The final blow

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"I don't believe Mahi Bhai can do this." Virat said, but the resolve in his voice was weak this time "Virat I know your relation with MS" Sanjay said "and I really hope atleast for your sake that the news isn't true." "What kind of test do you wanna do?" Virat asked quietly. "I have a plan" Sanjay said "I will tell him something like you want try out a new keeper in next series, and that you have told people in the team but you don't know how to tell him. So in that way only he will know about it in the team. If that gets out in the news portal then it will have to be him. But I am also sure this will not happen. I believe him too Virat." "Ok" Virat said, but he looked pained. "Once Sanjay sir is sure Bhai is innocent I will tell him everything and apologise. Then we can find out together who is doing this." Virat thought to himself. "Let's do it tonight end it fast" Virat said. "Sure" Manjarekar said with a serious expression smirking internally.
So that night, after dinner Manjarekar caught Mahi in the hallway. "I have something to tell you" he said. "Yeah?" Mahi asked. "Well, Virat is...thinking of dropping you for the next series" Sanjay said "I think he wants to try out Pant. He talked about it with one or two people, hinted about it to me too, but I think he is not sure how to talk to you." "Good for him" MS said "I think it's a great idea to try out Pant, the youngsters need to have exposure. And is he thinking before talking to me also nowadays?, If he would just come and tell me I would have told him to go with both Ishan and Rishabh, we always should have a back up keeper." Virat who was standing out of sight, fell something swell in his heart, Bhai was understanding as always. As soon as Manjarekar came back Virat said "See I told you it cannot be Bhai" "I hope so too Virat" Manjarekar said "But always remember he is called the captain cool, do you think he is not good at hiding feelings?" "What do you mean?" Virat said. "I don't mean anything Virat" Sanjay said "Pls don't ask me any thing now, whatever I say will turn you against me. Just know that I have heard things I cannot believe and I will tell them to you only when I have proof." "What are you talking about?" Virat asked now irritated. "Pls Virat, too many things are going in this team and I want no more confusion." Virat left it for then. But he was really disturbed, what else had Manjarekar heard about Bhai.

The match next day didn't go well. England batted first setting a target of 270. India lost early wickets. MSD tried to build the innings later but even he got out at a stunner from Ben Stokes. India lost the match. But the won the series though 2-1.

That night Manjarekar secretly collected a very important package from a 24hr postal service. "MS Dhoni" he thought "This little package will be your end."

Next day, while travelling Virat wasn't in a good mood. They arrived at old Trafford and checked into their hotels and quickly left for practice. Virat was consciously avoiding checking the news till the evening he didn't know why. Like Bhai won't leak anything to the news so what was there to fear? At last he summed up the courage and checked the news. He almost dropped the phone. There was the headline "Is dropping Dhoni a step towards Kohli kingdom?" And it described how Kohli was to drop Dhoni in next series. And how Kohli was ungrateful to do this to him after what Dhoni had done for India. Virat felt dizzy, Hee somehow sat down on the edge of the bed to keep himself from falling down. " is that possible? How could Bhai do this?" Virat's head was spinning.

Hardik came back from the practice and saw his phone to find 5 missed calls and several messages from Jatin to call him. He quickly called Jatin,
J: Hi Hardik, there's something I need to tell you.
H: What? Did you find who is doing all this?
J: Yes I did but you won't believe me if I told you. You will misunderstand me dude.
H: I promise I won't, whoever it is. But who is it?
J: It's...dude...I am so sorry...but it's Dhoni sir.
H: What? Jatin if this is your idea of a fucking joke I swear you are dead.
J:. I am not joking. It's inside information please don't tell it to anyone, I will lose my job if you did. And Hardik I am speaking the truth.
H: Jatin I will talk to you later.
Hardik cut the call and sat down on his bed. He didn't want to believe it. But the fact that he was going to meet with Isha was also known by only Mahi Bhai in the team. His head was spinning. He will have to tell someone. Bhuvi may be, no, not Bhuvi, he was good with everything else but in this condition he won't be able to help. Only one name flashed in his mind. Virat Bhai. But Virat loved Bhai too and this would break him. After a lot deliberation he left his room to meet Virat.

Hardik didn't notice the door in front of his room click. That room was Ajay Rathore's. He quickly texted in group of Sanjay and Yograj and other conspirators. "Hardik just left the room. I think he is going to Virat, Sanjay I think this is you cue." Just before him Jatin had texted. "I did the job." Yograj smiled to himself in his home, MSD you will cry now.

Virat was sitting in his room, still trying to gather his thoughts when he heard urgent knocks on the door. He quickly opened the door to find a sweaty, almost trembling Hardik who almost dashed into his arms. "Harry, what's wrong?" Virat asked going to the full elder bro mode. He led him in, not locking the door behind him. He made him sit on the bed. "Virat Bhai, how could Mahi Bhai do this to me?" He said his voice trembling. "What did he do?" Virat asked, trying to keep his voice steady. What had Bhai done to Hardik? But Bhai love Hardik. But then he had apparently loved him too. Hardik told him everything about the articles and his talk with Jatin. "I trusted him so much Bhai, loved and respected him like an elder brother, listened to what he said, never disobeyed him. Why did he do this?" Hardik asked like a child. "I don't know Harry"  Virat said feeling equally lost. "What is happening?" Virat thought "Did we misjudge him so much?" "Calm down a little" Virat said patting Harry's back. "I don't know what went wrong." "I know what went wrong" Sanjay said walking into the room "We put our trust in the wrong man." "What do you mean?" Hardik said getting defensive. "I have seen MS in initial days" Manjarekar said "he has been such a politician through and through. He even ousted Sourav from team after becoming captain so that he could rule cricket. But then when I read about his interactions with you I thought he changed. But no he is still a politician. Whatever he did till now, he just did for himself." "What do you mean? Giving me captaincy, guiding us was all for himself?" Virat spoke dazed. "Not guiding Virat, manipulating. He made himself feel so important so that he was captain without bieng captain." Sanjay said connivingly, "So that the responsibility becomes yours and credit and power remains his. He is not the captain so he cannot be replaced, he made you think he is indespensible so he won't be dropped. And he kept feeding paper information to the media so that you would be called egoistic and he a hero. Think about it Virat. Think." Slowly Virat and Hardik's sorrow was bieng replaced by anger. "But..." Hardik still resisted a little. "I have some more news too." Sanjay said handing them the package. It had photographs of MS with a BOOKIE who Virat knew was involved in 2014 CSK fiasco and MS was taking money. Virat almost lost his mind. Hardik tightly fisted his hands trying to contain his anger. "I am sorry Virat, that I am breaking this to you. I know how much you had trusted him but he was never worth the trust. I had trusted him too, actually him over you initially." Sanjay said with fake sorrow in his voice. "But I should have remembered that he manipulates everyone in his way. He did with Sourav and then he did it with you." "He will have to answer for this" Virat said anger building in his voice. "Yes Virat Bhai" Hardik said anger bubbling in him too "Let's report this to bcci" "No"  Sanjay said "Just imagine how much would Indian cricket's reputation suffer if the news that our world cup winning captain is involved with a BOOKIE gets out." "Yes I understand" Virat said with a cold subdued anger "Nothing will get out. Harry don't tell anyone anything right now. This will disturb everyone. Let tomorrow's match get over. After that our core team will discuss everything. And I will make sure this tour is the end of MS Dhoni." "Virat Bhai..." Hardik said clutching his hand "I am with you. He did really bad with us and the game. He will have to answer for this. And I am sure the team will be with us too." Looking at the anger burning in their eyes Sanjay smiled to himself internally. The plan was in motion. This was their final blow to the great Wall of MSD.

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