Characters and Glossary

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List of characters as concluded in Book 1, A Grace of Crowns

Most of these characters will not play a significant (or any) role in this book, but only serves as background information here to refresh your memory of Book 1.

Newly introduced characters in Book 2 are not included as to avoid spoilers.

↝ Isla's Retinue ↜

⦁ Isla Prijanskar Main female protagonist. Also disguised under the name Lilja Shapor and posturing as a servant for Rajini Chei.

⦁ Tam Mai (Tamma) Prijanskar Isla's sister, disguised as a servant for Rajini Chei.

⦁ Noi Takhsin Isla and Tam Mai's handmaid.

⦁ Sir Edric Aberforth A former Eling knight, and old friend to Isla's father. Helped Isla escape to Elingar.

⦁ Aldir Faralay Half Eling-, half-Surikh friend of Isla. Lives in Elingar as Sir Edric's ward.

⦁ Eshe Obou A Ligueri woman Isla befriended on board Tempestorm.

⦁ Master Ilmer Chendra A mentor at the palace academy.

⦁ House Shapor The family that helped Isla enter Surikhand and take on the identity of their now-deceased daughter. Consists of Bartol (Bart), Ajure, and their daughters: Lilja (deceased), Kusuma, Eppi, Persepa, and Sabri.

⦁ Academy Characters  Isla's friends during her stay at the palace academy. These include her chamber-mates Tran Pranhom and Phrae Damari,  and the early-bloomer Rinju Nwen.

↝ Kiet's Retinue ↜

⦁ Maharaj Kiet Ametjas Main male protagonist. Second in line to the throne of Surikhand. Son of Maha Rama Judhistir Ametjas with his third Queen Consort, Rajini Amarin.

⦁ Maha Rama Judhistir Ametjas Current monarch to the throne of Surikhand. Kiet's father.

↝ House Ametjas through the Queen Regnant ↜

⦁ Maha Rani Andayu Ametjas First and regnant wife to Judhistir. Her children by order of birth include: Renata, Persi, Perla, Andhika, Elya, and Anindya.

⦁ Maharaj Persi Ametjas  The Provincial Prince of Kam Phor, seated in Petripyor. Firstborn son of Maha Rama Judhistir and the Maha Rani.

⦁ Maharaj Khaisan Ametjas  First in line to the throne of Surikhand. The firstborn son of Maharaj Persi Ametjas.

↝ House Ametjas through the First Queen Consort ↜

⦁ Rajini Chei First queen consort to Judhistir. Grandmother to Isla and Tam Mai.

⦁ Maharaj Alain Ametjas  Deceased. First and only child of Judhistir and Chei. A former prince of Surikhand who had renounced his title. Father to Isla and Tam Mai with his wife, Chani Prijanskar.

↝ House Ametjas through the Second Queen Consort ↜

⦁ Rajini Dhvani Second queen consort to Judhistir. Her children by order of birth include: Divya, Eshka, and Kiaan (deceased).

⦁ Arya Durajat Dhvani's most trusted silver-servant.

↝ House Ametjas through the Third Queen Consort ↜

⦁ Rajini Amarin Deceased. Third queen consort to Judhistir. Her children by order of birth include: Kiet, Kiesja, and Jyesta.

⦁ Haana Ayanor Deceased. Amarin's silver-servant, who was sent to assassinate Isla or, failing that, to lure her back to Surikhand.

Below is only a condensed list of terminology. For the full list, please refer to "TWISTED KINGDOMS – APPENDIX" available on my profile.


bhatara also known as a treasure ship. Any of the large, nine-masted vessels carrying travellers and merchants across the Eastern Isles. The vessels generally range from 400-470 feet long and 170-200 feet wide.

bloodrune a rune used to measure one's theurgy. A bloodrune is initially colourless, but during the blooding process will begin to take colour. Its final shade reveals the magnitude of one's theurgy. A bloodrune can only be held by the theurgist it belongs to, and will burn anyone else. Light of a certain colour will glow out of its pores when its owner uses theurgy. Being in essence a mineral stone, the bloodrune can be fashioned into all sorts of jewelry or accessory as its owner desires.

bondmatea creature bonded to a human for life. Strong bonds are said to be able to connect sensory perceptions between an animal and its human. One may be able, for instance, to see what his bondmate sees, or hear what it hears, etc. The stronger the bond, the more senses are able to be channelled. Generally one must have some degree of theurgy in order to bond, although some unblooded individuals throughout history have also been known to have a bondmate.

chōza weaved mats typically used in Tsunai as floor covering. They are traditionally made of rice straw and covered with soft, woven rush.

conscription the Surikh law that requires all girls of third rank theurgy and above to enlist to the palace. A conscripted girl only obtains her freedom if she (1) finds a noble male to either act as her patron or to marry her, (2) secures a position under a royal House, or (3) if she passes the Civil Servants Examination and secures employment under the State.

daemon energy forms residing upon another plane. They may be called and trained by skilled theurgists, at which point they will manifest into a physical form depending on the nature of their energy.

eugeneic act also known as: Eugeneic Coupling. A decree issued at the year 332 pos forma, by Maha Rama Judhistir Ametjas of Surikhand, that all early-blooming girls are to be sent to the palace and later wed to noble men. The practice was introduced in order for such unions to produce children of both noble blood and higher theurgy, whom can later marry into royalty without tainting their Grace, and eventually restore the power of the royal family to what it once was.

hokkanan inn or lodging built in the traditional, minimalist Tsun style.

jii sometimes thought to be one's soul or spirit, although it is unclear whether they are truly one and the same. It is a latent spiritual energy that theoretically anyone—theurgic or unblooded—can harness into mental shields/defences to protect themselves from the unwanted intrusions of theurgy or runes that affect one's mind. For this reason, the jii is also often used interchangeably with a sealmind-shield, or what scholars refer to as cognitive defences.

kalis a traditional Surikh weapon. It is a double-edged sword with waved blades. A kalis may be half-waved, with a wavy upper section close to the guard; or full-waved, with waves running through the entire length of the blade. Similarly, its style of waves may also range between tighter coils to gentle waves.

keris a traditional Surikh weapon. A shorter version (dagger) of the Surikh kalis.

rune an object or a set of inscriptions that, when correctly stimulated, triggers the effects of the power contained or the inscriptions in question.

shigōkan a style of residence popular in Tsunai, also known as a courtyard-house. It generally consists of four wings surrounding an inner courtyard. More affluent families may also have two additional wings surrounding an additional outer courtyard. The entire complex is surrounded by high walls with only one main gate serving as both entrance and exit.

silver-servant a personal agent who swears fealty to one member of the Surikh royal household. They are given a pendant of a silver coin, engraved with a red bird, to mark their status. Silver-servants are known to be unerringly loyal and will only serve one master for their entire life. They serve many functions to their master, from personal attendant to assassin, some may even serve more than one function.

theurgy an innate ability to wield certain powers. The process of measuring one's theurgy is called a "blooding". Likewise, a person who has no theurgic ability is known as an unblooded.


jin-sang one of the Eastern Isles' style of robe-dresses. Also known as the parallel-collared robe-dress. One of the more casual fashions of Eastern-Isle robe-dresses. It consists of a wrap-around skirt worn over a shirt with parallel collars. Worn by men and women. Similar to the Chinese duijin ruqun (对襟襦裙).

ossa a higher fashion article of clothing worn in the Eastern Isles. It consists of a long tunic dress split at the outer thighs, and worn over trousers or skirt. Worn by men and women. Similar to the Vietnamese ao dai.

syarong the garb commonly worn by Surikh women. Literally a length of dyed, coloured, or otherwise decorated cloth that one ties around the body, and can be fashioned into various styles, either alone or with the use of belts, ribbons, etc.

qi-sang one of the Eastern Isles' style of robe-dresses. Also known as the full-chested robe-dress. One of the more ceremonial fashions of Eastern-Isle robe-dresses. It is worn only for formal events or during celebrations, and consists of a long skirt wrapped around and tied below the armpits, worn over a placket blouse. Similar to the Chinese qixiong ruqun (齐胸襦裙).

yi-sang one of the Eastern Isles' style of robe-dresses. Also known as the cross-collared robe-dress. Considered formal wear in Surikhand and Napoa, but is more commonly worn in Tsunai and Porasau. It consists of a cross-collared top worn with a wrap-around, pleated skirt. Often worn with a robe for formal or ceremonial occasions. Worn by men and women. Similar to the Chinese yishang (衣裳) or jiaoling ruqun (交领襦裙).


dhayang literally: "palace servant". Refers to a girl who has been summoned to the palace, either to serve in the conscription, or as required by the eugeneic act.

dhukkun a title and appellation given to daemologs practicing the Eastern Isle techniques of daemology.

hanjeon the Tsun appellation for any son of the reigning emperor, who is not in line to the throne. Otherwise known as a prince.

hanjou the Tsun appellation for any daughter of the reigning emperor. Otherwise known as a princess.

hijeon the Tsun appellation for any son of the reigning emperor, who is in line to the throne. Otherwise known as a crown prince.

himihwan the Tsun address for any male of royal blood. Similar in meaning to the formal address Your/His Highness, Your/His Majesty, etc.

himisae the Tsun address for any female of royal blood. Similar in meaning to the formal address Your/Her Highness, Your/Her Majesty, etc.

Maha Rama the Surikh honorific for their king.

Maha Rani The Surikh honorific for their queen.

maharaj the Surikh honorific for any son of the king, born to any of his wives. Otherwise known as a prince.

maharam the Surikh honorific for their king-in-waiting.

mahasuri the Surikh honorific for any daughter of the king, born to any of his wives. Otherwise known as a princess.

raj the Surikh honorific for any son of a prince [maharaj] or lord [raj], born to a common wife, a lady [syuri], or a princess [mahasuri]. Otherwise known as a lord.

rajini the Surikh honorific for any wife of the king [Maha Rama]. This does not include the Queen Regent [Maha Rani].

Rama-in-Waiting a Surikh title otherwise known as the crown prince.

syuri the Surikh honorific for any daughter of a prince [maharaj] or lord [raj], born to a common wife, a lady [syuri], or a princess [mahasuri]. Otherwise known as a lady.


aqhla known elsewhere as aquila. A plant native to Canthor, often processed into a psychotropic calmative drug.

capradon a large bird with ivory antlers extending from its brows, also the symbol of the Kingdom of Surikhand. It is said the largest capradon was able to block the light of the sun for three days, though such a size has not been seen since the Age of Abandon.

dji-ran flesh-eating creatures resembling a horned horse. Their horns are believed to contain healing properties.

flowering senandu a flowering plant native to Surikhand, which bulbs are used as a deadly poison. Smaller doses causes a death-like state.

mooncat a feline creature that is able to increase its size upon will. It is said their strength and limits are extended under the light of the moon, hence their name.

perri small, winged creatures with human-like features. Generally cannot fly higher than the first branches of a tree, though some perri are more resilient than others. Perri live in colonies, and are divided into several species, including but not limited to: floral perri, coastal perri, mountain perri, and wood perri. Each species have slight variation in appearance, mannerism, and abilities.


Terra Sol Kingdoms north of the Great Ters Altum sea. These include Liguer.

The Eastern Isles Kingdoms east of the Great Ters Altum sea. Generally consist of an archipelago of island nations. These include Napoa, Porasau, Surikhand, and Tsunai.

Godsthrone Kingdoms south of the Great Ters Altum sea. These include Canthor and Hirdii.

Cor Regnis Kingdoms west of the Great Ters Altum sea. These include Anglioc, Elingrad, and Ijssford.


Erbē Primordial Deity of the Elements of fire. The Four Visitants of summer. ⦁ Patron deity of fire; summer; love and passion, attraction and infatuation ⦁ Official deity for the Godsthronian nation of Canthor.

Ghenzu The Cardinal Guardians of the north. The Eternal Hunters of fate. The Traveller. Pathfinder. ⦁ Patron deity of fate; roads and travel. ⦁ Official deity for the Terran nation of Liguer.

⦁ Lumē The Noctidial Sister of the night. Lady of Life. ⦁ Patron deity of life and light; the moon, the night. ⦁ Official deity for the Godsthronian nation of Hirdii.

Neru Primordial Deity of the Elements of water. One of the Four Divine Generals: The Warmaiden. The Ocean Rage. ⦁ Patron deity of war, chaos and destruction; water and the sea. ⦁ Official deity for the Eastern Isle nation of Napoa.

Ogbu The Eternal Hunters of death. The Undergod ⦁ Patron deity of death, souls, and the afterlife.

Ranyu One of the Four Divine Generals: The Retributor. The Eternal Hunters of justice. Lady Vengeance ⦁ Patron deity of justice and retribution ⦁ Official deity for the Eastern Isle nation of Surikhand.

Reijyr Primordial Deity of the Elements of thunder. The Crowned Lord. ⦁ Patron deity of law and order, stability and supremacy; lightning and thunder. ⦁ Official deity for the Cor Regnant nation of Elingar.

Saegyr One of the Four Divine Generals: The Strategist. Wise Father. ⦁ Patron deity of knowledge and wisdom, reason and strategy. ⦁ Official deity for the Cor Regnant nation of Anglioc.

Tennu Primordial Deity of the Elements of earth. The Four Visitants of spring. Spring Mother ⦁ Patron deity of earth, soil and fertility; spring. ⦁ Official deity for the Eastern Isle nation of Tsunai.

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