Chapter 6: USJ Part 2

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You ran as fast as you could, you quickly got out of the wind area after taking down the villains that were in that specific zone. You got the one villain to spill the entire plan that was to end All Might. Well, as much as he knew about everything.

Earlier after defeating the group that threatened you

You held your revolver in your right hand at the villain's forehead, this revolver contained the impact punch bullets, all but one slot was filled. You had a fistful of the guy's shirt in the other.

"Get to talking, I need answers and time is money and I hate wasting both of em"

"Alright," The villain whispered, he was still trying to regain his breath from the kick. "We were all recruited by that person who is able to make warp gates. He said that him and his partner had a plan to kill All Might once and for all. The plan started after news that All Might became a teacher. Now, the guy who can make warp gates is called Kurogiri, his partner is the one who has a bunch of hands all over his upper body. He did not tell us his name, but I do believe it is Shigaraki, I overheard Kurogiri call him that. His quirk is able to decay things that he touches, so when the media stormed the school yesterday, he took the opportunity to take out U.A's security defense by turning the main entrance security door. When that happened, he was able to get the information that said All Might would be here to help with this class. That is all I was told." the villain explained.

"That so? What about that mutant that looks like a lab creation from hell?" you remembered spotting it when the villains first arrived.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about. We were sent here before the other's came. So I have no idea what you are talking about. I was not told or heard anything about a mutant."

"You better not be lyin to me. I won't hesitate to break your bones'' You threatened

"I-I swear! I really don't know what you're talking about."

You contemplated for a second, deciding to believe him or not.

"Is All Might here?" The guy asked, disrupting your train of thought.

"No, he ain't. We were told he is running a bit late." You answered him. You then threw the guy back to the ground. "For a burly son of a bitch, you aren't much of a fighter."

"Well, you clearly have more experience than me, so- wait a minute" he started to reply, but stopped when you aimed the revolver at his head again. "W-what are you doing?"

"This ain't personal" you cocked the hammer back. The impact punch bullet could be very dangerous at this distance, but you had a plan.

"It seems like it though" he interrupted while panicking.

"Oh alright, maybe just a little. Your amigo that threatened me said he would put my hat on my chest after you all kill me. That rattled me up a bit. And I can't just let you roam around, even if I already kicked your ass." You replied while pulling the trigger. The villain closed his eyes, but was surprised when he heard a click.

"You ran out-" he questioned you as he opened his eyes, but was knocked out when the handle of the revolver connected with his forehead. The revolver hit so hard that it was able to bounce off of his head. You caught it and put it back into the holster.

"Now, I need to find my hat" You spoke to yourself. When you turned away from the guy, you were met by a bird shaped shadow holding your hat.

"I assume you were going to look for this" A voice spoke behind the shadow. It was Tokoyami, the user of this shadow.

"Preciate it partner, saves me time. I owe you one." You took the hat and put it back on your head. The wind was still howling, so you forced the hat down on your head a bit more rather than it being comfortable.

"You were able to take on all of them at once?" Tokoyami questioned you.

"Yeah, surprised?" You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Impressed actually, for someone who specializes in using weapons, not bad," Tokoyami explained. That statement irritated you slightly.

"I can do a lot more than just using these. Keep talking like that, I'll show ya." your eyes narrowed.

"I don't think we have time for that and I won't underestimate you, I'll handle everything in here, so you can go and find other classmates to help or hopefully get more teachers here."

"Ain't a fan of this ordering me around, but you're right, we don't have time for any of this." You agreed and then quickly headed out.

Present time

You looked all over the area to see if you could see any of your classmates. You didn't see anyone on the shipwreck site, the fire and ruin zone were enclosed. You turned your head towards the landslide zone and spotted ice covering most of the area. You took this opportunity to reload all the bullets in both revolvers. You checked your bandoliers and had enough bullets for three more reloads.

"Looks like Todoroki has it handled over there," you mumbled to yourself. You then looked over and saw nothing happening at the main entrance or at the mountain zone.

"They gotta be alright," You tried reassuring yourself, but you did think about one particular female classmate. "I'm worried about her indecisiveness when it comes to fighting, that is the one thing holding herself back." You shook your head to clear the worry in your mind. "She's smart, she'll know what to do."

With Momo, Jiro, and Denki

After being dropped from the warp gate, the triad quickly found themselves in a bind. Multiple villains surrounded the group and were inching closer. They were outnumbered to a point it did not look like they could win. Momo quickly formed Jiro a blade and herself a staff to protect themselves.

"What do we do?" Denki asked in fear. "I need a weapon as well!" He turned to Momo and begged her to make one for him

"Aren't you a damsel in distress. Why don't you use your quirk to electrify them. And then we can escape" Jiro suggested.

"I can surround my body with electricity, but if I release it, you two will get caught in it!" He retorted. One of the villains tried attacking him, but dodged and that allowed for Jiro to retaliate, knocking the villain down.

"And you couldn't have asked for something to be made to help you control that?!"

"I did not think about it at the time!" He continued to push his point of view.

Kyoka huffed and turned her head, "You really are an idiot at times. Momo, have you come up with anything yet?" She asked, but was surprised to see the look on her face. Momo looked at the large group with fear.

'What do I do?' She started to panic, but she did think about one particular moment with some. 'What would he do?'

"Momo!" Kyoka yelled, this got the highly intelligent student's attention. She turned and looked at her classmate.

"You need to calm down. I know we've only had one combat session that was against each other, but this is the real deal!" She tried to ease the nerves of the girl next to her.

Momo took a deep breath and began to recollect her thought. Though, hearing Jiro bring that combat session made her think of the planning that her and yourself did. She barricaded the door with plates and you placed caltrops in one area to keep Jiro and Sero at bay.

'Wait' She then began to remember you giving her one at lunch break. After that, she took it home and began to study the shape. It was not hard for her to quickly make them, as for the ones you used were made of two sharp nails and formed into a tetrahedron shape, so a tip will always be facing upwards.

"I got it, I will be needing your help Jiro, this will buy me enough time to make something else to protect us from Kaminari's electricity." Momo started to explain.

"Okay, I'm behind you with whatever you need to be done." Jiro agreed. She then saw that Momo opened her palms and started to make small items. Jiro quickly recognized them from the combat training.

"You are making the caltrops Y/n used? I don't know why you're making those"

"They aren't as sharp as the ones Y/n uses, but they will still hurt if stepped on, or in this case, you using your speakers to blast them at the enemies, should not be fatal" Momo continued on while turning her body to scatter out more. She stopped and then backed away. "It is all you now, Jiro"

"Right," Jiro stepped forward, her earplug style lobes extended to the headphone jacks in her amplifier and created sound waves that sent these caltrops at the enemies. Momo took this opportunity to make an insulator to protect herself and Jiro from Kaminari's electricity.

Some of the villains tried to block, but the tip ends were still able to cause a lot of harm. They mostly covered their eyes, so they wouldn't get poked out.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"That bitch!"

"They're going to pay!"

"It's ready!" Momo yelled at Jiro. She turned around to see this large sheet, and happened to notice Momo's breasts were exposed. Jiro ran quickly while Momo held the sheet opened and slid under. "You're good to release your power now Kaminari! This insulator is one hundred millimeters thick, you don't have to worry about us!"

Jiro quickly pulled Momo under the insulator, so Kaminari could not see her exposed chest.

"Alright! You are all about to get fried!!!!" Kaminari yelled as electricity began to cover his body, he then released it outwards and everyone in the vicinity was soon shocked.

After releasing that attack, Kaminari started to act dumb, this was due because of the amount of outage he released. He then slowly walked towards the insulator with two thumbs up, and was saying "yay" like a broken record.

"Is it over?" Momo asked aloud while revealing herself from the insulator. Jiro was about to say something as well, but covered Momo up again.

"You need to cover yourself up Momo!"

"Oh, I can make a new one. Didn't even think about this." Momo was referring to her costume. She then began to quickly fix that.

"I was surprised you even thought about those caltrops in that situation."

"I remembered you blasting them away in our training, and Y/n gave me one to study the properties. They're really easy to make like I said. His are two nails welded together in a tetrahedron shape." Momo explained while repairing her clothing.

As the two girls talked, a new villain appeared from underground and quickly took Denki hostage.

Momo and Jiro turned around and gasped in fear.

"Should've paid more attention. My electric quirk allows me to resist his attacks."

"So, you must be the one who is jamming the signal." Momo stated.

"That is correct, but if you want your buddy to live. You two have to kill each other, if not, I'll kill him and then I will kill both of you."

"What?!?!?!" Both girls panicked.

"You heard me, so you better act quick or I'll demonstrate first." the villain replied.

Jiro attempted to use her earlobe to hook into her amplifier, but the villain noticed and gripped Denki's neck harder. This time the girls were able to see physical pain with his expression.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you! Another attempt like that and you can kiss your buddy goodbye" He continued on, by this time, most of the villains that were knocked out started to wake up again.

The villain started to walk towards the girls, "So, I'm not going to say it again. You two better figure it out."

"This isn't good," Jiro whispered to Momo.

"I know, but it's the only way we can save Kaminari" Momo sighed.

However, right before the villain that held Kaminari hostage got to the girls, two loud shots erupted in the direction of the entrance.

Both bullets flew through the air and maneuvered around the terrain and found its target, which was both the shoulders of the villain. He dropped Kaminari and fell to the ground. Both Momo and Jiro watched in complete awe of the sight, while the other villains backed in fear.

Momo turned to her right and looked in the direction that the bullets came from and started to wonder.

"He isn't allowed to have real bullets, unless he has them hidden within his costume, or could it have been someone else?"

Back with You, Present Time

You continued on running, closing the distance between you and the entrance. You were closing in on the fountain that rested in the middle of this joint. So far you haven't noticed anyone, but that soon changed when you edged closer to this fountain. In front of you were villains that had been knocked out. So, you scanned the area, to make sure everything was handled. However, that was not the case when you turned your head.

To your left, you saw Mr.Aizawa pinned down by the mutant that you caught a glimpse of when you were told to retreat earlier. It was a huge creature that had an exposed brain, a beak for a mouth. His muscles were arguably larger than All Might's and it wore what looked to be ripped cargo shorts that had knee pads shaped like skulls. You then saw an individual who wore a black top and pants, red shoes, light blue hair, and had embalmed hands all over his upper body. The one that covered his head had two red wires that connected to the hand that held onto the back of his neck. He was crouched down and looked to possibly be talking to your teacher.

"That is Sigaraki, I gotta help out, fast." You spoke to yourself and turned your body to that direction. However, when you did that, the guy who had the hands all over him darted straight to the lake that had the shipwreck in it. You watched him run in that direction and in the corner of your eye, you spotted three classmates. It was Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta, all three of them were at the edge of the terrain, looking at what was happening. That immediately changed when the one villain stopped in front of the three. He reached out to grab one of them, now knowing his quirk causes decay, you reacted. You reached for your revolvers, and you saw Midoriya take action as well. He jumped out of the water and readied himself to throw a punch.

In a blink of an eye, a large cloud of dust appeared. This caused you to hesitate because you knew that this was from Midoriya. So, you started to make your way over. In hopes of drawing the attention away from the triad because you have the most experience out of every classmate.

As you continued to make your way there, the dust settled down and the new sight caused you to stop in your tracks. The mutant was in front of Shigaraki and blocked Midoriya's punch. The mutant then grabbed a hold of Izuku's right arm.

Your instincts kicked in and you pulled out both revolver's, the left containing the taser bullets and the right having the impact ones.

'So blasts like that don't work on that ugly bastard, so I hope to God this does something, if not he is done for' You thought about Midoriya's situation, so you aimed and fired a taser bullet at the exposed brain of the mutant and you fired a impact towards Shigaraki. The first shot found it's target and hit the exposed brain of the mutant, making it drop Midoriya due to the electric shock. The second did not, but still hit and caused a blast that was able to knock Shigaraki away from the mutant and your classmates.

You quickly made your way over to where they were, but slowed to a walk when you got near Mr.Aizawa. You looked over and a frown came about, but no one could see because of your mask.

"Damn, I'm sorry I couldn't have made it here faster." You sighed while apologizing, you then looked over and saw your three classmates and noticed the mutant was not moving, but just staring at you.

"Y'all alright?" You asked them, they could not bring themselves to talk, so they nodded for their reply.

You looked at the mutant, studying his figure. A small scoff escaped your mouth after looking at this thing. "Ain't you just an ugly S.O.B."

You finally made eye contact with Shigaraki, your eyes narrowed when he looked at you, it was difficult to see his eyes because of the fingers, but you saw he was looking right at you as well. You moved your hands closer to your revolvers, your fingers tapping the handles.

"Writing's on the wall Shigaraki, this attempt of killing All Might ain't gonna happen." You spoke to the villain who coordinated this attack. He groaned and slowly stood up, while keeping his gaze upon you.

"Well, aren't you the one to point out the obvious. We were about to just leave here soon because I haven't seen him. I was planning on breaking the Symbol of Peace's spirit by killing one of his students. However, you were able to stop that and you made Nomu drop one of them. I'm impressed, what are in those bullets of yours?" He questioned you.

"I don't talk freely about my weapons. If you really want to know, you can hand over a bit of money, partner." You answered, you took this opportunity to look back at Mr.Aizawa, who looked at you and slowly shook his head no with all the strength he had left in him. You nodded your head once to give him reassurance and returned your attention to Shigaraki.

"What a shame. So, all you care about is money? Why go to a school like U.A if all you care is about money?" Shigaraki asked you. This was very odd that a villain was sparking a conversation with you. Maybe he was trying to buy some time? You didn't know, but one of the people who did all of this is right in front of you. It would be something if you caught him and turned him to the other heroes when they arrive, the school might even permit you to use real bullets if you can nab this villain.

"Ain't any of your business. Why don't you make this easy for me and just sit back down, so I can hog tie you for the other heroes whenever they come. You don't want to make this difficult for someone like me" You threatened.

"Wow, the way you said that was cool, but I'm not going to sit for anyone. All Might isn't here, so I have no use being here. You're quite prideful, aren't you?"

"I've earned it and I'll just show you why if you try to leave."


While you and Shigaraki were talking, Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta were baffled by the fact you are having a conversation with this villain. Mineta had an idea while watching you two talk.

"Guys!" Mineta whispered, "While Y/n talks to him, we can escape and help the others!"

"And just leave him with Mr.Aizawa? He doesn't know about this monster, he will die if that thing attacks him, ribbit" Tsu argued.

"But he can slow down time in his eyes! He can dodge whatever attacks come at him, plus those bullets that the school gave him have some effect on that monster. And he has the most experience with villains than any other student here! This probably is nothing to him!" Mineta retorted.

"I don't think we should abandon Y/n. He does have more experience, but this Nomu is meant to take on All Might. His quirk could save him, but he doesn't need to take him head on." Midoriya sided with Tsu on this one.

"Uh about that.... ribbit. Look over there" Tsu nodded her head in the direction where you were. The two boys turned their heads instantly and were taken back by what they witnessed.


"Well, afraid you're not going to be able to do that today, or ever." Shigaraki replied to you. He then looked over to the mutant and then back to you and muttered out a single word. You didn't hear the word, but the next thing you knew, this mutant was right in front of you and a punch was already being thrown at you.

'What the hell?' You instantly thought, your eyes quickly dilated to activate your quirk. With this, you did not have enough time to dodge and retaliate, but out of instinct you pulled your arm up to block. However, this was the wrong decision. The mutant's fist connected with your forearm, snapping it instantly. The punch still went through and connected with your chest, cracking it. The force was so powerful that it sent you flying backwards, your hat flying off as well, you then tumbled across the terrain before you used your quirk to get back to your feet. However, the pain all over your body made you fall to a knee.

"What.. the.. fuck .. was.... that" You muttered out of breath, with your chest being cracked, breathing is going to extremely difficult at the moment. You then felt the pain in your arm and chest. It made you scream out in agony, your eyes subconsciously looked to your arm to see that blood was steadily streaming out of your jacket.

"It's snapped?" you try to move your arm over to keep pressure on it, but you were shaking from the pain that engulfed your body. You winced every inch that you moved, but you needed to do something quick. Because if that thing moved as fast it did, there's no telling when it will attack again.

"You're tougher than I thought" You heard Shigaraki speak. You looked up to see him and Nomu walk towards you. As they were doing that, a wrap gate appeared and Kurogiri joined the two.

"I'm afraid to say that a student was able to escape. He is on the way to get back up"

Shigaraki scoffed, "You mean to tell me you couldn't handle them? We are really screwed if more pro heroes show up. Fine, I was getting bored anyway because the Symbol of Peace wasn't here."

Kurogiri looked at you and recognized you, "Hm? The cowboy made his way here? Are you planning on killing him?"

"To break All Might's spirit. He interrupted me trying to kill a girl." Shigaraki put his hand up to halt Nomu. He then started to walk ahead of the two and make his way to you.

'This ain't gonna end well if I don't do anything. I gotta overuse Dead Eye, but I don't know how long I can manage in this condition' You thought while watching Shigaraki getting closer to you.

"It's the end of the road for you cowboy. It's a shame that it is going to end this way for you." Shigaraki got to you and lowered down to a knee.

At this time, all the villains that Aizawa knocked out were starting to wake up. They shook their heads to clear their minds. Then they looked around and finally saw their leader putting out his hand towards you.

"I..... ain't..... dying" You muttered out, you looked at the villain, but your eyesight was starting to get blurry from the pain within you. This caused Shigaraki to stop, he was baffled that you were able to say such a thing.

"So persistent. It'll only make it that much easier to kill you."

You took that opportunity of him replying to activate Dead Eye once again, but this time you forced yourself to overexert the quirk. With overexerting Dead Eye, you are able to move slightly faster than your opponent in the slowed down state of time. Unfortunately with you being injured, the time you have to do this is very limited. In full health, you can do this for a minute and a half before you have a massive headache or worse, a migraine.

Shigaraki slowly raised his hand to put it on your face. You reached for your revolver, pushing through every ounce of pain. You gritted your teeth so hard that they could almost break. You pulled the revolver out of your holster and quickly cocked the hammer back and fired from your hip. The bullet shot out and made impact with Shigaraki's stomach and sent him flying backwards. He did not make it too far because Nomu stepped in and caught him.

You deactivated your quirk and immediately noticed a headache forming. 'I can only do that once more and I'm done for' You thought while watching Shigaraki get back to his feet. The mask was affecting your breathing with the dust settled in and it was already difficult enough with the pain. So, you reached up and pulled it off with the tip of your fingers and tried getting fresher air.

"So you have some fight left in you. Color me impressed, but the funny games are over now" Shigaraki was able to muster that out. He then sent Nomu after you once more, but this time you were prepared.

Nomu was right in front of you when your power activated, you were able to dodge the incoming punch. You then tossed your revolver in the air, and reached for your utility belt. You winced in pain, but if you wanted to live, you needed to do anything you can in these next few seconds.

There was one more sand bomb left, but two acid bottles. This next action would not be considered heroic, but you have no choice, you reached for an acid bottle and pulled it up near Nomu's fist. As you were about to pop the cork off, you winced from the growing headache, you were at your limit, anymore and this headache will become a migraine.

'I have to, if I want to live,' You popped the cork off and tipped the bottle over and dumped the acid onto the fist of this mutant, it let out a deafening screech as the acid ate its skin and muscle away. You dropped the glass bottle and caught your revolver. You fired a shot at the exposed brain of Nomu, the mutant tipped over and fell to the ground, looking like it was knocked out.

Everyone that witnessed was in a state of shock, seeing this mutant taken down after the damage it had done was something the villains couldn't comprehend.

"Huh, all broth and no beans" you muttered out while deactivating Dead Eye, your entire body was in pain and your headache getting worse. Your mouth started to salivate, meaning you were close to throwing up. You fell to the ground and just laid there, trying to steady your breathing and trying to not throw up. The pain you felt made you want to scream, but you hoped this was enough to get them to back off for right now.

"W-what did you do to Nomu?" Shigaraki asked with anger rising in his voice.

You turned your head to look at the villain, "Looks like I shot the right spot to stop that ugly bastard." You winced from moving, but you looked and saw all the villains that were knocked out making their way closer.

"You may have knocked out Nomu, but you're wide open! This is the end for you cowboy!" Shigaraki darted at you. You tried to activate your quirk once more, but that was not happening. You threw up and just could lay and watch, you also heard something large get up, the only thought was that Nomu woke up.

'I guess this really is it' You thought while watching the scene unfold, 'I finally met my match and it was because I let my guard down. Sorry Ma, Detective, Kendo, Momo, looks like this country boy ain't surviving' You looked to your left arm to see the blood built up into a puddle. The adrenaline was starting to wear off, so each time you blinked, your eyelids kept getting heavier. You took one final breath, fighting through the pain, but accepting what is to come.

However, it would seem that fate is on your side for this afternoon, because the entrance doors were busted through and after the smoke settled, it revealed the number one hero in Japan. Who did not have a smile on his face.

"Woah! All Might is here now!"

"Let's kill him before he even reaches Shigaraki!"

The villains that walked towards you all turned around to face the number one hero, but unfortunately for them, they were quickly knocked out by the Symbol of Peace. His unimaginable speed got through the herd at instant, while picking you and Aizawa up.

You couldn't see what happened, but you let out a scream in pain from the sudden jerk. That caused you to open your eyes and you saw All Might looking at you, but his signature smile was not on his face, instead it was a frown that symbolizes regret.

You were on the verge of collapsing, but tried everything to stay awake. All you heard before losing your consciousness was,

"You three! You need to take Y/n and Eraserhead up to the entrance. They need help immediately! I'm sorry you two, I should have been here from the start, I hope you can forgive me."

After that, you passed out, and you did not know what would come about after.


You slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times to clear your vision. You looked around and saw you were in an infirmary and you were laying on a hospital bed. You then began to remember everything that happened, but immediately stopped when pain engulfed your body.

"Argh, what the hell happened?" You mustered out. It felt like your chest and arm was on fire, you looked to both areas and saw you were patched up. A cast was on your forearm and it was supported by a sling that was tied around your neck and a large bandage was on your chest . You felt that your pants were still on, but your upper body was covered by a gown. You couldn't see where your hat, boots, and weapons were, but you assumed they were in a safe place.

"Oh! Looks like you're finally awake." an elderly woman stated. She was on an office chair and peeked around the blind that was slightly pulled out. She wore a lab coat and under that was a red and pink vest, a belt with an 'R' shaped belt buckle. She had on pink boots and a pink helmet that covered the sides of her head. Her hair was tied into a netted bun that had a syringe stuffed on the left side of the bun.

"Where am I?" You questioned, you were still trying to wake up, so you couldn't tell where exactly you were.

"You're at U.A sweetie. I'm Recovery Girl, the school nurse. After you returned from the U.S.J you, Aizawa, and a few others were brought here and I fixed your wounds. You were the first one because you were severely injured. Immediate surgery was required." Recovery Girl explained.

"Gotcha, how bad was it Doc?" You laid your head down, you felt a bit nauseous still. Could be from the medicines, or anesthesia.

"Just your chest and forearm, the bandage on your chest is just to stop the bleeding. Your lung collapsed right when I began surgery, but you'll be just fine. It will take some time for everything to heal, but you'll be back to normal eventually." She answered you. She then went back to doing whatever she was doing at first.

"Appreciate it Doc, surprised I'm still alive. How long have I been out?" You continued to blab on.

"I heard what happened, and all I have to say is that you should think more on your battles with villains. Guns can only get you so far. And you have been here for about a day. All of your classmates are at lunch right now. I'm really surprised that you woke up this early, I'll get All Might and Principal Nezu, they wish to speak to you." Recovery Girl picked up the phone and dialed the number to the office.

"Ugh, wonderful." You sighed, but you knew this was to come, and Aizawa will have something to say too. The comment about your firearms irritated you, but you did not feel the need to argue, and the weapons kept you alive.

"They'll be here shortly," Recovery Girl stated as she put the phone back. Before she could get situated again, a knock was made on the infirmary door.

You scoffed, "Did you mean instantly?"

"You know how All Might is, quick to his point at times" Recovery Girl retorted, she jumped out of her seat and walked over to the door. She opened it and was surprised to see two girls, not the principal and All Might. The one with raven hair had a tray of food.

"Hello girls, can I help you?"

'Girls? Don't tell me..' You lifted your head back up, you tried to look at the entrance, but the cover was pulled out too far.

"Uh yes, we were wondering if Y/n was awake" One asked. You groaned and laid your head back down. It was pretty forceful, so it caught the attention of all three of them.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Recovery Girl asked.

"Just peachy..." you answered.

The girls giggled at your response. Even with being injured, you were still the same old cowboy they've enjoyed getting to know.

"Well, he is awake. Is the food for him?"

"Mhm, he doesn't have to eat it, but we didn't know if he was already awake earlier or still asleep. And it has been almost a day since the accident, so I thought he might be hungry. It's just some Okayu and tea." the raven haired girl explained.

"Alright, you can see him. I will warn you that All Might and the principal are on the way here, so I'm not sure how long you'll have to see him." Recovery Girl added.

"Thank you" they both showed their gratitude. Recovery Girl stepped aside and let the girls pass, closing the door after they entered.

The two girls walked to the bed they could see that was occupied. The orange headed girl went to your left side, pulling the cover back to make eye contact with you. When she did that, her face was surprised.

"Whoa, you look like hell." Kendo stated.

"No shit, feel like it too" You replied while looking at her and then seeing Momo walk to the other side, she had the try with the porridge and tea on it. She sat it down on the table beside your bed.

"Ain't you just sweethearts for bringing me food. I don't have any money on me at the moment, so I can't pay you back." You looked at the both of them.

"I don't need repayment." Momo retorted, she then looked at the cast on your left forearm then saw the bandage on your chest. Her eyes filled with sadness looking at you like this. You notice this and wanted to change that quickly.

"Right, forgot yer a walking atm." You rolled your eyes, this struck a nerve within Momo.

"I do not use my power for selfish reasons like so! Plus that would ruin the economy!" She was agitated, but she saw that you were smiling at her. "Wha-why are you looking at me like that?" she was flustered now.

"To get you to stop worrying so much about poor ole me. I did this to myself. Now what is in that bowl?" You changed the subject.

"Okayu and there's tea to drink," Kendo answered. You turned your head to her and gave a 'what is that' look.

"Right, it's white rice and water. Should be easy on your stomach." She further explained.

"There ya go," you sarcastically replied, "You act like I know these things."

"Keep that attitude up and your other arm will be broken" Kendo retorted.

"I'm so afraid" you raised your right arm and waved it like you were truly scared, it hurt like hell, but you couldn't show them the pain you felt. You then focused back onto the tray, "looks plain as can be, you have any salt or pepper?"

"No, didn't think of that. We weren't expecting you to be awake honestly"

"Well, it's the thought that counts I s'pose. May I see the tray darlin?" You looked up to ask Momo, hearing you call her darling flushed her cheeks.

"Y-yeah" She stuttered, but she quickly grabbed the tray and placed it in your lap. Your bed was already tilted high enough to where you did not need to adjust yourself.

You reached for the spoon that was in the bowl, but when you did, a grimace of pain expressed itself.

"Need help?" Kendo offered.

"Maybe," You thought about it, but you still felt like you need to do things for yourself in this condition, but having a pretty girl feed you wasn't a bad idea either. You pulled a spoon full of this watered rice to your mouth and took a bite.

'It tastes like it looks, plain' You thought while taking in the initial flavor, 'but, it ain't bad'

"So?" Kendo was curious to know what you thought.

"Not bad, but not good. Tastes like it looks, but it should be fine for me now."

"Try the tea, it's Sencha" She suggested next, "Should help give you some energy and help ease the pain."

You looked at the green tea that had a light aroma to it. It's vibrant yellow color looked soothing, but however...

You grabbed the cup and blew on it to cool it off, a small sip and you tasted the bitterness instantly, but the sweet part of it came after.

"Eh, I think I should stick to sweet tea that Ma makes at home" You gave your opinion. The girls sighed in dissatisfaction. "Could you set it back on that table? I ain't really that hungry to eat this"

"At least he tried it" Momo stated and grabbed the tray to set it back on the small table.

"Better than nothing." Kendo agreed, "so mind telling us the idiotic stunt you did to get in this position?"

"Wouldn't say it was idiotic," You disagreed, "I just didn't pay attention and got my ass handed to me by thi-"

"We were asked to not speak about what happened, Kendo only knows you were injured" Momo interrupted.

You raised your head in understanding, "Ahh," you formed a smirk and looked to Kendo, "looks like the infant ears of yours can't know what it's like in a do or die situation"

"Keep it up cowboy and you'll regret saying anything" Kendo's eye twitched in annoyance.

You let out a laugh, but stopped because of the pain. "I just had a fuck up-"

"Language" Kendo smacked your hand.

"I messed up. Didn't pay attention and it almost cost me my life." You sighed and shook your hand to attempt to get rid of the new pain that was in your right hand.

Kendo shook her head in disbelief, she then looked at Momo, "You didn't see any of it right?"

"No, Sero was using his tape to put pressure on his arm when I arrived at the entrance. By that time, All Might and the other pro heroes took care of the situation.

"Sero helped me out? Guess I owe that amigo a favor now. Dammit.." You sighed. "I blacked out, so I don't know what happened after All Might saved me. I'm sure I'll get those answers soon."

As if it was on cue, the door to the infirmary opened and it revealed the man himself.

"Hello there! Glad to see young Y/n has made some friends that care about his well being!" All Might awkwardly stated while walking into the infirmary.

"Ah, you're finally here" Recovery Girl looked at the entrance.

"I guess that means it is our time to leave. See you later Y/n" Kendo told you goodbye.

"See you around" Momo added and then the two of them headed out. All Might stepped to the side to let them through.

"See ya, I'll hopefully be out of this joint soon" You tried to give them reassurance you will be alright.

The two girls walked by All Might who just waved at them and gave them his signature smile, "You young ladies have a great rest of the day, and remember to be Plus Ultra!"

"You have a good one too All Might" Both girls replied, Momo closed the door after they exited the infirmary.

"So, where's the principal? Ain't he supposed to be with you?" You immediately asked seeing that it was only All Might present.

Before the pro hero could answer, an animal appeared on his shoulder. It looked like it was resting on All Might's back. It jumped down and walked over to you. The creature wasn't very tall. You suspected it could only come up to your waist in height. The appearance was very peculiar, it had a mouse shaped head with a scar on the right eye. The paws were more dog-like, but its body looked to be like a very small bear. It wore a white dress shirt that had a dark red tie, a double breasted black waistcoat with matching pants. To finish it off, it wore orange sneakers with overly sized soles.

"Hello, I'm principal Nezu. Some people think I am a dog, mouse, or a bear, but nope! I'm just the principal of U.A. Pleasure to meet you Y/n Black."

"Wish I could be more presentable, but same for you Principal Nezu." You nodded towards him.

"I am just grateful you're okay and will recover. Being the principal, I was worried to death about all of your safety and well being. So hearing a student was so close to death, I felt like I needed to pay a visit myself and see what I can do to make this school a better place." he explained.

"Ah, well I mean this was a surprise attack, can't plan much if things like that happen. One of the villains I defeated told me everything he knew."

"Even better that you know something young man! But before we get to that, I would like to apologize for not being there. You would've been safer if I was there from the beginning. All this wouldn't have happened. So I hope you can forgive me" He bowed to you.

"Don't need that apology, I did this to myself." You retorted, "I acted on my own will to save my teacher and classmates, and attempted to detain the leader. I was caught off guard by the speed and strength Nomu had. You could've also died if you were there from the start. What happened after I passed out?"

"With the help from some of your peers, I was able to handle the situation with Nomu. Snipe came in and backed me up. Unfortunately two of them escaped, but I defeated the Nomu." All Might answered.

"Gotcha, guess he wasn't all that then." You laid your head back once more. "Were the ones who escaped a warp gate user and a feller that had hands all over his body?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Gotcha, the name's of 'em are Kurogiri for the warp gate user and Shigaraki for the other. They called them the League of Villains when Kurogiri spread us out across the area. I was transported to the windstorm area, Tokoyami as well. After taking care of business there, the guy I forced to tell me everything said that Shigaraki used that crowd of reporters the other day to steal a schedule of when you would be out of the school. He didn't know anything about Nomu, so that was an ace up their sleeves, but it failed." You continued to state everything in your perspective.

"Young Midoriya said you engaged Shigaraki and Nomu, to prevent him from killing Tsuyu and Aizawa, is that right?"

"Yeah. guess you know what happened next, but it saved at least two people dying. So I have no regrets besides not paying attention the entire time." You let out a deep sigh, but you winced in pain from that large breath.

"While your actions are hero worthy, engaging a villain like that is very irresponsible" Nezu added, "but your efforts saved a teacher and student, so I am thankful to you."

"It's our job, right? I get it, you want to ease us into the life of this hell being a hero, but, that just won't work for someone like me or a few others. There's going to be a time when there ain't a symbol of peace, there will doubts, concerns, whatever. This should be an awakening for the class. Now they know the dangers, so trying to keep us contained in rules and guidelines after this won't work that well." You stated, it was a reply that got both All Might and Nezu thinking, "Momo told me that we were asked to keep quiet about the incident, which I see the reason why, but what does that gain? The other hero courses are going to feel like they aren't capable of doing what my class can. In which there are arguably better students in that class than there is in mine. I ain't saying let us all loose and see who survives and who dies, but the curriculum of becoming a hero should be altered in a way."

"You are correct on that one young man, but there are some things that do not need to be said right now. We are trying to figure out these next steps to take as teachers and guardians." All Might agreed with what you had to say, but it was skeptical to let everyone know what exactly happened.

"I can't help with that one. I know what I've been doing for as long as I can remember, that's how I got to where I am now. Speaking of that, Ma is sure going to love the phone call I give her soon" You groaned from thinking about such a thing, you can just hear her voice now,




Maybe even this.....


You shook your head just thinking about the many responses that she could have waiting for you.

"We already contacted your mother after you arrived back here. She was surprised and told us she was getting on the next plane to Japan, but we told her you will be okay and it calmed her down." Nezu told you that. You groaned again and shook your head.

"Absolutely fantastic..."

"I do have another concern about the equipment you used, particularly the acid bottle" All Might started, "How did you come about with that?"

"Well, first I'll say it works no different than Mina's acid. Just can't control how much corrodes. And let's just say I defeated a lizard that was terrorizing the farm and stole some of his acid for personal use."

"Won't ask for anymore details, but I noticed the same acid on Nomu's right hand before I fought it, but it regenerated after I noticed it. Did you use it on the mutant?" All Might continued with the questioning.

"Yeah, only because if another punch landed, I wouldn't be here right now. It was self defense" You answered honestly. "You planning on taking that away from me too?"

"No, but I will request you refrain from using it when we simulate battles, but you can always carry it for emergency use"

You groaned in annoyance, "first the bullets, now this..." You sighed after saying that, "I don't have the energy to argue nor do I really want to, so it's whatever"

"I understand your frustration Y/n, and I assure you we will help you gain new information and skills that will benefit you as much as the weapons and items you use" Nezu tried to reassure you.

"Yeah I hear ya. Kinda difficult to do that at the moment with one arm, but I'll get better"

"That should be about it. Do you have any more information about the planned attack?" All Might asked, signaling that they were about to leave.

"Nah, told you everything that I know"

"Well, your statements will be very beneficial when we discuss this among the faculty and when we talk to the law enforcement. I hope that you continue to want to attend U.A." Nezu thanked you and wished for a speedy recovery after stating that.

"Like I said before, my actions got me to this point. Nobody forced me to do this." You reiterated.

"Recovery Girl, when will this young man be able to leave the infirmary?" All Might looked over to see the elderly woman working on her computer.

"Well, it depends if he can walk or not. If he can, he doesn't have to say, but he's more than welcomed to stay until he feels ready" She answered while turning her chair to look at All Might. "But I highly advise he doesn't participate in the upcoming sports festival. Most of his injuries will be healed by then, but depending on the activities, he could injure himself again and make it worse than before"

"Wait, sports festival?" You questioned while sitting up. The pain made you wince, but you were able to perform the action.

"A highly anticipated event with U.A. It is watched across the world, a chance to show everyone your capabilities. With this attack, I'm not sure how I feel about the festival." Nezu answered you.

"And you're taking that opportunity away from me? That's a perfect chance to show that no matter what type of 'projectiles' I use I can control where I hit." You argued.

"Young man, you need to focus on recovering first. You will get an opportunity to show what you really desire." All Might stepped in, "we don't need you to overexert yourself. It would be a very positive thing if you can walk without wincing."

"I can already tell you that'll be difficult." You shifted over to the edge of the bed. "Slight movements already hurt like hell."

All Might walked over to your right side and put his left hand on your back and right hand on your arm. When you shifted your weight forward, All Might put pressure on your back and pulled your right arm towards him. This was enough to get to your feet, but you let out a few words that signified that it was very painful.

You took a step forward, which didn't hurt near as bad as getting up, but it was still uncomfortable.

"Well, that answers that" you stated out loud. "Still uncomfortable, but it'd be worse if I just laid down the whole time."

"Sounds like you already know what to do. From what I've seen on your reports and talked to your mother, you have hurt yourself quite a few times." All Might continued the conversation.

"It's what happens when you have animals and a bunch of crime from the border. Yeah, detective Jones told me Japan's crime rate is low, but that's hard to believe when experiencing what we just did." You shook your head and took a step forward.

"What you and your class experienced was far worse than what happens on the daily, but the crime rate is so low because I am here."

"Yeah, figured that much, if you ain't around shit goes downhill, but that's why we are here, to prepare for that. I was prepared to handle the situation I walked into, but I was caught off guard. That's something that won't ever happen again." You looked at the Symbol of Peace, "What about the hero training class today?"

"They're using it for study hall today. We are about to discuss that here soon in a meeting. You don't have to attend. We can arrange a cab for you to help you get home." Nezu replied.

"Yeah, preciate that if you can and I can't deny the opportunity to leave early. What about Mr.Aizawa? Is he alright?" You were concerned about your homeroom teacher, you were talking about everything so much, that it slipped your mind.

"He'll be just fine, I'm sure you'll see him soon." All Might answered that one.

"And my guns, bag of tricks, and clothes? In my locker with my uniform?"


"Well, guess imma head on to my apartment. And, thank you All Might, I would be dead if you didn't save me. I ain't the type to show gratitude, but you saved my life and you as well Recovery Girl." You nodded to both of them.

"I'm glad you're still with us, and thank you for your courage to stand up to something that was made to fight me. You are going to be a fine hero one day." He complimented you.

"If I don't get killed before then" You laughed. That quickly turned into a groan due to the pain. "Ah this gonna be fun trying to recover." You then headed out, but Nezu made you stop. He said there will be a cab waiting for you when you leave the school building.

"Thanks principal. I'll see y'all tomorrow" You waved at them. After that, you slowly headed to your locker. You weren't going to change, you were just grabbing your things and heading to the apartment. That struggle can wait for later.


The cab didn't require any pay due to the school requesting, and the driver was kind enough to help you out of the vehicle, and grabbed your things for you. You held your right arm out and he set the clothes on it and placed the handles of your bag in your hand.

"Thanks amigo, I respect that work ethic. If you wait a minute, I can grab you a tip from my dresser."

"No need, thank you for the offer. You honestly don't look like the type to be generous."

You smiled at that comment, "Yer right about that one. But I know a hard worker when I see one"

"Thank you, I try to do my best. If you don't mind, I should get going"

"Go right on ahead," You nodded to him. He returned the gesture and quickly got back into his cab and drove off.

You turned around and headed for the apartment, luckily you didn't have to climb any steps, but there was an issue when you got to the door. Your key was in the pocket of your school coat, and it was the last one on the pile of clothes.

"Aw shit, didn't think of that" You sighed and began to set the bag down, but the door to your apartment opened, revealing your mother.


She didn't say a word, but brought you into a hug. It was uncomfortable from the pain, though you still fought through it.

"I was so worried. I hopped on the next plane and recently got here. I was going to go to the school, but All Might said he was going to send you home early if you could walk."

This was a different side of Ma, but you could only understand how she felt.

"Gotcha, but uh can you help me get inside? I want to sit down.

She let go from the hug and helped you inside. You still had the gown on, but she took it off to examine your injuries.

"Well, it could be worse..." she started, at that moment you knew where this was headed.

"But do you know how big of a dumbass you are?" She questioned, she wasn't yelling, but her voice was cracking.

"I know" You agreed with your mother, "always getting into something I shouldn't be, but I did it to save my teacher and three classmates. I did it to myself, was caught by surprise by the speed and strength this Nomu creature possessed."

"What exactly happened?" She asked you, you walked over and sat down in a chair, wincing once again.

"Long story short, it was an attempted ambush to kill All Might. We were supposed to do a hero rescuing exercise, but when we got there all these villains showed up through warp gates. The warp gate user scattered us across the training facility. I had to fight five villains and forced one to talk. After that, I engaged with the leader and his pet that was meant to defeat All Might. Mind you I stopped them from killing my teacher and three classmates. The Nomu caught me off guard and here I am."

"Can't come to believe this happened. What about the Momo girl, is she okay too?"

"Yeah, not sure about what happened with her. I know she was part of the group that was scattered, but that's all I know." You replied, but that gave you the thought about asking her the next time you see her.

"That's good. Are any other classmates injured?"

"Smaller ones, makes them look like scratches compared to me"

Your mother sighed and shook her head, "I should make you pack your things up and you come home with me, but Detective Jones told me not to do that."

"I mean, it wasn't the school's fault. It was a well planned surprise attack. All Might wasn't there from the start, he was busy, but he arrived just in time."

"What do you think of the situation you are in hun?"

"I said it before, I was caught by surprise. Nothing else to that, damn sure it won't happen again"

"You can't say that because you don't know that, but at the end of the day you're okay. I'm relieved that my baby boy is fine, but if you do stupid shit like that again, I don't know what I'll do."

You nervously laughed, as to thinking what your mother would do.

"I'll keep that in mind Ma"

"Good, now why don't I cook something. I bet you've been missing that since you've arrived" Your mother walked to the kitchen and looked in your refrigerator.

"That'd be wonderful"


The next morning came and it was not a good one for you. From trying to shower to putting your uniform on, you were already pissed. You walked out into the living and dining room and huffed.

"Only person you can be mad at is yourself. You did it to yourself" Your mother stated as she saw you walk in. She was making you a breakfast sandwich.

"I know, but still if that one feller didn't have that damn mutant, he'd be feeling what I feel."

Your mother sighed, "Well, I'm glad you're still acting yourself. Ain't gonna let this one go, aren't ya?"

"Hell no, and the next time I see 'em, it'll be a different outcome." You answered and walked over. Your mother helped you get your bag on and placed your infamous hat on your head. After that, she gave you the sandwich and brushed the shoulders on your school jacket.

"You say that, but Y/n, you don't know that. I need you to promise me you won't do something like this again" Your mother requested from you.

"You know I can't do that Ma... but I can promise that I'll think more and train to be more alert when fighting." You sighed in your response.

"I know" She whispered, "have a good day, I'll be staying around until you're able to use both of your arms. You look pitiful with that sling on" her voice rose to normal after that.

"I know right? Just poor ole me, but who'll take care of the farm?" You were worried about the animals.

"Jones said he'd run by the house every day to feed and water. It's all taken care off, now go enjoy the school day." She smiled at you.

"Alright, I'll see you later Ma, love ya"

"I love you too"


Upon arriving at the gates, you were already getting a few looks with your arm in a cast and in a sling, also the breakfast sandwich seemed to be an eye catcher. Some of the students you recognized from the entrance exam, but they quickly looked away when you made eye contact with them.

The bell was close to ringing, so the halls were pretty much clear, besides a few stragglers. You already heard your class talking because the door was opened slightly. You pulled the door open and walked in, and it was like a switch, everyone stopped talking while looking at you. Their expressions were mostly surprised, but one girl in particular was really happy to see you join the class again.

"Damn, y'all don't need to act like you've seen a ghost. I was only out for a day."

"It's not that man, just surprised that you are back so quickly. But, glad to see you're doing well." Kirishima answered you.

"I look better than how I feel" You replied looking his way, you also spotted Sero sitting in his seat beside him. You slowly made your way over, all eyes tracing you to the tape user. You got to his desk and held out your hand.

"Was told you used your tape to help me out, appreciate it. I owe you one."

Sero was hesitant, but accepted the handshake. "I just couldn't sit there and watch. Don't worry about it, we are all friends here. It's the right thing to do."

"That's a stretch to say we are all friends here. All I see are a bunch of wannabes" Bakugo spoke up.

You turned with a smirk on your face, "plowing mighty close to the cotton."

"What the hell does that even mean?!?!" Bakugo retorted.

"Enough" a new voice called. Everyone's eyes darted to the opened door to see Mr.Aizawa bandaged up. His voice was muffled from the bandage on his head, but it was still clear enough to get everyone's attention. He then looked at you next,

"Glad you can join us Y/n, but I need a word with you before homeroom starts."

"Ah sure," You replied and walked slowly to the door. Aizawa backed up and let you through, then he shut the door with his foot.

"This way, so the class doesn't overhear us" He stated, you followed him to a spot and immediately was scolded.

"Do you know pissed off I am at you? This is far more than the first day of school, I should tell you to get your things and leave right now. Do you know how stupid that was? That wasn't your fight to get into."

"I know" You interrupted him, you fully understood where he was coming from. "I won't apologize for the decisions I made, because it was my best intention to save you and my classmates. I did this to myself, and I will make due with these injuries."

He sighed, "I'd hate to kick you out because you have potential. So, I decided you are not going to participate in the school sports festival as punishment, you wouldn't be able to participate in it with those injuries."

"Yeah, I was already told by All Might that I'm not allowed. Recovery Girl advised that I don't need to injure myself again." You added.

"Not even his class to make those decisions" Aizawa muttered under his breath, "but the same point got across. Let's head back to the classroom, I need to make that announcement to everyone else."

"Alright," You agreed and started to walk.

"One last thing," Aizawa stopped you, "though your decisions were idiotic, you managed to buy enough time to save me and the others, so thank you"

"You're welcome teach," You smiled.

"And take that hat off too" Aizawa added, you did what he said and headed to the classroom. You held the door for him and closed it after he walked by.


The announcement for the upcoming sports festival was a surprise to all, but you. A lot of confusion was made since the attack on class one-a just happened. However, the argument that this could be an opportunity to show the world that U.A. is just fine even after that surprise attack. The class came to an understanding and agreed it could be a great thing for the school.

After that, classes resumed normal with the other teachers. Most of them were happy to see you attending, so you suppose it wasn't a bad thing to attend today.

The lunch bell rang and everyone was eager to get out. You took some time to put your things up, due to only using one arm.

"Need some help?" Momo asked, walking up to you.

"I think I got it now" You huffed, bending over to pack your things made your chest hurt.

"How are you feeling today?" she asked you.

"Pain is about the same, but I'm here." You answered while trying to get up from your seat.

"Well, it's a start. You don't need to miss class." Momo awkwardly continued the conversation.

"Y-ugh, Yeah I s'pose" You stood up and grunted in pain, you then turned to the raven haired girl, "You mind if we skip lunch and talk more about the attack? I want to know what happened on your end." You then put your hat on and adjusted it.

"O-oh, yeah that's fine.." Momo was surprised.

After that, you two made your way away from the classroom and outside to get away from any other peers that could overhear your conversation. There was a bench not too far away from exiting the building, so that was good on your part.

Momo sat on one end and you did on the other, taking your time due to the condition you're in.

"Argh, son of a-" You groaned while shifting your body to get comfortable.

"I can't imagine how you feel right now." Momo stated while looking at you.

"Eh, not my first time. Been kicked by horses, falling off things, so it's not the first for me. My arm? Never had a break like things, that bastard of a mutant snapped it like it was a twig from the single punch." You explained.

"What happened exactly?"

"The warp gate user sent me to the windstorm area, had to defeat five of 'em sorry people. Then I made one of them tell me the plan, and after that I went and found Aizawa on the ground pinned by that mutant, another feller confronted Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. Stopped them from killing them, and I engaged them. I was caught off guard by the speed and strength of the Nomu, and here I am" You huffed.

"Wow..." Momo replied

"I know it was stupid to do it, but I wasn't just going to let them die. Almost cost me my life, but it worked out in the end. How about you?" You gave your attention to the girl.

"Myself, Jiro, and Kaminari were sent to the mountain zone. There was a huge crowd that was prepared to kill us. I made some of those caltrops and Jiro used her amplifier to scatter them.." She started, but you interrupted her.

"Oh? Using that ole thing for your creations, I'm honored" You smirked.

"But, before that I didn't know what to think or do. I just kept asking myself what to do or what would you do.... I was hesitating.."

You noticed the tone of her voice was getting softer, which was understandable, but something had to happen to make everything work out for her.

"Experiencing first hand villains like that always makes it difficult to think straight. So hesitating ain't something to get worked up over. I remember the first time I fought someone, scared shitless too, but you just have to rely on your instincts." You explained to her. Momo understood, but it did not cheer her up.

"Well, I managed to create an insulator that was thick enough to protect Jiro and I from Kaminari using his quirk at full capacity. That knocked out all the villains" Momo took a breath to regain herself.

"That's good, you got out of there unharmed."

"Or so we thought." Momo continued, "Turns out there was one more villain and he had an electric type of work, making him immune to Kaminari. He was jamming the signal, so we couldn't call for backup. However, he was hidden in the ground when Kaminari used his attack. He then took advantage of Kaminari and held him hostage."

'Uh oh' You instantly thought.

"Then the villain told us that Jiro and I had to kill each other at the same time in order to save Kaminari. I d-did not know what to think or do. Jiro tried to use her amplifiers, but the villain caught on quickly. He then kept threatening us, but Snipe ended up saving us by shooting two bullets into his shoulders," Momo finished.

"Dammit, the other one showed himself and I wasn't awake to see'em." You sighed, "but at least you're alright. I can only imagine the fear that you had."

"After that, we made our way back to the entrance and that's where I saw Sero helping you out."

"Yeah, gave my thanks as you could see" You continued on.

"For a second, I thought you were the one that saved us from that villain. I was surprised to see real bullets and wondered if you had any hidden and used it for emergencies." Momo added.

"Would've been nice if I was, and I didn't carry any real ammunition that day. Will do so from now on." You replied.

"You could get into real trouble with it," Momo looked at you.

"Can't confiscate what they can't see, besides the ones Miss Mei created saved me actually. Starting to warm up to the things."

"Well, all we can do is move on from this and use it as experience."

"Yeah, experience for all of you in the class. I was doing just fine until that damn thing surprised me."

Momo let out a light giggle, "You really think you're that far ahead of us?"

"Hell, I know I am."

Momo shook her head, "Well, glad you're still yourself even being hurt"

"It'll take more than that to get me down for good darlin'" You turned and winked at her, causing her to blush.

'There he goes again' Momo was flustered now.

"But you're okay too, glad you weren't seriously hurt or anything" You added. "This whole thing is a shock and will be for a while. Maybe that sports festival will be a good thing. Helps y'all out too with learning to not hesitate."

"You act like you're not participating in it," Momo was confused with how you put that.

"I'm not, not allowed to."

"What?! Because of your injury?" She was surprised to hear that from you.

"Well, mostly because of that, but also for engaging that Nomu. Was told the injury could get worse and I needed punishment for acting on my own will." You sighed, "Seems like it's one thing after another, was told my bullets are too lethal and yet we've got people that can kill easier than my bullets with their quirks. Look at Bakugo, the first class day, he didn't get anything said to him."

"It does seem that you're singled out the most, but that may because of how experienced you are. Who knows?"

"We have the number two hero's son in class. I've just been in this situation more than anyone really, out of my will mind you."

"What do you do in those situations? Like what do you think and feel?" Momo asked. She wanted to know more about you and maybe hearing how you felt in the heat of battle can help her in future run-ins.

"What do I think and feel? To be honest, I've become excited when I fight, I find it fun. When the villains first arrived I smirked under my mask. Fighting for your life, to the end just makes me get jumpy.  As for thinking? Well, with my quirk I can prepare for the incoming attack and look closely at their movements, which is something you can do in real time as well, but I can just do quicker, so I just really think about their movements. If I overexert my quirk, I'm able to move slightly faster than my opponent for about two minutes. If you want, I can teach you some things on this sometime, how to react and how to retaliate. Faced a pretty good amount of people to know what I'm doing, besides this past one."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden or anything." Momo shyly replied.

"It's not a bother, being smart is one thing, battling is another. Plus, I'm sure you want to get rid of the hesitating thoughts."

"I do"

"Then you've got the right fella to help you out." You smiled. Momo blushed seeing you smile.

'Why am I getting flustered seeing him smile?' She thought to herself.

"I think we've got enough time to get something to eat before class starts again, wanna go grab something?" You asked her, disrupting her train of thought. You then got up, grunting in the process.

"O-oh yeah, we should" She replied while getting rid of that specific thought. She did the same, but not grunt in pain.

"Great, I could go for something that isn't what you brought me yesterday" You teased the girl.

"At least I was kind enough to bring it," Momo retorted.

"Yeah... I appreciate it. Glad to know someone cares enough. If I didn't have that, I'd already pack my things up and head home"

"You're hard to approach, but after getting to know you, you're a lot kinder than you look" Momo answered you honestly.

"Ain't you a sweetheart. You're gonna make me blush" You laughed at her reply. It was sincere from her, but just hearing how you are to others amuses you.

"Right, like you're the one to show emotion" Momo rolled her eyes at you.

"Only to the ones I care about." You smiled once more and began walking, Momo smiled back and kept her pace with you. Which wasn't hard to do in your state. After that, you two talked about all kinds of food, just enjoying the time spent together.

Even though your start at U.A has been a rough one, it's definitely a place you should try to stay at. There was one particular hero you wished to speak to, but that time will come. Maybe sooner than you think.........

Outlaw: Man this was fun to write, I hope you all have enjoyed this. I do have an announcement to make. Myself and Gaz  have agreed that if we are to follow the story episode by episode, this book would never get finished, it is our second collaboration book as well, so we don't get to it as often as our main books. So we have decided from here on out, there will be time skips. In these time skips, there will be more heavily focused on character development and specific scenes we wish to write. Cowboy versus Cowboy..... hint hint...... But I hope you all understand this decision, it will be the best thing to do for you readers and us as writers. The next chapter will be done by Gaz, absolutely looking forward to what he comes up with.

ItzGazza : Hope you all understand the decision made. It'll be for the betterment of the story , and personally us as writers. Look forward to bringing you all more soon. Much love.

Also..... one last thing....

Around September, I found an artist who was able to make this. His name is MiCo Vallejos, did an amazing job with what I requested. If you're an Erron Black fan like myself and enjoy MHA, this is the perfect wallpaper for you. This is the visual of what I have been thinking in making a teen version to this Gunslinger. That is all! I hope you have a wonderful day. Until the next one!

All Work done evenly

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