What had gotten into her? Was it still about sending her off to Napoa? Her sudden bouts of panic Isla could understand; even her sadness or anger. But there was no excuse for unwarranted cruelty.

'I ... I'm almost eleven,' muttered Rinju.

'Tam Mai's just tired.' Isla put a hand on the young girl's shoulder. 'We should let her rest.'


this chapter is dedicated to EdrianLasacII

Video: Atmos Vibe
Image: Illustration of Rajini Chei's estates by unknown artists

Trustworthy or not, the rajini does have a point. The question is, what is Isla going to do about it?

Hey all! I thought my YONDER announcements were over—but it turns out A GRACE OF CROWNS is currently part of a 5-free-pass programme on the app. And since the first 11 chapters are free, if you head on over to the app now, you can read a total of sixteen chapters free! There's also a  limited-time giveaway of 500 free coins, so if you claim those as well, you can already unlock half the whole book for free (or use them to read other books that catch your fancy, of course >_<)! (though please note that if you use a free pass to open a chapter, that chapter is only rented, not permanently unlocked).

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