The end part 1

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Last time on "the cow that saved the world"..............we lost Daniel.

So, the farmer (let's call him Bill), he decided "hmmmmm..........who cares about the cow that could ruin the plan I have and sent me to prison for life? Maybe they took him to the slaughter house! I won't bother with him!"

Naturally, since Daniel (let's just call him Dan that's way shorter. Like, 3 letters!) is the hero, he's not dead and that's the reason Bill's plan fails. Um...spoilers!

So Bill continues his plan, mixing diamonds he stole from Notch, into the evil stuff. He knew that the diamonds had a special substance in them, making them the perfect thing to make EXPLOSIVES!! AAAAAAAAAH!!


6 months later, his stuff was done. Each diamond, dizzolved into goey explosive liquid, each litre more powerful then a bomb. That was obvious, wasn't it.....

He planned it very carefully. He dipped 10000 kernels of corn in the explosive diamond stuff, spread them out on the ground and made his evil robotic birds eat them. Did I not mention those birds? There scary, made of metal with RED eyes.

He sent them to the city and started setting of the bombs. (it might be a good idea to listen to something awesome like "save the world" by Swedish house mafia. Or something dramatic) people knew that the end would come if a hero wouldnt come to their rescue.........

That's when they saw, a hero, unheard of.........

DAN THE COW! (Told you he wasn't dead)

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