Chapter 2: School

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Detective's Office, 10 Months before School

You followed the detective into his office, to help out with the paperwork. What happened between you and the other two individuals was put to the back of your mind. This wasn't your first rodeo with evil in the state of Texas. You were just curious to see what the detective had to offer for your help.

You sat down in the chair in front of his desk, the detective took his seat and stretched when he sat down.

"Appreciate the help Y/n, this is becoming a regular thing" he thanked you.

"Its just another thing now, with the world changing and such since "quirks" were first found out." You reply. "Like I said, you can repay me with money"

The detective shook his head. "You know that isnt possible, but I do have something else in mind." He replied to you. He then turned around and started to look for something.

"I'm only kidding when I saw I need money, well sort of. You don't need to repay me in any way" you joked with the detective.

"I think you're going to like this, trust me" the detective started to talk. "Where did I put it...... ah here it is" he pulled a picture frame out. "You know what this is?" He pointed at while showing you.

You studied the document, first thing you noticed was the Detective's name written in large bold letters.

Elijah M. Jones

You continued to look up the piece of paper. Your eyes went wide when you spotted something.

UA High

This is to certify that Elijah M. Jones has successfully graduated from UA High and is....

"You went to UA?" You asked in disbelief because there was no need to read on.

"That's right. Graduated a few years before All Might went there" Detective Jones replied with a smile.

"But what does that have to do with me?" You kinda had an idea where this is  going.

"Well, since you've helped us out many times before, whether you wanted to or not, I figure I should let you try to get a chance to become a hero yourself! I can give a letter of recommendation and we can go on from there."

"Wait, wait wait" you put your hand on your head. "This is great and all, but I'm no hero. I'm more of the bounty hunter type. And firstly, how the hell did you go there when you're in Texas?"

"Foreign Exchange Program, I was selected at the time" Jones replied. "I know it is a lot to take in and I can agree you aren't the hero type, but with this, I can help you out after you graduate. Getting a diploma from UA can allow me to hire you quicker for your own position here, or perhaps you can do the bounty hunter, but just not any killing unless necessary"

You blinked in disbelief still, unable to comprehend everything.

"I would have to move and everything, what about Ma? The Farm? I dont know what to think Detective" you reply not looking him in the eye.

"There's no need to worry about it this instant. Talk to your mother, and it's okay if you do not decide to do this. I believe this is a good way to make you stronger and in the end, you can earn the money you've been asking for all this time. Great experience, I loved my time in Japan. Cities are great, people are mostly friendly. Crime rate is the lowest out of all countries."

"Well, wouldnt that not be good for me since I wont be doing any fighting?"

"No, you get to see why it's so low and take that learning and bring it here eventually"

You nodded your head in agreement. "Understandable, I still don't know though"

"There are many months until the entrance exam. This is just me offering it, you don't have to take it. It's the least I can do" Jones replied putting the diploma away.

"I mean thank you, I just cant think right hearing that." You reply taking off your hat and scratching your head. 

"Just think about it. I can give more details in the future."

"Okay, but why would UA be a different than going to the Texas Hero School? Or somewhere else that's prestigious here in America?" You asked wondering, but when he started to reply, you got the answer.

"Learning why the crime rate is so low and everything. Got it."

"There you go." Jones smiled. "You're already figuring it all out. Being a hero is hard, but you have the talent to do so. It is only up to you."

"Yeah, I s'pose."

"Alright, now here's the hard part for both of us, paperwork" Jones laughed and started to get out all the paperwork needed to be done and filed.

"Thrilling" You replied sarcastically and scooted the chair up closer to the desk and grabbed a blue pin from a container on the desk.

Present Day, Entering Class 1-A

You opened the door to Class 1-A, signaling your new start to become a hero.

When the door opened, the first person you made eye contact with was a tall, slender man. He gave off a worn out expression, he wore a baggy black shirt and pants that tucked into his boots. He also had a utility belt on, and a scarf around his neck. He gave a very stern look to you.

"And you must be Y/n Black. The final student for my class"

"I'm your huckleberry, what of it?" You reply, not liking his tone. Even though you were late and you didn't have your school uniform off. If he had any more reason to not let you stay, this just put the icing on the cake.

"Care to explain why you are so late? You don't have your uniform on either, so why should I allow you to be here still?" He asked tapping his foot. You looked to your left and saw everyone, but two guys staring at you with a small gap in their mouth.

"Well," you stared and looked him in the eyes again. "I went with Ma to the airport to say goodbye cause I won't see her for quite sometime, since she's going back home. Second, the uniform needs to be altered slightly. Can I wear it? Sure, but it'll rip. Regardless, I thought it'd be just fine to bring it and have it fixed. Lastly, you shouldn't let me stay, hell I should be dropping this uniform and getting on the next plane back to Texas. However, if you let me walk, you wont see anyone else that can display their talents like I can, that's for damn sure"

"And what makes you think you're special? I've seen the report from your entrance exam, what makes you think you're better than anyone else in here?" The teacher replied giving you a death stare.

"Didn't say I was better than anyone else in here, some may have more strength than me, may have a more useful quirk than what I have. I just said you wouldn't see someone that's able to display their ability like I can." You retorted, giving him the same stare.

A few seconds went by and you heard someone groan of frustration.

"Class isnt going to be that long today anyways, so sit" he pointed to the last open seat in the classroom. "Take the hat off indoors, too"

You took off your hat, revealing your long dirty blonde hair and placed it on the uniform. You started to make your way to the final seat, which was at the front of the classroom. There was a spikey blonde hair boy behind your desk who looked very familiar, he gave you a deathly glare as well, but you only returned the favor.

You sat down and placed your belongings under the chair and got comfortable.

"I'm not the one to let something like this slide, I can kick you out any time I want. However, you're going to have to amaze me today in order for you to stay at UA"

"No problem" you replied. The teacher took a deep breath and wrote his name on the chalk board.

"Before we were interrupted, I am Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Put these on and head outside" he pulled out a jumpsuit with UA's logo on it.

Outside, short time after

The whole class was outside in their jumpsuits, ready for the Quirk Assement Test. You had the suit on, along with your rifle and revolvers. Aizawa wouldn't allow you to bring anything else.

"What about orientation? We are going to miss it." A small brunette girl pointed out.

"If you're wanting to make it to the big leagues, you can't waste your time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA, we aren't tethered to normal traditions. So that means I can run my class however I see fit." Aizawa turned to the class. "You've been taking standardized tests all your lives. None with using your quirks for physical exams. The world is still trying to make it where all people are created equal and not let the ones with the most power excell. The ministry of Education will learn different soon." Aizawa stopped to take a breath. He then looked at you and the spikey blonde. "Bakugo and Black, you two tied for the most points in the entrance exam."

Everyone besides the spikey blonde were surprised by that comment. Bakugo gave you the same death glare once again.

"How far could you two throw a softball in junior high?"

"Sixty-Seven meters, I think" Bakugo replied.

Aizawa looked you for an answer.

"I could throw it about a little over Seventy-Five meters or so, if I did the math correctly" you replied thinking how to convert feet into meters.

"Okay" Aizawa replied while tossing you two a softball, "now try throwing it with your quirk. Anything goes, just stay in the circle."

You and Bakugo walked over to the circles. Bakugo tossed the ball in his hands a few times.

"Come on, we are wasting time" Aizawa groaned.

"Alright, you asked for it" Bakugo replied while throwing his ball and at last second, his explosion quirk activated, sending the ball at the speed of light almost.

Aizawa pulled out his device to show everyone the distance. It landed slightly over seven hundred and five meters.

"Beat that country boy" he scoffed while putting his hands in his pockets.

"May not win in distance" you reply while preparing for a crow hop from the back edge of the circle.

"Your turn Black" Aizawa stated. You started to crow hop and threw the ball as hard as you could.

"But this is a little more spontaneous" you answered Bakugo fully, which made him upset.

Right after the ball went into the air, you grabbed one of your revolvers and aimed at the ball. The first shot made everyone jump, but saw you hit the ball to make it go farther. Each bullet you had in that one revolver made the softball spring farther. After unloading the chamber in that revolver, you took your rifle and began to shoot at the ball more.

You assumed this ball has already surpassed three hundred yards or so, but now you needed to focus.

You were barely able to see the ball and you tried to activate Dead Eye, but it wasn't working.

"What the?" You asked yourself outloud, while not losing focus. Your quirk wasn't working and that made you curious, but you still needed to impress Aizawa to stay in UA.

"Fine then, guess it's the hard way" you found the ball and fired. You were now guessing an area to hit the ball at this distance, so if the bullet doesn't hit dead center, it will not go as far.

The bullet from the lever action rifle took off at an instant. You kept your eye on the ball, as well as the rest of the class and saw that it didn't hit dead center of the ball, but just good enough where you were able to get a last good chunk out of it.

Aizawa looked at his device and gave a surprised reaction.

"Even with me erasing the use if your quirk, you managed to hit the ball at last second." He then showed the class. Your ball went just over four hundred and fifty meters. Everyone gasped and knew who the homeroom teacher now was, Shota Aizawa, aka Eraserhead.

"Impressive" Aizawa complimented you.

"So that's why I couldn't use my quirk," you replied your rifle on your back.

"Alright class, I'll be putting you through eight physical tests to push your limits, that is if you want to be a pro hero. So at the end, whoever has the lowest points, is going to he expelled immediately." He then turned to you again. "As for you Black, I expect nothing, but sure amazement. If that's not the case, then I'll be sending two people home"

Nobody had anything to say, some were scared, some excited, and some confused. That didn't really bother you. You have your chance to shine, and nothing was going to stop you.

The first test everyone had to compete together was a fifty meter dash. You waited a bit until you got your turn, so you took off your boots and hat and stretched.

Four groups went by and you got to see how some people's quirks worked. From having engines in thighs, to a beam being shot from the stomach, curiosity sparked within you.

It was now your turn to run, the fastest time was someone named Tenya Iida and he got a little over three seconds. You knew you couldn't beat that, but for someone having to run from bulls, wild horses and so on, you weren't the slowest person.

You were paired with a taller individual, he didn't speak much. He had a rock shaped like head, he looked nervous as he could get. He looked over to you and gave a shaky thumbs up, you nodded your head and got ready from the start line.

"READY?" You could hear the robot on the other end of the lane. You positioned yourself to start.

"GO!" The electronic device yelled while making a popping sound. You shot straight up and began to sprint as fast as you could.

You easily passed the other feller, he didn't seem to be much the athletic type.

You continued to sprint as fast as you could until you passed the finish line. You heard the robot call your time out.

"Five point eighty-seven seconds!" The device yelled as you pasted by. You had a lot of momentum going, so it took a hot second for you to slow down and get out of the way from the others.

After that test, the next was a grip strength. Which for you, all you needed to think was riding the horses or a bull.

You grabbed the dynamometer from the table and turned it on, while getting out of the way from the class.

Your device made a noise, signaling it read your grip strength and it showed that you had a little over a hundred and ten kilograms. Considering the guy that had extra limbs got over five hundred, you were pleased with the results.

The third test was a standing long jump, and you instantly came up with an idea for this one, but the more you thought about it, the less this would actually work.

Bakugo and the guy with the bellybutton laser were the longest jumpers so far. A few others went and some failed and now it was your turn.

You set your weapons to the side and quickly did your turn for this test. You were able to get past the device, but barely. This test wasn't a strong suit for you.

Your original plan was to use the lever action rifle to help gain distance, but the recoil on that thing would have not been enough to truly add distance to your jump. You grabbed your weapons and put them aside with your hat, because you wouldn't need them for the rest of the tests.

The fourth test was side stepping and you didn't do so hot on that one. What was interesting to see what a smaller guy that could pull purple, sticky balls from his head, he used them to his advantage of going back and forth repeatedly.

The fifth test was the ball throwing test. Since you and Bakugo had already done this, you didn't have to do it a second time.

The small brunette girl that mentioned the ceremony had the longest throw of the day, maybe forever. The ball literally went infinity, never came back down.

Next was the green haired guy you saw at the entrance exam. He looked nervous as he could get out again. He went to throw the ball and it went about twenty feet in front of him.

"M-my quirk?" He asked outloud.

"Were you going to break your bones again?" Aizawa talked to him."If you plan on breaking your bones again because you can't control your quirk, then you must leave. Someone like you shouldn't be allowed here. The judges were not rational enough when deciding." He down talked the kid while using his quirk.

"That's not what I was doing" the kid replied.

Aizawa used his scarf to bring him closer. "You will only be a liability in battle with your useless body. You have the same drive and passion as another hero we all know, one who saved a thousand lives and became famous"

"All Might?" You muttered under your mask.

"Sorry Midoriya, but you can't become a hero with this reckless power" Aizawa let him down with his scarf and looked like he turned off his quirk.

"I returned your impractical quirk, go ahead and take your final throw. Hurry, we are wasting time" Aizawa walked off.

For the next few minutes Midoriya held his head low, thinking what he could do. The rest of the class started to become impatient by this, wondering what he is going to do.

"Ugh, and I thought I got it bad" you talked aloud, but Midoriya suddenly perked up and began to start his throw.

Everyone watched with anticipation and were absolutely stunned when he threw this ball and it shot like a rocket, a lot like Bakugo's.

Midoriya held his hand and showed that his right pointer finger was broken. He was trembling in pain, but did keep a smile on his face.

"You see Aizawa, I'm still standing" he yelled back to the teacher. Aizawa couldn't help, but smile at that.

"This kid" he spoke to himself.

"Well damn, that was something" you spoke aloud. Looking at the feller, you wouldn't think he'd have anything like that, but you never saw how his quirk was in the exam.

Everyone's astonishment was interrupted by Bakugo when he yelled and went after Midoriya.

"Dammit Deku! Tell me how this happened!?!? Why were you-" he ran while yelling, but he was stopped by Aizawa's scarf.

"What is up with this scarf?" Bakugo struggled.

"This scarf is made of Carbon Fiber and a special metal alloy. It is a capture weapon. You won't break free, so stand down. It'd be wise to not make me use my quirk so much, I get serious dry eye if I do." Aizawa tugged on the scarf, but let Bakugo free when he felt that he relaxed.

After Bakugo gave Midoriya a death glare, worse than the one you received, the class went on to do the final three tests. That consisted of sit ups, seated toe touches, and a long distance run.

You were one of the more athletic people in the class, falling second in the sit ups, third in the seated toe touch, and surprising third in the long distance run. Considering all the other quirks.

You all took a small break before meeting up to Aizawa to get your final results and all you assumed is that if you weren't first in this, you were being sent home. That would be something to explain to Ma and Detective Elijah.

"I've ranked you all from best to worst, you should all have a good idea on where you stand. I'll just show you the results, no need for me to go over each individual" he pressed a button on his device to show the class the results.

You looked for your name and spotted it, a discouraging sigh left your mouth. You placed third in the class, falling short of Momo Yaoyorozu and Shoto Todoroki.

"Everyone but Y/n" Aizawa started to speak. You already knew what was coming, so you went over to get your hat and weapons. You didn't hear what Aizawa said, but you figured that he was only joking when he was going to kick someone out. It was only said to make everyone to do their best.

You saw the class walk away, while getting your items. Aizawa on the other hand, started to walk to you. You put on your hat and put your weapons in their respective areas. You were defeated, but it was on you. You couldn't help but know that they're are people with more useful quirks than you. However, doesn't mean that they are better than you.

You raised your head to look at Mr.Aizawa in the eyes. You knew what was coming, but it wouldn't be the end of the world for you.

"For someone who has the ability to slow down time in their eyes, you did well." He spoke to you with an expressionless face.

"I s'pose. Being a rancher, you gotta be in shape. Thanks for at least giving me the opportunity to show you what this cowboy could partially do-" you started to speak, but you stopped when Aizawa handed you a note.

"Take this to the office, they'll handle the uniform issue. Stop by the room and get a syllabus too." He spoke to you. This surprised you, he's letting you stay.

"Aizawa, I didn't amaze you though. Hell I came in third." You replied in disbelief.

"You impressed me enough Y/n Black. However, you're on thin ice with me. One more tardy or you do anything wrong, you're gone. It's going to take a lot to earn my respect. Now, you're dismissed." He walked away. You couldn't help, but be shocked over everything. All you could do was laugh now.

"I'll be damned" you shook your head and went back to change into your clothes and get everything else sorted out.

Time Skip

You got your uniform situated, which turned into you wearing it due to the rules. You also couldn't wear your hat indoors, which was self explanatory. So, you put that in the leather sack you brought.

You were quite hungry after the physical tests, so you went to the cafeteria to grab a bite.

The food in Japan was very different than Texas. So you were confused on what to order.

"Need some help?" You heard a familiar voice. You turned to see the orange hair girl from the exam. Kendo was her name, you think. She had her hair in a side ponytail and she carried a tray of food in her hands.

"Yeah" you laughed a bit. "Kendo, right?"

"You remembered" she smiled. "So, what do you like to eat? This cafeteria has just about anything"

"Chicken, steak, potatoes, corn, corn bread" you started to name off things ma cooked. You then noticed that Kendo wasn't following you with the list.

"I'm from Texas, not here"

"I see that" she giggled slightly. "Here, why don't you try this. It's just fried rice and some sweet chicken and a bowl of miso soup. I'm not eating much today, having a family dinner tonight." She held her tray out.

"Can't hurt to try" you sat your bag down and took off your mask, and put it in the sack. Kendo looked at you and slightly blushed. Nobody has seen you without the mask here yet, so she was the first one.

"H-how old are you Y/n?" She asked, stuttering.

"Just turned sixteen recently. Why?" You replied taking a bite of her food. It was kinda odd at first, but it wasn't bad. You took a sip of the soup and liked that more than the chicken, maybe because of what was on the chicken.

"You look like you're in your twenties" she composed herself. "Did you like it?"

"The soup is good, that sweet shit on the chicken is okay. I might like it better with something different on it." You replied pressing your lips together in an unsatisfying look.

"Well, theres more options, come on" she gestured you to follow her to place your order.

After trying a few different samples, you settled on some teriyaki chicken with the fried rice, as well getting the soup. You planned on trying other things later on the school year.

You followed Kendo to a seat and you immediately began to dig in. She couldn't help but laugh at your eating.

"Sorry, I was starving and trying your food made it worse" you swallowed the food you currently chewed.

"No worries. So, how was your first day? We didn't see class one a at all during orientation" she asked to make conversation.

"Well" you took a sip of the soup then began to explain what happened. You also explained your situation. She shook her head in disappointment.

"One of the most prestigious school's in Japan and you causally walked in like you owned the place." She sighed.

"You gotta have the nobody's better than you attitude. Quirk or not" you retorted.

"You think very highly of yourself, don't you?"

"I've earned it missy. You saw a small glance at what I can do." You gave a small grin.

"Yeah, did they give you any points for saving me in the exam? They should've at least." She asked. This made you think of when you received your letter of acceptance.

Flashback 2 weeks prior to school, Wickett, Texas

You were out in the barn putting together the new revolvers you had custom made for you. It was a major upgrade from the regular forty-four magnums you had. Still the same caliber, but it was a much needed upgrade.

You continued to work on your revolvers until Ma came through the door with an envelope.

"Honey, your results are here" she waved it at you.

"Alright" you put the tools down and got up. You pulled your phone out to call detective Jones. After the first two rings, he picked up.

"Hey Y/n, the results come in?" He asked immediately.

"Yeah, just got it. Want to come see it with us or?" You asked him, you were willing to wait on him, if he wanted to see it in person.

"No, go ahead and play it with me on speaker. Afraid I'm caught up with some other things, but I have enough time to listen"

"Okay" you replied and grabbed the letter from your mother. You quickly opened it up and didn't see an actual letter, just a small circle device.

"The hell?" You put the device in your hand. Suddenly a screen was projected, and it started to count down from three seconds.

A video was now playing, you and your mother started to look at the background of it, but were startled by none other than All Might.

"Ha ha ha! I am here as a projectile." The legendary hero stated while he backed away from the camera.

"Oh boy" you heard Jones sigh at his voice.

"A cowboy from Texas wanting to go to UA. Makes me remember the time I was in the United States." All Might rubbed his chin.

"Well, I am here to congratulate you on being accepted into the hero course at UA! You passed the written portion and excelled in the practical portion. Here, I'll show you the results!" All Might stepped to the side and showed your results. You got sixty-seven points for taking down the robots and ten save points.

"We look forward to having you at UA. Congratulations young man! See you in the near future! Ah ha ha ha!" All Might finshed while standing tall and having his signature smile. The projected screen vanished soon after.

"Looks like you didn't need the letter of recommendation after all. Congratulations Y/n, I'll definitely come see you before you leave, I'll even help get some things settled for an apartment. I have to go now, congrats once again!" Detective Jones spoke to you before hanging up.

"I'm so proud of you. I didn't have a single doubt. I'm so glad you're finding your own path now" your mother gave you a hug.

"We'll see how this does Ma. Who knows what's going to happen in the future"

Present Time with Kendo

"Ten points added, sixty-seven offensive ones, so I got seventy-seven total. Tied with Bakugo Katsuki for the highest." You took another bite of your food.

"That's good. Thank you again for that" she blushed in embarrassment this time.

"Don't make yerself an easier target now. You already stand out enough." You joked with her, while noticing some guys looking in your direction.. She didn't know what to think about that.

"What does that mean?" She questioned.

"You've got looks, certainly enough to have a lot these amigo's attention. That or they are looking at me" you didn't skip a beat to that reply.

'How could he calmly say that?' Kendo thought.

"Caught like a deer in the headlights" you laughed while finishing up the rest of your food. You wiped your mouth with a napkin and put it on the tray. You then got your mask out of the bag and snapped it back on.

"Is that a compliment?" Kendo asked quietly.

You got up and got your things together to leave.

"Easy sugar, I'm just being friendly" you put the leather sack over your shoulder and picked the tray up and went to throw it away.

Kendo took a second to gather herself and she quickly followed you. She wanted to know more about you now.

She walked with you back to the apartment Detective Jones had helped set up for you to have. She was lucky that her class was dismissed at the same time yours was.

Overall, your first day of school was quite interesting. Lot of unexpected things happened and it turned out for the good, but one thing will always remain to you throughout these next three years

"I'm going to be the god damn best at what I do"

All work is done evenly.

What a first day of school. Almost got kicked out, but you're in, for now. Met a few people, finally got to know the detective's name. You also showed off your skills with the guns. That means people think your quirk is doing something with marksmanship, for the time being. Caught up with Kendo and she is quite intrigued by you now.

So, if anyone is an invisible girl fan, I'm sorry, but we are replacing her in this book. She's a good side character, but she's only did like 3 things total in the series so far I've seen.

Now I turn the reigns over to ItzGazza and I'm really confident he can pistol whip the hell out of the next chapter.

We hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time, you fellow Outlaws!

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