Chapter 4: Class Representative

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All Work Done Evenly

After an intriguing interaction between Lunch Rush and you three, you finished out the rest of the school day. There wasn't much going on for your afternoon classes, a lesson with Midnight and study hall.

Now you were currently walking out of the tower that your class resided in, there were a few looks from other classmates, most of them you didn't know, but recognized from the entrance exam.

"Y/n" you heard your name called, you turned around and saw it was Momo, your partner from earlier.

"Ah, howdy miss" you replied. This reply caught her off guard as she looked confused.

"There's no need for that, you can just call me Momo"

"Sure thing Miss Momo, whatca need?" You got to the point.

"I was wondering if I could accompany you on the way home, I happened to noticed we live in the same direction, I saw you from a distance this morning" she explained.

'Hmm, wonder this is about...' you thought to yourself. It was one thing that Kendo helped you out, but meeting Momo just today and now this?

"Y/n?" She called your name once more, breaking your trance.

"Sorry sugar, got lost in my thoughts. I'd be delighted to have you tag along. However, mind if I ask something before we leave?" You thought of something.

"Go ahead," she walked closer to you.

"What's yer plan about this?"

"Huh?" She was confused by your question. "What do you mean?"

"You walking with me, you just don't seem the type to walk with an ole cowboy like myself"

That made her stand still for a second, thinking about your reply. In the moment, she kept thinking of how easy it was that you called her darling and such during your training. She was also curious to know more the little things about yourself.

"I understand now why you said that" She began, "but you are interesting, nonetheless. You obviously seem to make good enough grades and your fighting style is unique. You're so simple but there is something about you that's so complex. I would like to get to know you better, it would definitely help us both out in the future with UA"

"Ahhhh" you smirked, "done got yer attention now. I s'pose it wouldn't be too much to let you know more about myself. Well then, let's get a move on, unless you wanna burn daylight"

"You and your words" she sighed being slightly confused. She quickly walked up to you and you both started to make your way to your homes.

After leaving, there was someone else looking for you, her green eyes were looking around the area, until she saw the familiar raven haired from lunch and longer brunette hair walking together. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she clenched her hands.

"So you've taken a liking into him too huh"

Time Skip

"Yeah, that's about it. My fighting style has came about from facing actual villains in Texas. I've been using guns since I could walk, so I guess that's why you can say I'm pretty damn good at it" you showed Momo one of your revolvers. She stared at the weapon closely and then looked at you again.

"How is it in America compared to here?" She asked.

"Well, just living in the States, it's alright. I'm close to Mexico, so I am up to date with a few things regarding Texas and them. Canada? I don't keep up with them. Definitely a different culture for sure. I don't know how to really explain it right now, so much to process still" you reply while thinking of home.

"I understand." Momo nodded. "It must be hard for that transition. However, what made you want to come to UA?"

"To be honest, detective Jones. He was one of the detective's in my area. He graduated from UA, a few years before All Might"

"So he influenced you to come here?" Momo tilted her head to the side.

"Yea, I've always had a run in with some amigos from the other side and other activities caused by people in my state and so. We formed a bond over the years and eleven months ago he said I should come here, it would be beneficial for me, plus I wouldn't have to go through so much to get a position with Detective."

"It's strange how small the world is when things like this happen." She continued on.

"I s'pose. I try to not think more of the world, just what I can control and do" you agreed.

"How's the hero system in the United States compared to here?" Momo continued on with her conversation.

"Ehhh I don't know what the system is here. I know of All Might and the others from being in class. I've only been here for a few days darling, still learning everything." You rub your neck with a small laugh.

"Right..." She laughed nervously. "Well, there's a hero billboard chart in Japan, based on popularity, performance and such. All Might is number one, Endeavor is two, Hawks is three and so on. Each year there is a big event to where they release the updated rankings. All Might has been the unanimous number one for a while now and as should be, the villain rate is under one percent" Momo explained to you.

"I'll be damned, he's pretty damn good" you nodded your head in amazement. "the States is a lot higher in villain rate, but our system is kind of similar. Hell, All Might is more known there than most of the wanna be's" you laughed at that fact. "I don't keep up with much but the last number one hero I remember hearing about in the States was a guy named Captain Celebrity, and his name describes how he is. Other than that, all fifty states has their representative and they meet in two places each year, California and New York, the two hot spots with villain activity."

"You sure seem to know a lot, claiming that you didn't before" Momo rolled her eyes in sarcasm.

"I just picked up on a few things when I was with Jones"

"Since each state has their representative, who's yours?" Momo asked.

"His name is Troubadour, the bull hero. I ain't never thought highly of him. I have ran into him from time to time, but he's alright I s'pose. Other than that? I couldn't care less about him and everything"

"Well, I guess that's one way to look at it, being honest and straight to the point." She replied.

"I look at things simple, if it doesn't pertain to me or if can't get a good amount of cash out of the deal of risking my life to save my family or innocent people, then I will not worry about it." You continued while looking down the street. You spotted a large area that was fenced in, it had a three foot tall concrete base around the perimeter and about an eight foot metal fence supporting it.

"Looks like we're already here," Momo noticed you looking at the property that was enclosed in.

"Huh? This is yer home?" You looked at her with a bit of bewilderment.

"Yeah, my family is quite known around Japan. So we have some money"

"Huh?" You looked at the property, "uh this is a bit more than "some". Hell, no telling how much this would cost in Texas. It's a damn mansion"

"Would you like to come in? Mother can make us some tea and we can talk a bit more and I could help you out with knowing the area and more history of Japan to make life a bit easier on you, cowboy." Momo offered.

"You sure? I mean, I don't-" you started to reply but your phone started to ring. "One moment sweetheart" you told Momo, this made her look at you with the same expression she had during the training. You quickly pulled the phone out of your pocket.

'How is he able to continuously say stuff like that? Wait, why am I thinking about it?'

"Hey Ma," you answered the call after seeing her caller I.D on the sceeen

"Hi hun, are you out of school?"

"Yeah, give me a minute and I'll call you back, walking with someone from my class. We just got to her house, I'm about to head to my apartment" you answered her question.

"Her? You've already made some friends there? I'm so proud of you! What's her name? Ooh put me on speaker so I can talk to her!" Your mother yelled in excitement, it was so loud Momo overheard it.

"Ma..." You groaned, you then looked to Momo. "uh, do you mind?"

"No, not at all" Momo smiled, but had a second thought. 'Already speaking to his mother? This is quite the first day of getting to know him'

"Alright," you then pressed the speaker button and gestured Momo to go ahead.

"Uh, Hi Y/n's mother, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." she spoke aloud, there was a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Oh my! Hard to believe my baby boy has made a friend this quickly. He's pretty stubborn as is, so it's definitely a surprise, but call me Lilly-Bell."

"Ma!" You yelled.

"What? You know it's the truth. You cast out a lot of people, but always try to sweet talk the women"

"Like you calling me darlin earlier in the training class, that kind of sweet talk?" Momo pitched in.

"Yeah, that kind. It's a good thing at times, means he finds you attractive"

'Finds me attractive?' Momo thought. This made her cheeks flush a bit.

"I'm not gonna lie, she's pretty. Ma, I'll call you back in a moment, okay?"

"Okay and Momo! Can you do me a favor?"

"Uh, yes of course Ms.Lilly-Bell"

"Could you keep an eye out on him for me? Making sure he doesn't walk too deep into the pond? I can't do that while I'm at home, because I have to take care of the farm, but could you do that for me please?"

"I'll do my best, I'll help him out with anything here too" Momo looked at you while answering.

"Wonderful, thank you so much. I hope I get to meet you soon Momo! Take care!" Your mom hung up, letting you and Momo finish your conversation.

"Seems like she has taken a liking to you already" you stated while putting your phone in your pocket.

"Is that a good thing?" Momo asked

"Very. I wish I could take you up on that tea offer but I should let Ma know more about these past two days. Maybe another time?"

"Of course, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"We'll see," you messed with her. "Depends on how I'm feeling"

"See you around Y/n" Momo waved at you while you started to walk away.

"See ya soon sweetheart" you smirked to her. You saw her face change slightly in color with you saying that.

"Seriously, how can he still say all that casually?" Momo's thoughts ran quickly through her mind.

Time Skip

After arriving to your apartment after leaving Momo, you called your mother back and began to explain your experience so far at UA and in Japan. Unfortunately for you, it didn't go so well when you told Ma that you almost got kicked out on the first day. Her yelling gave you chills throughout your spine into the next morning.


"Guess I gotta be an extra good boy to Ma now. God I feel stupid" you talked to yourself while tying your tie. You made the final touches on your uniform and headed for school.

On the way there, things didn't feel right to you. It was a guy feeling that today was going to be something else. One of the days where one of the cattle broke through the fence or a horse breaking the stall door. You decided to shake off the feeling and move on with your day.

"Heyyyy Cowboy!" You heard Kendo's voice call for you.

You turned around to see her catching up to you.

"Howdy Kendo" you walked with her in stride.

"How was your evening after school yesterday?" She started a conversation with you.

"Uhh, eventful actually" you rubbed your head in slight embarrassment.

"Huh, how so?"

"Well, Ma called while Momo and I walked together to our places. So, she got to speak to her, but that's not the bad part"

'Dammit, Momo has gotten a step ahead of me already.' Kendo thought while listening to you. "well what was the the bad part?" She continued with the conversation.

"I told Ma what happened on the first day of school and my ear drums can still hear her yelling loud and clear. Wasn't the best idea"

This made Kendo burst out in laughter, "well duh it wasn't the best idea, dummy. With getting to know you more on the first day of school, I already know your mom has a tough time dealing with your stubbornness"

"Yeah, I s'pose I need to be easy on her from now on. I already told myself to be an extra good feller this morning. So we'll see what happens"

Kendo shook her head, "you'll be in deep trouble if you're sent back to Texas"

"Exactly, trouble isn't the word, I'll be knee deep in shit." You laughed, but quickly stopped when you heard a bunch of people yelling.

"Sounds like thats coming from the school."

"I don't like it either" you narrowed your eyes in the direction of the school. You and Kendo turned a corner and saw the entrance was covered with the media.

"Are you in All Mights class?!?!"

"Let us see All Might!"

"We demand an interview with All Might now!!"

Multiple reporters were yelling towards the entrance of the school, they were also pulling students aside and asking them questions about the number one hero.

You and Kendo slowly made your way to the entrance, entering the hectic mess of the media. As soon as you came into the view of a reporter, a camera closed onto your face.

"You there! Are you in All Might's class?" A female reporter put the microphone near your mouth, waiting for an answer.

"Get that damn thing out of my face before I turn it into scrap metal" you threatened while reaching for one of your revolvers in your bag.

"Hey, easy there Cowboy." Kendo slapped your hand away and then turned reporters, "sorry about him, he seems to be a bit camera shy right now." She then grabbed your wrist and headed into the school grounds.

"What were you thinking?" She asked you after releasing her grip.

"What? I don't like the fact they got into my face like that, I hate crowds and the media, most of them will turn your words against you and make lies. I don't want anything to do with them bastards."

"Whatever you say Y/n, it looks like we need to head to class. You don't need to cause any more trouble, now go be a good boy and get to class" Kendo teased.

"Yeah yeah, I understand my situation clearly sweetheart" you waved her off and headed to your class.

'There he goes again' Kendo thought as she watched you head to class 1-A.

Time Skip

Getting your stuff prepared for class, you reached into your bag to get a notebook and pencil out. While sitting up, you noticed in the corner of your eye a certain raven hair girl looking at you. You smirked just enough to get her attention.

"The hell is that look on your face for?" Bakugo asked with annoyance in his tone.

"Could be for that good looking girl in the back seat or just waiting for you to say something stupid"

"Why you..." His face tensed up with anger, it was quickly turning red.

"Hold on there partner, don't need to burst a blood vessel and blow up this damn place"

"I'll kick your ass!" He stood up quickly, but unfortunately for him, Aizawa quickly walked into the room.

"Bakugo, sit down" he sighed. "Good morning class. I went over your results and watched the footage with the training yesterday" he pulled out a small stack of paper.

"Y/n, you're a lot more gifted than it looks. However, you can't always rely on your guns to help you. Nonetheless, you are a very skilled person, I have very high expectations of you now." He complimented you.

"Appreciate it" you nodded your head.

"Bakugo, don't dwell on your defeat" he started, this made Bakugo's face grim. "You're talented, learning from this defeat will help you out a lot"

"Right..." He answered softly.

"Midoriya, it seems that the only way you won the match was by breaking your arm again. If you continue to do that, then you won't be able pass my class. However, if you can learn to control, your quirk will be very useful. So, you need to feel the sense of urgency"

Midoriya lit up like a Christmas tree hearing that compliment. "Right! I'll do my best!"

"Okay, now that's out of the way. For this morning, you all will have to make a decision that'll affect your lives from here on out" Aizawa stated.

"Oh no..." Most of the class uttered in sync.

"That is with choosing your representatives for this class." He finished.

At that moment, multiple people shot out of their seats, Kirishima, Mineta, Mina, Kaminari, and a few more.

"Why in the hell do they want to be the representative? Sounds like too much trouble" you sighed.

"Not like other schools, being a representative here at UA can make a huge difference to getting into agency's. It shows how the person can manage a team and lead them to success." Midoriya answered your question.

"I wasn't really wanting an answer, but thanks anyways amigo" you gave him a thumbs up without looking at him.

"Guys! Do you even know the responsibility coming with being the representative?" Iida asked everyone, he then began to ramble on on the duties and everything about it. You didn't care to be it, so you tuned out that explanation.

"Enough, we are wasting time. I don't care how you do it, but get your decision within the next five minutes." Aizawa demanded while he put on his sleeping bag. "I'll be taking a nap, so don't be noisy about it".

The whole class decided to write all the names of the students on the board and put tallies beside their name for the votes. Everyone was write their choice on a small piece of paper and put it in a basket that came around the room.

"Who do I want to be the representative?" You thought to yourself. Which seemed to be a stupid question as soon as you thought that. You looked to the raven haired girl in the back and wrote her name down.

"Obviously you need to have a pretty girl to be the representative. Plus, Momo is right for the job in this case too. Smart as hell, she got in here through a letter of recommendation"

After putting the paper in the basket, Iida and Momo came up to the front and began to tally the votes. You sat back and rested your eyes, you weren't worried about being selected.

After a few minutes, Iida put the chalk down and turned to the class. He had a defeated look for his body language.

"So in a surprise turn of events, we have a tie for the most votes."

"Midoriya and Y/n both got five votes?" A few classmates yelled in surprise.

This caused you to open your eyes quickly. Bakugo was very pissed off at the fact you and Midoriya tied for it.

"Okay, who voted for them?" He demanded.

"M-me? But why?" Midoriya asked nervously.

"I voted for Midoriya because of his braveness in the battle with Bakugo" Sero answered.

"I voted for Y/n because of how he stands for what he believes and is a damn good fighter, so manly!" Kirishima added.

"H-how are we going to decide who gets it?" Midoriya asked.

"Simple, I don't want it. All yours partner" you answered quickly.

"WHATTTT???" Everyone yelled.

"Why don't you want to do this Y/n?" Momo asked.

You sighed, "I'm not the person for this job. I'm here to get my degree or whatever and go home to Texas to help my state out if need be. I'm not a political person, I don't lead people, I just do my own thing and go on with the days. As simple as that"

The class went in silence hearing that. It wasn't an answer that was wrong, but an answer to make them think about what they're really here for.

"Well, that's an outlook to have. So since Y/n doesn't want the job, that leaves Midoriya to it. Momo came in second with votes, so she'll the the vice representative." Iida confirmed the situation. He looked very depressed at the fact he didn't get the representative job.

"So, Midoriya is class rep and Momo is the deputy" Aizawa yawned. "Now that's over with, we can get to teaching you things"

Time Skip

"So you turned down the opportunity to be class representative? Shame, we could've been in meetings together." Kendo sat down at the table. You quickly sat down right after her.

"It ain't for me darlin. I'd get kicked out instantly if I was a representative. I speak my mind, I don't sugar coat anything"

"Well, maybe it's a good thing you aren't one then" she laughed.

"Yeah, don't know how that Midoriya feller is going to do. He's too timid to speak his mind right now. I thought Momo was the better option." You took a bite of your food.

"Momo again? Maybe he has other reasons" her thoughts filled with jealousy over Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Why's that?" She cleared her throat.

"In our training, Momo showed she's clearly the smartest and most observant. She pointed out things that most these newbies wouldn't understand"

The way you said "newbies" made Kendo burst into laughter.

"All Might been rubbing off on you?" She giggled.

"I s'pose. No other way to describe them really"

"And you're not one of them?"

"Hell no" you gave Kendo a bizare look, "you do remember that I was the most valuable person, right?"

"You letting the praise of All Might and Aizawa get to you?" Momo walked up with a try of food. She sat down with a seat between you two.

"No sugar, I already know I'm the god damn best at what I do" you retorted

"Easy on the language Y/n, what's the need to curse like that?" Momo sighed.

"Yeah Cowboy, another thing to worry about. If you continue this, you'll get kicked out because of cursing all the time." Kendo agreed.

"Fine. Would you two get off my back? I already have enough on my plate as is" you replied to them.

The two girls giggled at you, but that was stopped when bells went off and a voice erupted from the intercom.

"Warning, level three security breach. All students please evacuate the school building. Repeat, please evacuate the school building."

At that moment, everyone besides you, Momo, and Kendo, rushed out of the cafeteria. Most of the students were panicking and shoving each other. The hall was crowded and nobody was really making any sense nor movement.

"Uh, what should we do?" Kendo asked you.

"Either wait til they clear up or get their attention. I ain't going into that mess. Besides, what's the worst thing we can do? Fight the intruders?" You answered.

"I don't think a lot of them are capable of doing that. That would make the school look even worse." Momo looked outside and saw the media from this morning.

"I think we need to get their attention and say there's nothing to worry about" Kendo added while looking in the same direction. Suddenly they both turned and looked at you. You were currently about to take a bite out of your food, but stopped when you saw them stare at you.

"What's with those looks?" You played dumb.

They didn't answer you, but gave a look that said, 'really?'

"Fine" you groaned, "guess I can be of assistance. Momo, can you make anything that can stop a bullet? Not a real one bullet, it's a bullet that sends a shock through yer body."

"Yeah, give me one second." Momo replied while unbuttoning her top. You remember that she made her metal plates like this.

"It ain't gotta be big. You don't need to show your chest to do this. Just make it a small one if you can"

"Right," she agreed and held her palm out, an item emerged from it quickly. It was a small, circular insulator sheet. "It should be able to withstand a small shock from that bullet"

You grabbed the insulator sheet, it was pretty light, but heavy enough to throw up. You quickly looked through your bag and found a revolver and grabbed one of the bullets Mei created. You got up and walked over to the crowded students in the hall.

"Damnit, why do I have to go out of my way for this" you muttered. You tossed the small item in the air and quickly loaded the gun and shot the bullet at it.

The loud bang made everyone stop screaming and turned to see you. You caught the jacket of the bullet and the insulator sheet while looking at the crowd.

"I don't know any other way to put this, but yer all acting pretty ridiculous" you started. Some comments were starting to form within the crowd.

"Acting like wild animals here with this panicking. Take a look outside!" You pointed the revolver at the window. "it's only the media that has entered the school grounds. Hell, even if it was terrible, what's the worst thing we could do? Fight the villains with the heroes? Aren't we here for that reason?"

A few answered with a "yeah".

"Stop acting like you're wild animals getting caged and take a moment to understand the situation more. For a well known school, some of y'all are dumber than a box of rocks" you shook your head and began to walk back to your table.

"Well then, stop staring at me and get your asses on outta here. You've calmed down, so you can act like actual students again. Damn" you yelled at them while grabbing your bag and putting your weapon in it.

Momo and Kendo both sweat dropped at how you managed that situation, but it did work so there was no complaining about it now.

"Well done.... I guess?" Kendo complimented you.

"I see why you didn't want to take that position of class representative now. Good choice" Momo nervously laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever sweethearts. Best to get a move on now"

Time Skip

"So Y/n, I was informed that you took a control of the situation by firing a bullet indoors." Aizawa was staring right at you.

"It was a bullet that was made by Mei Hastume in the support class. Momo made an item that could withstand the impact. I didn't harm anyone" you explained.

"Okay, I'll let this one slide, but do not ever fire your weapons indoors again. You understand?"

"Yes sir" you nodded your head.

After that, Midoriya and Momo went to the front of the classroom for a quick announcement.

"U-uh guys... I have an announcement to make." Midoriya started, he was visibly nervous to say what's on his mind, but he took a deep breath to clam his nerves. "I have decided that I'm not the right person for this job either. Y/n, you took control of the situation earlier and made everyone realize what they were truly doing. I think you're more fit for this job than I am"

"No can do amigo, I don't want it." You started. "If you truly don't want it, how about giving it to the pretty lady to your left or Roadrunner over there" you pointed at Iida. "One of them would be a great fit for this"

When Momo heard you call her pretty, she couldn't help but blush over the compliment. She also felt really happy that you thought she would be great for the job.

"Okay.." Midoriya thought about it for a minute. "Iida?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes?" He perked up.

"Would you like to be class representative? I think you're the most fit for this job. It certainly help you out to achieve your goal" Midoriya explained.

"I-I would be honored to" he gratefully replied.

"Is the class okay with this?" Midoriya asked everyone.

"Yeah, I can get behind Iida. He seems perfect for it" Kaminari answered.

"If Midoriya is okay with it, then I am too" Kirishima added.

"No fair, I got more votes than him." Momo was saddened that she didn't get it this time either. You saw this and decided to say something when she went back to her seat.

"I don't care who is the class representative, just make a decision. We are wasting time here" Aizawa groaned.

"Right," Midoriya and Momo went back to their seats.

On the way through, you looked Momo in the eyes and said, "Sorry sugar, I tried"

"Thank you" she smiled slightly and went to her seat.

"Alright Class, today's Hero course will be about" Aizawa reached into his pocket and pulled out a decorated note card that had something written on it.

"A rescue mission" he finished while showing the card to the class.

Outlaw: hey there everyone. I do apologise for the late update but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next time, we will actually see how our classmates view us when we face the League of Villains. Until the next time!

Gaz: (Y/n) Black slick asf. Lets get more!!

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